Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)
AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) is similar to other IDLs you might have worked with.
It allows you to define the programming interface that both the client and service agree upon in order to communicate with each other using interprocess communication (IPC). On Android, one process cannot normally access the memory of another process.
So to talk, they need to decompose their objects into primitives that the operating system can understand, and marshall the objects across that boundary for you.
The code to do that marshalling is tedious to write, so Android handles it for you with AIDL.
Note: Using AIDL is necessary only if you allow clients from different applications to access your service for IPC and want to handle multithreading in your service.
If you do not need to perform concurrent IPC across different applications, you should create your interface by implementing a Binder or, if you want to perform IPC, but do not need to handle multithreading, implement your interface using a Messenger.
Regardless, be sure that you understand Bound Services before implementing an AIDL.
不管怎样,确保你在实现一个AIDL之前理解了Bound Service
Before you begin designing your AIDL interface, be aware that calls to an AIDL interface are direct function calls.
You should not make assumptions about the thread in which the call occurs.
What happens is different depending on whether the call is from a thread in the local process or a remote process.
Calls made from the local process are executed in the same thread that is making the call.
If this is your main UI thread, that thread continues to execute in the AIDL interface.
If it is another thread, that is the one that executes your code in the service.
Thus, if only local threads are accessing the service, you can completely control which threads are executing in it (but if that is the case, then you shouldn't be using AIDL at all, but should instead create the interface by implementing a Binder).
Calls from a remote process are dispatched from a thread pool the platform maintains inside of your own process.
You must be prepared for incoming calls from unknown threads, with multiple calls happening at the same time.
In other words, an implementation of an AIDL interface must be completely thread-safe.
The oneway keyword modifies the behavior of remote calls.
When used, a remote call does not block; it simply sends the transaction data and immediately returns.
The implementation of the interface eventually receives this as a regular call from the Binder thread pool as a normal remote call.
If oneway is used with a local call, there is no impact and the call is still synchronous.
Defining an AIDL Interface
You must define your AIDL interface in an .aidl file using the Java programming language syntax, then save it in the source code (in the src/ directory) of both the application hosting the service and any other application that binds to the service.
When you build each application that contains the .aidl file, the Android SDK tools generate an IBinder interface based on the .aidl file and save it in the project's gen/ directory.
The service must implement the IBinder interface as appropriate.
The client applications can then bind to the service and call methods from the IBinder to perform IPC.
当你编译包含.aidl文件的应用时,Android SDK工具基于这个.aidl文件生成一个IBinder接口,并且把它保存到项目的gen目录吓
To create a bounded service using AIDL, follow these steps:
1.Create the .aidl file
This file defines the programming interface with method signatures.
2.Implement the interface
The Android SDK tools generate an interface in the Java programming language, based on your .aidl file.
This interface has an inner abstract class named Stub that extends Binder and implements methods from your AIDL interface.
You must extend the Stub class and implement the methods.
Android SDk工具基于你的.aidl文件使用java语言生成一个接口
3.Expose the interface to clients
Implement a Service and override onBind() to return your implementation of the Stub class.
Caution: Any changes that you make to your AIDL interface after your first release must remain backward compatible in order to avoid breaking other applications that use your service.
That is, because your .aidl file must be copied to other applications in order for them to access your service's interface, you must maintain support for the original interface.
1. Create the .aidl file
AIDL uses a simple syntax that lets you declare an interface with one or more methods that can take parameters and return values.
The parameters and return values can be of any type, even other AIDL-generated interfaces.
You must construct the .aidl file using the Java programming language.
Each .aidl file must define a single interface and requires only the interface declaration and method signatures.
By default, AIDL supports the following data types:
All primitive types in the Java programming language (such as int, long, char, boolean, and so on)
All elements in the List must be one of the supported data types in this list or one of the other AIDL-generated interfaces or parcelables you've declared.
A List may optionally be used as a "generic" class (for example, List<String>).
The actual concrete class that the other side receives is always an ArrayList, although the method is generated to use the List interface.
All elements in the Map must be one of the supported data types in this list or one of the other AIDL-generated interfaces or parcelables you've declared.
Generic maps, (such as those of the form Map<String,Integer> are not supported.
The actual concrete class that the other side receives is always a HashMap, although the method is generated to use the Map interface.
When defining your service interface, be aware that:
Methods can take zero or more parameters, and return a value or void.
