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SmartSprites 是一个基于java开发的命令行 形式的CSS Sprites生成器。它根据CSS文件中的特别注释自动合成图片,然后自动替换原来的图片,最后生成一个新的CSS文件。显然比手工上传、下载,再手工 修改CSS方便多了。
Using SmartSprites
Start with preparing your design (HTML, CSS, images) the usual way. Use background-image to attach images like icons, logos or e.g. x- or y-repeated backgrounds. You'll probably end up with a CSS pattern along the lines of this:
#web { width: 17px; height: 17px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(../img/web.gif); } #logo { width: 50px; height: 50px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top right; background-image: url(../img/logo.png); } #main-box { background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: 5px left; background-image: url(../img/top-frame.gif); }
When you've verified that the original design works as indented, you're ready to annotate it with SmartSprite's directives. -
Annotate your CSS with SmartSprites directives. SmartSprites directives must be enclosed between /** and */characters (CSS comments), which will make them transparent to the browser, when you're working on your original CSS. Inside the comments, the directives follow the common CSS syntax of property: value. After adding annotations, the original CSS will look like this (directives highlighted):
/** sprite: mysprite; sprite-image: url('../img/mysprite.png'); sprite-layout: vertical */ #web { width: 17px; height: 17px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(../img/web.gif); /** sprite-ref: mysprite; */ } #logo { width: 50px; height: 50px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top right; background-image: url(../img/logo.png); /** sprite-ref: mysprite; sprite-alignment: right */ } #main-box { background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: 5px left; background-image: url(../img/top-frame.gif); /** sprite-ref: mysprite; sprite-alignment: repeat; sprite-margin-top: 5px */ }
The first directive (in red) tells SmartSprites that there will be one sprite whose name is mysprite, which should be saved to ../img/mysprite.png relative to the CSS file. Images in this sprite will be laid out vertically (on top of each other).
The directive for the #web rule instructs SmartSprites to add image located at ../img/web.gif to the mysprite sprite. SmartSprites will also replace that line of CSS with properties referring to the sprite it created.
The directive for the #logo rule tells SmartSprites to add ../img/logo.png to the same sprite and align it to the right edge of the sprite image. This way, the image can be positioned towards the right edge of the box to achieve the same effect as with the original background-position: top right declaration.
Finally, the directive for the #main-box rule instructs SmartSprites to repeat the ../img/top-frame.png across the full width of the sprite image, so that the effect of background-repeat: repeat-x can be preserved. Additionally, SmartSprites will offset the image from the bottom edge of the neighbouring image in the sprite by 5px, so that the effect of background-position: 5px top is also preserved.
Below is a detailed description of SmartSprites directives, which you may find a little heavy, but it will allow you to use all the power of SmartSprites. There are two types of SmartSprites directives:
Sprite Image Directive, marked in red, is used to declare one sprite image, which merges some number of individual images. Sprite image directive must start with /** sprite: and must be contained in a single line. A single CSS file can contain any number of sprite image directives. The sprite image directive specifies the following properties:
- Sprite ID, syntax: sprite: unique-id, required. A unique identifier by which the sprite image will be referred to. For each unique sprite id, SmartSprites will create one sprite image.
Sprite image location, syntax: sprite-image: url('path/name.(png | gif | jpg)'), required. CSS file-relative path to the sprite image to be created. SmartSprites will infer the format of the image based on the extension used. Currently supported are: gif, png and jpg.
The path can contain a number of variable references of the form ${variable}. The following variables are supported and will be replaced with the corresponding content:
- sprite: Sprite ID
- md5: MD5 hash of the sprite image file created by SmartSprites. The hash will change only if the sprite image content or file format changes.
- date: timestamp taken at the time of sprite image generation. The timestamp will be different every time SmartSprites processing is run, even if the sprite images do not change
The sprite image path can contain a ? character to enable query-string-based cache busting. The portion of the path from the ? character until the end of the path will be ignored when determining the actual name of the sprite image to be written to disk.
Please note that you can put the variables anywhere in the sprite image path, e.g.
sprite-image: url('../img/logo-${md5}.png') sprite-image: url('../${date}/${sprite}.png') sprite-image: url('../sprite.png?${md5}')
- Sprite image layout, syntax: sprite-layout: vertical | horizontal, optional, default value: horizontal. Specifies whether the individual images should be laid out in the sprite image vertically (on top of each other) or horizontally (next to each other).
