SCA最早是由IBM、BEA、Oracle、SAP四大家发起的规范,现在已经有18家成员加入了此规范,包括SUN; JBI是由SUN主导的规范;区别如下(偶在国外的一个论坛上摘来的,就不翻译了,还是原汁原味的好) :
1. Supporters of SCA view JBI as a Java Platform standard that can be helpful in implementing SCA on the Java platform.
2. Supporters of JBI view SCA as providing additional service metadata that can help simplify and standardize service composition within the Java Platform and between the Java Platform and other platforms.
3. Both SCA and JBI are focused on helping developers construct and compose services so it is natural to assume that they are competitors; however, this is not the case. While both can be used separately, they are also effective to use together because they focus on different aspects of the larger service composition problem.
4. The reason this is possible is that SCA and JBI target different audiences. The SCA specifications target end users. They describe how to implement, assemble and deploy applications composed from services. As such, the target audience for these specifications is people working in the roles of developer, assembler and deployer respectively.
5. SCA allows multiple technologies to be used to implement services (e.g. Java, BPEL, C++) and multiple bindings for communicating with services (e.g. Web services or JMS). However, SCA does not describe how you would introduce a new implementation type or new binding into a runtime. This is exactly where JBI is targeted.
6. JBI is a Java Platform integration 'micro kernel' standard that provides an open architecture in support of multi-vendor Java Composite Application Platform tools and infrastructure. It defines a set of service provider interfaces for middleware providers to implement if they want to install new service engines (which correspond to SCA's implementation types) or binding components (which correspond to SCA's bindings) into a JBI-compliant runtime.
【SOA思想及其应用技术】 SOA,即Service-Oriented Architecture,是一种软件架构模式,它的核心理念是将复杂的业务逻辑...JBI和SCA等技术则是SOA理念的具体实施工具,为企业构建更高效、更具弹性的IT架构提供了基础。
面对这些竞争阵营,周博士建议国内厂商采取"中庸之道",像同方ezONE平台那样,重点支持XML、ESB(Enterprise Service Bus,企业服务总线)和SOAP,同时兼容JBI,部分采用SCA/SDO和JBI的理念,并结合Java EE和Web ...
Apache Camel uses URIs to work directly with any kind of Transport or messaging model such as HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA or CXF, as well as pluggable Components and Data Format options....
Apache Camel 采用URI来描述各种组件,这样你可以很方便地与各种传输或者消息模块进行交互,其中包含的模块有 HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA or CXF Bus API。 这些模块是采用可插拔的方式进行工作的。Apache...
CXF支持多种模型,包括JAX-WS(Java API for XML Web Services),JBI(Java Business Integration),SCA(Service Component Architecture)以及CORBA服务,为开发者提供了丰富的选择。 在CXF中,服务是基于WSDL...
此外,OSOA(Open SOA Collaboration)发布了SCA(Service Component Architecture)v1.0,定义了服务构件模型和服务组装模型,允许在多种编程语言中实现。 【SOA设计方法】:面向服务不仅仅是一种理念,更是一种...
此外,它还具有高度的灵活性,可以部署在Spring基础的容器、JBI、SCA、Servlet和J2EE容器中。 在开始使用CXF开发Web服务之前,需要确保安装和配置好相应的库文件。对于本文档中提到的2.6.1版本,你需要从Apache CXF...
- **SCA/JBI服务组装模型** - SCA (Service Component Architecture): 定义了一个语言中立的服务组件模型,用于构建、部署和管理SOA应用。 - JBI (Java Business Integration): Java环境下的一种服务组装框架,...
7. **集成与连接器**:ServiceMix支持与各种外部系统的集成,如遗留系统、数据库、Web服务等,这主要通过使用不同类型的连接器(Connectors)来实现,如JBI(Java Business Integration)连接器。 8. **MindManager...
- **SCDL (Service Component Definition Language)**:一种用于描述服务组件的标准语言,是SCA的核心组成部分之一。 #### 四、部分开源实现 1. **Tuscany** - **概述**:Apache Tuscany是一个开源项目,致力于...
Apache Camel通过URI使用,使其能够轻松地直接与各种传输层或消息模型(如HTTP、ActiveMQ、JMS、JBI、SCA、MINA或CXF Bus API)协同工作,并且支持可插拔的数据格式选项。这一特性使得Apache Camel成为一个小型库,...