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Some Notes

macport ffmpeg configure 写道
sudo port -d configure ffmpeg +gpl +postproc +extvorbis +xvid +x264 +a52 +avfilter

Safari开启类firebug调试工具 写道
defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true

Safari 默认使用新标签打开链接 写道
defaults write com.apple.Safari TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true



linux count rows of a file 写道
wc -l <file path>



vi删除文件的所有内容的命令 写道



mac snow加入开机启动 写道
sudo launchctl submit -l name_of_startup_item -- command [args]


mac抓屏 写道
ctrl+cmd+shift+4 拷贝指定区域到内存里 cmd+shift+4则是存到桌面文件




    Some Notes on Applied Mathematics for Machine Learning

    ### 应用数学在机器学习中的关键知识点 #### 引言 本文档是关于应用数学在机器学习领域中的一些重要知识点的介绍。机器学习作为一门跨学科领域,它结合了统计学、计算机科学以及数学等多个领域的知识。...

    Some Notes about Regression

    Regression相关知识点总结 Regression是机器学习中的一种监督学习技术,用于预测连续型目标变量。下面是关于Regression的知识点总结: 1. 什么是Regression? Regression是一种监督学习技术,用于预测连续型目标...

    Some Notes about Support Vector Machine

    Support Vector Machine(SVM)是机器学习领域中的一种常用算法,主要用于分类和回归任务。下面是SVM的详细知识点: 简介 SVM是一种监督学习算法,可以处理小型或中型数据集(数千个实例),并可以进行非线性分类和...

    Some notes on machine learning algorithms, mostly in Matlab


    some notes from the book statiscal learning from a regression perspective

    statiscal learning from a regression perspective这本书的一个读书笔记

    Some Notes on M-hyponormal weighted shifts and hyponormalizable weighted shifts


    The home of NiftyLoadLibrary - and some notes on rebasing dl



    I use it to write some notes. The fixed default file path is Documents/click.dummer.textthing/notes.txt . If you open the app, this file will be opened, created and used for store. There is no file ...

    Some Notes on Pseudorandom Binary Sequences Derived from Fermat-Euler Quotients



    Some notes: UniLOD source is split into two folders, "UniLOD folder" with C# code you may drop in Unity right away, and "DXMeshCombine folder" with C++ code, you have to compile and then drop the ....

    江苏省泰兴市西城中学八年级英语 练习19(无答案) 人教新目标版

    如"主题乐园"(theme park)、"北京参观之行"(a trip to Beijing)、"观看游行"(watch the parade)、"穿着不同的戏服"(wear different costumes)、"向某人摆人"(show someone around)、"make some notes"(做...

    Robust Statistics

    8.11 Some Notes on Computation, 237 9 ROBUSTNESS OF DESIGN 243 9.1 General Remarks, 243 9.2 Minimax Global Fit, 243 93 Minimax Slope, 251 10 EXACT FINITE SAMPLE RESULTS 253 10.1 General Remarks,...

    Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design

    Resonance of Inductors 110 5.14 The Quality Factor of an Inductor 111 5.15 Characterization of an Inductor 115 5.16 Some Notes About the Proper Use of Inductors 117 5.17 Layout of Spiral ...


    1. "In addition to studying for the exam, I also prepared some notes for future reference."(除了为考试复习,我还准备了一些笔记以备将来参考。) 二、动词短语 动词短语由动词加介词或副词组成,如 "break ...


    - Since you were ill yesterday, I left some notes on your desk. - As it is too hot, we'd better go swimming. 掌握这些语法点对于学习者来说至关重要,它们不仅出现在课堂测试中,也常常出现在日常交流和书面...


    6. **Some notes for 0RECORDMODE.xlsx** - 这个Excel文件可能包含关于0RECORDMODE更具体的使用场景、实例分析或操作指南,建议详细阅读以获取更多信息。 综上所述,理解并正确使用BW的0RECORDMODE对于确保数据的...


    Some notes on where you put that file in the JAR: it cannot go in the default package the directory it goes in must be a valid Java package name These are just short-comings of the current dialect ...

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