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Stripe Payment(1)Introduction Of Payments and Docs
Test Card Number
1. Checkout form
The data will be sent to Stripe and Stripe will auto post a token to our server side.
<form action="http://requestb.in/w8djhzw8" method="POST">
src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
data-name="Demo Site"
data-description="2 widgets ($20.00)"
2. Charge the Customer
Try with Java API in Scala
The Dependency
"com.stripe" % "stripe-java" % "1.37.0", //MIT
The JAVA Codes
package com.sillycat.stripe
import java.util
import com.stripe.Stripe
import com.stripe.model.Charge
object StripeApp extends App{
Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_xxxxxxx"
val token = "tok_xxxxxxxxxxx"
val chargeParams = new util.HashMap[String, Object]()
chargeParams.put("amount", new Integer(400))
chargeParams.put("currency", "usd")
chargeParams.put("source", token)
chargeParams.put("description", "Charge for test@example.com")
val charge:Charge = Charge.create(chargeParams)
Stripe tokens can only be used once.
All the APIs are here.
3. Creating Subscription
We first create plan, and the plan can be day, week, month or year.
Then we subscribe a customer to a plan.
4. Share Charges
First of all, Go to [Connect] and Register my Platform Settings.
The flow I tried:
1. Step 1. Create platform account for Sillycat. (platform)
2. Step 2. Use API to create connect account in Sillycat for Kiko. (third party application name)
3. Step 3. End user Carl post payment 20$ to Kiko in browser(Can be our iOS or Android application)
4. Step 4. There is a web hook that once the payment is sent, our HTTP API Server side will receive a token from Stripe.
5. Step 5. Using that payment token, we will create a user account for the end user Carl and receiving a customer token.
6. Step 6. In the web hook HTTP Server, we will call stripe JAVA API with the customer token to split the payment 20$ into 10$ to customer account Kiko (No transaction fee from stripe), 0.88$ into stripe(Transaction fee), 9.12$ into platform account Sillycat.
Some Notes:
1. We can create many other connect accounts, like Kiko2, Kiko3 and etc.
2. We can save the customer token for future payment. We can charge the customer any time we need.
Here is the core codes in sillycat-stripe
package com.sillycat.stripe
import java.util
import com.stripe.Stripe
import com.stripe.model.{Customer, Account, Charge}
object StripeApp extends App{
Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_M1rxxxxx" // luohuazju
//Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_35ffxxxxxx" //cluo
val token = "tok_16qnxxxxxx"
// //Creating an account
// val accountParams = new util.HashMap[String, Object]()
// accountParams.put("managed", java.lang.Boolean.FALSE)
// accountParams.put("country", "US")
// accountParams.put("email", "cluo@jobs2careers.com")
// Account.create(accountParams)
// //fetch Account
// val result = Account.retrieve()
// println(result)
//create customer
// val customerParams = new util.HashMap[String, Object]()
// customerParams.put("description", "Customer for test@example.com")
// customerParams.put("source", token)
// Customer.create(customerParams)
//list Customers
// val customerParams = new util.HashMap[String, Object]()
// customerParams.put("limit", new Integer(3))
// val results = Customer.all(customerParams)
// println(results)
val chargeParams = new util.HashMap[String, Object]()
chargeParams.put("amount", new Integer(1000))
chargeParams.put("currency", "usd")
//chargeParams.put("source", token)
chargeParams.put("customer", "cus_74xxxxxx")
chargeParams.put("description", "Charge for cluo@example.com")
chargeParams.put("destination", "acct_16qmbxxxxx")
chargeParams.put("application_fee", new Integer(500))
val charge:Charge = Charge.create(chargeParams)
http://www.kuqin.com/shuoit/20150728/347262.html stripe with swift
official document
Test Card Number
1. Checkout form
The data will be sent to Stripe and Stripe will auto post a token to our server side.
<form action="http://requestb.in/w8djhzw8" method="POST">
src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
data-name="Demo Site"
data-description="2 widgets ($20.00)"
2. Charge the Customer
Try with Java API in Scala
The Dependency
"com.stripe" % "stripe-java" % "1.37.0", //MIT
The JAVA Codes
package com.sillycat.stripe
import java.util
import com.stripe.Stripe
import com.stripe.model.Charge
object StripeApp extends App{
Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_xxxxxxx"
val token = "tok_xxxxxxxxxxx"
val chargeParams = new util.HashMap[String, Object]()
chargeParams.put("amount", new Integer(400))
chargeParams.put("currency", "usd")
chargeParams.put("source", token)
chargeParams.put("description", "Charge for test@example.com")
val charge:Charge = Charge.create(chargeParams)
Stripe tokens can only be used once.
All the APIs are here.
3. Creating Subscription
We first create plan, and the plan can be day, week, month or year.
