总结git rebase:这是一个 更改历史 的操作,所以不要指望你改了历史然后就顺利把你篡改够的历史提交上去。
PS:pro git 上的一句话:
会嘲笑你,唾弃你。” 看到这句话你大概就知道该怎么用了。至少不会用坏。
OK, I thought this was a simple git scenario, what am I missing?
I have a master
branch and a feature
branch. I do some work on master
, some on feature
, and then some more on master
. I end up with something like this (lexicographic order implies order of commits):
I have no problem to git push origin master
to keep the remote master
updated, nor with git push origin feature
(when on feature
) in order to maintain a remote backup for my feature
work. Up until now, we're good.
But now I wanna rebase feature
on top of the F--G
commits on master, so I git co feature
and git rebase master
. Still good. Now we have:
(yeah, I know, it's actually D'
and E'
Problem: the moment I want to backup the new rebased feature
branched with git push origin feature
, the push is rejected since the tree has changed due to the rebasing. This can only be solved with git push --force origin feature
I hate using --force
without being sure I need it. So, do I need it? Does the rebasing necessarilyimply that the next push
should be --force
This feature branch is not shared with any other devs, so I have no problem de facto with the forced push, I'm not gonna lose any data, the question is more conceptual.
The problem is that git push
assumes that remote branch can be fast-forwarded to your local branch, that is that all the difference between local and remote branches is in local having some new commits at the end like that:
Z--X--R <- origin/some-branch (can be fast-forwarded to Y commit)
T--Y <- some-branch
When you perform git rebase
commits D and E are applied to new base and new commits are created. That means after rebase you have smth like that:
A--B--C------F--G--D'--E' <- feature-branch
D--E <- origin/feature-branch
In that situation remote branch can't be fast-forwarded to local. Though, theoretically local branch can be merged into remote (obviously you don't need it in that case), but as git push
performs only fast-forward merges it throws and error.
And what --force
option does is just ignoring state of remote branch and setting it to the commit you're pushing into it. So git push --force origin feature-branch
simply overridesorigin/feature-branch
with local feature-branch
In my opinion, rebasing feature branches on master
and force-pushing them back to remote repository is ok as long as you're the only one who works on that branch.
One solution to this is to do what msysGit's rebasing merge script does - after the rebase, merge in the old head of feature
with -s ours
. You end up with the commit graph:
A--B--C------F--G (master)
\ \
\ D'--E' (feature)
\ /
\ --
\ /
D--E (old-feature)
... and your push of feature
will be a fast-forward.
In other words, you can do:
git checkout feature
git branch old-feature
git rebase master
git merge -s ours old-feature
git push origin feature
(Not tested, but I think that's right...)
What is wrong with a git merge master
on the feature
branch? This will preserve the work you had, while keeping it separate from the mainline branch.
\ \
Edit: Ah sorry did not read your problem statement. You will need force as you performed a rebase
. All commands that modify the history will need the --force
argument. This is a failsafe to prevent you from losing work (the old D
and E
would be lost).
So you performed a git rebase
which made the tree look like (although partially hidden as D
are no longer in a named branch):
\ \
D--E D'--E'
So, when trying to push your new feature
branch (with D'
and E'
in it), you would lose D
and E
Other's have answered your question. If you rebase a branch you will need to force to push that branch.
Rebase and a shared repository generally do not get along. This is rewriting history. If others are using that branch or have branched from that branch then rebase will be quite unpleasant.
In general, rebase works well for local branch management. Remote branch management works best with explicit merges (--no-ff).
We also avoid merging master into a feature branch. Instead we rebase to master but with a new branch name (e.g adding a version suffix). This avoids the problem of rebasing in the shared repository.
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