Notes on JavaScript functions and objects
Notes on JavaScript functions and objects
static (or definition) context
* All functions have a property named prototype.1 The value of prototype is an object2 with a property named constructor.3 The value of constructor is the function itself.4
* All functions have a property called length which specifies the expected number of parameters.5
* The value of constructor property of a function is function Function6 that is because the hidden super instance of a function is the value of the prototype property of function Function.7
execution context
* While a function executes there is a special variable arguments holds the actual arguments that were passed in when the function was invoked.
* While a function executes there is a special variable arguments is of type Arguments which is an array-like object with a property length which gives the number of actual parameters passed in during invocation.
* While a function executes there is a special variable arguments.callee holds a reference to the function object itself. Thus arguments.callee.length gives us the number of expected parameters.
Function function
static (or definition) context
* Function being a function has a property named prototype. The value of prototype is an anonymous function function(){} with a property named constructor. The value of constructor is the function Function.
* The value of constructor property of function Function is function Function. That is because the hidden super instance of a function is the value of the prototype property of function Function.
objects such as {} or new Object()
* The constructor of an object such as {} or new Object{} of course is function Object.8
* All objects inherit properties from a hidden super instance - the prototype object. The prototype object is the same as the value of the prototype property of function which was used to create the object using the new operator. Note: objects do not have a property named prototype.
* The inherited properties behave in a copy-on-set manner.
* All objects inherit a property named constructor from their hidden super instance - the prototype object.9
Object function
static (or definition) context
* Object being a function has a property named prototype. The value of prototype is an anonymous object {} with a property named constructor.10 The value of constructor is the function Object.11
* The value of constructor property of function Object is function Function. That is because the hidden super instance of a function is the value of the prototype property of function Function.
Let us say we have code like this:
function Rectangle(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
var twoByFourRectangle = new Rectabgle(2, 4);
inherits | +---------constructor property ----+ | +----------------------------------+
from | | | | inherits | |
| v | v from v |
function Function --- prototype property---> function(){} <----- function Object --- prototype property---> {constructor: Object}
^ ^
inherits | +---------------------------------------+ |
from | | | | inherits
| v | | from(?)
function Rectangle --- prototype property ----> {constructor: Rectangle}--+
inherits |
from |
object twoByFourRectangle --- width property ----> 2
+--- height property --> 4
1 alert("prototype" in Rectangle); => 'true'
2 alert(Rectangle.prototype); => '[object Object]'
3 alert("constructor" in Rectangle.prototype); => 'true'
4 alert(Rectangle.prototype.constructor); => '[function Rectangle]'
5 alert(Rectangle.length); => '2'
6 alert(Rectangle.constructor) => 'function Function() {[native code]}'
7 alert(Rectangle.constructor.prototype) => 'function(){}'
8 alert({}.constructor); => 'function Object() {[native code]}'
9 alert("constructor" in {}); => 'true'
10 alert(Object.prototype); => '[object Object]'
11 alert(Object.prototype.constructor); => 'function Object() {[native code]}'
TIP: You can evaluate expressions like the above in the Firefox's Tools:Error Console's Evaluate text field.
Tricky huh? It was for me.
内容概要:本文档阐述了 Python 爬虫的基本概念,详细讲解了构建一个简单有效的爬虫所需的五个关键步骤——确定目标、发送请求、解析内容、提取数据和保存结果,并附带了每个阶段相应的实例代码段帮助理解和实施。此外,文中强调了在网络爬虫过程中必须考虑的因素,如遵纪守法,确保不会干扰到网站正常运作或是违反站点设定的规定;以及提供了实用建议以保障高效而不失礼貌地收集所需信息。最后,文档提及Python爬虫主要应用场景包括但不限于数据挖掘、市场调研以及竞争情报搜集等方面。 适用人群:对于有兴趣了解或深入研究Web Scraping的学生、开发者和技术爱好者。 使用场景及目标:无论是初学者希望获得有关Python编程的第一手经验,还是已经有一定经验的技术工作者打算提高效率解决实际问题都非常合适。 其他说明:本文不仅介绍了基础概念与常用方法论,而且给出了完整的学习路径指导和编程指南,旨在让每位参与者都可以顺利入门并逐步掌握高级技巧。同时提醒使用者务必注意合法合规地运用此类技能。
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