- 浏览: 58971 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 上海
写的很不错! 果断收藏!
使用Open Flash Chart(OFC)制作图表(Struts2处理) -
- <SCRIPT language=javascript>
- //CharMode函数
- //测试某个字符是属于哪一类.
- function CharMode(iN)
- {
- if (iN>=48 && iN <=57) //数字
- return 1;
- if (iN>=65 && iN <=90) //大写字母
- return 2;
- if (iN>=97 && iN <=122) //小写
- return 4;
- else
- return 8; //特殊字符
- }
- //bitTotal函数
- //计算出当前密码当中一共有多少种模式
- function bitTotal(num)
- {
- modes=0;
- for (i=0;i<4;i++)
- {
- if (num & 1) modes++;
- num>>=1;
- }
- return modes;
- }
- //checkStrong函数
- //返回密码的强度级别
- function checkStrong(sPW)
- {
- if (sPW.length<=4)
- return 0; //密码太短
- Modes=0;
- for (i=0;i<sPW.length;i++)
- {
- //测试每一个字符的类别并统计一共有多少种模式.
- Modes|=CharMode(sPW.charCodeAt(i));
- }
- return bitTotal(Modes);
- }
- //pwStrength函数
- //当用户放开键盘或密码输入框失去焦点时,根据不同的级别显示不同的颜色
- function pwStrength(pwd)
- {
- O_color="#eeeeee";
- L_color="#FF0000";
- M_color="#FF9900";
- H_color="#33CC00";
- if (pwd==null||pwd=="")
- {
- Lcolor=Mcolor=Hcolor=O_color;
- }
- else
- {
- S_level=checkStrong(pwd);
- switch(S_level)
- {
- case 0:
- Lcolor=Mcolor=Hcolor=O_color;
- case 1:
- Lcolor=L_color;
- Mcolor=Hcolor=O_color;
- break;
- case 2:
- Lcolor=Mcolor=M_color;
- Hcolor=O_color;
- break;
- default:
- Lcolor=Mcolor=Hcolor=H_color;
- }
- }
- document.getElementById("strength_L").style.background=Lcolor;
- document.getElementById("strength_M").style.background=Mcolor;
- document.getElementById("strength_H").style.background=Hcolor;
- return;
- }
- <FORM name="form1" action=""><P>
- 输入密码:</P><P>
- <INPUT onblur=pwStrength(this.value) onkeyup=pwStrength(this.value) type=password size=10 value="">
- <BR> 密码强度: </P><P>
- <TABLE style="DISPLAY: inline" borderColor=#cccccc height=23 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width=217 border=1>
- <TR align=middle bgColor=#eeeeee>
- <TD id=strength_L width="33%">弱</TD>
- <TD id=strength_M width="33%">中</TD>
- <TD id=strength_H width="33%">强</TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE>
- </P><P> </P><P> </P></FORM>
- <PRE></PRE>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> //CharMode函数 //测试某个字符是属于哪一类. function CharMode(iN) { if (iN>=48 && iN <=57) //数字 return 1; if (iN>=65 && iN <=90) //大写字母 return 2; if (iN>=97 && iN <=122) //小写 return 4; else return 8; //特殊字符 } //bitTotal函数 //计算出当前密码当中一共有多少种模式 function bitTotal(num) { modes=0; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if (num & 1) modes++; num>>=1; } return modes; } //checkStrong函数 //返回密码的强度级别 function checkStrong(sPW) { if (sPW.length<=4) return 0; //密码太短 Modes=0; for (i=0;i<sPW.length;i++) { //测试每一个字符的类别并统计一共有多少种模式. Modes|=CharMode(sPW.charCodeAt(i)); } return bitTotal(Modes); } //pwStrength函数 //当用户放开键盘或密码输入框失去焦点时,根据不同的级别显示不同的颜色 function pwStrength(pwd) { O_color="#eeeeee"; L_color="#FF0000"; M_color="#FF9900"; H_color="#33CC00"; if (pwd==null||pwd=="") { Lcolor=Mcolor=Hcolor=O_color; } else { S_level=checkStrong(pwd); switch(S_level) { case 0: Lcolor=Mcolor=Hcolor=O_color; case 1: Lcolor=L_color; Mcolor=Hcolor=O_color; break; case 2: Lcolor=Mcolor=M_color; Hcolor=O_color; break; default: Lcolor=Mcolor=Hcolor=H_color; } } document.getElementById("strength_L").style.background=Lcolor; document.getElementById("strength_M").style.background=Mcolor; document.getElementById("strength_H").style.background=Hcolor; return; } </SCRIPT> <FORM name="form1" action=""><P> 输入密码:</P><P> <INPUT onblur=pwStrength(this.value) onkeyup=pwStrength(this.value) type=password size=10 value=""> <BR> 密码强度: </P><P> <TABLE style="DISPLAY: inline" borderColor=#cccccc height=23 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width=217 border=1> <TBODY> <TR align=middle bgColor=#eeeeee> <TD id=strength_L width="33%">弱</TD> <TD id=strength_M width="33%">中</TD> <TD id=strength_H width="33%">强</TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </P><P> </P><P> </P></FORM> <PRE></PRE>
