1. ABC Classification
2. Framework Order
3. Goods Receipt
4. Invoice Verification
5. Material Group
6. Material Master Record
7. MRP
8. Outline Agreement
9. Plant
10. Purchasing Organization
11. Release Strategy
12. Replenishment
13. Replenishment Element
14. Stock Reservation
15. Scheduling Agreement
16. Stock Transfer
17. Storage Location
18. Vendor Master
19. Vendor Master Record
SAP Terminology: ABC ClassificationSAP Definition: Web Item to classify objects (Customers, Products or Employees) based on a particular measure (Revenue or Profit) using certain classification rules. Three categories: Important, Less Important, and Relatively Important.
Module(s): MM
SAP Example(s): An inventory stock warehouse may choose to classify high volume items as A (Important) in order cycle count more often to insure consistent on hand availability.
Current Terminology: Blanket Order/Master Order/M-Order
SAP Terminology: Framework OrderSAP Definition: A purchasing document used to procure materials or external services. Instead of stipulating a delivery date, this type of purchase order has an extended validity period. A framework order covers multiple procurement transactions over a longer period.
Module(s): MM
Current Terminology: Receiving
SAP Terminology: Goods ReceiptSAP Definition: A term from inventory management denoting a physical inward movement of goods or materials.
Module(s): MM
FRS Example(s): The receiving department posts the receipt of goods purchased into the FRS system (Campus) and the ESI system for the hospital for items purchased on a purchase order.
Current Terminology: Not Applicable
SAP Terminology: Invoice VerificationSAP Definition: The matching of documents created during the purchase order process, the goods receipt process, and the accounts payable process that is part of the internal controls system within an organization
Module(s): MM
SAP Example(s): Accounts payable upon receipt of an invoice from a vendor audits the document and finalizes the three way match process.
FRS Example(s): Three way match, (PO, Goods Receipt, and Invoice) or two way match (purchase order and invoice) must occur prior to vendor payment.
Current Terminology: Not Applicable
SAP Terminology: Material GroupSAP Definition: A grouping of materials and services according to their characteristics.
Module(s): MM
SAP Example(s): Office Supplies
FRS Example(s): Office Supplies
Current Terminology: N/A
SAP Terminology: Material Master RecordSAP Definition: A data record containing all the basic information required to manage a material.
Module(s): MM
FRS Example(s): Enterprise Systems Incorporated (ESI in Hospital)
Current Terminology: Not Applicable
SAP Terminology: Material requirement Planning (MRP)SAP Definition: A term for procedures in requirements planning that take into account and plan every future requirement during the creation of order proposals such as independent requirements, and dependent requirements
Module(s): MM
FRS Example(s): Par level maintenance for hospital warehouse inventories.
Dynamic order quantity (DOQ) – in Hospital
Current Terminology: Contract Orders
SAP Terminology: Outline AgreementSAP Definition: A longer-term arrangement between a purchasing organization and a vendor for the supply of materials or provision of services over a certain period based on predefined terms and conditions
Module(s): MM
FRS Example(s): Boise office supply contract
Current Terminology: Not Applicable
SAP Terminology: PlantSAP Definition: In Logistics a plant is an organizational unit for dividing an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning.
Module(s): MM
Current Terminology: Purchasing Division
SAP Terminology: Purchasing OrganizationSAP Definition: An organizational unit in Logistics, subdividing an enterprise according to the requirements of Purchasing. A purchasing organization procures materials and services, negotiates conditions of purchase with vendors, and is responsible for such transactions.
Module(s): MM
FRS Example(s): Purchasing Division (Campus and Hospital)
Current Terminology: Purchase authorization requirements and/or limits.
SAP Terminology: Release StrategySAP Definition: A plan defining the release codes with which a purchase requisition item, a complete purchase requisition, or a complete external purchasing document must be released (that is, approved) and the sequence in which release is to be effected using these codes. For example, you can establish a release strategy for all purchase requisitions with a value in excess of a certain figure
Module(s): MM
SAP Example(s): You can establish a release strategy for all purchase requisitions with a value in excess of a certain dollar amount.
FRS Example(s): Large computer equipment needs extra approval by VPIS
Current Terminology: Par level management for hospital inventory stock locations.
SAP Terminology: ReplenishmentSAP Definition: A Method of replenishing stock.
