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Union和Union All的区别


drop table student;

create table student
id int primary key,
name nvarchar2(50) not null,
score number not null

insert into student values(1,'Aaron',78);
insert into student values(2,'Bill',76);
insert into student values(3,'Cindy',89);
insert into student values(4,'Damon',90);
insert into student values(5,'Ella',73);
insert into student values(6,'Frado',61);
insert into student values(7,'Gill',99);
insert into student values(8,'Hellen',56);
insert into student values(9,'Ivan',93);
insert into student values(10,'Jay',90);



 view plaincopyprint?SQL> select *  
  2  from student  
  3  where id<4  
  4  union  
  5  select *  
  6  from student  
  7  where id>2 and id<6  
  8  ;  
        ID NAME                                SCORE  
---------- ------------------------------ ----------  
         1 Aaron                                  78  
         2 Bill                                   76  
         3 Cindy                                  89  
         4 Damon                                  90  
         5 Ella                                   73  
SQL> select *
  2  from student
  3  where id<4
  4  union
  5  select *
  6  from student
  7  where id>2 and id<6
  8  ;

        ID NAME                                SCORE
---------- ------------------------------ ----------
         1 Aaron                                  78
         2 Bill                                   76
         3 Cindy                                  89
         4 Damon                                  90
         5 Ella                                   73



如果换成Union All连接两个结果集,则结果如下:

 view plaincopyprint?SQL> select *  
  2  from student  
  3  where id<4  
  4  union all  
  5  select *  
  6  from student  
  7  where id>2 and id<6  
  8  ;  
        ID NAME                                SCORE  
---------- ------------------------------ ----------  
         1 Aaron                                  78  
         2 Bill                                   76  
         3 Cindy                                  89  
         3 Cindy                                  89  
         4 Damon                                  90  
         5 Ella                                   73  
6 rows selected.  
SQL> select *
  2  from student
  3  where id<4
  4  union all
  5  select *
  6  from student
  7  where id>2 and id<6
  8  ;

        ID NAME                                SCORE
---------- ------------------------------ ----------
         1 Aaron                                  78
         2 Bill                                   76
         3 Cindy                                  89
         3 Cindy                                  89
         4 Damon                                  90
         5 Ella                                   73

6 rows selected. 


可以看到,Union和Union All的区别之一在于对重复结果的处理。


 view plaincopyprint?SQL> select *  
  2  from student  
  3  where id>2 and id<6  
  4  union  
  5  select *  
  6  from student  
  7  where id<4  
  8  ;  
        ID NAME                                SCORE  
---------- ------------------------------ ----------  
         1 Aaron                                  78  
         2 Bill                                   76  
         3 Cindy                                  89  
         4 Damon                                  90  
         5 Ella                                   73  
SQL> select *  
  2  from student  
  3  where id>2 and id<6  
  4  union all  
  5  select *  
  6  from student  
  7  where id<4  
  8  ;  
        ID NAME                                SCORE  
---------- ------------------------------ ----------  
         3 Cindy                                  89  
         4 Damon                                  90  
         5 Ella                                   73  
         1 Aaron                                  78  
         2 Bill                                   76  
         3 Cindy                                  89  
6 rows selected.  
SQL> select *
  2  from student
  3  where id>2 and id<6
  4  union
  5  select *
  6  from student
  7  where id<4
  8  ;

        ID NAME                                SCORE
---------- ------------------------------ ----------
         1 Aaron                                  78
         2 Bill                                   76
         3 Cindy                                  89
         4 Damon                                  90
         5 Ella                                   73

SQL> select *
  2  from student
  3  where id>2 and id<6
  4  union all
  5  select *
  6  from student
  7  where id<4
  8  ;

        ID NAME                                SCORE
---------- ------------------------------ ----------
         3 Cindy                                  89
         4 Damon                                  90
         5 Ella                                   73
         1 Aaron                                  78
         2 Bill                                   76
         3 Cindy                                  89

6 rows selected. 


可以看到,对于UNION来说,交换两个SELECT语句的顺序后结果仍然是一样的,这是因为UNION会自动排序。而UNION ALL在交换了SELECT语句的顺序后结果则不相同,因为UNION ALL不会对结果自动进行排序。

那么这个自动排序的规则是什么呢?我们交换一下SELECT后面选择字段的顺序(前面使用SELECT *相当于SELECT ID,NAME,SCORE),看看结果如何:

 view plaincopyprint?SQL> select score,id,name  
  2  from student  
  3  where id<4  
  4  union  
  5  select score,id,name  
  6  from student  
  7  where id>2 and id<6  
  8  ;  
     SCORE         ID NAME  
---------- ---------- ------------------------------  
        73          5 Ella  
        76          2 Bill  
        78          1 Aaron  
        89          3 Cindy  
        90          4 Damon  
SQL> select score,id,name
  2  from student
  3  where id<4
  4  union
  5  select score,id,name
  6  from student
  7  where id>2 and id<6
  8  ;

     SCORE         ID NAME
---------- ---------- ------------------------------
        73          5 Ella
        76          2 Bill
        78          1 Aaron
        89          3 Cindy
        90          4 Damon 


可是看到,此时是按照字段SCORE来对结果进行排序的(前面SELECT *的时候是按照ID进行排序的)。

那么有人会问,如果我想自行控制排序,能不能使用ORDER BY呢?当然可以。不过在写法上有需要注意的地方:

 view plaincopyprint?select score,id,name  
from student  
where id > 2 and id < 7  
select score,id,name  
from student  
where id < 4  
select score,id,name  
from student  
where id > 8  
order by id desc  
select score,id,name
from student
where id > 2 and id < 7


select score,id,name
from student
where id < 4


select score,id,name
from student
where id > 8
order by id desc

order by子句必须写在最后一个结果集里,并且其排序规则将改变操作后的排序结果。对于Union、Union All、Intersect、Minus都有效。



Union All,对两个结果集进行并集操作,包括重复行,不进行排序;



可以在最后一个结果集中指定Order by子句改变排序方式。




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