- 浏览: 72672 次
[Flex4] Could not resolve <mx:X> to a component implementation -
[Hibernate] one cause of LazyInitializationException -
to unzip, use this
tar -zxvf fi ...
[linux] tar and gzip a folder -
It happens in Tomcat, not JBoss ...
[Log4j] listener order matters -
这样写也会有bug:from Ship s where s.n ...
[Hibernate 3] bug about string "call"
If you encounter the "An internal compiler error occurred" in Flex Builder, open the error log view (window > show view > other > PDE Runtime > Error Log) and double click the error item.
If something like the below happens, check to see whether the code pieces contain empty switches.
This bug has been fixed at SDK
If something like the below happens, check to see whether the code pieces contain empty switches.
This bug has been fixed at SDK
java.lang.NullPointerException at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConfigurationEvaluator.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.parser.SwitchStatementNode.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConfigurationEvaluator.evalAndFold(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConfigurationEvaluator.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.parser.StatementListNode.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConfigurationEvaluator.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.parser.FunctionCommonNode.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConfigurationEvaluator.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.parser.FunctionDefinitionNode.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConfigurationEvaluator.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.parser.StatementListNode.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConfigurationEvaluator.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.parser.ClassDefinitionNode.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConfigurationEvaluator.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.parser.StatementListNode.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.semantics.ConfigurationEvaluator.evaluate(Unknown Source) at macromedia.asc.parser.ProgramNode.evaluate(Unknown Source) at flex2.compiler.as3.Compiler.parse1(Compiler.java:314) at flex2.compiler.API.parse1(API.java:2306) at flex2.compiler.API.parse1(API.java:2259) at flex2.compiler.API.batch2(API.java:367) at flex2.compiler.API.batch(API.java:1108) at flex2.compiler.API.compile(API.java:1281) at flex2.tools.oem.Application.compile(Application.java:1028) at flex2.tools.oem.Application.recompile(Application.java:980) at flex2.tools.oem.Application.compile(Application.java:636) at flex2.tools.flexbuilder.BuilderApplication.compile(BuilderApplication.java:354) at com.adobe.flexbuilder.multisdk.compiler.internal.ASApplicationBuilder$MyBuilder.mybuild(ASApplicationBuilder.java:271) at com.adobe.flexbuilder.multisdk.compiler.internal.ASApplicationBuilder.build(ASApplicationBuilder.java:122) at com.adobe.flexbuilder.multisdk.compiler.internal.ASBuilder.build(ASBuilder.java:139) at com.adobe.flexbuilder.multisdk.compiler.internal.ASItemBuilder.build(ASItemBuilder.java:73) at com.adobe.flexbuilder.project.compiler.internal.FlexProjectBuilder.buildItem(Unknown Source) at com.adobe.flexbuilder.project.compiler.internal.FlexProjectBuilder.build(Unknown Source) at com.adobe.flexbuilder.project.compiler.internal.FlexIncrementalBuilder.build(Unknown Source) at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager$2.run(BuildManager.java:624) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.java:37) at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:166) at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:197) at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager$1.run(BuildManager.java:246) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.java:37) at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:249) at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuildLoop(BuildManager.java:302) at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.build(BuildManager.java:334) at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.AutoBuildJob.doBuild(AutoBuildJob.java:137) at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.AutoBuildJob.run(AutoBuildJob.java:235) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)
[Flex] to display unrecognizable characters correctly of trace()
2011-03-04 17:06 860By adding these two at the star ... -
[Flex3] CSS type selectors are not supported in components XXX
2010-11-30 11:35 1481This warning probably means CSS ... -
[Flex3] can't switch to design view
2010-11-12 11:19 835Issue When switching to design ... -
[Flex] compilation error
2010-10-19 18:35 879If this error occurs: Access o ... -
[Flex] two ways of loading modules
2010-10-14 22:42 874There're two ways of loading an ... -
[Flex4] Could not resolve <mx:X> to a component implementation
2010-10-04 09:27 1217The namespace for halo componen ... -
[Flex] to see trace() info
2010-05-07 13:05 762First of all, must define an mm ... -
[Flex3] painful ‘Unable to resolve asset for transcoding’ error
2009-09-23 10:33 2127I ran into this error when I wa ... -
[Flex 3] Start multiple AIR instances on a single machine
2009-09-05 20:43 735The AIR runtime does not allow ... -
[Flex3] Unable to resolve resource bundle
2009-08-25 17:55 1403copy and overwrite the default ... -
[Flex] Invalid Embed directive in stylesheet
2009-08-12 14:31 2618Solution found here: http://vic ... -
about rtmp channel
2008-09-30 13:27 1166LCDS provides a RTMP channel wh ... -
[flex] Quotes from tips for performance
2008-05-30 13:37 13171. Architecting Flex Applicatio ... -
[flex] 12个Flex常用功能代码
2008-05-29 14:03 10231. Copy content to clipboard ... -
[flex3] 关于crossdomain.xml
2008-04-17 17:05 3420在jboss4.2中设置crossdomain.xml应该放在 ... -
在WTP Eclipse中配置jotm
2007-12-03 17:32 1344在一般tomcat中配置无用。若不配置,在试图使用Data S ... -
Flex3 change set
2007-11-19 16:04 790http://tools.assembla.com/fle ... -
Useful Flex Builer shortcut list
2007-10-31 13:56 806Ctrl + O : opens the quick outl ... -
Managing with multiple XML namespace in Flex 2 applications
2007-10-31 13:48 990A classic example occurs for ex ... -
Improve performance of Flex Builder 2 IDE
2007-10-31 13:42 896closing all the projects you do ...
