Amazon Ec2终于支持持久化数据了,取名叫EBS(Amazon Elastic Block Store),马上就去尝试,再补上使用心得
Dear AWS Developer,
We are pleased to announce the release of a significant new Amazon EC2 feature, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), which provides persistent storage for your Amazon EC2 instances. With Amazon EBS, storage volumes can be programmatically created, attached to Amazon EC2 instances, and if even more durability is desired, can be backed with a snapshot to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
Prior to Amazon EBS, block storage within an Amazon EC2 instance was tied to the instance itself so that when the instance was terminated, the data within the instance was lost. Now with Amazon EBS, users can chose to allocate storage volumes that persist reliably and independently from Amazon EC2 instances. Amazon EBS volumes can be created in any size between 1 GB and 1 TB, and multiple volumes can be attached to a single instance. Additionally, for even more durable backups and an easy way to create new volumes, Amazon EBS provides the ability to create point-in-time, consistent snapshots of volumes that are then stored to Amazon S3.
Amazon EBS is well suited for databases, as well as many other applications that require running a file system or access to raw block-level storage. As Amazon EC2 instances are started and stopped, the information saved in your database or application is preserved in much the same way it is with traditional physical servers. Amazon EBS can be accessed through the latest Amazon EC2 APIs, and is now available in public beta.
For more information on Amazon EBS and detail on how to start using this feature, please see the resources listed below:
* Amazon EC2 Detail Page and Pricing
* Amazon EC2 Developers Guide
* Release Notes
We hope you enjoy this new feature and we look forward to your feedback.
The Amazon EC2 team
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在 AWS (Amazon Web Services) 平台上,Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) 是一种持久性的块存储服务,常用于支持 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) 实例的数据存储。本教程将详细讲解如何使用 AWS Java SDK 来...
EBS(Elastic Block Store)是Amazon Web Services (AWS) 提供的一种持久性的块级存储服务,主要用于Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) 实例。EBS卷提供了高性能、可扩展的存储,支持多种用途,例如操作系统镜像、...
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Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)是AWS的一项服务,提供持久性的块级存储卷,可用于Amazon EC2实例,支持数据持久化和高性能的工作负载。 mypy-boto3-ebs库结合了mypy和boto3的功能,为EBS提供类型安全的接口。这...
EBS是AWS的一项服务,提供持久性的块级存储卷,常用于EC2实例的存储需求。 mypy_boto3_ebs则是对boto3库的扩展,专门为EBS服务增加了类型注解。这意味着开发者在使用mypy_boto3_ebs操作EBS时,不仅能得到boto3提供...
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EBS是AWS的一种弹性块存储服务,主要用于存储操作系统、数据文件和应用程序,通常与Amazon EC2实例配合使用。Boto3库使得开发者可以轻松地创建、配置和管理EBS卷,执行快照操作,以及进行其他相关任务。 mypy_boto3...
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EBS(Elastic Block Store)是AWS的一种块级存储服务,主要用来存储EC2实例的数据,提供高性能、持久化的磁盘卷。它可以用于创建启动实例的根设备、附加到运行中的实例或者用于数据备份。 `mypy_boto3_ebs`库的主要...
在IT行业中,Amazon EBS是Amazon Web Services (AWS) 提供的一种存储服务,用于支持EC2实例或其他AWS服务。它提供持久性的块级存储卷,可以用于运行操作系统、应用程序数据或数据库。 标签 "JavaScript" 指出这个...
例如,在 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 上部署时,可以通过使用 Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) 来解决单点问题,而 EC2 实例则提供计算能力,EBS 云存储则解决了数据持久化的问题。 4. **私有云环境部署**:通过资源...
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在AWS生态系统中,Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) 是一种为Amazon EC2实例提供持久性块存储服务的产品。然而,管理EBS卷的成本可能会成为一项挑战,特别是在处理大量卷时。AWS Step Functions 提供了一种解决这个...
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An EBS volume cannot be attached to more than one EC2 instance at the same time. This limitation exists due to the nature of block storage and the way data is written to volumes. However, there are ...
1. **Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store)**: AWS 提供的一种持久性的块级存储服务,适用于 EC2 实例或其他需要高性能、低延迟存储的应用场景。EBS 卷可以随时挂载和卸载,并且支持快照功能,便于数据备份和恢复。 2....
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