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <title>密码</title>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function chkpwd(obj){
- var t=obj.value;
- var id=getResult(t);
- //定义对应的消息提示
- var msg=new Array(4);
- msg[0]="密码过短";
- msg[1]="密码强度差";
- msg[2]="密码强度良好";
- msg[3]="密码强度高";
- var sty=new Array(4);
- sty[0]=-45;
- sty[1]=-30;
- sty[2]=-15;
- sty[3]=0;
- var col=new Array(4);
- col[0]="gray";
- col[1]="red";
- col[2]="#ff6600";
- col[3]="Green";
- //设置显示效果
- var bImg="http://bbs.blueidea.com/attachments/2006/12/7/pwdlen_dSIPeEGQWxfO.gif";//一张显示用的图片
- var sWidth=300;
- var sHeight=15;
- var Bobj=document.getElementById("chkResult");
- Bobj.style.fontSize="12px";
- Bobj.style.color=col[id];
- Bobj.style.width=sWidth + "px";
- Bobj.style.height=sHeight + "px";
- Bobj.style.lineHeight=sHeight + "px";
- Bobj.style.background="url(" + bImg + ") no-repeat left " + sty[id] + "px";
- Bobj.style.textIndent="20px";
- Bobj.innerHTML="检测提示:" + msg[id];
- }
- //定义检测函数,返回0/1/2/3分别代表无效/差/一般/强
- function getResult(s){
- if(s.length < 4){
- return 0;
- }
- var ls = 0;
- if (s.match(/[a-z]/ig)){
- ls++;
- }
- if (s.match(/[0-9]/ig)){
- ls++;
- }
- if (s.match(/(.[^a-z0-9])/ig)){
- ls++;
- }
- if (s.length < 6 && ls > 0){
- ls--;
- }
- return ls
- }
- </script>
- <style type="text/css">
- body{
- font-size:12px;
- font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- margin:0;
- }
- form{
- margin:2em;
- }
- #chkResult{margin-left:53px;height:15px;}
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <form name="form1">
- <label for="pwd">用户密码</label>
- <input type="password" name="pwd" onblur="chkpwd(this)" />
- <div id="chkResult"></div>
- <label for="pwd2">重复密码</label>
- <input type="password" name="pwd2" />
- </form>
- </body>
- </html>
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>密码</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function chkpwd(obj){ var t=obj.value; var id=getResult(t); //定义对应的消息提示 var msg=new Array(4); msg[0]="密码过短"; msg[1]="密码强度差"; msg[2]="密码强度良好"; msg[3]="密码强度高"; var sty=new Array(4); sty[0]=-45; sty[1]=-30; sty[2]=-15; sty[3]=0; var col=new Array(4); col[0]="gray"; col[1]="red"; col[2]="#ff6600"; col[3]="Green"; //设置显示效果 var bImg="http://bbs.blueidea.com/attachments/2006/12/7/pwdlen_dSIPeEGQWxfO.gif";//一张显示用的图片 var sWidth=300; var sHeight=15; var Bobj=document.getElementById("chkResult"); Bobj.style.fontSize="12px"; Bobj.style.color=col[id]; Bobj.style.width=sWidth + "px"; Bobj.style.height=sHeight + "px"; Bobj.style.lineHeight=sHeight + "px"; Bobj.style.background="url(" + bImg + ") no-repeat left " + sty[id] + "px"; Bobj.style.textIndent="20px"; Bobj.innerHTML="检测提示:" + msg[id]; } //定义检测函数,返回0/1/2/3分别代表无效/差/一般/强 function getResult(s){ if(s.length < 4){ return 0; } var ls = 0; if (s.match(/[a-z]/ig)){ ls++; } if (s.match(/[0-9]/ig)){ ls++; } if (s.match(/(.[^a-z0-9])/ig)){ ls++; } if (s.length < 6 && ls > 0){ ls--; } return ls } </script> <style type="text/css"> body{ font-size:12px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin:0; } form{ margin:2em; } #chkResult{margin-left:53px;height:15px;} </style> </head> <body> <form name="form1"> <label for="pwd">用户密码</label> <input type="password" name="pwd" onblur="chkpwd(this)" /> <div id="chkResult"></div> <label for="pwd2">重复密码</label> <input type="password" name="pwd2" /> </form> </body> </html>
- <html>
- <body>
- <form id="myform">
- <h1>Password Strength Meter - Demo</h1>
- <script type="text/javascript" s>
- // Password strength meter v1.0
- // Matthew R. Miller - 2007
- // www.codeandcoffee.com
- // Based off of code from http://www.intelligent-web.co.uk
- // Settings
