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解决Unsupported major.minor version 49.0问题(转)

  • java


1. java -version 看显示的JDK版本
3. 查看注册表,修改注册表HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft下的关于1.4的jre和jvm的路径信息改为1.5的jdk的即可。

Each java class has a version stamp, older versions have lower numbers. The JVM is backward compatible, so older classes also run in a newer JVM. Version ranges are as follows:

Java 1.1 platform: 45.3-45.65535
Java 1.2 platform: 45.3-46.0
Java 1.3 platform: 45.3-47.0
Java 1.4 platform: 45.3-48.0

Java 5 class files are stamped with 49.0, and the JVM is also backward compatible. So, a 1.3 class file will run in a 1.5 JVM, but not the other way round. That's the reason for the original problem. None of us would be able to run Struts in an 1.4 or 1.5 JVM if it were otherwise, as the binaries are 1.3 versions, IIRC. Apart from that, Sun has been very careful when it comes to JVM version compatibility, much more than in other parts,
Serialization would be a prominent example here. IIRC there were no changes to the class format in 1.2 and 1.3, possibly including 1.1 even. The changes made in 1.5 were mostly required by the extended type system (Generics | 'type erasure'). Another aspect of backward compatibility is the usage of features in the Foundation Classes; this lib has steadily grown over the years. If a class files has dependencies on other
classes only available in a more recent version, trying to do so will end up in a ClassNotFound exception, but thats just what is to be expected. An example for that would be Tomcat 5.5: normally, it requires Java 5, but you can install a compatibility package that provides the missing features and makes it run in a 1.4 setup.

1 楼 hanmiao 2012-01-05  
今天就犯了这个错误,用1.5版本的JDK编译出來的jar运行在1.4的JVM上,服务器启动正常,但是运行时报出了非常莫名其妙的错误,一顿好找,最后看到了一句unsupported major version,脑子秀逗了。



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