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Enabling session replication in your application


To enable clustering of your web application you must it as distributable in the web.xml descriptor. Here's an example:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<web-app  xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
    <!-- ... -->

You can futher configure session replication using the replication-config element in the jboss-web.xml file. Here is an example:


The replication-trigger element determines what triggers a session replication (or when is a session is considered dirty). It has 4 options:

  • SET: With this policy, the session is considered dirty only when an attribute is set in the session. If your application always writes changed value back into the session, this option will be most optimized in term of performance. If an object is retrieved from the session and modified without being written back into the session, the change to that object will not be replicated.

  • SET_AND_GET: With this policy, any attribute that is get or set will be marked as dirty. If an object is retrieved from the session and modified without being written back into the session, the change to that object will be replicated. This option can have significant performance implications.

  • SET_AND_NON_PRIMITIVE_GET: This policy is similar to the SET_AND_GET policy except that only non-primitive get operations are considered dirty. For example, the http session request may retrieve a non-primitive object instance from the attribute and then modify the instance. If we don't specify that non-primitive get is considered dirty, then the modification will not be replication properly. This is the default value.

  • ACCESS: This option causes the session to be marked as dirty whenever it is accessed. Since a the session is accessed during each HTTP request, it will be replicated with each request. The access time stamp in the session instance will be updated as well. Since the time stamp may not be updated in other clustering nodes because of no replication, the session in other nodes may expire before the active node if the HTTP request does not retrieve or modify any session attributes. When this option is set, the session timestamps will be synchronized throughout the cluster nodes. Note that use of this option can have a significant performance impact, so use it with caution.

The replication-granularity element controls the size of the replication units. The supported values are:

  • session: Replication is per session instance. As long as it is considered modified when the snapshot manager is called, the whole session object will be serialized.

  • attribute: Replication is only for the dirty attributes plus some session data, like, lastAccessTime. For session that carries large amount of data, this option can increase replication performance.

If your sessions are generally small, session is the better policy. If your session is larger and some partsare infrequently accessed, attribute replication will be more effective.



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