- Matte color, syntax: sprite-matte-color: #ff8822, optional, default value: #ffffff. Specifies the matte color that should be used to render partial transparencies on sprites saved in GIF or PNG8 formats. Note: currently only the 6-digit hexadecimal color specifications are supported. See also the PNG color depth and IE6-friendly PNG options.
- IE6 compatibility mode, syntax: sprite-ie6-mode: auto | none, optional, default value: auto. Specifies whether an IE6-compatible image for this sprite should be generated when necessary (auto) or should not be generated at all (none). See the IE6-friendly PNG option for more details.
Sprite Reference Directive, marked in orange, is used to tell SmartSprites that a specific individual image should be placed in the specified sprite image. The sprite reference directive must contain in one line, a background-imageCSS property specifying a CSS file-relative path to the individual image and a CSS comment starting with /** sprite-ref: . The sprite reference directive specifies the following properties:
- Sprite Reference, syntax: sprite-ref: sprite-id, required. A reference to one of the sprites declared by the sprite image directives. The individual image will be placed in the sprite with the provided identifier.
Sprite Alignment, syntax: sprite-alignment: left | right | top | bottom | repeat, optional, default value:left for sprites with vertical layout, top for sprites with horizontal layout. Defines the edge of the sprite image to which this individual image will be aligned. For vertically aligned sprites, the allowed values are left andright, while for horizontally aligned ones -- top and bottom. Sprite alignment can come in handy when the original background image was positioned towards the right or bottom of the box (e.g. background-position: top right).
One special alignment value is repeat. In this case, the contents of the individual image will be repeated across the whole width of a vertical sprite or the whole height of a horizontal sprite. This will allow you to use sprites for backgrounds that have background-repeat set to repeat-x or repeat-y.
Warning: the width (height) of the resulting sprite will be not smaller than the least common multiple of the widths of all individual images with alignment set to repeat in that vertical (horizontal) sprite. For example, if you have "repeated" individual images of widths (heights) 3px, 5px, 7px and 11px in one vertical (horizontal) sprite, the width (height) of that sprite will be 1155px. Therefore, use sprite-alignment: repeat with caution.
- Sprite margins, syntax: sprite-margin-(left | right | top | bottom): OFFSETpx, optional, default value:0px. The offset of this image from the left, right, top and bottom edge or the neighbouring image in the sprite. This property may be useful when the original image was not positioned exactly on the edge of the box, but had e.g. background-position: 5px left. Note: only pixel values are allowed. Shorthand version of margins property known from CSS is not yet supported here.
When you've finished annotating your CSS with SmartSprites directives, you can have SmartSprites generate the sprite images and modified CSS files for you. Before you do that, you will need to install some software SmartSprites requires and SmartSprites itself.
Obtain SmartSprites and the software it requires.
- Download and install Java JDK version 5 or above (JDK 6 recommended).
- Download SmartSprites and unpack the archive.
Now you're really ready to run SmartSprites.
Run SmartSprites.
- On Windows:
smartsprites --root-dir-path c:/example
On Linux:./smartsprites.sh --root-dir-path /home/user/example
After processing completes you should see on the screen messages similar to:
process: [java] INFO: Reading image from: C:\example\img\web.gif [java] INFO: Reading image from: C:\example\img\logo.png [java] INFO: Reading image from: C:\example\img\top-frame.gif [java] INFO: Creating sprite image of size 48 x 75 for mysprite [java] INFO: Creating CSS style sheet: C:\example\css\style-sprite.css [java] SmartSprites processing completed in 328 ms
If you notice any line containing a warning (WARN:), please read it carefully and correct the problem. Otherwise, your design may not look like the original version.
Upon successful completion, SmartSprites will create all the sprite images in the locations specified by the sprite image directives. Also, next to each processed CSS file, SmartSprites will create a corresponding CSS file with a -spritesuffix. The original CSS files will remain unchanged. To switch your design to CSS sprites, link these CSS files instead of the original ones in your HTML.
