Jack Wu
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Background Processing

RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor
SM36 Schedule Background Job
SM36WIZ Job definition wizard
SM37 Overview of job selection
SM37B Simple version of job selection
SM37BAK Old SM37 backup
SM37C Flexible version of job selection
SM39 Job Analysis
SM65 Background Processing Analysis Tool
SMX Display Own Jobs
RZ15 Read XMI log
SM61 Backgroup control objects monitor
SM61B New control object management

System Monitoring

SM50 Work Process Overview
SM51 List of SAP Systems
SM66 Systemwide Work Process Overview
STDA Debugger display/control (server)
SMMS Message Server Monitor
RZ02 Network Graphics for SAP Instances
RZ03 Presentation, Control SAP Instances
RZ04 Maintain SAP Instances
RZ06 Alerts Thresholds Maintenance
RZ08 SAP Alert Monitor
SM35 Batch Input Monitoring
RZ20 CCMS Monitoring
RZ21 CCMS Monitoring Arch. Customizing
RZ23 Performance database monitor
RZ23N Central Performance History
RZ25 Start Tools for a TID
RZ26 Start Methods for an Alert
RZ27 Start RZ20 for a Monitor
RZ27_SECURITY MiniApp? CCMS Alerts Security
RZ28 Start Alert Viewer for Monitor
ST22 ABAP dump analysis
ST22OLD Old Dump Analysis

Performance Analysis

STAD Statistics display for all systems
STAT Local Transaction Statistics
STATTRACE Global Statistics & Traces
STUN Menu Performance Monitor
ST02 Setups/Tune? Buffers
ST03 Performance,SAP Statistics, Workload
ST03G Global Workload Statistics
ST03N R/3 Workload and Perf. Statistics
ST04 DB Performance Monitor
ST04N Database Performance Monitor
STP4 Select DB activities
ST04RFC MS SQL Server Remote Monitor tools
ST05 Performance trace
ST06 Operating System Monitor
ST07 Application monitor
ST10 Table Call Statistics

General System Administration

SM21 Online System Log Analysis
SM01 Lock Transactions
SM02 System Messages
SM04 User List
SM12 Display and Delete Locks
SM13 Administrate Update Records
SM13T Administrate Update Records
SM14 Update Program Administration

System Configuration

RZ10 Maintain Profile Parameters
RZ11 Profile Parameter Maintenance
RZ12 Maintain RFC Server Group Assignment


SM18 Reorganize Security Audit Log
SM19 Security Audit Configuration
SM20 Security Audit Log Assessment
SM20N Analysis of Security Audit Log

External Communication

SMGW Gateway Monitor
SM54 TXCOM Maintenance
SM55 THOST Maintenance
SM59 RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain?)
SM59_OLD Transaction SM59 old (<5.0)
SMQ1 qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)
SMQ2 qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)
SMQ3 qRFC Monitor (Saved E-Queue)
SMQA tRFC/qRFC: Confirm. status & data
SMQE qRFC Administration
SMQG Distributed QOUT Tables
SMQR Registration of Inbound Queues
SMQS Registration of Destinations
SMT1 Trusted Systems (Display <-> Maint.)
SMT2 Trusting systems (Display <->Maint.)
SARFC Server Resources for Asynchron. RFC
SM58 Asynchronous RFC Error Log


SICF HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance

Spool & Print

SP00 Spool and related areas
SP01 Output Controller
SP01O Spool Controller
SP02 Display Spool Requests
SP02O Display Output Requests
SP03 Spool: Load Formats
SP11 TemSe? directory
SP12 TemSe? Administration
SP1T Output Control (Test)
SPAD Spool Administration
SPCC Spool consistency check

CATT Test Tool

ST30 Global Perf. Analysis: Execute
ST33 Glob. Perf. Analysis: Display Data
ST34 Glob. Perf. Analysis: Log IDs
ST35 Glob. Perf. Analysis: Assign CATTs
ST36 Glob. Perf. Analysis: Delete Data
ST37 Glob. Perf. Analysis: Eval. Schema
STW1 Test Workbench: Test catalog
STW2 Test workbench: Test plan
STW3 Test Workbench: Test Package
STW4 Test Workbench: Edit test package
STW5 C maintenance table TTPLA
STWBM Test Workbench Manager
STWB_1 Test Catalog Management
STWB_2 Test Plan Management
STWB_INFO Test Workbench Infosystem
STWB_SET Central Test Workbench settings
STWB_TC Test Case Management
STWB_WORK Tester Worklist

Transport System

SE01 Transport Organizer (Extended)
SE03 Transport Organizer Tools
SE06 Set Up Transport Organizer
SE07 CTS Status Display
SE09 Transport Organizer
SE10 Transport Organizer
SEPA EPS Server: Administration
SEPS SAP Electronic Parcel Service
STMS Transport Management System
STMS_ALERT TMS Alert Monitor
STMS_DOM TMS System Overview
STMS_FSYS Maintain TMS system lists
STMS_MONI TMS Import Monitor
STMS_PATH TMS Transport Routes
STMS_QA TMS Quality Assurance
STMS_QUEUES TMS Import Overview
STMS_TCRI Display/Maintain? Table TMSTCRI
STMS_TRACK TMS Import Tracking

