以下为 iStef 于 2007 年 8 月 25 日与您分享的 10 条新闻(和评论),如果您感兴趣,欢迎对以下新闻做出简短评论。
用 Photoshop 抽出功能去背景的方法。其实我个人不太推荐这样做,因为抽出的质量很一般。如果想质量好的话还是推荐用 knockout 2,如果要快的话直接用 CS3 中的类似选取工具更好一些。
一个生成网站缩略图的服务,支持 API 啊!
facebook 终于加入了图书交易功能,在增加了一堆和“大学生”不相干的零碎之后,Facebook 终于干点正事了。
传统媒体 New York Times 继 NYT 阅读器之后,也跟进推出了 MyTimes 这个个性化新闻定制主页服务。其实我觉得这个倒是很不错的思路。
YouTube 的用户们似乎不怎么喜欢广告,估计这是传统 TV 上广告的后遗症。
制作 Portable Skype 的方法,喜欢 Skype 的朋友可以试试。
AMD 的巴塞罗那还没有推出就蒙上了阴影。Intel 则是步步紧逼,AMD 现在的日子真是不好过了啊。
Firefox 上武装 Google Reader 的 50 工具,可以试试,有的还不错。
Ubuntu GutsyGibbon Tribe5 推出,Beta 就要来了,RC 也不远了,正式版也指日可待了。
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By the end of the book, you’ll have the skills to create a simple site with multicolumn pages that adapt for mobile devices. Each chapter provides exercises to help you learn various techniques and ...
Academics, business users, and programmers from a wide range of backgrounds stand to benefit from the guidance in Efficient R Programming. Get advice for setting up an R programming environment ...
Regardless of their math backgrounds, students will learn how to think about data and how to reason using data. With a clear, unintimidating writing style and carefully chosen pedagogy, this text ...
This short SitePoint book provides readers with a fun and yet practical introduction to Cascading Style Sheets CSS the language used to style and lay out all web pages This book will quickly get you ...
It covers the `FlowDocument` class and how to use it to create structured documents with headings, paragraphs, and lists. #### Navigation-Based Applications (Chapter 22) Chapter 22 focuses on ...
用于Gmail:trade_mark:的随机高品质风景背景。 Gmail的惊人高品质风景背景。 每个会话随机选择一个。 需要“设置/主题”下的深色主题才能正常工作。 如果有错误,请发布它们,以便我进行修复。 ...
Stanton is an easy-to-read, gentle introduction for people with a wide range of backgrounds into the world of data science. Needing no prior coding experience or a deep understanding of statistics, ...
* To use OpenGL ES for more complex and realistic gaming backgrounds and action * Numerous ways to add music to enhance the gaming experience * How to give your users access to their iPhone ...
Remove backgrounds from a static scene to identify moving objects for video surveillance Track different objects in a live video using various techniques Use the new OpenCV functions for text ...
To use OpenGL ES for more complex and realistic gaming backgrounds and action Numerous ways to add music to enhance the gaming experience How to give your users access to their iPhone libraries from ...
To use OpenGL ES for more complex and realistic gaming backgrounds and action Numerous ways to add music to enhance the gaming experience How to give your users access to their iPhone libraries from ...
wget https://github.com/fedoradesign/backgrounds/releases/download/v34.0.1/f34-backgrounds-34.0.1-1.f34.src.rpm 安装工具以构建rpm文件,请按照的指南进行操作: sudo dnf install fedora-packager 然后...
To use OpenGL ES for more complex and realistic gaming backgrounds and action Numerous ways to add music to enhance the gaming experience How to give your users access to their iPhone libraries from ...
/usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos/background-1.xml 受此启发,自己写了一个生成xml文件的脚本,可以很方便地把一个文件夹下面的所有图片(jpeg,png)包括在这一组slides中。 生成xml文件之后,在“更变桌面背景"中...
The book teaches how to use freely available resources, such as PyGame Zero and Blender, to add animations, music, scrolling backgrounds, 3-D scenery, and other pieces of professional wizardry to ...