Module(s): MM
SAP Example(s): MRP, Reservations
FRS Example(s): Outside (System) management of par inventory areas with daily inventory counts.
Current Terminology: Par level management for hospital inventory stock locations.
SAP Terminology: Replenishment ElementSAP Definition: The elements in the system that trigger material replenishment for production.
Module(s): MM
SAP Example(s): Planned orders, Purchase Orders
FRS Example(s): Scheduled inventories for the assigned par inventory areas.
Current Terminology: Not Applicable
SAP Terminology: Stock ReservationSAP Definition: The sum of all quantities of a material reserved for withdrawal from stock.
Module(s): MM
SAP Example(s): Allocating inventory for a specific task
FRS Example(s): Batch (Nightly) inventory on hand downloads for defined inventory stock locations.
Current Terminology: N/A
SAP Terminology: Scheduling AgreementSAP Definition: An outline agreement against which materials are procured at a series of predefined points in time over a certain period.
Module(s): MM
Current Terminology: Not Applicable
SAP Terminology: Stock TransferSAP Definition: The removal of materials from storage at one location, and their placement in storage at another.
Module(s): MM
FRS Example(s): Hospital refill process, a goods issue is required after each movement.
Current Terminology: Warehouse stock location
SAP Terminology: Storage LocationSAP Definition: One or more storage locations are assigned to a location of this type.
Module(s): MM
FRS Example(s): Hospital warehouse inventory stock locations.
Current Terminology: Vendor File
SAP Terminology: Vendor MasterSAP Definition: The collective term for all vendor master records. The vendor master contains the data of all vendors with which a company conducts business.
Module(s): MM
Current Terminology: Vendor in Vendor File
SAP Terminology: Vendor Master RecordSAP Definition: A data record containing all the information necessary for any contact with a certain vendor, in particular for conducting business transactions.
Module(s): MM
SAP Example(s): House bank data
FRS Example(s): Vendor address data bank in FRS.
* MM (Materials Management):物料管理 * MRP (Material Requirement Planning):物料需求计划 * P/O (Purchase Order):采购向厂商所下正式订单 * P/R (Purchase Requisition):采购需求单 * PlOrd (Planned Order...
3. MM(Materials Management):物料管理模块,处理采购和库存操作。 - MRP (Material Requirement Planning):物料需求计划,预测和规划物料需求。 - P/O (Purchase Order):采购订单,向供应商订购商品。 - P/...
在 SAP 的 Materials Management(MM)模块中,也有许多重要的术语需要了解和掌握。以下是常用的 MM 术语汇集: * MM:materials management, 即物料管理 * MRP:material requirement planning, 即物料需求计划 ...