For our example, the generated CSS would look similar to this:
#web { width: 17px; height: 17px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('../img/mysprite.png'); background-position: left -0px; } #logo { width: 50px; height: 50px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top right; background-image: url('../img/mysprite.png'); background-position: right -17px; } #main-box { background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: 5px left; background-image: url('../img/mysprite.png'); background-position: left -64px; }
Notice that all of the SmartSprites directives have been omitted in the generated CSS file. If you still see any of them in the output file, it means these specific directives had some syntactic or semantic errors and have been ignored. Warning messages should help you to pinpoint the problems.
Also notice that SmartSprites currently doesn't remove the original background-position properties, but appends its own ones below to shadow them. Your design may break if you have background-position or background-image properties appearing below the line with SmartSprite's sprite reference directive.
- On Windows:
- Check if your design still looks the same. Chances are, it won't right away. See FAQ for some tips.
Tune global options. SmartSprites has a number of additional options you can specify in the command line invocation to further tune your designs.
--root-dir-path: directory in which SmartSprites processing should be done, required if css-files not specified or ifoutput-dir-path specified, default: not specified.
SmartSprites will process all files with the *.css extension found in root-dir-path or any subdirectory of it. For more fine-grained control over the processed CSS files, see the css-files option.
If the provided root directory path is relative, it will be resolved against the current working directory.
--css-files: paths of CSS files to process, required if root-dir-path not specified, default: not specified.
SmartSprites will process all CSS files listed using this option. If css-files is to be used together with output-dir-path, root-dir-path must also be specified so that SmartSprites can preserve the directory structure found inroot-dir-path in output-dir-path. If root-dir-path and output-dir-path are used, css-files outside ofroot-dir-path will be ignored.
Relative CSS file paths provided using this option will be resolved against the current working directory. Please note that SmartSprites will not expand any wildcards (like style/*.css), it assumes the expansion is performed at the command line shell level.
To specify the list of CSS files to process in the SmartSprites Ant task, use one or more nested fileset elements. Please see the build.xml file in the distribution archive for an example.
--output-dir-path: output directory for processed CSS files and CSS-relative sprite images, optional, default: not specified.
If a non-empty output-dir-path is specified, a non-empty root-dir-path must also be provided. The directory structure relative to the root-dir-path will be preserved in the output directory. E.g. if CSS files are contained in the css/base directory of root-dir-path, the processed results will be written to output-dir-path/css/base. Also, CSS-relative sprite images will be written to the output directory. Sprite images with document-root-relative URLs will be written relative to the document-root-dir-path. If the output-dir-path directory does not exist, it will be created. If the provided output directory path is relative, it will be resolved against the current working directory.
You can leave the output-dir-path empty, in which case the CSS files will be written next to the original CSS files with the css-file-suffix, and sprite images will be written relative to the original CSS files. If you are using a non-empty output-dir-path, you might want to use an empty css-file-suffix.
--document-root-dir-path: Document root path for document-root-relative (starting with /) image urls in CSS, optional, default: not specified.
All document-root-relative image and sprite URLs will be taken relative to document-root-dir-path. Also document-root-relative sprite URLs will be written relative to document-root-dir-path. You can leave this property empty if your CSS uses only CSS-relative image URLs. If the provided document root directory path is relative, it will be resolved against the current working directory.
--log-level: Message logging level, optional, default: INFO.
Messages less important than log-level will not be shown. SmartSprites has 3 levels of log messages (in the increasing order of importance):
- INFO: information messages, can be safely ignored
- IE6NOTICE: notices related to possible quality loss when creating IE6-friendly sprite images, see also the IE6-friendly PNG option
- WARN: warnings related to syntax, IO and sprite rendering quality loss problems that may cause the converted sprite-based designs look broken
--sprite-png-depth: Color depth of sprites in the PNG format, optional, default: AUTO.
- AUTO: PNG color depth will be chosen automatically. If the sprite image does not contain partial transparencies (alpha channel) and has less than 256 colors, PNG8 will be used. Otherwise, the sprite will be saved in PNG24.
- DIRECT: PNG sprites will always be saved in the PNG24 format.
- INDEXED: PNG sprites will always be saved in the PNG8 format. If the sprite image contains partial transparencies (alpha channel) or has more than 255 colors, image quality loss may occur and appropriate warnings will be issued. See also the sprite-matte-color property.
