
Extjs 值得一览的项目


主页: http://www.dnet-ebusiness-suite.com/www/index.php/


(1)User Experience


Desktop like UI in your browser:

Powerful and friendly user interface a true rich web GUI. High performance scalable grids, inline editable grids, trees, forms, and other widgets. User interface built with the Extjs library.

Multi-tab user interface:

Allow to independently work on different tasks or just keep frames opened to quickly lookup necessary information


Editable grid

Edit data inline in grid views, save your work in one transaction when you are ready with it.

Master-detail views

View different levels of information in one frame. You have the option to enable/disable automatic retrieval of child information per child entity when you navigate through parent records.

Configurable  grid views

Select which columns to show/hide change columns order with drag-and-drop , resize columns

Easy record assignments

Easy record assignment with filter and pagination suitable when selection has to be done from large data sets.

(2)Technology stack

DNet is built on powerful, established open-source open-standard technologies, which empower many mission critical enterprise applications. There is plenty of documentation for these technologies, tools and most important there is already a lot of valuable knowledge - many experienced developers, architects and consultants who are already experts in one or more areas.

From architectural perspective it is a standard three tier web application, with java server-side, database independent and web user interface which runs in a plain browser without any third-party plugin. 

From implementation perspective it is a matrix of plugins where each plugin implements a certain horizontal layer for a vertical functional slice. This implementation offers a great flexibility to customize the application, add new features, extend or replace provided ones.

DNet can be deployed in-house or in the cloud and runs on different operating systems.


It is database independent runs with MySQL, H2, Oracle etc, actually whatever database support is offered by Eclipselink.


Database abstraction and object relational mapping functionality is provided by Eclipselink, an open-source Eclipse project, the reference implementation of the JPA specification. Eclipselink is a continuation of the well known Oracle Toplink library.

Spring framework

Quoting from Spring framework homepage, it is " the leading platform to build and run enterprise Java applications. Led and sustained by SpringSource, Spring delivers significant benefits for many projects, increasing development productivity and runtime performance while improving test coverage and application quality"

Spring  DM(Spring  Dynamic Modules)

Spring DM provides the support for the modularized architecture. According to the description on its homepage, "The Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi(tm) Service Platforms project makes it easy to build Spring applications that run in an OSGi framework. A Spring application written in this way provides better separation of modules, the ability to dynamically add, remove, and update modules in a running system, the ability to deploy multiple versions of a module simultaneously (and have clients automatically bind to the appropriate one), and a dynamic service model."

It provides an excellent support to create modularized web-applications, easy to learn and easy to use.

Eclipse RT Virgo

Virgo Web Server is the runtime "execution container", it is the next generation of a previous also well known project, spring dm server, donated to Eclipse. For certain reasons it is a good candidate for "the ideal OSGi server runtime"


The user interface is built with the Extjs javascript framework from Sencha.com It provides an amazing collection of UI widgets, there is a huge active community and lots of custom components provided by third-parties. Whatever UI widget or customization you'd like to have, is very likely that there is already something available.

Activiti BPMN

The chosen workflow engine is Activiti, a lightweight open-source Java based project, integrates perfectly with Spring, based on simple, clean concepts - altogether provides a powerful engine to use.

DNet Core

On top the aforementioned components comes a thin application framework, DNet-Core, which is a collection of some base classes to encapsulate more or less routine-glue code.

内部包括了许多Extjs 很有用的扩展



    EXTJS 是一个强大的JavaScript前端框架,它主要用于构建富客户端应用,提供丰富的用户界面组件和灵活的可定制性。EXTJS 的核心在于其组件化的架构,允许开发者构建复杂的UI布局和功能丰富的应用程序。以下是对EXTJS...


    标题中的“ssh+extjs4小项目”指的是一个基于SSH框架和ExtJS 4的轻量级Web应用程序。SSH是Spring、Struts2和Hibernate三个开源框架的组合,它们在Java Web开发中广泛使用,提供了模型-视图-控制器(MVC)架构的支持...




    首先,"原生态extjs框架的web项目"指的是使用纯ExtJS库构建的项目,没有依赖其他额外的前端框架或库。这种项目通常包含自定义组件、布局、数据处理等核心特性,展示了ExtJS的强大功能。 Sencha CMD 是一个命令行...


    这个项目是一个基于EXTJS 6.6的Web应用实例,提供了完整的登录页面和首页布局,包括左侧菜单和列表展示。以下是关于EXTJS 6.6框架以及该项目的关键知识点: 1. **EXTJS 6.6框架**:EXTJS 是由Sencha公司开发的一个...


    整个项目是作者本人在实际工作中完成的项目部分功能,项目中设计的的技术: 1.ExtJs 常用控件使用 2.ExtJs 日期控件的重写与列表表头菜单控件的重写 3.ExtJs 结合Jquery修改样式和自定义样式 4.JavaScript 伪继承的...


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    Extjs4 web项目



    4、系统是公司多个项目的基础框架,稳定性好,支持大并发。 二、主要功能 1、采用ExtJS无限制版本,放心用于网站开发。 2、ExtJS富文本编辑器增加修改信息。 3、ExtJS的HtmlEditor的图片...

    extjs2.2开发实战项目 已经发布运行

    《EXTJS2.2开发实战项目解析》 EXTJS2.2是一款强大的JavaScript库,专为构建富客户端Web应用程序而设计。在这个项目中,我们深入探讨EXTJS2.2的各种控件及其在实际开发中的应用,同时结合Java和JavaScript技术,...


    这个项目的源码包含了实现ExtJs应用的各种组件、布局、事件处理等核心元素。通过加入特定的jar包,我们可以将这个项目运行起来,进一步了解和学习ExtJs的使用。 在深入探讨之前,首先需要理解什么是jar包。JAR ...

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    extjs4 ssh 项目源码

    ExtJS 4 SSH 项目源码是一个典型的Java Web开发示例,它结合了两种强大的技术:ExtJS 4(一个富客户端JavaScript库)和SSH(Struts2、Spring和Hibernate的组合)。这个项目展示了如何在后台使用SSH框架来处理业务...

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    在"EXTJS 酒店管理项目"中,我们可以深入探讨EXTJS如何应用于酒店行业的信息系统建设。 首先,EXTJS 提供了丰富的组件库,如表格、表单、树形视图、面板、图表等,这些组件对于构建酒店管理系统至关重要。例如,...




    **Spring+Hibernate+Extjs项目实例详解** 在Java企业级应用开发中,Spring、Hibernate和Extjs这三种技术的组合非常常见,形成了所谓的"SSH+Extjs4"框架。这个项目实例是基于这些技术实现的一个典型应用,展示了如何...

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    【ExtJS4.0项目教程(MVC)】是一个针对ExtJS 4.0框架的教程,主要关注其MVC架构的应用。MVC(Model-View-Controller)是一种设计模式,用于分离应用程序的数据模型、用户界面和控制逻辑,使得开发更易于维护和扩展...


    Java 后台与 ExtJS 开发京东项目案例详解 在当今的互联网开发中,Java 作为后端的主要编程语言,而 ExtJS 则是前端框架的优秀选择,尤其在构建复杂的 Web 应用时。本案例以“京东项目”为例,深入探讨如何利用 Java...

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