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PHP Backend Application(6)Retry Function, PHPUNIT ENV and Async Redis and Large File
1 Retry Functions in PHP
* post json params to prediction
* @param string $path
* @param array $params, format will be ['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2',]
* @return response
public function post2Prediction($path, $params)
return $this->retry(function() use ($path, $params){
$response = $this->predictionClient->request('POST', $path, [
'json' => $params
return $response;
}, 10, 3);
* retry many times
* @param function $f
* @param number $delay
* @param number $retryies
private function retry($f, $delay = 10, $retryies = 3){
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
try {
return $f();
}catch(Exception $e){
if($retryies > 0){
return retry($f, $delay, $retryies - 1);
if ($e->hasResponse()) {
2 phpunit Running Env
Add the environment parameters in phpunit.xml, it works in Eclipse env
<phpunit bootstrap="tests/bootstrap_test.php">
<env name="RUNNING_ENV" value="test"/>
<testsuite name="unitsuite">
In the command line,
RUNNING_ENV=test phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/JobProducerPHP/JobsXMLParserTest
RUNNING_ENV=test php src/SuperStarProducer.php 12001 '/Users/carl/company/code/jobs-producer/data/12001.xml'
3 Object Inheritance in PHP
Abstract Base class
namespace JobProducerPHP;
require __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
abstract class Import
protected $ioc = null;
public function __construct($ioc)
$this->ioc = $ioc;
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$config = $this->ioc->getService("config");
public function printInfo(){
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$logger->debug("calling method in parent class.");
public function printInfo2(){
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$logger->debug("calling method2 in parent class.");
Sub Class had the actually implementation
namespace JobProducerPHP;
require __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
class ImportIndeedFmt extends Import
public function printInfo2(){
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$logger->debug("before calling parent");
$logger->debug("after calling parent");
4 Predis-Async
"predis/predis-async": "dev-master"
Async RedisClient, it works pretty well
namespace JobProducerPHP;
require __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use \Predis\Async\Client;
class RedisClient
private $client = null;
private $ioc = null;
public function __construct($ioc)
$this->ioc = $ioc;
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$config = $this->ioc->getService("config");
$logger->info("==============Redis config start ==============");
$logger->info("redisHost = " . $config['redisHost']);
$logger->info("redisPort = " . $config['redisPort']);
$this->client = new Client('tcp://' . $config['redisHost'] . ":" . $config['redisPort']);
$logger->debug("Successfully set up Redis");
catch (Exception $e)
$logger->error("Couldn't connected to Redis");
* @param array $messages format eg: array("key"=>"value", ...)
public function setMessageBatch($messages)
$client = $this->client;
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$queueClient = $this->ioc->getService("queueClient");
//send to redis
foreach($messages as $key => $value){
$client->connect(function ($client) use ($key, $value, $logger){
$logger->debug("connect to Redis success. 001");
$logger->debug("sending message for {$key} => {$value} 002");
$client->set($key, $value, function($response, $client) use ($logger, $key){
$logger->debug("response from server " . $response . " 003");
$logger->debug("main thread runs here 004");
$logger->debug("main thread runs here 005");
//send to SQS
$keys = array_keys($messages);
5 PHP handle Large File
public function regexMatch($line){
return preg_match('</job>', $line);
public function splitLargeFile($filePath, $sourceID)
$outputSize = 0;
$fileCount = 0;
$outputFile = null;
foreach( new SplFileObject('/data/1052.xml') as $line){
if($outputSize === 0){
$outputFileName = "/data/1052_split/{$fileCount}.xml";
$outputFile = fopen($outputFileName, "w");
$outputSize += strlen($line);
fwrite($outputFile, $line . PHP_EOL);
if($this->regexMatch($line) && $outputSize >= 100000000){
$outputSize = 0;
if($outputSize > 0){
}catch (Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
PHP RegexUtil
public function regexMatchJob($line){
return preg_match('/<\/job>/i', $line);
public function extractReferenceNumber($line){
$result = '';
preg_match('/<[Rr]eferencenumber>(.*?)<\/[Rr]eferencenumber>/i', $line, $matches);
if(!empty($matches) && count($matches) > 1){
$result = $matches[1];
$result = preg_replace('/\]\]>/i','', $result);
$result = preg_replace('/<!\[CDATA\[/i','', $result);
return $result;
retry system
SOLR join
1 Retry Functions in PHP
* post json params to prediction
* @param string $path
* @param array $params, format will be ['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2',]
* @return response
public function post2Prediction($path, $params)
return $this->retry(function() use ($path, $params){
$response = $this->predictionClient->request('POST', $path, [
'json' => $params
