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Human's Brains are unreliable...


So I need a twitter-like list...


  • ETF - Exchange-Traded Fund 交易所交易基金: (An exchange-traded fund (or ETF) is an investment vehicle traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks.)
  • Closed-End Fund 封闭式基金 : A closed-end fund, or closed-ended fund is a collective investment scheme with a limited number of shares.
  • Open-End Fund 开放式基金
  • Unit Investment Trust(信托) UIT : A Unit Investment Trust (UIT) is a US investment company offering a fixed (unmanaged) portfolio of securities having a definite life.
  • Merger(合并) : mergers and acquisitions (abbreviated M&A)
  • net asset value 财产净价值
  • Russell Indexes
  • Naked Short Selling or Naked Shorting : the practice of selling a stock short, without first borrowing the shares or ensuring that the shares can be borrowed as is done in a conventional short sale.
  • the balance sheets 资产负债表
  • Outright (买断,长期持有的形式) | Overnight(term = DD)
  • "The Opportunity Cost" of an item is what you give up to obtain that item.
  • DTCC=the Depository Truct & Clearing Corporation
  • ROI - Return Of Investment
  • DV01 - Dollar Value of a basis point (also called BPV, that's Basis Point Value)
  • LIBOR - London interbank Offering Rate伦敦银行同业拆借利率
  • SDI = Standard Delivery Instruction (BUY code 2009/01/02 1000 price)

 stay tuned...



    Brains.ReSharpe.rUltimate 2017.1.3 激活步骤

    Brains ReSharpe rUltimate 2017.1.3 激活步骤

    数据库管理工具Jet Brains DataGrip 2017.3.2 Linux 破解版

    Jet Brains出品的一款数据库管理工具(没错,是Jet Brains出品,必属精品)。DataGrip整合集成了当前主流数据库(如:SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Sqlite, DB2, Azure等)的连接,管理等。让...

    【备战2013】高考英语 5年高考真题精选与最新模拟 专题10 名词性从句

    - 宾语从句:作为动词或介词的宾语,如"Scientists study how human brains work..."。 - 表语从句:位于系动词之后,作为句子的表语,如"The limits of a person's intelligence... are fixed at birth, but ...

    ISHIGURO HIROSHI. Android science

    Human brains function to recognize people, supporting this empirical knowledge. ### Conclusion The cross-interdisciplinary framework of android science represents a new direction in robotics and ...


    我们将以“java_programmers_brains_screensaver.exe”为例,探讨Java在制作屏保中的应用。 首先,让我们理解什么是屏保。屏保,顾名思义,是保护屏幕的一种程序,主要目的是防止显示器长时间静态显示同一图像导致...


    6. 也可以用ide打开,项目使用 Jet Brains PyCharm 2022.2.4 开发,python版本为3.10 7. (老师验收作业时请忽略这一条,供验收上交作业压缩包是包含venv的)如果是从Github或者Gitee上下载的代码,可能没有venv,...


    文档中的例子能帮助考生更好地理解词汇的实际用法,如“as we age, our brains are contracting.”展示了“age”作为动词的用法,表示随着年龄的增长,大脑会萎缩。再如,“He aims to be a lawyer.”说明了“aim”...


    - `In factories, robots are controlled by computers that are like human brains.` - 同样,`that are like human brains` 是一个定语从句,修饰 `computers`。 - 定语从句的使用是本课语法的重点,需要学生...


    Whether babies' brains develop quickly or slowly.B. Whether babies can recognize faces or dangerous animals.C. How babies sort objects into groups.D. The importance of recognizing faces for survival....


    7. 绞尽脑汁 - Rack one's brains 8. 处于...边缘 - On the verge of... 9. 大量 - A large quantity of 10. 散文,随笔 - Essay 11. 给...全力,给...资格 - Give full authority to, qualify for 12. 目标,对象...


    and newborn boys look longer at a mechanical mobile, which suggests that certain differences between male and female brains are biological. 剑桥大学的一项研究表明,新生女婴更长时间地看着人脸,而新生...


    7. **Beat my brains out** 比喻费尽心思,原句暗示不必为微薄的薪水过于努力:"I'm only getting a small salary, so I don't need to work too hard." 8. **Row, beat it!** 让人离开的意思,原句简单明了:"Get ...

    jaeger 2004 echoStateNetworks

    This innovative approach utilizes artificial recurrent neural networks (RNNs) in a manner that has been proposed independently as a potential learning mechanism in biological brains. #### Key ...


    - **例句**:The details of the project are still up in the air. 15. **在户外,在露天里** _in the open air_ - **解释**:描述在室外的自然环境中进行活动。 - **例句**:The children enjoy playing games...


    2. 宾语从句:作为动词或介词的宾语的从句,如 "Scientists study how human brains work to make computers" 中的 "how human brains work to make computers" 是动词 "study" 的宾语从句。 3. 表语从句:用于说明...


    60. **use one’s brains** - 动动脑子,思考问题。 61. **break the record** - 打破记录,超越已有的最高成绩。 62. **take a deep breath** - 深呼吸,吸入大量的空气。 63. **hold one’s breath** - 屏息,暂时...



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