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自定义Mave archetype的创建 -
<div class="quote_title ...
基于iBatis的开源分布式数据访问层 -
<pre name="code" c ...
基于iBatis的开源分布式数据访问层 -
bornwan 写道我就很想知道分布式数据源,水平切分之后排序 ...
基于iBatis的开源分布式数据访问层 -
gzenzen 写道什么时候支持mybatis3、spring ...
<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/>Table of Contents <br/>Microsoft ADO.NET Step by Step <br/> <br/>Introduction <br/> <br/> Part I - Getting Started with ADO.NET <br/>Chapter 1 - Getting Started with ADO.NET ...
bftools encode brainloller <file | -> --width <width> [--output <output image>] bftools encode braincopter <file | -> --original <original image> [--output <output image>] Decoding bftools decode ...
数据结构与算法分析(Java版英文)目录<br>PartI<br>Chapter1-Overview <br>Chapter2-Arrays<br>Chapter3-Simple Sorting<br>PartII<br>Chapter4--Stacks and Queues<br>Chapter5-linked lists<br>Chapter^-Recursion...
STL Algorithms<br/><br/>9.1 Algorithm Header Files<br/><br/>9.2 Algorithm Overview<br/><br/>9.3 Auxiliary Functions<br/><br/>9.4 The <br/><br/>9.5 Nonmodifying Algorithms<br/><br/>9.6 Modifying ...
update_wtl.zip<br>Notes on updating your WTL installation(2KB)<END><br>27,sidebarmenu.zip<br>An article about changing the look of WTL icon menu(85KB)<END><br>28,customdraw.zip<br>How to use WTL to ...
<br>可用于eclipse 3.X<br>使用方法:<br>windows---->Preferences----> PropertiesEditor<br>在Encode at reading a file中选US--ASCII<br>这样在ApplicationResources.properties写中文,它会自动转换为ASCII;<br>...
<br><br>Java gaming expert Andrew Davison will show you how to develop and <br><br>program 3D games in Java technology on a PC, with an emphasis on the <br><br>construction of 3D landscapes....
Fast, easy, effective way to manipulate INI files.<END><br>55,SoundSource.zip<br>BrainFusion Presents The Dancer.Ocx Which is capable of reading The Sound Peak Form Sound Card When Mp3 or Wav File Is...
Part I: Installation and Configuration<br> Chapter 1 Introducing Ubuntu<br> Chapter 2 Preparing to Install Ubuntu<br> Chapter 3 Installing Ubuntu<br> Chapter 4 Post-Installation Configuration<br> ...
- read -> reading:阅读 -> 阅读习惯 - run -> running:跑步 -> 赛跑 - sell -> selling:销售 -> 销售行为 - sing -> singing:唱歌 -> 歌唱表演 - speak -> speaking:说话 -> 演讲 - swim -> swimming:...
Tricks of the Windows video Game Programming<br><br>PART I Windows Programming Foundations 7<br>1 Journey into the Abyss 9<br>A Little History.............................................................
- read -> reading(阅读) - eat -> eating(吃) - write -> writing(写) - sing -> singing(唱歌) - go -> going(去) - run -> running(跑) - fly -> flying(飞) - catch -> catching(抓) -...
While labeled data is expensive to prepare, ever increasing amounts of unlabeled data is becoming widely available. In order to adapt to this phenomenon, several semi-supervised learning (SSL) ...
obgen.zip<br>C++ Object Oriented Database Generator(115KB)<END><br>29,excel_odbc_demo.zip<br>A discussion and demonstration of reading Excel files using ODBC (20KB)<END><br>30,SPCW.zip<br>A tool to ...
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for ...
<p class="comments">Comments - <a href="sc.chinaz.com">17</a> <span>|</span> <a href="index2.html">Continue Reading</a></p> </div> <div class="post"> <h2>Original Wordpress Themes</h2> <div><span...
<br/><br/>Code-reading requires its own set of skills, and the ability to determine which technique you use when is crucial. In this indispensable book, Diomidis Spinellis uses more than 600 real-...