Friday, December 17, 2010Hadoop cluster at Ebay
I am always curious to know how other companies are installing Hadoop clusters. How are they using its ecosystem. Since Hadoop is still relatively new, there are no best practices. Every company is implementing what they think is the best infrastructure for the Hadoop Cluster.
At Hadoop NYC 2010 conference, ebay showcased there implementation of Hadoop production cluster. Following are some tidbits on ebay's implementation of Hadoop.
- JobTracker, Namenode, Zookeeper, HBase Master are all enterprise nodes running in Sun 64 bit architecture. They are running red hat linux with 72GB Ram and 4TB disks.
- There are 4000 datanodes, each running cent OS with 48 GB RAM and 10TB space
- Ganglia and Nagios are used for monitoring and alerting. Ebay is also building a custom solution to augment them.
- ETL is done using mostly Java Map Reduce programs
- Pig is used to build data pipelines
- Hive is used for AdHoc queries
- Mahout is used for Data Mining
They are toying with the idea of using Oozie to manage work flows but haven't decided to use it yet.
It looks like they are doing all the right things.
Hadoop cluster planning guide
【标题】"hadoop-cluster-build"涉及的知识点主要围绕着Hadoop集群的构建,这是一个大数据处理的核心技术。Hadoop是一个开源框架,它允许在廉价硬件上进行大规模数据处理,具有高度可扩展性和容错性。 【描述】...
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指导Hadoop集群部署的资料, 注意: 内容是英文的, 可能有些同学会失望
[Packt Publishing] Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook (E-Book) ☆ 图书概要:☆ Over 60 recipes showing you how to design, configure, manage, monitor, and tune a Hadoop cluster ...
Hadoop Multi Node Cluster 安装步骤.pdf
The Hadoop market is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate over the next several years. Several good tools and guides describe how to deploy Hadoop clusters, but very little ...
Hadoop Performance at LinkedIn
大数据与云计算培训学习资料 基于Hadoop平台的eBay用户邮件数据分析 共26页.pptx
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