Posted by Oatmeal
I've just put the finishing touches on a new tool that's exclusive to our premium members. (Not a premium member? Read through to the bottom of this post - goodies are on the way).
In addition to being incredibly difficult to say five times fast, the Backlink Anchor Text Analysis Tool connects to the Google API, Yahoo! Site Explorer API, and Technorati API to aggregate and report your inbound links in a presentable format. It shows you what anchor text is the most commonly used and also provides the results in HTML or CSV. The links fetched are a mixture of authoritative and fresh (new), and the tool is great if you want to keep an eye on what keywords your competitors are targeting. You can view a
sample report here.
Coming Soon
I'm currently at SES San Jose so my schedule is pretty busy, but next week when I return I'm going to be launching two new features on the SEOmoz website. The first is the SEOmoz dashboard, which is basically a form of secondary navigation that sits underneath the header of the site and provides easy access to premium tools and content. I've made a browser button that'll allow you to go directly from whatever website you're visiting straight into any of the SEOmoz tools with the URL pre-populated in the form. It's basically doing away with having to use a bunch of different browser buttons. The SEOmoz dashboard is going to be exclusive to premium members.
In addition, the SEOmoz dashboard will provide quick access to a new set of tools that are free for everyone to use. I'm creating an "SEO toolbox," which is a collection of stripped down SEO tools that all perform highly specific tasks, such as checking for strong pages on a domain or examining an http status code. I'll post more about it next week, but essentially it's going to be a giant bag of free tools.
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13. Webconfs’ Back link Anchor Text Analysis:专注于锚文本分析,可用于研究竞争对手的外链策略。 14. Webconfs’ Back link Builder:简单的外链资源查找工具,输入关键词即可找到相关链接资源。 这些工具的...
6. **Webconfs Backlink Anchor Text Analysis**:专用于分析网站外链锚文本的工具,可用于研究竞争对手的外链策略。 7. **Webconfs Backlink Builder**:一个简单的外链资源查找工具,通过输入关键词,找出可能的...
作为一款专门用于分析网站反向链接锚文本分布情况的工具,Webconfs Backlink Anchor Text Analysis可以帮助站长们更好地了解自己网站当前的锚文本构成状况,为后续优化工作提供参考依据。 #### 9. Webconfs ...
《外链建设与SEO优化:探索Simple Backlink Indexer的高效策略》 在互联网营销的世界里,搜索引擎优化(SEO)是提升网站可见性和排名的关键。其中,外链建设扮演着至关重要的角色。"Simple Backlink Indexer.rar" ...
Text = "Back"; } protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e) { Uri backURL = Page.Request.UrlReferrer; if (backURL != null && backURL.AbsolutePath != Page.Request.Url.AbsolutePath) { Page....
### Backlink XR:深入理解与应用 #### 一、什么是Backlink XR? 根据提供的信息,"Backlink XR" 指的是一种与反向链接(backlink)相关的资源或工具。反向链接是指从其他网站指向您网站的链接,它们在搜索引擎...
这款"**Ahrefs backlink finder-crx插件**"是为谷歌浏览器Chrome设计的一款扩展程序,允许用户方便地在浏览器环境中直接查询任何网站的反向链接情况。 反向链接,也称为入链或后链,是SEO(搜索引擎优化)中的一个...
13. **Webconfs’ Back link Anchor Text Analysis**:专门分析网站外链锚文本的工具,便于参考竞争对手的策略。 14. **Webconfs’ Back link Builder**:简单易用的外链资源查找工具,根据关键词寻找可能的链接...
2. **Competition Analysis Tool-Seoscorecard** 3. **Top Competitor Tool-Webuildpages** 搜索引擎关键字位置工具帮助追踪关键词在主要搜索引擎中的排名情况: 1. **Search Engine Keyword Position-SEO Chat** ...
语言:Deutsch,English,Français,español,italiano,polski,português (Brasil),русский,中文 (简体) 雄伟的反向链接分析直接进入您的浏览器。 Majestic SEO的这款可爱的反向链接检查器为您提供了一种非常...
AP 钻取菜单 用于移动和响应式布局的基于 ...backLink: true, backLinkText: 'Back', backLinkSelector: '.ap-ddmenu-back', currentText: true, currentTextSelector: '.ap-ddmenu-current-text', cloneClass:
* Backlink Detail(反向链接详细信息)*:页面上10个最强反向链接的列表(带有更多链接),包括URL,锚文本,引用流,信任流以及首次和最后一次看到的日期 “首先看”的日期是相对于雄伟的新鲜指数,所以不会超过60...
•Backlink报纸PR:促进网站品牌在越南和世界主要报纸上,帮助发展企业或公司的信誉。 SEAERS非常感谢此链接类型。•Backlink报纸侧栏:使用具有相同主题的新闻系统与关键字进行大量链接。链接位于Sidabar位置,以...
8. **锚文本(Anchor text)**:锚文本是超链接中可点击的文本,搜索引擎会根据锚文本判断链接目标页面的主题和相关性。 9. **NoFollow链接属性**:NoFollow属性告诉搜索引擎不要追踪或赋予链接权重,通常用于用户...
在描述中提到,这款Backlink Checker能够对给定的网页进行深入的反向链接分析。反向链接,也称为入站链接或后向链接,是指从其他网站指向你的网站的链接,它们对于搜索引擎优化(SEO)至关重要,因为它们被视为对你...
1. **启动backlink程序**:`backlink`是whonet提供的一款数据导入工具,用于定义数据导入规则并执行数据导入。初次使用时,界面为空,用户需通过点击“新格式”来创建新的导入规则。 2. **文件格式设计**:在此阶段...