- // -- Toggle to true or false, if you want to change what is checked in the password
- var bCheckNumbers = true;
- var bCheckUpperCase = true;
- var bCheckLowerCase = true;
- var bCheckPunctuation = true;
- var nPasswordLifetime = 365;
- // Check password
- function checkPassword(strPassword)
- {
- // Reset combination count
- nCombinations = 0;
- // Check numbers
- if (bCheckNumbers)
- {
- strCheck = "0123456789";
- if (doesContain(strPassword, strCheck) > 0)
- {
- nCombinations += strCheck.length;
- }
- }
- // Check upper case
- if (bCheckUpperCase)
- {
- if (doesContain(strPassword, strCheck) > 0)
- {
- nCombinations += strCheck.length;
- }
- }
- // Check lower case
- if (bCheckLowerCase)
- {
- strCheck = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- if (doesContain(strPassword, strCheck) > 0)
- {
- nCombinations += strCheck.length;
- }
- }
- // Check punctuation
- if (bCheckPunctuation)
- {
- strCheck = ";:-_=+\|//?^&!.@$?*()%~<>{}[]";
- if (doesContain(strPassword, strCheck) > 0)
- {
- nCombinations += strCheck.length;
- }
- }
- // Calculate
- // -- 500 tries per second => minutes
- var nDays = ((Math.pow(nCombinations, strPassword.length) / 500) / 2) / 86400;
- // Number of days out of password lifetime setting
- var nPerc = nDays / nPasswordLifetime;
- return nPerc;
- }
- // Runs password through check and then updates GUI
- function runPassword(strPassword, strFieldID)
- {
- // Check password
- nPerc = checkPassword(strPassword);
- // Get controls
- var ctlBar = document.getElementById(strFieldID + "_bar");
- var ctlText = document.getElementById(strFieldID + "_text");
- if (!ctlBar || !ctlText)
- return;
- // Set new width
- var nRound = Math.round(nPerc * 100);
- if (nRound < (strPassword.length * 5))
- {
- nRound += strPassword.length * 5;
- }
- if (nRound > 100)
- nRound = 100;
- ctlBar.style.width = nRound + "%";
- // Color and text
- if (nRound > 95)
- {
- strText = "极佳";
- strColor = "#3bce08";
- }
- else if (nRound > 75)
- {
- strText = "很好";
- strColor = "orange";
- }
- else if (nRound > 50)
- {
- strText = "一般";
- strColor = "#ffd801";
- }
- else
- {
- strColor = "red";
- strText = "极差";
- }
- ctlBar.style.backgroundColor = strColor;
- ctlText.innerHTML = "<span style='color: " + strColor + ";'>" + strText + "</span>";
- }
- // Checks a string for a list of characters
- function doesContain(strPassword, strCheck)
- {
- nCount = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < strPassword.length; i++)
- {
- if (strCheck.indexOf(strPassword.charAt(i)) > -1)
- {
- nCount++;
- }
- }
- return nCount;
- }
- </script>
- <b>Password:</b>
- <br />
- <input type="password" id="mypassword" name="mypassword" onkeyup="runPassword(this.value, 'mypassword');" />
- <br />
- <br />
- <b>Password Strength:</b>
- <br />
- <div style="width: 100px;">
- <div id="mypassword_text" style="font-size: 10px;"></div>
- <div id="mypassword_bar" style="font-size: 1px; height: 2px; width: 0px; border: 1px solid white;"></div>
- </div>
- </form>
- </body>
- </html>
<html> <body> <form id="myform"> <h1>Password Strength Meter - Demo</h1> <script type="text/javascript" s> // Password strength meter v1.0 // Matthew R. Miller - 2007 // www.codeandcoffee.com // Based off of code from http://www.intelligent-web.co.uk // Settings // -- Toggle to true or false, if you want to change what is checked in the password var bCheckNumbers = true; var bCheckUpperCase = true; var bCheckLowerCase = true; var bCheckPunctuation = true; var nPasswordLifetime = 365; // Check password function checkPassword(strPassword) { // Reset combination count nCombinations = 0; // Check numbers if (bCheckNumbers) { strCheck = "0123456789"; if (doesContain(strPassword, strCheck) > 0) { nCombinations += strCheck.length; } } // Check upper case if (bCheckUpperCase) { strCheck = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; if (doesContain(strPassword, strCheck) > 0) { nCombinations += strCheck.length; } } // Check lower case if (bCheckLowerCase) { strCheck = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; if (doesContain(strPassword, strCheck) > 0) { nCombinations += strCheck.length; } } // Check punctuation if (bCheckPunctuation) { strCheck = ";:-_=+\|//?