What's the problem?
Today I found ServiceMix on 74 cannot start up. Before this, I also found ServiceMix on 108 also cannot start up. Finally, I found the reason is from install CollabNet Subversion Edge (CSVN for short).
How to find the reason of the problem?
Because ServiceMix cannot startup, there is no karaf.log. And logs in the directory "/log/scf" also without any help to this issue. But when I saw karaf.out, there is one line log:
"Error: Password file read access must be restricted: /opt/jdk1.6.0_20/jre/lib/management/snmp.acl"
So this log shows that the start up issue may be because of the permission of JRE file is too high. So I remembered that when I modified the access permission of files in /opt directory because I need to install CSVN with non-root account (see my documentation about how to install CSVN) and this account need permissions to do operations in /opt directory.
How to solve this problem?
To solve this problem after got the reason. I logged on 22 server, got the right permission of "snmp.acl". Then set the permission of this file on 74 as the right value. Then ServiceMix can start up successfully.
More read? What is "snmp.acl"?
SNMP full name is "Simple Network Management Protocol". It is a protocol based on TCP/IP and used to manage equipments on the networks, like routes and something else. "snmp.acl" is the access control list of SNMP in JRE. It have to be only readable by its owner. So any higher permissions will result JRE cannot start up.
知识点:Apache ServiceMix及其在企业集成中的应用 一、Apache ServiceMix简介 Apache ServiceMix是基于Java Business Integration(JBI)规范的企业服务总线(ESB)实现,它提供了构建和部署服务组合的强大平台,...
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### ServiceMix学习笔记知识点梳理 #### 一、ServiceMix安装及入门 - **ServiceMix简介**:ServiceMix是一款开源的企业服务总线(ESB),基于Java Business Integration (JBI) 规范构建,用于实现企业级应用和服务...
ServiceMix 是一个开源的企业服务总线(ESB),它基于Java Business Integration(JBI)标准,提供了一种灵活的方式来整合各种企业服务。本篇学习笔记将深入探讨ServiceMix的使用,包括其安装、核心概念以及如何创建...
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ServiceMix是基于Apache服务的开放源代码企业服务总线(ESB),它提供了一种集成不同应用程序和服务的方式。在这个小例子中,我们将会探讨如何利用Camel组件在ServiceMix上构建一个简单的工作流程。 Camel是...
ServiceMix是Apache软件基金会下的一个开源企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus, ESB)项目,它基于Java消息服务(JMS)、Java管理扩展(JMX)和Java API for RESTful Web Services(JAX-RS)等标准技术构建,提供...
ServiceMix 是一个开源的企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus, ESB),它基于 Java Business Integration (JBI) 标准,为分布式系统提供灵活、可扩展的集成解决方案。ESB 是现代企业架构中的关键组成部分,它允许...
Apache ServiceMix Specs :: JAXP API 1.3
Servicemix做代理服务器发布WebService,Login登录实际代码。对应博客中ServiceMix做代理服务器发布WebService(附带案例源码) 该篇例子,需要的可以去看看,这个是源码。