进CSTS(大连)之后,当前的项目的frontend是用Swing实现的,这本来没啥惊奇的,但是,时间长了却发现一个比较现实的问题。本来以为当前的GUI的framework只是我们team用的,后来才发现,另一个Team开发的功能也要挂在这个应用框架之上,当两个team的发布时间不同的时候,问题就来了,我们Team要做Code Freeze的时候,需要同时协调另一个Team是否继续让他们提交代码,因为同时在一个Branch上开发,同时提交到相同的codebase,或许通过配置管理可以解决这样的冲突,但是,为什么不一开始就通过模块化系统的设计,来分离这样比较独立的功能模块那?这就促使我想要提一提标题所给出的这个话题...
但是,即使是仅关注桌面应用的开发这一块儿,即使是仅关注Java平台上桌面应用这一块儿,也会发现,整个话题牵扯的范围依然过于宽泛了,根本就不是三言两语可以说清楚的,即使是三言两语说出来的,也可能只是皮毛而已。 而且现在感觉自己各方面状态不好,所以,这个话题暂且搁置了吧,不过,把开始的构思先放这里,或许以后某一天,我可以从这里继续...
<<The Ways To Achieve Your Modular System.>>
Phase 1:
1-Interface + Classloader custom solutions
2-The service discovery mechanism in Java.(SPI)
eg. JDBC drivers, providers for sounds api.
3-NetBeans Platform Modules (as if the LookupAPI is based on 2)
3.1 Spring RCP
Phase 2:
4-OSGi and JSR277 or JSR294???
4.1 Eclipse Plugin Modules (Eclipse RCP)
4.2 Spring DM
3)-http://mockus.org/optimum/JavaTutorial/mustang/sound/SPI-intro.html (not too necessary)
6)-<<Rich Client Programming:Plugging into the NetBeans Platform>>
- 2008-11-26 21:11
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Easy Build System - Modular Building System 6.5
With this book, you will gain a deep insight into the modular programming paradigm and how to achieve modularity in your PHP code. We start with a brief introduction to the new features of PHP 7, ...
Java 11 includes a built-in modularity framework, and The Java Module System is your guide to discovering it. In this new book, you'll learn how the module system improves reliability and ...
You will also learn how to test your modules and packages, how to prepare your code for sharing with other people, and how to publish your modules and packages on GitHub and the Python Package Index ...
Programming in the modular manner is always encouraged for bigger systems―it is easier to achieve scalability with modular programming. Even JavaScript developers are now interested in building ...
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Chapter 2: Simulation Overview - using computer to explore the behavior of neural networks: Examples of biological and artificial neural network simulation in NSL. Chapter 3: Modeling Overview - ...
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This package contains a huge variety of different modular terrains, rivers, mountains, islands, and ice assets ready to use for your game to create unique landscapes. Just drag and drop prefabs to ...
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Crossing Souls, Jenny LeClue, Last Epoch, The Last Door, and many many more, the Dialogue System for Unity makes it easy to add interactive dialogue and quests to your game. It’s a complete, robust ...