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Probationership Work Report

Probationership Work Report
Dear my leadership:
I become a member of UTIL (GUANGZHOU) BREAK CO., LTD. from June 6th in 2006, work as IT Engineer in IT department, the main responsibility as follow:
1. Provide service to end users including setup/ maintain / update workstation hardware/ software for user.
2. Setup network infrastructure, such as Intranet, security system, in accordance with LAN/WAN TCP/IP, router, firewall knowledge.
3. Plan, develop and operate network services and email application services, ensure system running smoothly.
4. Purchase IT equipment such as PC, network switch, PC options and so on..
5. Training to user on basic hardware/software operation, especially ERP operation..
6. Combine with Nansha cabling project implementation
7. Perform all other duties as assigned by the supervisor.
At the beginning stage of the work, I understood the company department structure and the employees quickly, and handed the user’s request on network/hardware/software/other application. In this time I found that many of problems were based upon the not prefect system, so I drew up some systems according to my experience, such as 《Corporation Computer Managerial System》、《The Standard of Computer Users》、《Corporation Staff Address Book》、《The Standard of Hardware and Software configuration》and other daily work forms and technical files. My purpose was made the work process standardize、reasonable、validly
The attitude of me about serving the employees in IT support was initiative, assertive and friendly. Met all the demand in the certain scope, such as: established the mail server , managed the computer account, installed the software、virus protected、recovered the data. The feedback of the employees is the best proof of my capability. I found it was difficult to deal with the computer in line cutting department for the operation system was very old and some equipment had been aging and damaged
All of the operate system that we used were Microsoft windows, the management mod belonged to Active Directory infrastructure. We could use this service to centrally manage users, groups, shared folders, and network resources, and to administer the user environment and software with Group Policy. But at the same time Windows OS had more opportunity of attacked by virus and been unsteady so the computer would work more and more slow. The hardware was also the one big reason. As a result, we could feel the employee’s dissatisfied emotion well. We believed that we could resolve the problem of this aspect by training continuously, this was also the plan of our next action.
I monitored the two servers in schedule, updated the software, administrated the fileserver, and handled various urgent situations in time, ensuring them running smoothly, troubleshooting. We had some difficult problems as follow
1. The upgrade of two servers hardware that included Hard Disk, System Memory, Network Adapter, Tap Drive. The proposal of these upgrades were according to the safety, stability, effect
2. The policy of files backup did not complete, but it was very important to our company, the main reason was lacked of the hardware support and I had brought forward a proposal about this
3. The network design of the company was confusion that many problems would be made.
4. Established the VPN Server. This service can make the customer connected to the KingDee Server easily regardless where he was. Also it was convenient for the information transmission from Guanchong factory to NanSha factory by the VPN Server.
NanSha cabling project implementation. My main work was to assist the project implementation such as: Surveillance System and Broadcast System, I needed to go to the present and locate the equipment. But the progress of this project was slow by illegibility consultation
Draw up the project about purchasing the network equipments, network server to make the company network run safety and stabilize such as: Router, computer, firewall
At last, I want to say various systems of company were setting up; the job was filled with challenge which was good for me, I liked here also I would try my best to make the company better and better.
Prepared by: Crazy.liang IT Engineer Date:2006-07-27


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