However, the screenshot shows that you are trying to get a property ("content") which is not included in the class UserIdentity.
Have you added some kind of watch expression over "content"?
Boil, on 04 May 2013 - 02:35 AM, said:
First of all I'd like to say hello, since I am a new member of the forum! I have to say that I have a great respect for all the yii framework creators and supporters.
I was trying to debug the Blog tutorial app and faced the following problem:
After I set breakpoint it works fine (it goes to the place I set and shows variable values and stuff), but trying to step over (or step in) a code line it brings me to
So I tried to put multiple breakpoints and "run" between them, but then i get the following report (attachment).
Any clue how to reconfigure netbeans/xdebug/php.ini ?
Netbeans and xdebug without yii works like a charm.
First of all I'd like to say hello, since I am a new member of the forum! I have to say that I have a great respect for all the yii framework creators and supporters.
I was trying to debug the Blog tutorial app and faced the following problem:
After I set breakpoint it works fine (it goes to the place I set and shows variable values and stuff), but trying to step over (or step in) a code line it brings me to
publicfunction handleException($exception){...}.
So I tried to put multiple breakpoints and "run" between them, but then i get the following report (attachment).
Any clue how to reconfigure netbeans/xdebug/php.ini ?
Netbeans and xdebug without yii works like a charm.
- `xdebug.mode` 参数允许你开启不同的调试模式,例如 `develop`(开发工具)、`debug`(调试)、`coverage`(代码覆盖率)和 `gcstats`(垃圾收集统计)等。在进行调试时,通常将 `xdebug.mode` 设为 `debug`。 3...
**Xdebug Helper 调试插件详解** Xdebug Helper 是一款专为 PHP 开发者设计的浏览器扩展,尤其在谷歌浏览器和360浏览器上得到了广泛应用。它为程序员提供了强大的调试工具,使得在Web开发过程中能更有效地定位并...
**Xdebug Helper Chrome 插件详解** Xdebug Helper 是一款专为 PHP 开发者设计的 Chrome 浏览器扩展,它能够与 PHP IDE(如 PhpStorm)无缝集成,帮助开发者进行调试工作,查找并修复代码中的错误。这款插件极大地...
**PHPStorm调试神器:Xdebug Helper 1.4.3** 在PHP开发中,调试是不可或缺的一个环节,它可以帮助开发者追踪代码执行流程,查找错误,优化性能。PHPStorm作为一款强大的PHP集成开发环境(IDE),提供了丰富的调试...
xdebug.show_exception_trace=On xdebug.show_local_vars=1 xdebug.max_nesting_level=50 xdebug.var_display_max_depth=6 xdebug.dump_once=On xdebug.dump_globals=On xdebug.dump_undefined=On xdebug....
This extension is very useful for PHP developers that are using PHP tools with Xdebug support like PHPStorm, Eclipse with PDT, Netbeans and MacGDBp or any other Xdebug compatible profiling tool like ...
PHPStorm 配置 Xdebug 环境 在 PHP 开发中,DEBUG 环境的配置是非常重要的,能让开发者更方便地 debug 代码,提高开发效率。在这篇文章中,我们将介绍如何使用 PHPStorm 和 phpStudy 配置 Xdebug 环境,来实现 PHP ...
### Xdebug配置与PHPStorm配置详解 #### 一、Xdebug简介及下载 Xdebug是一款强大的PHP扩展,主要用于提供PHP代码的调试与性能分析功能。它通过与IDE(如PHPStorm)结合,使得开发人员能够方便地进行断点调试、性能...
使用Xdebug Helper时,开发者首先需要在PHPStorm等IDE中配置Xdebug,然后在Chrome浏览器中安装并启用插件。当访问PHP脚本时,点击插件图标,可以快速启动或停止Xdebug调试会话。此外,插件还支持自定义触发条件,如...
xdebug.profiler_enable=on xdebug.trace_output_dir="I:\Projects\xdebug" xdebug.profiler_output_dir="I:\Projects\xdebug" 后面的目录“I:\Projects\xdebug”为你想要放置Xdebug输出的数据文件的目录,可自由...
如果请求参数有误,XDEBUG会显示异常信息和trace信息,帮助你定位问题所在。 总的来说,通过正确配置和整合PHPSTORM、XMAPP和XDEBUG,你可以构建一个强大的PHP本地开发环境,有效地进行代码调试和性能分析,提升...
xdebug 安装,调试 版本php7.3.4
在Eclipse中,你需要安装XDebug透视图(如PHP Debug)并配置相应的调试设置,包括IDE Key、主机和端口,以匹配`php.ini`中的设置。 4. **调试与分析**:配置完成后,你可以通过在代码中设置断点,启动Eclipse的调试...
二、服务器端安装 xdebug 1. 宝塔面板进入 PHP 管理,选择安装扩展,然后选择 xdebug 并点击安装。 2. 查看安装是否成功,可以在宝塔面板进入 PHP 管理,查看 phpinfo() 信息的底部,查找 xdebug 相关信息。 3. ...
这里,`zend_extension`指定Xdebug扩展的路径,`xdebug.remote_enable`开启远程调试,`xdebug.idekey`是IDE的标识符,`xdebug.remote_host`和`xdebug.remote_port`分别设置调试服务器的主机名和端口。 3. **配置...
xdebug.mode=debug xdebug.client_host=localhost xdebug.client_port=9003 xdebug.idekey="VSCODE" # 如果使用VSCode,此处应改为你的IDEkey ``` 路径`/path/to/`需替换为实际的Xdebug扩展位置,`client_...