
IEEE Intelligent Systems, ISSI\-2009\-09\-0121: Decision: major revision



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IEEE Intelligent Systems, ISSI\-2009\-09\-0121: Decision: major revision





Dear Mr. Wang,


Thank you for submitting manuscript, “Message Receiver Auto-Detection in IM Conversations,” ISSI-2009-09-0121.  Major revisions are required before the manuscript can be considered for a second review. We encourage you to revise your manuscript and resubmit it. The completed reviews follow below.


Please revise the paper according to the reviewers' comments and submit the rewrite and a summary of changes within two months from today. Please do NOT exceed our 7,500–word limit as you make your revisions. The editors will review the revised version to ensure that you have addressed the reviewers concerns.


To upload the revised version:

1. Please log onto ScholarOne Manuscripts, https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/is-cs ,

2. Enter the Author Center

3. Look under My Manuscripts

4. Click on Manuscripts with Decisions

5. Look under Action

6. Click on the Create a Revision hyperlink

7. Respond to the decision. The response box is located at the end of the actual decision letter

8. Follow the remaining submission process as guided by the system


IMPORTANT:  Your original files are available to you when you upload your revised manuscript.  Please DELETE any redundant files before completing the submission.


If you are NOT interested in resubmitting, please contact the Publications Coordinator at isystems@computer.org. Otherwise, we look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.


If you have any questions, please refer to the “Instructions and Forms” or “Get Help Now” sections found in the top right corner of the screen. In the “Instructions and Forms,” select IEEE Intelligent Systems and the Author Center.


Please contact the Publications office if you have any additional questions the online resources do not answer.


Thank you for your understanding and efforts.




Dr. Fei-Yue Wang

Editor in Chief

Intelligent Systems




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