^&!.@$?*()%~<>{}[]"; if (doesContain(strPassword, strCheck) > 0) { nCombinations += strCheck.length; } } // Calculate // -- 500 tries per second => minutes var nDays = ((Math.pow(nCombinations, strPassword.length) / 500) / 2) / 86400; // Number of days out of password lifetime setting var nPerc = nDays / nPasswordLifetime; return nPerc; } // Runs password through check and then updates GUI function runPassword(strPassword, strFieldID) { // Check password nPerc = checkPassword(strPassword); // Get controls var ctlBar = document.getElementById(strFieldID + "_bar"); var ctlText = document.getElementById(strFieldID + "_text"); if (!ctlBar || !ctlText) return; // Set new width var nRound = Math.round(nPerc * 100); if (nRound < (strPassword.length * 5)) { nRound += strPassword.length * 5; } if (nRound > 100) nRound = 100; ctlBar.style.width = nRound + "%"; // Color and text if (nRound > 95) { strText = "极佳"; strColor = "#3bce08"; } else if (nRound > 75) { strText = "很好"; strColor = "orange"; } else if (nRound > 50) { strText = "一般"; strColor = "#ffd801"; } else { strColor = "red"; strText = "极差"; } ctlBar.style.backgroundColor = strColor; ctlText.innerHTML = "<span style='color: " + strColor + ";'>" + strText + "</span>"; } // Checks a string for a list of characters function doesContain(strPassword, strCheck) { nCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < strPassword.length; i++) { if (strCheck.indexOf(strPassword.charAt(i)) > -1) { nCount++; } } return nCount; } </script> <b>Password:</b> <br /> <input type="password" id="mypassword" name="mypassword" onkeyup="runPassword(this.value, 'mypassword');" /> <br /> <br /> <b>Password Strength:</b> <br /> <div style="width: 100px;"> <div id="mypassword_text" style="font-size: 10px;"></div> <div id="mypassword_bar" style="font-size: 1px; height: 2px; width: 0px; border: 1px solid white;"></div> </div> </form> </body> </html>
- <html>
- <title>密码强度计算-www.codefans.net</title>
- <head>
- <style type="text/css">
- <!--
- .text {
- height: 16px;
- width: 160px;
- border-top-width: 1px;
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- border-top-color: #999999;
- border-right-color: #F0F0F0;
- border-bottom-color: #F0F0F0;
- border-left-color: #999999;
- }
- .style1 {font-size: 12px}
- .m {
- background-image: url(image/m.gif);
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- height: 15px;
- width: 158px;
- }
- .r {
- background-image: url(image/r.gif);
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- height: 15px;
- width: 158px;
- }
- .z {
- background-image: url(image/z.gif);
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- height: 15px;
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- .q {
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- .style8 {font-size: 12px; color: green; }
- .style9 {font-size: 12px; color: red; }
- -->
- </style>
- </head>
- <script language=javascript>
- function CharMode(iN){
- if (iN>=48 && iN <=57) //数字
- return 1;
- if (iN>=65 && iN <=90) //大写字母
- return 2;
- if (iN>=97 && iN <=122) //小写
- return 4;
- else
- return 8; //特殊字符
- }
- function bitTotal(num){
- modes=0;
- for (i=0;i<5;i++){
- if (num & 1) modes++;
- num>>>=1;
- }
- return modes;
- }
- function checkStrong(sPW){
- if (sPW.length<=5)
- return 0; //密码太短
- Modes=0;
- for (i=0;i<sPW.length;i++){
- Modes|=CharMode(sPW.charCodeAt(i));
- }