* MM:materials management,即物料管理 * MRP:material requirement planning, 即物料需求计划 * P/O:purchase order,采购向厂商所下正式订单 * P/R:purchase requisition, run MRP 时所得的采购需求单 * ...
本课程是 PHP 进阶系列之 Swoole 入门精讲,系统讲解 Swoole 在 PHP 高性能开发中的应用,涵盖 协程、异步编程、WebSocket、TCP/UDP 通信、任务投递、定时器等核心功能。通过理论解析和实战案例相结合,帮助开发者掌握 Swoole 的基本使用方法及其在高并发场景下的应用。 适用人群: 适合 有一定 PHP 基础的开发者、希望提升后端性能优化能力的工程师,以及 对高并发、异步编程感兴趣的学习者。 能学到什么: 掌握 Swoole 基础——理解 Swoole 的核心概念,如协程、异步编程、事件驱动等。 高并发处理——学习如何使用 Swoole 构建高并发的 Web 服务器、TCP/UDP 服务器。 实战项目经验——通过案例实践,掌握 Swoole 在 WebSocket、消息队列、微服务等场景的应用。 阅读建议: 建议先掌握 PHP 基础,了解 HTTP 服务器和并发处理相关概念。学习过程中,结合 官方文档和实际项目 进行实践,加深理解,逐步提升 Swoole 开发能力。
matlab齿轮-轴-轴承系统含间隙非线性动力学 基于matlab的齿轮-轴-轴承系统的含间隙非线性动力学模型,根据牛顿第二定律,建立齿轮系统啮合的非线性动力学方程,同时也主要应用修正Capone模型的滑动轴承无量纲化雷诺方程,利用这些方程推到公式建模;用MATLAB求解画出位移-速度图像,从而得到系统在不同转速下的混沌特性,分析齿轮-滑动轴承系统的动态特性 程序已调通,可直接运行 ,关键词:Matlab;齿轮-轴-轴承系统;含间隙非线性动力学;牛顿第二定律;动力学方程;修正Capone模型;无量纲化雷诺方程;位移-速度图像;混沌特性;动态特性。,基于Matlab的齿轮-轴-轴承系统非线性动力学建模与混沌特性分析
本电影评论网站管理员和用户。管理员功能有个人中心,用户管理,电影类别管理,电影信息管理,留言板管理,论坛交流,系统管理等。用户可以对电影进行评论。因而具有一定的实用性。本站是一个B/S模式系统,采用SSM框架,MYSQL数据库设计开发,充分保证系统的稳定性。系统具有界面清晰、操作简单,功能齐全的特点,使得电影评论网站管理工作系统化、规范化。 本系统的使用使管理人员从繁重的工作中解脱出来,实现无纸化办公,能够有效的提高电影评论网站管理效率。 关键词:电影评论网站;SSM框架;MYSQL数据库 1系统概述 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2研究目的 1 1.3系统设计思想 1 2相关技术 2 2.1 MYSQL数据库 2 2.2 B/S结构 3 2.3 Spring Boot框架简介 4 3系统分析 4 3.1可行性分析 4 3.1.1技术可行性 4 3.1.2经济可行性 5 3.1.3操作可行性 5 3.2系统性能分析 5 3.2.1 系统安全性 5 3.2.2 数据完整性 6 3.3系统界面分析 6 3.4系统流程和逻辑 7 4系统概要设计 8 4.1概述 8 4.2系统结构 9 4.
2023-04-06-项目笔记-第四百三十六阶段-课前小分享_小分享1.坚持提交gitee 小分享2.作业中提交代码 小分享3.写代码注意代码风格 4.3.1变量的使用 4.4变量的作用域与生命周期 4.4.1局部变量的作用域 4.4.2全局变量的作用域全局变量的作用域_1局变量的作用域_434- 2025-03-13
基于STM32的流量计智能流速流量监测、水泵报警系统(泵启动 1100027-基于STM32的流量计智能流速流量监测、水泵报警系统(泵启动、阈值设置、LCD1602、超阈值报警、proteus) 功能描述: 基于STM32F103C8单片机实现的智能流速、流量,流量计设计 实现的功能是通过信号发生器模拟齿轮传感器,检测流量的大小,同时计算流过液体的总容量 可以设置最大流过的总容量,当超过设定值后通过蜂鸣器与LED灯指示 当没有超过则启动水泵控制电路带动液体流动 1、流速检测 2、流量统计 3、阈值显示与设置(通过按键实现阈值的调节或清零) 4、水泵启动 5、超阈值报警 有哪些资料: 1、仿真工程文件 2、PCB工程文件 3、原理图工程文件 4、源代码 ,核心关键词: 基于STM32的流量计; 智能流速流量监测; 水泵报警系统; 阈值设置; LCD1602; 超阈值报警; Proteus仿真; STM32F103C8单片机; 齿轮传感器; 信号发生器; 流量统计; 蜂鸣器与LED灯指示; 水泵控制电路。,基于STM32的智能流量监测与报警系统(阈值可调、流速与流量监
(灰度场景下的平面、海底、船、受害者)图像分类数据集【已标注,约1100张数据】 数据经过预处理,可以直接作为分类网络输入使用 分类个数【4】:平面、海底、船、受害者【具体查看json文件】 划分了训练集、测试集。存放各自的同一类数据图片。如果想可视化数据集,可以运行资源中的show脚本。 图像分类、分割网络改进:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_44886601/category_12858320.html 计算机视觉完整项目:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_44886601/category_12816068.html
CAD 2025 二次开发dll
基于扩张状态观测器eso扰动补偿和权重因子调节的电流预测控制,相比传统方法,增加了参数鲁棒性 降低电流脉动,和误差 基于扩张状态观测器eso补偿的三矢量模型预测控制 ,基于扩张状态观测器; 扰动补偿; 权重因子调节; 电流预测控制; 参数鲁棒性; 电流脉动降低; 误差降低; 三矢量模型预测控制,基于鲁棒性增强和扰动补偿的电流预测控制方法