--sprite-png-ie6: Enables generation of IE6-friendly sprite images, optional, default: disabled.
If sprite-png-ie6 is specified, for each PNG sprite image with partial transparencies (alpha channel) or more than 255 colors and any transparencies, SmartSprites will generate a corresponding color-reduced PNG8 file for IE6. An extra IE6-only CSS rule will be added to the generated CSS file to ensure that IE6 (and only IE6) uses the color-reduced version:
#web { width: 17px; height: 17px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('../img/mysprite.png'); -background-image: url('../img/mysprite-ie6.png'); background-position: left -0px; }
See also the sprite-matte-color property.
- --css-file-encoding: The encoding to assume for input and output CSS files, default: UTF-8. For the list of allowed values, please see the list of encodings supported in Java.
- --css-file-suffix: Suffix to be appended to the processed CSS file name, optional, default: -sprite.
--root-dir-path: directory in which SmartSprites processing should be done, required if css-files not specified or ifoutput-dir-path specified, default: not specified.
- Integrate SmartSprites with your build scripts. SmartSprites comes with an Ant that performs sprite processing and has exactly the same options as the command line invocation. For an example invocation of the task, please take a look at thebuild.xml script, whose process task reads parameters from smartsprites.properties and generates sprites. Please note that, contrary to the command line interface, the Ant task resolves all relative paths against the directory in which thebuild.xml script is located.
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项目已获导师指导并通过的高分毕业设计项目,可作为课程设计和期末大作业,下载即用无需修改,项目完整确保可以运行。 包含:项目源码、数据库脚本、软件工具等,该项目可以作为毕设、课程设计使用,前后端代码都在里面。 该系统功能完善、界面美观、操作简单、功能齐全、管理便捷,具有很高的实际应用价值。 项目都经过严格调试,确保可以运行!可以放心下载 技术组成 语言:java 开发环境:idea 数据库:MySql8.0 部署环境:Tomcat(建议用 7.x 或者 8.x 版本),maven 数据库工具:navicat
基于SqueezeNet迁移学习算法的滚动轴承故障诊断方法研究——在MATLAB r2021b环境下的应用与拓展至多元信号领域的研究,MATLAB环境下一种基于sqeezenet网络迁移学习的滚动轴承故障诊断方法。 算法运行环境为MATLAB r2021b,该代码展示了如何使用深度学习(迁移学习)方法对滚动轴承进行故障诊断,演示了如何将一维轴承振动信号转为二维尺度图图像并使用预训练网络应用迁移学习对轴承故障进行分类。 迁移学习显著减少了传统轴承诊断方法特征提取和特征选择所花费的时间,并在小型数据集中获得了良好的准确性。 算法可迁移至金融时间序列,地震 微震信号,机械振动信号,声发射信号,电压 电流信号,语音信号,声信号,生理信号(ECG,EEG,EMG)等信号。 ,MATLAB环境; SqueezeNet网络; 迁移学习; 滚动轴承故障诊断; 算法运行环境; 一维轴承振动信号转换; 二维尺度图图像; 特征提取和选择; 信号分析;迁移至其他类型信号 (以分号隔开),基于SqueezeNet迁移学习在MATLAB的滚动轴承故障诊断算法优化
