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English-006 jqGrid

English-006 jqGrid

1.To manipulate and represent local (static) data – i.e. array data, data stored in an xml file, or data stored in a JSON file – that's all you need. But the primary purpose of jqGrid is to manipulate and represent dynamic data over the web, and for this you will also need a web server (e.g., IIS, Apache, Tomcat), a database backend (e.g., PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL), and a server-side scripting language (e.g., PHP, ASP)
manipulate [mə'nipjuleit] vt. 操作;操纵
represent   [,repri'zent] vt. 表现;描绘
dynamic [dai'næmik] adj. 动力的;动力学的;动态的
backend n. 后端       scripting n. 脚本语言

2.Choose which components you need
components n 复数 [kəm'pəunənt]  n. 成分;元件;组件

3.As can be seen from the structure, files needed for using jqGrid are in main /css/ and /js/ directories. These files are minified and can be used in production environment.
minified minify   ['minifai] vt. 使变小;贬低

4.In this section we will describe a step by step installation procedure and how to make some little additions that will make our life easy.

5.Understanding this will help you to work better with jqGrid and use the full capabilities of the plugin. The first thing we must understand is that we have two major divisions: Server-side manipulation and Client-side representation
capability  [,keipə'biləti]  n. 性能,容量;才能
manipulation  [mə,nipju'leiʃən]  n. 操作;操纵
representation [,reprizen'teiʃən]  n. 表现;陈述;表示法

6.The constructed tabular data at the client side has:Caption layer Header layer Body layer Navigation layer
tabular  ['tæbjulə]  adj. 列成表格的;扁平的

7.To allow freedom and flexibility, and often a better impression, jqGrid relies on CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to govern its appearance.
flexibility n. 弹性;适应性;灵活性
relies rely [ri'lai] vi. 信赖;依靠
govern ['ɡʌvən] vt. 统治;

8.we’ll create a grid with Invoice information
Invoice ['invɔis] n. 发 票;发货单;货物

9.options is an array of settings in “name: value” pairs format.

10.The available properties are listed here, in alphabetic order.
alphabetic [,ælfə'betikəl] adj. 字母的;照字母次序的

11.Despite the fact that the primary goal of jqGrid is to represent dynamic data returned from a database, jqGrid includes a wide range of methods to manipulate data at client side: Array data.
Despite [di'spait] prep. 尽管,不管

12.Some time there is a need to manipulate the postData array more precise. As you known the setGridParam method does not in some cases make what we want.
precise [pri'sais] adj. 精确的;明确的;严格的

13.Note that in this case the pager element can have arbitrary position in the document and it will be placed instead above the grid body.
arbitrary ['ɑ:bitrəri] adj. 任意的;武断的;专制的



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    在"jqGrid-master"压缩包中,通常包含以下组成部分: 1. **源代码文件**:如JavaScript库(jqGrid.js或min.js)、CSS样式文件(ui.jqgrid.css)以及可能的图片资源,这些都是运行jqGrid的基本组件。 2. **示例和...





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