- return bitTotal(Modes);
- }
- function pwStrength(pwd,vImg,vImgs,ilength){
- if(pwd.length<=0){
- document.getElementById(vImgs).innerHTML="<span style=color:red;font-size:12px>"+16+"</span>";
- }
- else{
- document.getElementById(vImgs).innerHTML="<span style=color:red;font-size:12px>"+(16-pwd.length)+"</span>";
- }
- if (pwd==null||pwd==''){
- document.getElementById(vImg).className="m";
- //document.getElementById(ilength).className="style6";
- }
- else{
- S_level=checkStrong(pwd);
- switch(S_level){
- case 0:
- document.getElementById(vImg).className="m";
- //document.getElementById(ilength).className="style6";
- break;
- case 1:
- document.getElementById(vImg).className="r";
- //document.getElementById(ilength).className="style7";
- break;
- case 2:
- document.getElementById(vImg).className="z";
- //document.getElementById(ilength).className="style8";
- break;
- default:
- document.getElementById(vImg).className="q";
- //document.getElementById(ilength).className="style9";
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- </script>
- <body>
- <div align="center">
- <p> <br>
- </p>
- <form name="form1" method="post" action="">
- <table width="240" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="69" height="24">
- <div align="right" class="style1">密 码:</div></td>
- <td width="171"><div align="center">
- <input name="str1" type="password" class="text" onKeyUp="pwStrength(this.value,'img','imgs','ilength')" value="" maxlength="16" >
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="24">
- <div align="right" class="style1">密码强度:</div></td>
- <td height="19"><div align="center">
- <table width="160" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td align="center" valign="middle" class="m" id="img">
- <table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="46%"><div align="right" class="style6" id="ilength"></div></td>
- <td width="14%"> </td>
- <td width="40%" id="imgs"><span class="style5">16</span></td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
<html> <title>密码强度计算-www.codefans.net</title> <head> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .text { height: 16px; width: 160px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-top-color: #999999; border-right-color: #F0F0F0; border-bottom-color: #F0F0F0; border-left-color: #999999; } .style1 {font-size: 12px} .m { background-image: url(image/m.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 15px; width: 158px; } .r { background-image: url(image/r.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 15px; width: 158px; } .z { background-image: url(image/z.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 15px; width: 158px; } .q { background-image: url(image/q.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 15px; width: 158px; } .style5 {font-size: 12px; color: #FF0发表评论
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SQL Server 索引结构及其使用(四)
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SQL Server 索引结构及其使用(三)
2011-06-01 23:04 751实现小数据量和海量数据的通用分页显示存储过程 建立一个 W ... -
SQL Server 索引结构及其使用(二)
2011-06-01 23:03 863改善SQL语句 很多人 ... -
SQL Server 索引结构及其使用1
2011-06-01 22:59 852一、深入浅出理解索引结构 实际上,您可以把索引理解为一种特 ... -
2011-03-25 20:31 774当指定struts.objectFactory为spring时 ... -
2011-03-07 15:00 2024最近看看JBoss,发现早已有了新版本,好久没有关注了,于是下 ... -
2010-12-17 15:15 777>>>>1. 概述Log4j ... -
2010-12-17 11:15 1366在Java 领域,存在大量的日志组件,open-open收录了 ... -
2010-09-20 13:37 24胜负彩对阵 威廉希尔 Interwetten 立博l ... -
明明白白Unsupported major.minor version 49.0的错误
2010-08-05 14:33 518转载自:http://www.blogjava.net/Unm ... -
2010-07-20 15:39 1553谈到项目的需求分析,几乎每个软件开发人员 ... -
2010-05-17 17:28 1655本文分为三部分,分别为: Tomcat文件系统 Tom ... -
tomcat生命周期管理 LifeCycle
2010-05-17 15:12 1003Servlet规范中定义了一个Servlet的生命周期, To ... -
2010-05-12 11:03 923在运行中输入cmd,进入命令行,然后输入netstat -an ...
