特别是 类型擦除,直接字节码里把所有的类型都变成了object,简直无语.
You cannot instantiate a type represented only as a type parameter, nor can you create an array of such a type. So for a type variable T you can't do newT() or newT[n] .
You cannot create an array whose element type is a parameterized type, with the exception of a parameterized type for which all the type arguments are unbounded wildcards. For example, "newList<String>[1] " is invalid, whereas "newList<?>[1] " is okay.
You cannot use instanceof to see if an object is an instance of a parameterized type, again with the exception of a parameterized type whose type arguments are all unbounded wildcards. The instanceof test is a runtime test, and at runtime the parameterized type has been replaced by its erasure. Since this is unlikely to perform the test you expected, the compiler rejects it. You can replace the parameterized type by its erasure if that is what you really wanted to test.
Casts involving type parameters or parameterized types are replaced with casts to the erasure of that type (see discussion below).
A catch clause cannot declare that it catches an exception represented by a type variableeven if the bound on that type variable is an exception type. The exact type of the exception must be known at compile time. (You can throw an exception so referenced, however, and you can declare the type variable in a method's throw clause.)
A generic class is not allowed to directly or indirectly extend Throwable. Given that you can't catch generic exceptions there is little point in being able to declare them.
You cannot use a parameterized type in a class literal expression (such as SingleLinkQueue<String>.class). This reinforces that there is but one class object.
public class DecimalString implements Comparable<Number>, Comparable<String>
使用范型大家可以记住这条规则就好了 。
The Get and Put Principle: use an extends wildcard when you only get values out of a structure, use a super wildcard when you only put values into a structure, and don't use a wildcard when you both get and put.
大家还可以看看 布老大的这篇文章,也能加深下理解。
Java 范型Java 范型
### Java范型攻略篇:深度解析与应用 #### 一、引言:Java范型的引入 在Java的发展历程中,范型(Generics)的引入标志着语言设计上的一个重要里程碑。自Java 1.5发布以来,范型成为了Java语言的重要特性之一,极...
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Java泛型是Java 5版本引入的一个重要特性,极大地增强了代码的类型安全性和可读性。泛型允许我们在编写代码时指定容器(如List、Set、Map等集合类)能够存储的数据类型,从而避免了不必要的类型转换,并在编译时期就...
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Java 泛型是一种强大的语言特性,它在J2SE 5.0中引入,极大地提升了代码的类型安全性和效率。泛型允许我们在编写类、接口和方法时指定一种或多种类型参数,使得代码能够处理多种数据类型,同时避免了运行时的类型...
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范型参考 (1).java
范型参考 (2).java
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