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failed to lazily initialize a collection of role

List<Bdinfo> bdinfos= this.getByIds(Bdinfo.class,
bdinfoIds.toArray(new String[bdinfoIds.size()]));
for (Bdinfo bdinfo : bdinfos) {
   // 版本处理
   bizService.saveVer(bdinfo, xxxx, xxxx);
   // 删除Project表
   Project project = bdinfo.getPjid();
   if(project.getBdinfoCollection()==null && project.getBdintentCollection()==null){


如此操作后调用该方法会提示:failed to lazily initialize a collection of role

for (Bdinfo bdinfo : bdinfos) {
   // 版本处理
   bizService.saveVer(bdinfo, xxxx, xxxx);
   // 删除Project表
   //Project project = bdinfo.getPjid();
  Project project = getById(Project.class, bdinfo.getPjid().getId()); // 避免延迟加载的异常
   if(project.getBdinfoCollection()==null && project.getBdintentCollection()==null){



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