因此,了解如何取消Win2008的密码复杂度要求对于系统管理员来说是一项实用技能。 #### 二、取消Win2008密码复杂度的具体步骤 ##### 2.1 登陆Win2008计算机 - **步骤**:首先,使用具有管理员权限的账户登录到...
在Ubuntu操作系统中,管理和保护用户账户的安全性至关重要,这通常涉及到定期修改密码以及实施密码复杂度策略。本文将详细介绍如何在Ubuntu上修改密码以及设置密码复杂度策略。 首先,我们来讨论如何修改密码。在...
需要注意的是,密码复杂度有较高的要求:至少8位,且必须包含数字和字母。为了提高安全性,建议使用更复杂的组合,例如大写字母、小写字母、数字以及特殊符号。 3. **确认密码**:输入新密码后,系统会要求再次输入...
密码复杂度设置是确保用户密码强度的关键措施,它通过限制密码的长度、过期时间以及复杂性要求,防止轻易被破解。 在Linux系统中,密码复杂度的设置通常涉及到两个主要文件的配置:`/etc/login.defs` 和 `/etc/pam....
检查密码复杂度的逻辑 ... // 更新显示 $("#passwordStrength").text("密码强度: " + strengthScore + "/10"); }); ``` 3. **CSS样式**:根据得分改变进度条的宽度或颜色,以直观地表示密码强度。 ```css #...
根据提供的文件信息,本文将详细解析“密码强度的验证 asp.net”这一主题,并深入探讨其在Web安全领域的应用。 ### 一、密码强度验证的重要性 在网络安全领域,密码是保护用户账户的第一道防线。一个强健的密码...
本文将深入探讨如何使用C/C++编程语言来实现一个简单的密码强度检查器,根据标题和描述,我们将创建一个程序,它能接收用户输入的密码并评估其强度。 首先,我们需要理解密码强度的分类标准: 1. **弱密码**:通常...
在IT领域,尤其是在网络安全和用户认证方面,密码强度是一个至关重要的概念。正则表达式(Regular Expression)是一种强大的工具,用于在字符串中匹配特定模式,它在这里被用来判断用户设定的密码是否符合一定的强度...
### JS配合Web判断密码强度实例解析 在网络安全领域中,密码强度评估是非常重要的一个环节,它可以帮助用户了解自己设置的密码...此外,还可以进一步增强功能,比如增加密码复杂度建议,帮助用户创建更安全的密码。
当然,密码强度校验的算法不止这一种,还可以通过其他手段来增加密码强度的校验复杂度,例如使用NIST标准进行密码强度的评估。 使用jQuery进行密码强度校验的代码片段应该被嵌入到HTML页面中,配合相应的样式和脚本...
在实际应用中,java实现的密码强度检测功能可以用于各种密码管理系统,例如密码管理软件、身份验证系统等。同时,这种功能也可以应用于web应用程序中,例如注册页面、登录页面等,以提高用户的密码安全性。 java...
zxcvbn是一个强大的密码强度估计器,由Dropbox开发,能够分析密码并给出一个评分,帮助用户创建更安全的密码。 首先,你需要了解zxcvbn库的基本原理。它通过分析密码的复杂性,包括但不限于常见单词、数字序列、...
根据给定文件的信息,我们可以提炼出关于“实现密码强度功能代码”的详细知识点,涉及前端JavaScript编程、正则表达式、CSS样式控制以及密码复杂度评估算法。以下是对这些知识点的深入解析: ### 密码强度功能实现...