All non-primitive parameters require a directional tag indicating which way the data goes.
Either in, out, or inout (see the example below).
Primitives are in by default, and cannot be otherwise.
Caution: You should limit the direction to what is truly needed, because marshalling parameters is expensive.
All code comments included in the .aidl file are included in the generated IBinder interface (except for comments before the import and package statements).
Only methods are supported; you cannot expose static fields in AIDL.
Here is an example .aidl file:
// IRemoteService.aidl package com.example.android; // Declare any non-default types here with import statements /** Example service interface */ interface IRemoteService { /** Request the process ID of this service, to do evil things with it. */ int getPid(); /** Demonstrates some basic types that you can use as parameters * and return values in AIDL. */ void basicTypes(int anInt, long aLong, boolean aBoolean, float aFloat, double aDouble, String aString); }
Simply save your .aidl file in your project's src/ directory and when you build your application, the SDK tools generate the IBinder interface file in your project's gen/ directory.
The generated file name matches the .aidl file name, but with a .java extension (for example, IRemoteService.aidl results in IRemoteService.java).
If you use Eclipse, the incremental build generates the binder class almost immediately.
If you do not use Eclipse, then the Ant tool generates the binder class next time you build your application—you should build your project with ant debug (or ant release) as soon as you're finished writing the .aidl file, so that your code can link against the generated class.
如果你不使用Eclipse,那么Ant工具在你下次编译你的应用(你应该使用ant debug或者ant release编译你的工程)时生成binder类
2. Implement the interface
When you build your application, the Android SDK tools generate a .java interface file named after your .aidl file.
The generated interface includes a subclass named Stub that is an abstract implementation of its parent interface (for example, YourInterface.Stub) and declares all the methods from the .aidl file.
当你编译你的应用时,Android SDK工具生成一个.java接口文件用你的.aidl文件命名
Note: Stub also defines a few helper methods, most notably asInterface(), which takes an IBinder (usually the one passed to a client's onServiceConnected() callback method) and returns an instance of the stub interface.
See the section Calling an IPC Method for more details on how to make this cast.
更多细节参考Calling an IPC Method章节。
To implement the interface generated from the .aidl, extend the generated Binder interface (for example, YourInterface.Stub) and implement the methods inherited from the .aidl file.
Here is an example implementation of an interface called IRemoteService (defined by the IRemoteService.aidl example, above) using an anonymous instance:
private final IRemoteService.Stub mBinder = new IRemoteService.Stub() { public int getPid(){ return Process.myPid(); } public void basicTypes(int anInt, long aLong, boolean aBoolean, float aFloat, double aDouble, String aString) { // Does nothing } };
Now the mBinder is an instance of the Stub class (a Binder), which defines the RPC interface for the service.
In the next step, this instance is exposed to clients so they can interact with the service.
There are a few rules you should be aware of when implementing your AIDL interface:
Incoming calls are not guaranteed to be executed on the main thread, so you need to think about multithreading from the start and properly build your service to be thread-safe.
By default, RPC calls are synchronous.
If you know that the service takes more than a few milliseconds to complete a request, you should not call it from the activity's main thread, because it might hang the application (Android might display an "Application is Not Responding" dialog)—you should usually call them from a separate thread in the client.
No exceptions that you throw are sent back to the caller.
3. Expose the interface to clients
Once you've implemented the interface for your service, you need to expose it to clients so they can bind to it.
To expose the interface for your service, extend Service and implement onBind() to return an instance of your class that implements the generated Stub (as discussed in the previous section).
Here's an example service that exposes the IRemoteService example interface to clients.
public class RemoteService extends Service { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { // Return the interface return mBinder; } private final IRemoteService.Stub mBinder = new IRemoteService.Stub() { public int getPid(){ return Process.myPid(); } public void basicTypes(int anInt, long aLong, boolean aBoolean, float aFloat, double aDouble, String aString) { // Does nothing } }; }
Now, when a client (such as an activity) calls bindService() to connect to this service, the client's onServiceConnected() callback receives the mBinder instance returned by the service's onBind() method.
The client must also have access to the interface class, so if the client and service are in separate applications, then the client's application must have a copy of the .aidl file in its src/ directory (which generates the android.os.Binder interface—providing the client access to the AIDL methods).
When the client receives the IBinder in the onServiceConnected() callback, it must call YourServiceInterface.Stub.asInterface(service) to cast the returned parameter to YourServiceInterface type.