Then we subscribe a customer to a plan.
4. Share Charges
First of all, Go to [Connect] and Register my Platform Settings.
The flow I tried:
1. Step 1. Create platform account for Sillycat. (platform)
2. Step 2. Use API to create connect account in Sillycat for Kiko. (third party application name)
3. Step 3. End user Carl post payment 20$ to Kiko in browser(Can be our iOS or Android application)
4. Step 4. There is a web hook that once the payment is sent, our HTTP API Server side will receive a token from Stripe.
5. Step 5. Using that payment token, we will create a user account for the end user Carl and receiving a customer token.
6. Step 6. In the web hook HTTP Server, we will call stripe JAVA API with the customer token to split the payment 20$ into 10$ to customer account Kiko (No transaction fee from stripe), 0.88$ into stripe(Transaction fee), 9.12$ into platform account Sillycat.
Some Notes:
1. We can create many other connect accounts, like Kiko2, Kiko3 and etc.
2. We can save the customer token for future payment. We can charge the customer any time we need.
Here is the core codes in sillycat-stripe
package com.sillycat.stripe
import java.util
import com.stripe.Stripe
import com.stripe.model.{Customer, Account, Charge}
object StripeApp extends App{
Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_M1rxxxxx" // luohuazju
//Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_35ffxxxxxx" //cluo
val token = "tok_16qnxxxxxx"
// //Creating an account
// val accountParams = new util.HashMap[String, Object]()
// accountParams.put("managed", java.lang.Boolean.FALSE)
// accountParams.put("country", "US")
// accountParams.put("email", "cluo@jobs2careers.com")
// Account.create(accountParams)
// //fetch Account
// val result = Account.retrieve()
// println(result)
//create customer
// val customerParams = new util.HashMap[String, Object]()
// customerParams.put("description", "Customer for test@example.com")
// customerParams.put("source", token)
// Customer.create(customerParams)
//list Customers
// val customerParams = new util.HashMap[String, Object]()
// customerParams.put("limit", new Integer(3))
// val results = Customer.all(customerParams)
// println(results)
val chargeParams = new util.HashMap[String, Object]()
chargeParams.put("amount", new Integer(1000))
chargeParams.put("currency", "usd")
//chargeParams.put("source", token)
chargeParams.put("customer", "cus_74xxxxxx")
chargeParams.put("description", "Charge for cluo@example.com")
chargeParams.put("destination", "acct_16qmbxxxxx")
chargeParams.put("application_fee", new Integer(500))
val charge:Charge = Charge.create(chargeParams)
http://www.kuqin.com/shuoit/20150728/347262.html stripe with swift
official document
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7. **安全性**: Stripe遵循PCI DSS(Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)标准,确保所有支付数据的安全传输和存储,降低了支付过程中的风险。 8. **错误处理**: PHP SDK提供了丰富的错误处理机制,当...
在"stripe-card-payment"项目中,我们看到以下几个关键文件: 1. `global.css`:这是一个全局CSS样式表,用于定义项目的样式规则,包括按钮、表单、布局等,以确保页面的视觉一致性。 2. `checkout.html`:这是...
通过npm进行演示安装:yarn add vue-stripe-payment-或-npm install vue-stripe-payment使用此插件向您的应用程序添加vue-stripe-payment就像其他插件一样简单:从'vue'导入Vue; 从'vue-stripe-p导入...
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1. **安装扩展**:首先,你需要找到并下载适合 OpenCart 3.x 的 PayPal 和 Stripe 扩展。这些通常可以在 OpenCart 市场或其他第三方插件市场找到。提供的压缩包“opencart-3-x”可能包含了这些扩展的安装文件。 2. ...
1. **安装Stripe库**: 首先,我们需要在项目中引入Stripe的JavaScript库。可以通过CDN链接或者npm包管理器安装。例如,在HTML文件中添加: ```html <script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script> ``` 2. *...
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**Laravel 开发与 Stripe 集成** 在 Laravel 框架中,Stripe 是一个常用的支付处理库,尤其适用于在线订阅服务和一次性付款。Stripe 提供了一个简单易用的 API,使得开发者能够轻松地在应用程序中添加支付功能。本...
本文将重点介绍使用Go语言实现的Stripe API客户端库——Go-stripe,以及如何利用这个库来高效地与Stripe API进行交互。 首先,让我们理解什么是Go-stripe。Go-stripe是针对Stripe API开发的一个Golang客户端库,它...
Stripe是一家知名的在线支付处理平台,为开发者提供便捷的API接口,使得集成支付功能变得简单。在给定的压缩包文件中,“stripe-checkout-sample-code_stripe_phpstripedemo_”显然是一个PHP版本的Stripe Checkout...
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