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3 List the Cron Job I Have>c ...
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Monitor Tool 2019(2)Monit on Multiple Instances and Email Alerts
We can visit the page URL on all the instances
Get some XML feed back as follow:
Run the command as sudo/root
cat haproxy
check process haproxy with pidfile /opt/haproxy/haproxy.pid
start program = "/bin/sh -c '/opt/haproxy/sbin/haproxy -f /opt/haproxy/conf/haproxy.conf'" with timeout 20 seconds
stop program = "/usr/bin/kill haproxy"
if changed pid then restart
Email Configuration
set mailserver smtp.gmail.com port 587
username "luohuazju@gmail.com" password “xxxxxxxxxx"
using tlsv1
with timeout 30 seconds
set alert luohuazju@gmail.com
set mail-format {
from: luohuazju@gmail.com
subject: monitor alert - [$SERVICE] $EVENT
Date: $DATE
Action: $ACTION
Host: $HOST
Description: $DESCRIPTION
Best regards.
from Monitor
Reload the service
> sudo monit reload
[CDT Oct 17 20:05:46] error : Mail: Mailserver response error -- 534-5.7.9 Application-specific password required. Learn more at
[CDT Oct 17 20:05:46] error : SMTP: Mailserver response error -- 534 5.7.9 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=InvalidSecondFactor v10sm1094726otk.17 - gsmtp
[CDT Oct 17 20:05:46] error : Aborting event
Go to google account [Security] —> [Signing to Google] —> [Password] —> [App password] generate one for MAC Server
Check the logging
> tail -f /var/log/monit.log
We can manually kill the haproxy to see the alert emails.
Check this UI Tool
> sudo yum install epel-release
> sudo yum install python-pip
> sudo pip install --upgrade pip
> sudo pip install web.py
> sudo yum install python-requests python-xmltodict python-simplejson
> git clone https://github.com/adriaaah/monit-dashboard
> cd monit-dashboard/
> cp conf/servers.json.example conf/servers.json
> ./bin/monit-dashboard.py
It seems not working because of the Python Version
Since we want to migrate all the things to Python3, install and prepare python3
Install PYENV from the latest github
> git clone https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv.git ~/.pyenv
Add to the PATH
> vi ~/.bash_profile
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
> . ~/.bash_profile
Check installation
> pyenv -v
pyenv 1.2.14-5-g68a77df
Install the Python3 and Python2
> pyenv install 3.6.0
> pyenv install 2.7.10
Check all the versions, latest is 3.7.4, install some other versions
> sudo yum install libffi-devel
>sudo yum install sqlite-devel
> sudo yum install bzip2-devel
> pyenv install 3.8.0
> pyenv versions
* system (set by /home/carl/.pyenv/version)
> pyenv global 3.8.0
> python -V
Python 3.8.0
> pip install web.py
> pip install requests
> pip install xmltodict
> pip install simplejson
> python ./bin/monit-dashboard.py
Not working at all, I may need to do something similar here myself.
We can visit the page URL on all the instances
Get some XML feed back as follow:
Run the command as sudo/root
cat haproxy
check process haproxy with pidfile /opt/haproxy/haproxy.pid
start program = "/bin/sh -c '/opt/haproxy/sbin/haproxy -f /opt/haproxy/conf/haproxy.conf'" with timeout 20 seconds
stop program = "/usr/bin/kill haproxy"
if changed pid then restart
Email Configuration
set mailserver smtp.gmail.com port 587
username "luohuazju@gmail.com" password “xxxxxxxxxx"
using tlsv1
with timeout 30 seconds
set alert luohuazju@gmail.com
set mail-format {
from: luohuazju@gmail.com
subject: monitor alert - [$SERVICE] $EVENT
Date: $DATE
Action: $ACTION
Host: $HOST
Description: $DESCRIPTION
Best regards.
from Monitor
Reload the service
> sudo monit reload
[CDT Oct 17 20:05:46] error : Mail: Mailserver response error -- 534-5.7.9 Application-specific password required. Learn more at
[CDT Oct 17 20:05:46] error : SMTP: Mailserver response error -- 534 5.7.9 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=InvalidSecondFactor v10sm1094726otk.17 - gsmtp
[CDT Oct 17 20:05:46] error : Aborting event
Go to google account [Security] —> [Signing to Google] —> [Password] —> [App password] generate one for MAC Server
Check the logging
> tail -f /var/log/monit.log
We can manually kill the haproxy to see the alert emails.
