该文件可以用于解决启动verdi后的报错,verdi/platform/LINUXAMD64/bin/ Novas: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 注意适用于64...
LSIP200233342 (DFCT) Error message displayed while deleting all ld's in MegaCLI, SLESS11 sp2 LSIP200232922 (DFCT) MegaCLI misspell the word "package" as "pakage" under ctrl version and it does not ...
[3053542] 64 bit mode: far-jmp instruction is error [3011112] error compile vs2008/2010 with X2APIC [3002017] compile error with vs 2010 [3009767] guest RFLAGS.IF blocks externel interrupt in VMX ...
该文件可以用于解决启动verdi后的报错,verdi/platform/LINUXAMD64/bin/ Novas: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 注意适用于64...
qt creator 2.8.1安装程序。可以在ubuntu上面进行安装。安装时修改qt-creator-linux-x86_64-opensource-2.8.1.run 具有可执行权限,然后使用./qt-creator-linux-x86_64-opensource-2.8.1.run进行安装
2、如果报错:syntax error near unexpected token,执行:sed -i 's/\r$//' linuxinspect.sh) 支持linux系统(centos)进行自动化的安全检测,包括账号策略检查、重要文件权限检查、ssh配置检查、日志检查等。 ...
不幸的是,这种方法遇到了一个语法错误,提示"Syntax error: "(" unexpected",这可能是因为脚本中的某些语法与当前系统环境不兼容,或者文件本身存在格式问题。由于用户对脚本内容不熟悉,这种方法未能成功。 为了...
objs/autotest: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected bytes ./configure: error: cannot detect int size ``` - **错误来源:** `auto/unix` -> ngx_type="int"; .auto/types/sizeof -> eval "$ngx_test >> $NGX_...
LSIP200233342 (DFCT) Error message displayed while deleting all ld's in MegaCLI, SLESS11 sp2 LSIP200232922 (DFCT) MegaCLI misspell the word "package" as "pakage" under ctrl version and it does not ...
[3053542] 64 bit mode: far-jmp instruction is error [3011112] error compile vs2008/2010 with X2APIC [3002017] compile error with vs 2010 [3009767] guest RFLAGS.IF blocks externel interrupt in VMX ...