One important characteristic of a framework is that the methods defined by the user to tailor the framework will often be called from within the framework itself, rather than from the user‘s application code. The framework often plays the role of the main program in coordinating and sequencing application activity. This inversion of control gives frameworks the power to serve as extensible skeletons. The methods supplied by the user tailor the generic algorithms defined in the framework for a particular application.
--Ralph Johnson and Brian Foote
characteristic model is established and adopted for the controller designed instead of using the traditional mechanism model. The recursive least square (RLS) algorithm is used to identify time-...
As the complexity of commercial cellular networks the feasibility of the framework for providing the correct root cause of anomalies and possibly ranking the problems by their severity.
TSP预测的特点主要集中在多分量地震勘探的应用领域,其能够获取比传统地震勘探更多的信息,尤其在隧道建设中作为一项重要辅助技术。TSP(Tunnel Seismic Prediction)是一种三分量地震勘探方法,它能够连续地记录...
Sub-Poissonian shot noise indicates a suppression of the noise level below the Poissonian limit, which is characteristic of classical current fluctuations. 5. **Reflectionless Tunneling into a ...
Hyperspectral unmixing is one of the most important techniques in analyzing hyperspectral images, which decomposes a mixed pixel into a collection of constituent materials weighted by their ...
Based on chaotic neural network, a multiple chaotic neural network ... By analyzing the dynamic characteristic and the influence of cooling schedule in simulated annealing, a flexible parameter tuni
Enhancement of antireflection characteristic of resonant sinusoidal grating
This will have to possess n Characteristic Columns describing n, being the last column indicating the classroom, and also each one of the samples for line must possess n Line indicating. The Problem ...
Two kinds of Nb-doped silica fibers, an NbCl5-doped fiber and an Nb2O5-doped fiber, are fabricated and characterized in this Letter.... As a result, the Raman gain coefficients of the Nb-doped s
主客体掺杂的偶氮类聚合物薄膜的制备过程对全光极化特性的影响,谭静,李爱东, 采用旋转甩膜法制备了主客体掺杂型的偶氮类聚合物薄膜,构成薄膜的光学活性生色团包括分散红1、分散红19、分散红54、分散红73,基�
Experience Report: A Characteristic Study on Out of Memory Errors in Distributed Data-Parallel Applications
《光伏特性曲线模型——pv_characteristic_Curve.mdl深入解析》 在光伏能源领域,了解光伏电池的特性曲线是至关重要的,因为这直接影响到太阳能系统的效率和优化设计。本篇文章将详细探讨标题为“pv_characteristic...
Dissection of the potential characteristic of miRNA–miRNA functional synergistic regulations
在给定的文件信息中,我们可以提取出以下与“非对称孤岛工作面覆岩运动特征的微震监测研究”相关的知识点: 1. 微震监测技术:微震监测技术是一种用于监测地下矿山在开采过程中由于岩体内部应力重新分布导致的破裂...
Benzoic acid as a source of proton is widely used in the technology of manufacture of proton exchanged (PE) waveguide .But the diffusing speed of proton is too fast to make the waveguide stable in the...