1. I need to stop off somewhere first.
—— stop off 意思是中途停留。
2. Any chances you could not tell him this is where I went?
—— Any chances 摆在句首表示一种委婉的请求,但又没有Would you please...那么客套,很适合口语使用。
4. Do people have arch-enemies?
—— arch-enemy,字幕组翻译成“魔王”,也可以译为“头号敌人”、“宿敌”一类。
5. Pity, we could have split the fee.
——could have, 表示本可以、但却没能做成的事儿。和would have, should have类似,还记得sex and the city里有一集就叫"shouda, coulda, woulda"吗?
6. I must have blacked out.
——black out,昏迷
7. So obviously he'd feel compelled to get rid of it.
——comepelled to do sth. 迫切地要做某事儿;get rid of,甩掉、丢掉,不仅可以跟物品、也可以表示摆脱某人。
1. What is your connection to Sherlock Holmes?
——话说这是无数谍战片、匪类片、八点档的经典台词啊!“说!你和XX是什么关系!?” 适用于拷问国民党特务、地下党先烈、还有小三……偏题了,反正用英语就是这么的说啦!
要注意的是:这里用connection这个字表达“关系”时,连词要用to,并且注意华生的回答是“I don't have one.”;而如果你想用relationship,那连词要改成with。
2. ...but I think it's none of your business.
——It's none of your business. 也可以说成 It's not your business. 也是可以用来撂狠话的一句表达。(神哪……这个笔记都在教大家神马……)
3. If you DO move into 221B Baker Street, I'd be happy to pay you a meaningful sum of money on a regular basis to ease your way.
——on a regular basis,意思是定期做某事;ease your way,在这里可以理解为让你以后的生活都好过点,因为之前提及华生并不富裕。
4. Most people...blunder around this city...
——blunder本身有“跌跌撞撞地走”的意思,字幕组这里把blunder around翻译成庸庸碌碌,可谓神来之笔!
5. You are not haunted by the war...
——be haunted by sth. 被某事困扰。haunt本身就有“思想、回忆缠绕心头”的意思。
. Wasn't a difficult leap.
2. ...got my eye on a nice little place in central London...
——字幕组这里把"got my eye on"翻译成“找到了”,私以为翻成“看中了、相中了”更为确切。
3. Got to dash.
——英版的"gotta go"。dash本身是猛冲、飞奔的意思。
4. I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary.
5. ...more likely because he recently walked out on his wife.
——walk out on sb. 抛弃某人。
6. Well, obviously I can erm...straighten things up a bit.
——straighten things up, 收拾、整理东西。
7. Oh, don't worry. There's all sorts round here.
——sort本身是种类的意思,all sorts这里表示各种各样的人——显然误会福尔摩斯和华生的不止俺们观众……关于sort这个字还有一个很好用的俗语叫:It takes all sorts. ——可以翻译为“林子大了什么鸟儿都有。”
1. Something cold will do.
——"something will do"这个句型比"something would be nice"要随性一点,在口语中很好用。
2. But you're more the sitting-down type, I can tell.
——sitting-down type,沉稳的人。
3. Cup of tea'd be lovely.
4. I'll skip the tea. Off out.
——skip,跳过的意思;off out,表示“走了”,经常可以听到上级对下面的人说"Off you go." 意思就是“散了吧”或者“该干嘛干嘛去”。
5. Means when the police are out of their depth, which is always, they consult me.
——"be out of depth"的解释是"to not have the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with a particular subject or situation",简单说就是"搞不定了、玩儿不转了、找不到方向了"。
6. Not your father, this is a young man's gadget...unlikely you've got an extended family...
——gadget,意思是小玩意儿、精巧的小装置;extended family,大家族,指那种包括了堂兄表妹在内的家族。
1. It’s not a pillow fight. 不是小孩子小打小闹。
2. I was wide open. 我已经露出破绽。
3. I might injure you. 我可能会伤到你(指身体上)
4. You had the advantage, you can’t afford to hesitate. 你已经领先了,还犹豫什么?
5. Try your hardest 尽自己最大力量
6. I’m certain it isn’t. 我肯定不是这样的
7. Any time you want to swap places, just let me know. 要是你什么时候想交换角色,随时告诉我
8. roam the forests 在森林里游荡
9. I leave for Beijing in the morning. 我明天早上去北京。
10. My duty to family comes first. 我的首要职责是保护家。
11. If you want to pass as a peasant, you should probably carry your own bag. 如果你想装扮成农民,你或许得自己拿包。
12. I was there in person. 当时我在场。
13. He is blinded by grief. 他被悲痛冲昏了头脑。
14. He is heading for Camelot as we speak. 我们说话这会他正在前往甘美罗的路上。
15. If you really can’t cope without your big bed and your soft pillows…. 如果你受不了没有大床和软枕头的话………..
16. You’re getting the hang of it. 你开始掌握其中的诀窍了。
17. What business do you have in the King’s palace? 你来王宫干啥?
18. I pride myself as fair and just king. 我自诩是公平正直的君主。
19. You would share my tears. 我也要你尝尝我的痛苦。
20. I’m gonna throw up. 我要吐了。
21. No girls until I get my career in gear. 在事业腾飞之前我不找女友。
22. There is no room for the magic in my house. 在我的家里没有魔法无法容身。
23. Pleasure’s all mine. 万分荣幸
24. How was your journey? 旅途如何?
25. There is a small price to pay. 付出点代价。
26. I can take you apart with one blow. 我吹口气就能把你大卸八块。
27. You can’t address me like that. 你不能用这种语气和我说话。
28. I can’t put my figure on it. 我说不上那是什么。
29. Have you seen the stage of this room? 看看这房间成了什么样子?
30. A debt must be repaid. 欠债还钱。
1. No one’s called about a missing person? 没人打电话找失踪的人么?
2. Near that hotel renovation. 在改造的那个旅馆附近。
3. Call it a hunch. 算是直觉吧。
4. possums 负鼠,袋貂
5. rabies 狂犬病
6. Possums carry rabies.
7. I just ran into Sid. 我刚刚碰见西德了。
8. spidey sense 疑神疑鬼
9. I got worked up over nothing. 我瞎紧张了。无中生有。
10. ocd thing 强迫症
11. Careful is my middle name。我一直很小心。
12. Apocalypse 天启
13. sniff the trail 追踪线索
14. I sure had fun patting you around。我很享受牵着你鼻子走的感觉。
15. Add a little spice to your life。给你们的生活增加点乐趣。
16. after all we have been through together。在我们共同经历了这么多事情后。
17. brainy 聪明; pal 朋友
18. You can not outrun your past。你逃避不了过去的。
19. Did you lose the ability to send a friggin text Message。你不能发条短信么?
20. you were flying solo。你自己单干。
21. resurrection 复活;doornail 门钉; garage 车库;djinn 巨灵;hermit-type 隐居型
22. you have no leads。你们没有线索。
23. Sam was adamant about leaving you out。萨姆执意不肯把你牵扯进来。
24. Please don’t touch the décor。不要乱碰。
25. i showed up on their doorstep half out of my head with grief。满脑子的伤痛出现在他们家门口。
26. bust you out 让你出局。Crotchety 唠叨
27. I am gonna stick my neck out。我打算豁出去了。
28. exsanguinate 抽血
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