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First Day of Work -- Setting up the Developing Environment

  • java
This is my first day work here, so I have to setup my working environment. I use the command 'subst' to create some virtual disk to arrange my files. And then, I have to install the developing softwares.

First of all, download Eclipse. So go to http://www.eclipse.org/, and go into the 'download' page. I choose 'Eclipse Classic 3.5.1 (162 MB) windows platform' for developing. Just extract the zip file, and you can use it.

Then I find that in our project we use SVN to manage source code, and I havn't used it before. Jacky says that I can get a SVN plugin for Eclipse, and SVN will be as easy as CVS.

So I go to http://subclipse.tigris.org/ to download SVN plugin for Eclipse. Go to the 'Download and Install' page. I choose to upgrade online with the url 'http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x'.

How to upgrade online? Let me show you. In Eclipse, open the 'Help' menu, and click 'Install New Software ...', and type the url for the SVN plugin 'http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x', and type the name for the SVN plugin for example 'SVN plugin', then click next, next, and next ...

In fact, I failed to install the SVN plugin because of this error: unpack facility not configured. So I searched the error infomation by Google, and find a solution: Default "java" on build.eclipse.org is a JVM 1.4.2. The same thing using JVM 1.5 works well... Unpack only works with java 5.

So to fix the problem here, I have to download JDK1.5 and install it. I go to http://www.sun.com/ and download JDK5.0 Update 22. Hope that I can resolve the problem. To download this JDK, I have to fill a form and receive a email from sun, the download link will be provided in the email, and it is not unlimited. I tried twice to download the JDK and the second time, I successfully download it.

After installing Java1.5 and setting environment variables, I restart Eclipse and install SVN plugin again. It works!

Then I have install MySQL, so I go to http://www.mysql.cn/ to download. To download MySQL I have to sign in the site, but I forget my password. So I enter my email address an let the site reset my password. And that's OK. I successfully sign in the site and download MySQL 5.1 GA.

This is really a great day!


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