ABAP Development

SE11 ABAP Dictionary
SE11_OLD ABAP/4 Dictionary Maintenance
SE12 ABAP/4 Dictionary Display
SE12_OLD ABAP/4 Dictionary Display
SE13 Maintain Technical Settings (Tables)
SE14 Utilities for Dictionary Tables
SE15 ABAP/4 Repository Information System
SE21 Package Builder
SE24 Class Builder
SE29 Application Packets
SE30 ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis
SE32 ABAP Text Element Maintenance
SE32_OLD ABAP Text Element Maintenance
SE32_WB99 ABAP Text Element Maintenance
SE33 Context Builder
SE35 ABAP/4 Dialog Modules
SE36 Logical Database Builder
SE37 ABAP Function Modules
SE38 ABAP Editor
SE38M Define Variant for RAPOKZFX
SE38N SE38 with Default RDELALOG
SE41 Menu Painter
SE43 Maintain Area Menu
SE43N Maintain Area Menu
SE51 Screen Painter
SE54 Generate table view
SE55 Internal table view maintenance call
SE56 internal call: display table view
SE57 internal delete table view call
STYLE_GUIDE Style Guide Transaction


ALVIEWER ArchiveLink? Viewer in the Web
RZPT Residence Time Maintenance Tool
ALO1 Determine ASH/DOREX Relationships
SARA Archive Administration
SARE Archive Explorer
SAR_DA_STAT_ANALYSIS Analysis of DA Statistics
SAR_OBJ_IND_CUS Cross-Archiving-Obj. Customizing
SAR_SHOW_MONITOR Data Archiving Monitor
SARI Archive Information System
SARJ Archive Retrieval Configurator




    SAP 中的 Tcode 和函数 SAP 系统中有许多实用的 Tcode 和函数,了解这些 Tcode 和函数可以提高工作效率和质量。本文将对 SAP 中常用的 Tcode 和函数进行详细介绍。 Plant Maintenance (PM) 在 Plant Maintenance ...

    SAP TCODE 大全

    下面我们将对 SAP TCODE 大全中的一些重要知识点进行详细的解释和分析。 首先,CA 交叉应用组件是一个非常重要的组件,它提供了许多实用的功能,如交叉应用、数据交换、业务流程管理等。CA-EUR-CNV 本地货币改变是 ...

    SAP Tcode for Drilldown

    从上述内容中可以看出,创建SAP Tcode是一个涉及SAP ABAP编程和报表生成技术的过程,它要求用户了解SAP系统的事务代码、报表参数和内部表格查询等高级功能。此外,它还要求对SAP系统有一定的实际操作经验和对系统...

    sap T-CODE

    这在物料信息更新或改正时非常有用,例如,当需要更新物料的供应商信息、价格或技术规格时。 3. **MM03**: 此T-CODE用于显示物料的详细信息,包括物料的所有属性、历史记录和相关文档,这对于查看和审计物料数据...

    SAP IDoc Interface

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    SAP Idoc的开发技术.pdf

    在SAP系统中,IDoc技术可以通过WE81、WE82、WE30、WE31等Tcode来实现IDoc类型、Message类型和Basic类型的配置。同时,SAP Idoc技术还提供了一个IDoc结构,包括Control Record、Data Record和Status Record三个部分。...

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    abap 常用tcode

    ### ABAP常用Tcode知识点详解 ...以上列举了 ABAP 常用的一些 Tcode,每个 Tcode 都具有独特的功能和用途,能够帮助 SAP 用户更高效地进行日常工作。在实际操作中,根据具体需求选择合适的 Tcode 至关重要。


    SAP屠夫,也被称为SAP Security或SAP Security Guru,是指在SAP系统安全领域具有深厚专业知识和技术能力的专家。他们专注于SAP系统的安全配置、权限管理、审计和风险控制,以确保企业数据的安全性。本文件汇总了SAP...

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    《SAP PM模块组织架构与技术对象详解》 在SAP的生产维护(Plant Maintenance,简称PM)模块中,组织架构和技术对象的设置是至关重要的基础工作,它们直接影响到整个维护流程的效率和准确性。本篇文章将深入探讨这两...


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    同时,还可以设置技术名称显示事务码 Tcode,这样可以方便用户快速启动事务。 二、用户菜单设置 用户菜单是 SAP 中一个非常重要的功能。用户可以通过 PFCG 派生用户菜单,每个预定角色通常会对应到一菜单。在初始...

    sap的tode 使用技巧

    在 SAP 系统中,TCode(Transaction Code)是用于执行特定业务操作的命令代码,是用户界面的核心组成部分。本文将详细介绍 SAP Tode 的使用技巧,帮助初学者更好地理解和运用。 首先,了解自己的可用 TCode 很关键...

    webdynpro call tcode

    SAP为所有基于浏览器的前端技术保留了`sap-`前缀,与`sap-wd-`和`sap-ls-`类似,用于标识SAP提供的通用URL参数。 - **示例参数**: - `sap-accessibility`:激活无障碍支持。 - `sap-locale`:设置应用的语言...


    ### SAP技术总结 #### ABAP基础 ABAP(Advanced Business Application Programming)是SAP系统的主要编程语言,广泛应用于SAP应用程序开发中。本章节重点介绍ABAP的基础概念、面向对象编程、内表处理、OPEN SQL...


    ### SAP权限自定义程序检查控制 #### 创建新的权限对象并在程序中使用 在SAP系统中,为了确保数据的安全性和访问的合规性,...这些工具和技术不仅适用于专业的SAP管理员,也对开发者和最终用户具有重要的参考价值。


    8. 常用图标的操作:SAP系统中的一些常用图标的操作,例如查看详细信息、全选中全部、不选中、添加一个行项目等。 掌握SAP基本操作和技巧是SAP系统中非常重要的一部分,用户需要熟练掌握这些技术来提高工作效率和...

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