What's new:
* Editors are now based on Scintilla http://www.scintilla.org/
* UTF-8 support.
* Various Charsets supported (including chinese).
* Customizable colors and styles (with predefined Light and Dark theme).
* Code folding.
* Block comments.
* Optionally Alphabetical sorted methods list.
* Persistent treeview node states.
* Quick Switch between Controller and Views pressing F12.
* Mousewheel now rolls editors tabs for fast access.
* Tooltips over tabs showing full filename.
* Support for subfolder structures (Ex: controllers/users/admins)
* Code proposal:
o Press CTRL+SPACE to have a dropdown list completing your code as you type it.
o The proposal list is currently populated with all methods found in source files inside the app, libraries and plugins folders, (will soon add local variables and Classes).
o The proposal list provides additional quick filtering between source types (MVC, helpers, libraries, tests) and the source file name.
o Right-click on an item in the proposal list to show a popup menu, allowing to open the source file.
* Parameters hint:
o Press SHIFT+CTRL+SPACE when inside round brackets to see a hint displaying the parameters for the method.
o The parameters list is currently populated with all methods found in source files inside the app, libraries and plugins (as the Code proposal).
* Open method's source:
o CTRL+CLICK or press ALT+SPACE to have a dropdown list of methods matching the text under the cursor.
o Click the item in the list to open and navigate to the method.
o The method's source list is currently populated with all methods found in source files inside the app, libraries and plugins folders (as the Code proposal).
o The method's source list is provides additional quick filtering between source types (as the Code proposal).
* Autocompletion macros
o Press Shift+Space to expand macros from customizable shortcuts.
* ... and Many fixes.
- 2007-01-06 21:16
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