今天在自己的项目里试了一下rails 的 text_field_with_auto_complete.
返回的数据也对,而且firebug,server log都没有什么错误报告。
text_field, div , javascript, server 端的method都写好了。
于是试了一下ie 6 和 ie 7,发现两种方法都可以工作。
实在不明白firefox 和 ie 的内核到底有什么不同。但是同样的rhtml却生成了不同的html.
<%# codecite autocomplete %>
<p><label for="user_favorite_language">Favorite language</label><br/>
<%= text_field 'user', 'favorite_language' %></p>
<div class="auto_complete"
<%= auto_complete_field :user_favorite_language,
:url=>{:action=>'autocomplete_favorite_language'}, :tokens => ',' %>
<%# codecite autocomplete %>
html in IE:
<p><label for="user_favorite_language">Favorite language</label><br/>
<input id="user_favorite_language" name="user[favorite_language]" size="30" type="text" value="java" /></p>
<div class="auto_complete"
<script type="text/javascript">
var user_favorite_language_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('user_favorite_language', 'user_favorite_language_auto_complete', '/user/autocomplete_favorite_language', {tokens:','})
html in Firefox:
<p><label for="user_favorite_language">Favorite language</label><br/>
<input type="text" value="java" size="30" name="user[favorite_language]" id="user_favorite_language" autocomplete="off"/><p>
<div class="auto_complete"
<script type="text/javascript">
var user_favorite_language_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('user_favorite_language', 'user_favorite_language_auto_complete', '/user/autocomplete_favorite_language', {tokens:','})
firefox里多了一个 autocomplete=off。不知道为什么会这样。
- 2007-09-14 04:50
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for complete file and selected block (only if block is currently selected) - Data inspector to view decoded numbers - Built-in script interpreter! Refer to online help for details - Easily works ...
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Planning note If you're already using the library, I'm looking at redesigning some of the core...TokenAutoComplete is an Android Gmail style token auto-complete text field and filter. It's designed to ha
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matched snippet highlighting, field collapsing and search results grouping, spell checking, query auto-complete, querying by functions, and more. RETAIL SELLING POINTS Clearly-written comprehensive ...
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39. Display Rich Text fields in a view 86 40. Auto-Launch a file attachment 87 41. Showing a response count without showing the responses 89 42. 常用的几个按钮收集 91 43. 在WEB上从视图删除文档技巧 93 ...
39. Display Rich Text fields in a view 86 40. Auto-Launch a file attachment 87 41. Showing a response count without showing the responses 89 42. 常用的几个按钮收集 91 43. 在WEB上从视图删除...
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Display Rich Text fields in a view - **展示方法**: 通过配置视图列公式来显示富文本字段的内容。 #### 40. Auto-Launch a file attachment - **启动方法**: 在视图中配置列公式,使得点击附件时自动下载或打开...