
What Is Lucene?


What Is Lucene?


The Apache Lucene project develops open-source search software, including:

Lucene Java, our flagship sub-project, provides Java-based indexing and search technology, as well as spellchecking, hit highlighting and advanced analysis/tokenization capabilities.

Droids is an intelligent robot crawling framework currently in incubation.

Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic port of the Lucene Java search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing Microsoft .NET Framework. Lucene.Net is currently under incubation.

Lucy is a loose C port of Lucene Java, with Perl and Ruby bindings.

Mahout is a subproject with the goal of creating a suite of scalable machine learning libraries.

Nutch builds on Lucene Java to provide web search application software.

Open Relevance Project is a new subproject with the aim of collecting and distributing free materials for relevance testing and performance.

PyLucene is a Python port of the the Lucene Java project.

Solr is a high performance search server built using Lucene Java, with XML/HTTP and JSON/Python/Ruby APIs, hit highlighting, faceted search, caching, replication, and a web admin interface.

Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries.



    Lucene In Action-book

    - **What Lucene is (Lucene是什么)**:定义了Lucene的功能定位,强调它不仅仅是一个简单的搜索工具。 - **What Lucene can do for you (Lucene能为你做什么)**:列举了Lucene的主要用途和优势,帮助读者更好地...


    例如,英文句子“What is your name”经过分词和过滤后,生成的Token序列是“what”,“your”,“name”,其中“is”被过滤掉,所有字母转为小写,位置增量用于标识相邻单词的关系。 对于中文,由于其不同于英文的...


    其中,“a”只出现在文档2中,“banana”同样只出现在文档2中,而“is”、“it”和“what”分别出现在文档0、1和2中。这表明了反向索引如何有效地关联关键词与文档,从而加速搜索过程。 ### Lucene索引 Lucene是一...

    Apache Solr [Apache Con 2006]

    #### What Is Solr? Solr is a full-text search server based on Lucene, offering XML/...


    CLucene is a C++ port of Lucene. It is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in C++. CLucene is faster than lucene as it is written in C++. ------------------------------------...


    pretty -d '{"id": "1", "title": "What is lucene"}'`。注意,ES在某些版本中需要指定`Content-Type`为`application/json`,即`-H "Content-Type:application/json"`。 4. **查询文档**: - 查询ID为1的文档,...


    Using Elasticsearch, it teaches you how to return engaging search results to your users, helping you understand and leverage the internals of Lucene-based search engines. Purchase of the print book ...

    solr in action

    **(What is Solr?)介绍了Solr的基本概念和发展历程。 - **为什么选择Solr?**(Why Solr?)分析了Solr相对于其他搜索解决方案的优势。 - **功能概述**(Features overview)列举了Solr的主要功能特点。 ### 三...


    接着书中介绍了Solr是什么(What is Solr?), 这里会解释Solr的概念、起源、以及它在全文搜索技术中的地位。Solr是一个建立在Apache Lucene库之上的开源搜索平台,提供了一个强大的搜索引擎,它通过提供REST风格的...

    Apache Solr 架构分析内部设计篇PDF

    5. Solr对开发者是什么(What Is Solr To Developers):开发者视角下的Solr是一个Java Web应用程序(WAR),它拥有类似Web服务的API。它具有可扩展的插件架构,并围绕Java Lucene搜索库构建了一个类似MVC的框架。...

    Mastering ElasticSearch 5.0 - Third Edition

    Elasticsearch is a modern, fast, distributed, scalable, fault tolerant, and open source search and analytics engine. Elasticsearch leverages the capabilities of Apache Lucene, and provides a new level...


    This book is also beneficial for skilled developers, especially ones experienced with Lucene or Solr, who now want to learn Elasticsearch quickly. What You Will Learn Get to know about advanced ...


     Memcached和Lucene笔记 110  使用开源软件,设计高性能可扩展网站 110  面向高负载的架构Lighttpd+PHP(FastCGI)+Memcached+Squid 113  思考高并发高负载网站的系统架构 113  "我在SOHU这几年做的一些...

    Learning Elasticsearch 【含代码】

    Elasticsearch is a Lucene-based search engine for distributed search and analytics. This book will be your hands-on guide as you explore and put to use the features of Elasticsearch 5.0. You will ...


    Then you'll be ready to get into Elasticsearch's internal functionalities including caches, Apache Lucene library, and its monitoring capabilities. You'll learn about the practical usage of Elastic...


    这通常涉及到一个富文本编辑器,支持HTML格式,可能还包含WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get)特性,让用户无需编写HTML代码就能进行内容编辑。 版本控制对于内容管理系统至关重要,确保每次修改都有记录,...


    Querying if the input is valid Getting Invalid, Missing, or Unknown Fields Getting Valid Fields 14.5.4. Using Metacommands to Control Filter or Validator Rules The ...

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