基于弱形式PDE建模的COMSOL不相溶两相流渗流水驱油模拟研究,comsol不相溶两相流渗流模拟,水驱油,基于弱形式PDE建模,模型已验证。 ,核心关键词:comsol; 不相溶两相流; 渗流模拟; 水驱油; 弱形式PDE建模; 模型验证。,"基于弱形式PDE建模的COMSOL两相流渗流模拟:验证水驱油模型"
Tiled for Mac是一款功能强大的开源地图编辑器,适用于macOS系统。它支持正交、等距和六边形地图类型,可创建无限大小的地图,并支持多图层编辑。用户可以通过直观的界面快速添加、修改地图元素,使用像素精度放置对象,并支持图块动画和碰撞编辑。Tiled的TMX格式易于理解,支持多种插件扩展,兼容多种游戏引擎,如RPG和平台游戏。它还提供撤销/重做功能,方便用户调整和优化地图。
太阳能光伏MPPT控制蓄电池三阶段充电模型仿真说明文档(附扰动观测法仿真模型,R2015b版),充电控制器,太阳能光伏MPPT控制蓄电池充电模型。 其中,光伏MPPT控制采用扰动观测法(P&O法),蓄电池充电采用三阶段充电控制。 仿真模型附加一份仿真说明文档,便于理解和修改参数。 版本: R2015b ,充电控制器; 光伏MPPT控制; 扰动观测法(P&O法); 蓄电池充电控制; 三阶段充电控制; 仿真模型; 仿真说明文档; 版本:R2015b,"R2015b版:太阳能光伏MPPT三阶段充电控制仿真模型及说明"
项目已获导师指导并通过的高分毕业设计项目,可作为课程设计和期末大作业,下载即用无需修改,项目完整确保可以运行。 包含:项目源码、数据库脚本、软件工具等,该项目可以作为毕设、课程设计使用,前后端代码都在里面。 该系统功能完善、界面美观、操作简单、功能齐全、管理便捷,具有很高的实际应用价值。 项目都经过严格调试,确保可以运行!可以放心下载 技术组成 语言:java 开发环境:idea 数据库:MySql8.0 部署环境:Tomcat(建议用 7.x 或者 8.x 版本),maven 数据库工具:navicat
"欧姆龙PLC编程新手宝典:标准程序案例集,包括CP1H脉冲编程与触摸屏实战应用",欧姆龙PLC程序欧姆龙案例欧姆龙标准程序 本产品适用于新手或者在校生 本程序包括有欧姆龙CP1H脉冲程序案例,威纶通触摸屏程序,电子版讲义 程序涉及方面广,适合新手入门学习,掌握了这些以后欧姆龙脉冲程序基本通吃,编程起来无压力 本程序设计到CP1H各个轴的程序编写具体用了ACC PLS2 INI等众多指令, 每个轴的程序都是单独的,包括触摸屏在内,您可以直接调用程序套到直接的程序上,只需要把地址稍微改动即可。 本程序适用于新手、自动化专业在校生学习和提高,另外额外赠送主流的CAD电气原理图纸,包含各种主流的PLC接线原理图,各种成功案例,是每个电气工程师学习和提高最必不可少的资料 ,欧姆龙PLC程序; 欧姆龙案例; 欧姆龙标准程序; 新手学习; 在校生; CP1H脉冲程序案例; 威纶通触摸屏程序; 电子版讲义; 编程指令; 程序设计; PLC接线原理图; 成功案例。,欧姆龙PLC入门宝典:从新手到专业工程师的实用指南
"基于Simulink的锂电池SOC估计模型研究:卡尔曼滤波算法的参数辨识与模型优化",锂电池SOC估计模型 simulink SOC估算卡尔曼滤波估算 SOC电池参数辨识模型10个; 卡尔曼滤波算法锂电池SOC估算估算模型15个; 卡尔曼滤波31个; ,锂电池SOC估计模型; Simulink; SOC估算; 卡尔曼滤波估算; 电池参数辨识模型; 锂电池SOC卡尔曼滤波估算模型; 卡尔曼滤波,基于Simulink的锂电池SOC估计与卡尔曼滤波算法研究
苍鹰算法优化BP神经网络参数:多输入单输出预测建模及效果展示 注:此程序为matlab编写,可直接运行出多种预测结果图与评价指标。效果图为测试数据展示,具体预测效果以个人数据为准。,苍鹰优化算法NGO优化BP神经网络的软值和阈值参数做多输入单输出的拟合预测建模。 程序内注释详细直接替数据就可以使用。 程序语言为matlab。 程序直接运行可以出拟合预测图,迭代优化图,线性拟合预测图,多个预测评价指标。 PS:以下效果图为测试数据的效果图,主要目的是为了显示程序运行可以出的结果图,具体预测效果以个人的具体数据为准。 2.由于每个人的数据都是独一无二的,因此无法做到可以任何人的数据直接替就可以得到自己满意的效果。 ,核心关键词: 苍鹰优化算法; NGO优化; BP神经网络; 软值和阈值参数; 多输入单输出拟合预测建模; 程序内注释; MATLAB程序语言; 拟合预测图; 迭代优化图; 线性拟合预测图; 预测评价指标。,基于苍鹰优化算法的NGO-BP神经网络模型:多输入单输出拟合预测建模与评估