In this Document
Likelihood of Occurrence
Possible Symptoms
Workaround or Resolution
Applies to:
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.1 to 11.1
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 28-May-2010***
A diskgroup with one or more disks of size of 2TB or larger may encounter this problem if data is allocated beyond 2TB.
All platforms are affected as well as configurations using ASMLIB.
Likelihood of Occurrence
- You will likely hit this problem if any of the diskgroups have disks larger than 2TB and data is allocated beyound 2TB.
Possible Symptoms
- Without fix for bug 6453944, it is possible to configure a diskgroup using disks larger than 2TB. When the space beyond 2TB is allocated, any
subsequent read operation on the affected ASM metadata will return error ORA-15196.
- Diskgroups configured with external redundancy are dismounted once error ORA-15196 is reported.
- Diskgroups configured with normal or high redundancy should not be affected as long as redundancy is enforced.
- Error ORA-15196 is reported when a block verification fails. An indication of this problem will have the format:
ORA-15196 : invalid ASM block header [kfc.c:7997] [hard_kfbh] [4] [4] [34 != 130]
@ The first line reports the asm file number (fn=4) and the block (blk4). In this example,
@ kfbh.type: 0 ; 0x002: KFBTYP_INVALID
@ kfbh.type: 0 ; 0x002: KFBTYP_INVALID
Workaround or Resolution
- Don't use disks larger than 2TB.
- For diskgroups configured with external redundancy, diskgroup needs to be rebuilt using disks under 2TB and data will need to be restored.
- For diskgroups configured with normal or high redundancy, the only way to successfully remove the disk is via
You should not do a normal DROP DISK nor RESIZE the disk.
- For Oracle Exadata Storage Server, disks larger than 2TB are supported with the fix for unpublished bug 7553876.
- It is mandatory to drop from diskgroup any disk larger of 2TB even after applying fix for
bug 6453944
The fix prevents using disks larger than 2TB and is included in the following patchsets:
The patch availability can be found in metalink, searching for
bug 6453944
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