在使用IntelliJ IDEA(简称Idea)进行Java开发时,有时会遇到“Error:java: Compilation failed: internal java compiler error”的错误提示,这通常意味着编译过程中遇到了内部错误,可能是由于配置问题、环境问题...
Building an Optimizing Compiler Building an Optimizing Compiler Building an Optimizing Compiler
### Flex3 Compiler API详解 #### 一、简介 Flex3 Compiler API 是一款强大的工具,它允许开发者通过Java应用程序来编译Flex应用。这种能力为那些希望利用Java的强大功能与Flex的丰富界面相结合的开发者提供了极大...
在使用IntelliJ IDEA开发Java项目时,可能会遇到一个令人头疼的错误:“Error:java: Compilation failed: internal java compiler error”。这个错误通常意味着IDE在尝试编译代码时遇到了内部问题,可能是由于配置不...
C28x Compiler Error and Warning Messages 官方资料下载
- 本安装取消2G最大限制 - 安装程序最大可达8EB (单个安装包可达4G,超过限制将切换到外部文件)
Building an Optimizing Compiler (本书以html方式提供,内有图片) by Bob Morgan Digital Press ISBN: 155558179x Pub Date: 12/01/97 Dedication I dedicate this book to some of the people who have ...
在这本书《Compiler Construction using Flex and Bison》中,作者Anthony A. Aaby详细介绍了如何使用这两个工具来构造编译器。书中不仅仅关注于Flex和Bison的使用,而且深入探讨了编译器的各个组成部分,包括解析器...
### Linux 下 "Error running javac compiler" 解决方案详解 #### 问题背景 在 Linux 系统中,遇到“Error running javac compiler”的错误时,通常意味着 Java 编译器未能正常工作。这类问题可能源于多种因素,如...
compilerAPI_flex3.pdf createcomps_flex3.pdf datavis_flex3.pdf dev_guide_flex_air1.pdf devguide_flex3.pdf flash_component_kit_flex3.pdf progAS_flex3.pdf skinning_extensions_flex3.pdf testing_with_QTP_...
标题 "c-.rar_C Minus_c minus compiler_compiler_flex bison compiler_mi" 暗示了这个压缩包可能包含一个C-(可能是C-Minus)编程语言的编译器源代码,以及使用flex和bison工具来构建词法分析器和语法解析器的相关...
ARM Compiler v5.01, Build 94, is intended for use as an update for ARM Compiler 5 and ARM DS-5 products, and must be used with a suitable license from one of those products. Multiple feature releases ...
4. **Flex Compiler**: Flex编译器负责将MXML和ActionScript代码转换为SWF文件,这种文件格式可以在Flash Player中运行。编译器支持命令行工具和集成开发环境(IDE)如Flex Builder的图形界面。 5. **Flex ...
Flex 3是Adobe出品的开发RIA(Rich Internet Applications)的工具,包括: Flex 3 SDK(软件开发包) -Compiler (编译器) -Framework (Flex类库) -Debugging tools (调试工具) Flex Builder 3 -整合和开发环境 -...
【标题】:“idea: 不支持发行版本 5 11 12 13 compilation failed: internal java compiler error” 在编程开发过程中,我们经常会遇到IDE(集成开发环境)与Java编译器之间的兼容性问题。这里的问题是 IntelliJ ...
Flex 3是Adobe出品的开发RIA(Rich Internet Applications)的工具,包括: Flex 3 SDK(软件开发包) -Compiler (编译器) -Framework (Flex类库) -Debugging tools (调试工具) Flex Builder 3 -整合和开发环境 -...