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SOLR Performance and SolrJ(2)Compress and Post File
Then the idea is to compress the post data first and then send that to SOLR indexer or we can have SOLR cloud and shard to improve the band of the indexer machines.
Finally, we decide to generate the XML file, compress that and SCP the compressed file to indexer machine. On the indexer machine, we can have a monitor to unzip the file and post to the SOLR localhost. That is localhost, not the network band then.
I am using XMLWriter to generate the SOLR XML, similar code here
public function __construct($ioc)
$this->ioc = $ioc;
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$config = $this->ioc->getService("config");
$this->xmlWriter = new \XMLWriter();
public function addStart($file){
public function __construct($ioc)
$this->ioc = $ioc;
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$config = $this->ioc->getService("config");
$this->xmlWriter = new \XMLWriter();
public function addStart($file){
Zip the file and SCP to the target
system("gzip -f {$file_path}");
system("scp -i /share/ec2.id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {$file_path}.gz ec2-user@{$ip}:" . $this->XML_FOLDER);
unlink($file_path . ".gz");
On the target machine, we will watch the directory and exec the post curl request to the SOLR server. PHP is really easy in this situation.
$delta_files = array();
exec('ls -tr --time=ctime /mnt/ad_feed/*.gz 2>/dev/null', $delta_files);
$delta_count = count($delta_files);
if(DEBUG) echo "delta count: ".$delta_count."\n";
if($delta_count == 0) continue;
Check how many process are working
$curl_processes = array();
exec('ps -ef | grep "curl --fail http://localhost:8983/job/update -d @/mnt/ad_feed/" | grep -v grep', $curl_processes);
$curl_count = count($curl_processes);
if(DEBUG) echo "curl count: ".$curl_count."\n";
if($curl_count >= MAX_PROCS) continue;
Execute the command in the backend, then we can use exec to execute multiple process
$curl_command = "php delta_curl.php $cur_file > /dev/null 2>&1 &"; //parallel processes
Post XML file
exec("curl --fail http://localhost:8983/job/update -d @{$argv[1]} -H Content-type:application/xml", $output, $status);
if(0 != $status)
The sample format of the XML will be as follow:
<field name="id">2136083xx</field>
<field name="customer_id">2xx</field>
<field name="pool_id">20xx</field>
<field name="source_id">23xx</field>
<field name="campaign_id">3xxx</field>
<field name="segment_id">0</field>
<field name="job_reference">468-1239-xxxx4</field>
<field name="title"><![CDATA[CDL-A xxxxx ]]></field>
<field name="url"><![CDATA[http://www.xxxxxx]]></field>
<field name="company_id">11xxx7</field>
<field name="company">Hub xxxxx</field>
<field name="title_com">CDL-xxxx</field>
<field name="campaign_com">3396xxx</field>
<field name="zipcode">3xxxx</field>
<field name="cities">Atlanta,GA</field>
<field name="jlocation">33.8444,-84.4741</field>
<field name="state_id">11</field>
<field name="cpc">125</field>
<field name="reg_cpc">130</field>
<field name="qq_multiplier">0</field>
<field name="j2c_apply">0</field>
<field name="created">2016-09-02T06:02:42Z</field>
<field name="posted">2016-09-02T06:02:42Z</field>
<field name="experience">2</field>
<field name="salary">150</field>
<field name="education">2</field>
<field name="jobtype">1</field>
<field name="quality_score">60</field>
<field name="boost_factor">20.81</field>
<field name="industry">20</field>
<field name="industries">20</field>
<field name="paused">false</field>
<field name="email"></field>
<field name="srcseg_id">23xx</field>
<field name="srccamp_id">23xxx</field>
<field name="top_spot_type">7</field>
<field name="top_spot_industries">20</field>
<field name="is_ad">2</field>
<field name="daily_capped">0</field>
<field name="mobile_friendly">1</field>
<field name="excluded_company">false</field>
Then the idea is to compress the post data first and then send that to SOLR indexer or we can have SOLR cloud and shard to improve the band of the indexer machines.
Finally, we decide to generate the XML file, compress that and SCP the compressed file to indexer machine. On the indexer machine, we can have a monitor to unzip the file and post to the SOLR localhost. That is localhost, not the network band then.
I am using XMLWriter to generate the SOLR XML, similar code here
public function __construct($ioc)
$this->ioc = $ioc;
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$config = $this->ioc->getService("config");
$this->xmlWriter = new \XMLWriter();
public function addStart($file){
public function __construct($ioc)
$this->ioc = $ioc;
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$config = $this->ioc->getService("config");
$this->xmlWriter = new \XMLWriter();
public function addStart($file){
Zip the file and SCP to the target
system("gzip -f {$file_path}");
system("scp -i /share/ec2.id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {$file_path}.gz ec2-user@{$ip}:" . $this->XML_FOLDER);
unlink($file_path . ".gz");
On the target machine, we will watch the directory and exec the post curl request to the SOLR server. PHP is really easy in this situation.
