TypeScript and Serverless Memory Issue
Change the file to add the follow codes at the top
#!/usr/bin/env node --max-old-space-size=3000 --trace-gc-verbose
JavaScript heap out of memory error.
It fails as well
Serverless Error ---------------------------------------
An error occurred: DevicePairingUpdatesLambdaFunction - Unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes (Service: AWSLambda; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValueException; Request ID: 94dddcf0-b153-11e8-81e6-771d442f6caf).
> node --version && sls --version
It is claimed that after serverless 1.16.0, the dev dependencies are excluded.
Once thing I notices in my case is that, I have a large js and map.js. I do not have node_modules.
Upgrade the NPM
> sudo npm i -g npm
Upgrade my serverless
> sudo npm i -g serverless
Follow command will generate a zip file in .serverless directory, we can check the size of the package there
> sls package
Check out version
> npm info @lifesize/tscommon version
I did the npm cache clean, but I still did not get the latest version
> npm cache clean --force
npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.
The NPM package things may related to our deployment and CircleCI
Follow this
We need run
npm version patch and npm publish
In my current case, I only need to run
npm version patch and push that to GitHub.com and then
In the release page on GitHub.com like https://github.com/sillycat/projectName/releases —> “Draft a new release"
Or we can do tag as well.
>git tag -a v1.1.1 -m “description of this tag”
>git push - - tags
List all the tags
>git tag
The project size is related to webpack and npm local package.
Malagu 是基于 TypeScript 的 Serverless First、组件化、平台无关的渐进式应用框架
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