return $response;
}, 10, 3);
* retry many times
* @param function $f
* @param number $delay
* @param number $retryies
private function retry($f, $delay = 10, $retryies = 3){
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
try {
return $f();
}catch(Exception $e){
if($retryies > 0){
return retry($f, $delay, $retryies - 1);
if ($e->hasResponse()) {
2 phpunit Running Env
Add the environment parameters in phpunit.xml, it works in Eclipse env
<phpunit bootstrap="tests/bootstrap_test.php">
<env name="RUNNING_ENV" value="test"/>
<testsuite name="unitsuite">
In the command line,
RUNNING_ENV=test phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/JobProducerPHP/JobsXMLParserTest
RUNNING_ENV=test php src/SuperStarProducer.php 12001 '/Users/carl/company/code/jobs-producer/data/12001.xml'
3 Object Inheritance in PHP
Abstract Base class
namespace JobProducerPHP;
require __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
abstract class Import
protected $ioc = null;
public function __construct($ioc)
$this->ioc = $ioc;
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$config = $this->ioc->getService("config");
public function printInfo(){
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$logger->debug("calling method in parent class.");
public function printInfo2(){
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$logger->debug("calling method2 in parent class.");
Sub Class had the actually implementation
namespace JobProducerPHP;
require __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
class ImportIndeedFmt extends Import
public function printInfo2(){
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$logger->debug("before calling parent");
$logger->debug("after calling parent");
4 Predis-Async
"predis/predis-async": "dev-master"
Async RedisClient, it works pretty well
namespace JobProducerPHP;
require __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use \Predis\Async\Client;
class RedisClient
private $client = null;
private $ioc = null;
public function __construct($ioc)
$this->ioc = $ioc;
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$config = $this->ioc->getService("config");
$logger->info("==============Redis config start ==============");
$logger->info("redisHost = " . $config['redisHost']);
$logger->info("redisPort = " . $config['redisPort']);
$this->client = new Client('tcp://' . $config['redisHost'] . ":" . $config['redisPort']);
$logger->debug("Successfully set up Redis");
catch (Exception $e)
$logger->error("Couldn't connected to Redis");
* @param array $messages format eg: array("key"=>"value", ...)
public function setMessageBatch($messages)
$client = $this->client;
$logger = $this->ioc->getService("logger");
$queueClient = $this->ioc->getService("queueClient");
//send to redis
foreach($messages as $key => $value){
$client->connect(function ($client) use ($key, $value, $logger){
$logger->debug("connect to Redis success. 001");
$logger->debug("sending message for {$key} => {$value} 002");
$client->set($key, $value, function($response, $client) use ($logger, $key){
$logger->debug("response from server " . $response . " 003");
$logger->debug("main thread runs here 004");
$logger->debug("main thread runs here 005");
//send to SQS
$keys = array_keys($messages);
5 PHP handle Large File
public function regexMatch($line){
return preg_match('</job>', $line);
public function splitLargeFile($filePath, $sourceID)
$outputSize = 0;
$fileCount = 0;
$outputFile = null;
foreach( new SplFileObject('/data/1052.xml') as $line){
if($outputSize === 0){
$outputFileName = "/data/1052_split/{$fileCount}.xml";
$outputFile = fopen($outputFileName, "w");
$outputSize += strlen($line);
fwrite($outputFile, $line . PHP_EOL);
if($this->regexMatch($line) && $outputSize >= 100000000){
$outputSize = 0;
if($outputSize > 0){
}catch (Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
PHP RegexUtil
public function regexMatchJob($line){
return preg_match('/<\/job>/i', $line);
public function extractReferenceNumber($line){
$result = '';
preg_match('/<[Rr]eferencenumber>(.*?)<\/[Rr]eferencenumber>/i', $line, $matches);
if(!empty($matches) && count($matches) > 1){
$result = $matches[1];
$result = preg_replace('/\]\]>/i','', $result);
$result = preg_replace('/<!\[CDATA\[/i','', $result);
return $result;
retry system
SOLR join
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'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'redis://', # 替换为实际 Redis 服务器地址 'OPTIONS': { 'CLIENT_CLASS': 'django_redis.client.DefaultClient', 'PASSWORD': '...
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npm install wf-redis-backend 用法 使用 wf 将以下内容添加到应用程序的配置文件中: { "backend": { "module": "wf-redis-backend", "opts": { "port": 6379, "host": "", "db": 15 } } } 其中...
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'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'redis://', 'OPTIONS': { 'CLIENT_CLASS': 'django_redis.client.DefaultClient', } } } ``` ##### 4.2 配置 Redis 作为会话存储...
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'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'redis://sentinel:26379/0', 'OPTIONS': { 'SENTINEL_KWARGS': {'hosts': {'sentinel1': ('localhost', 26379), 'sentinel2': ('localhost', 26380)}...