$delta_files = array();
exec('ls -tr --time=ctime /mnt/ad_feed/*.gz 2>/dev/null', $delta_files);
$delta_count = count($delta_files);
if(DEBUG) echo "delta count: ".$delta_count."\n";
if($delta_count == 0) continue;
Check how many process are working
$curl_processes = array();
exec('ps -ef | grep "curl --fail http://localhost:8983/job/update -d @/mnt/ad_feed/" | grep -v grep', $curl_processes);
$curl_count = count($curl_processes);
if(DEBUG) echo "curl count: ".$curl_count."\n";
if($curl_count >= MAX_PROCS) continue;
Execute the command in the backend, then we can use exec to execute multiple process
$curl_command = "php delta_curl.php $cur_file > /dev/null 2>&1 &"; //parallel processes
Post XML file
exec("curl --fail http://localhost:8983/job/update -d @{$argv[1]} -H Content-type:application/xml", $output, $status);
if(0 != $status)
The sample format of the XML will be as follow:
<field name="id">2136083xx</field>
<field name="customer_id">2xx</field>
<field name="pool_id">20xx</field>
<field name="source_id">23xx</field>
<field name="campaign_id">3xxx</field>
<field name="segment_id">0</field>
<field name="job_reference">468-1239-xxxx4</field>
<field name="title"><![CDATA[CDL-A xxxxx ]]></field>
<field name="url"><![CDATA[http://www.xxxxxx]]></field>
<field name="company_id">11xxx7</field>
<field name="company">Hub xxxxx</field>
<field name="title_com">CDL-xxxx</field>
<field name="campaign_com">3396xxx</field>
<field name="zipcode">3xxxx</field>
<field name="cities">Atlanta,GA</field>
<field name="jlocation">33.8444,-84.4741</field>
<field name="state_id">11</field>
<field name="cpc">125</field>
<field name="reg_cpc">130</field>
<field name="qq_multiplier">0</field>
<field name="j2c_apply">0</field>
<field name="created">2016-09-02T06:02:42Z</field>
<field name="posted">2016-09-02T06:02:42Z</field>
<field name="experience">2</field>
<field name="salary">150</field>
<field name="education">2</field>
<field name="jobtype">1</field>
<field name="quality_score">60</field>
<field name="boost_factor">20.81</field>
<field name="industry">20</field>
<field name="industries">20</field>
<field name="paused">false</field>
<field name="email"></field>
<field name="srcseg_id">23xx</field>
<field name="srccamp_id">23xxx</field>
<field name="top_spot_type">7</field>
<field name="top_spot_industries">20</field>
<field name="is_ad">2</field>
<field name="daily_capped">0</field>
<field name="mobile_friendly">1</field>
<field name="excluded_company">false</field>
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### Solr配置与SolrJ使用详解 #### 一、Solr基本安装与配置 **1. 下载Solr** - **步骤说明**: 从Apache官方镜像站点下载Solr 1.4.1版本。 - **操作详情**: 访问链接`http://apache.etoak.com/lucene/solr/`,...
### Solr配置与SolrJ使用详解 #### 一、Solr简介 Solr是一款开源的、高性能的企业级全文搜索引擎,它可以独立运行并通过HTTP协议提供服务。用户可以通过发送XML文件来创建索引,或者通过HTTP GET请求来进行检索,...
SolrJ是Apache Solr项目的Java客户端库,它为与Solr服务器进行交互提供了便利的API。这个压缩包包含了两个版本的SolrJ库:solr-solrj-4.10.3.jar和solr-solrj-5.0.0.jar。这两个版本的差异主要在于对Solr服务器的...
Solr-Solrj 5.0.0 是一个用于与Apache Solr进行交互的Java客户端库。在本文中,我们将深入探讨Solr-Solrj的使用、功能及其与自建Solr服务的集成,特别是涉及到中文分词的场景。 Apache Solr是一款流行的开源全文...
Solr-Solrj是Apache Lucene项目下的一个子项目,专门为Apache Solr搜索引擎提供Java客户端库。Solr是一款强大的全文检索服务器,而Solrj则是与之交互的Java API,使得开发人员能够轻松地在Java应用程序中集成Solr的...
2. 下载:从Apache官方网站下载Solr的最新版本。 3. 配置:修改solrconfig.xml和schema.xml文件以定义字段类型(fieldType)和字段(field),这些设置决定了如何处理和索引数据。 4. 解决中文问题:对于中文分词,...
主要讲解了 solr客户端如何调用带账号密码的solr服务器调用,实现添加索引和查询索引,以及分组查询
2.solr启动&停止 solr-8.0.0\bin目录下执行cmd solr start 启动 solr stop -all 3.创建solrcore \solr-8.0.0\server\solr\目录下新建文件夹(如:new_db) 将example\example-DIH\solr\db下的文件 copy到/new_core下 ...
Java整合Solr5.0的过程中,SolrJ是Java客户端库,用于与Solr服务器进行交互,提供了方便的API来执行各种操作。本篇文章将详细阐述如何使用SolrJ进行索引管理和查询。 首先,集成SolrJ需要将相应的依赖库引入项目。...
SolrJ是Apache Solr官方提供的Java客户端库,它使得在Java应用程序中与Solr进行交互变得简单。这个“solrj使用教程”很可能是为了帮助开发者了解如何使用SolrJ来连接、查询和管理Solr索引。下面将详细介绍SolrJ的...