Check this UI Tool
> sudo yum install epel-release
> sudo yum install python-pip
> sudo pip install --upgrade pip
> sudo pip install web.py
> sudo yum install python-requests python-xmltodict python-simplejson
> git clone https://github.com/adriaaah/monit-dashboard
> cd monit-dashboard/
> cp conf/servers.json.example conf/servers.json
> ./bin/monit-dashboard.py
It seems not working because of the Python Version
Since we want to migrate all the things to Python3, install and prepare python3
Install PYENV from the latest github
> git clone https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv.git ~/.pyenv
Add to the PATH
> vi ~/.bash_profile
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
> . ~/.bash_profile
Check installation
> pyenv -v
pyenv 1.2.14-5-g68a77df
Install the Python3 and Python2
> pyenv install 3.6.0
> pyenv install 2.7.10
Check all the versions, latest is 3.7.4, install some other versions
> sudo yum install libffi-devel
>sudo yum install sqlite-devel
> sudo yum install bzip2-devel
> pyenv install 3.8.0
> pyenv versions
* system (set by /home/carl/.pyenv/version)
> pyenv global 3.8.0
> python -V
Python 3.8.0
> pip install web.py
> pip install requests
> pip install xmltodict
> pip install simplejson
> python ./bin/monit-dashboard.py
Not working at all, I may need to do something similar here myself.
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Monit 是一个开源的系统和进程监控工具,它可以在Linux系统中用来监控系统服务、文件、目录、网络接口等,并在出现问题时进行自动修复或通知管理员。CentOS 7是基于RHEL(Red Hat Enterprise Linux)的一个流行的...
Monit 是一款强大的系统监控工具,它允许用户对运行在Linux或Unix系统上的服务、进程、文件、目录、网络资源等进行实时监控。通过Monit,你可以轻松地检测和管理服务器上的各种状态,如内存使用、CPU负载、磁盘空间...
The purpose of this document is to give minimum safety, ergonomic, and performance requirements and test methods for Camera Monitor Systems (CMS) to replace mandatory inside and outside rearview ...
Monit 监控工具(客户端) Monit 是一个功能强大且灵活的监控工具,能够自动化地监控服务器的性能和进程。下面是关于 Monit 监控工具的详细知识点: 安装 Monit Monit 可以在多种 Linux 发行版上安装,包括 ...
Monit 是一个开源工具,用于管理系统进程、文件系统、网络接口和系统状态。在Linux和Unix-like系统中,Monit 可以监控指定的服务是否正常运行,并在出现问题时自动修复或重启服务,确保系统的稳定性和可靠性。这个...
Monit 是一款强大的系统管理工具,专为Unix系统设计,用于监控和管理进程、文件、目录和设备。它具备自动修复功能,可以在检测到错误时执行预设的响应操作,如启动、重启或关闭进程。此外,Monit 还能监控文件、目录...
A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, ...
2. **电源管理与兼容性**:USB规范还涉及电源管理,设备通过线缆从主机获取电力。扩展线缆可能会引入额外的电阻,导致电压下降,影响设备的供电。此外,扩展线缆可能导致电源分配混乱,影响到USB总线上的其他设备,...
ISO TR 27923-2022 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage - Injection operations, infrastructure and monit.pdf
2. 配置:解压后,进入新创建的目录 `cd monit-5.0.1`。运行 `./configure` 脚本来检查系统环境并配置构建设置。这个过程会根据你的系统配置生成合适的Makefile。 3. 编译与安装:执行 `make` 来编译源代码,然后...
Monit 是一款在 Unix-like 系统中广泛使用的开源监控工具,主要用于监控系统服务、文件、目录、程序以及网络资源的状态。"monit-4.9.tar" 是这个软件的一个特定版本,通常以 tar 归档文件的形式提供,用于在各种 ...
Monit 服务器监控系统搭建指南 一、Monit 介绍 Monit 是一种跨平台的开源工具,用于监控 Unix/Linux 系统。它安装起来非常容易,也非常轻量级(大小只有 500KB),并不需要任何第三方程序、插件或代码库。Monit ...
2. **Monit 的安装与配置** Monit 的安装通常可以通过包管理器(如`apt-get` 或 `yum`)完成。安装完成后,配置文件通常位于 `/etc/monit/monitrc`,在此文件中,用户可以定义需要监控的项目及其行为。 3. **Monit...
docker-monit可用于从提取该图像包括监控版本5.13概述此映像将monit安装到以下位置: / opt / monit Monit配置为由runit(phusion / baseimage-docker的init系统)执行和管理。 它将以名为monit的非特权用户身份...
Ansible角色,用于安装Monit并设置服务监视。 用法(示例) 典型的最小用法: - role : monit 在不安装和使用自定义服务的情况下配置monit: - role : monit monit_setup : configure monit_custom_services ...
Monit 是一个开源的系统监控工具,用于管理进程、文件、目录、设备、网络接口等。它可以在系统异常时自动修复问题,确保服务的稳定运行。`monit_bin-源码.rar` 提供了 Monit 的源代码,这对于开发者和系统管理员来说...
monit_bin 食谱 从源安装monit。 包括设置工具monitensite、monitdisite。 为创建的配置添加 LWRP。 要求 制作(构建必不可少) 平台 乌本图 智能操作系统 用法 recipe[monit]默认安装。 从其他食谱调用 include...
**Python-monit库详解** `python-monit` 是一个针对Monit系统的Python接口库,它允许程序员通过Python代码与Monit进行交互,从而方便地管理、监控和控制系统的各项服务和资源。Monit是一款强大的开源工具,用于监视...