For example:
IRemoteService mIRemoteService; private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() { // Called when the connection with the service is established public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { // Following the example above for an AIDL interface, // this gets an instance of the IRemoteInterface, which we can use to call on the service mIRemoteService = IRemoteService.Stub.asInterface(service); } // Called when the connection with the service disconnects unexpectedly public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) { Log.e(TAG, "Service has unexpectedly disconnected"); mIRemoteService = null; } };
For more sample code, see the RemoteService.java class in ApiDemos.
与很多其他的基于RPC的解决方案一样,Android使用一种接口定义语言(Interface Definition Language,IDL)来公开服务的接口。我们知道4个Android应用程序组件中的3个(Activity、BroadcastReceiver和...
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在Android开发中,有时我们需要在不同的进程间进行通信,这时我们可以使用Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)。AIDL提供了一种机制,使得Android应用能够跨进程传递数据,包括自定义对象。本文将深入探讨...
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AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)是Android提供的一种接口定义语言,用于支持跨进程调用方法,从而实现多进程间的通信。 AIDL的基本原理是将接口定义为一个.aidl文件,系统会自动生成对应的Java代码...
在Android应用开发中,服务(Service)和AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)是两个非常重要的组件,它们分别用于实现后台长时间运行的任务以及跨进程通信。接下来,我们将详细探讨这两个概念及其在实际...
Android项目之AidlDemo(简单的aidl的例子)。AIDL是Android中IPC(Inter-Process Communication)方式中的一种,AIDL是Android Interface definition language的缩写。需要的小伙伴自请下载。
而AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)是Android系统提供的一种接口定义语言,用于处理进程间通信(IPC, Inter-Process Communication)。当需要在第三方应用中与WPS Office进行交互时,AIDL就成为了一个...
AIDL:Android Interface Definition Language,翻译过来就是Android接口定义语言。是用于定义服务器和客户端通信接口的一种描述语言,可以拿来生成用于IPC的代码。所以使用AIDL需要一个服务端和客户端 作用:可以在...
在Android开发中,AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)是一种强大的工具,用于实现进程间通信(IPC,Inter-Process Communication)。AIDL使得不同Android进程中的组件能够互相调用方法,即便它们运行在...
在Android应用开发中,AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)是一种重要的工具,用于实现跨进程通信(IPC, Inter-Process Communication)。本教程将基于"androidstudio开发的aidl小demo"来详细讲解AIDL的...
Android AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)是一种基于接口定义语言,用于定义 Android 应用程序之间的接口。AIDL 文件是用于定义服务端和客户端之间的接口,用于实现远程过程调用(RPC)。但是, 当...
下面将详细介绍Android中的aidl(Android Interface Definition Language)及其在跨进程调用中的作用。 **1. AIDL简介** AIDL是Android系统提供的一种接口定义语言,用于定义两个进程间通信的接口。通过AIDL,...
AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)是Android平台提供的一种强大的工具,专门用于实现进程间的通信。AIDL使得开发者可以定义接口,允许一个应用程序组件在另一个组件中调用方法,即使这两个组件处于不同...
在Android开发中,AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)是一种用于进程间通信(Inter-Process Communication, IPC)的工具,使得不同应用之间的服务可以共享数据和功能。本示例"android AidlDemo(简单aidl...
Android Aidl(Android Interface Definition Language)是一种专门为Android系统设计的接口定义语言,它允许我们在不同的Android进程间实现安全、高效的通信。 标题"Android多进程通讯AIDLDemo"指出我们将探讨如何...
Android Interface Definition Language(AIDL)是Android提供的一种原生接口,它允许开发者定义服务接口,使得其他进程可以调用这些服务,实现跨进程通信。本教程将深入讲解如何使用AIDL在Android开发中构建一个...
在Android开发中,MD5加密和AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)通信是两个重要的技术概念。MD5是一种广泛使用的加密散列函数,而AIDL则是Android系统中用于进程间通信(IPC)的一种机制。 首先,让我们...
**Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)** AIDL是Android中用于进程间通信(IPC, Inter-Process Communication)的一种工具,它允许你在不同的Android进程之间定义和实现接口。当你需要在一个应用组件...
#### 三、AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language) **1. AIDL介绍:** AIDL是一种用于定义进程间通信接口的语言。使用AIDL可以定义一个接口文件(通常以.aidl为后缀),这个文件描述了远程接口的行为,包括...