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Altered ecside(updated at 2009-2-1)

  • java


功能和外观和fins的ecside差不多,  最大的不同是:

分页、查询等操作是 在页面中(tag)进行的,而不是在controller中进行,有些callback的味道.



 在spring mvc中:

FilterList newFilterList(Class<?> entityClass, ModelMap mm){
	FilterList fl = new FilterList();
	DataProvider dp = new DefaultDataProvider(entityClass, this.sessionFacotry, fl);
	mm.addAttribute("dataProvider", dp);
	return fl;
public void index(ModelMap mm){
	this.newFilterList(Topic.class, mm).lt("createdAt", new Date()).desc("createdAt").join("user");
	mm.addAttribute("topicTypeMap", this.getTopicTypeMap());






<ec:table action="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/topics/index.do" 
				formId="checked_docs" exportFileName="主题列表" height="200px">
	<ec:column width="30" property="title" title="标题" filterType="like"/>
	<ec:column width="20" property="user.name" title="作者" filterType="like"/>
	<ec:column width="20" property="type" title="类型" mappingItem="${topicTypeMap }" filterType="="/>
	<ec:column width="30" property="createdAt" title="发表时间" sortable="true" filterType="btw"/>




1 楼 wuhui 2008-12-30  
辛苦了 期待你的新版本


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