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solr(7)4.10.4 on Jetty
1. Preparation
Java 1.7 or greater.
> java -version
java version "1.7.0_80"
Find a right release version of SOLR for me from here http://mirror.cogentco.com/pub/apache/lucene/solr/
I download and unzip this file solr-4.10.4.tgz.
> wget http://mirror.cogentco.com/pub/apache/lucene/solr/4.10.4/solr-4.10.4.tgz
Unzip the file and place them in the working directory
> sudo ln -s /home/carl/tool/solr-4.10.4 /opt/solr-4.10.4
2. Start the Solr Server
> cd /opt/solr/example/
to Start the Solr with Jetty
> java -jar start.jar
INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server – jetty-8.1.10.v20130312
INFO org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers.ScanningAppProvider – Deployment monitor /home/carl/tool/solr-4.10.4/example/contexts at interval 0
INFO org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.DeploymentManager – Deployable added: /home/carl/tool/solr-4.10.4/example/contexts/solr-jetty-context.xml
INFO org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebInfConfiguration – Extract jar:file:/home/carl/tool/solr-4.10.4/example/webapps/solr.war!/ to /home/carl/tool/solr-4.10.4/example/solr-webapp/webapp
haha, a lot of useful information,
jetty version = jetty-8.1.10.v20130312
Then visit page http://ubuntu-pilot:8983/solr/#/, our SOLR server is up and running.
Command line can do add, update, query and etc, so the solrJ.
Search UI
3. Understand of Multicore
If you have collections for Documents, People, Stocks which are completely unrelated entities.
Host unrelated entities separately so that they don’t impact each other
Having a different configuration for each core with different behavior
Performing activities on each core differently ( Update data, Load, Reload, Replication)
Keep the size of the core in check and configure caching accordingly.
When we use Command Line, we will make sure the core name is in the path.
http://host:8983/solr/core0/update ….
When we use Spring Data Solr, we have MulticoreSolrServerFactory
class Bean1 {
factory = new MulticoreSolrServerFactory(new HttpSolrServer(“http://host:8983”));
SolrServer solrServer = factory.getSolrServer(Bean1.class);
Join the Search on Multiple Cores
{!join from=fromField to=toField fromIndex=fromCoreName}fromQuery
Have 2 cores
brands {id, name}
products {id, name, brand_id}
BRANDS: {1, Apple} {2, Alibaba} {3, Hundsun}
PRODUCTS: {1, iPhone, 1}, {2, iPad, 1} ...
http://host:8983/solr/brands/select?q=*:*&fq={!join from=brand_id to=id fromIndex=products}name:iPad
It will translates to something like:
SELECT b.* FROM brands b INNER JOIN products p ON b.id=p.brand_id WHERE p.name=“iPad”;
{id: “1”, name:”Apple"}
4. Clustering of SOLR
A little about SolrCores and Collections
SolrCore is essentially a single index. Multiple indexes, we should create multiple SolrCores.
Shard Cluster
ZooKeeper + 2 Jetty Instances
Shard Cluster and Shard Replicas
Shard Cluster with Shard Replicas and Zookeeper Ensemble
2 shards, 2 replica and multiple zookeepers
That is push mode. But we are using pull mode.
SOLR Cluster/Cloud
1. Preparation
Java 1.7 or greater.
> java -version
java version "1.7.0_80"
Find a right release version of SOLR for me from here http://mirror.cogentco.com/pub/apache/lucene/solr/
I download and unzip this file solr-4.10.4.tgz.
> wget http://mirror.cogentco.com/pub/apache/lucene/solr/4.10.4/solr-4.10.4.tgz
Unzip the file and place them in the working directory
> sudo ln -s /home/carl/tool/solr-4.10.4 /opt/solr-4.10.4
2. Start the Solr Server
> cd /opt/solr/example/
to Start the Solr with Jetty
> java -jar start.jar
INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server – jetty-8.1.10.v20130312
INFO org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers.ScanningAppProvider – Deployment monitor /home/carl/tool/solr-4.10.4/example/contexts at interval 0
INFO org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.DeploymentManager – Deployable added: /home/carl/tool/solr-4.10.4/example/contexts/solr-jetty-context.xml
INFO org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebInfConfiguration – Extract jar:file:/home/carl/tool/solr-4.10.4/example/webapps/solr.war!/ to /home/carl/tool/solr-4.10.4/example/solr-webapp/webapp
haha, a lot of useful information,
jetty version = jetty-8.1.10.v20130312
Then visit page http://ubuntu-pilot:8983/solr/#/, our SOLR server is up and running.
Command line can do add, update, query and etc, so the solrJ.
Search UI
3. Understand of Multicore
If you have collections for Documents, People, Stocks which are completely unrelated entities.
Host unrelated entities separately so that they don’t impact each other
Having a different configuration for each core with different behavior
Performing activities on each core differently ( Update data, Load, Reload, Replication)
Keep the size of the core in check and configure caching accordingly.
When we use Command Line, we will make sure the core name is in the path.
http://host:8983/solr/core0/update ….
When we use Spring Data Solr, we have MulticoreSolrServerFactory
class Bean1 {
factory = new MulticoreSolrServerFactory(new HttpSolrServer(“http://host:8983”));
SolrServer solrServer = factory.getSolrServer(Bean1.class);
Join the Search on Multiple Cores
{!join from=fromField to=toField fromIndex=fromCoreName}fromQuery
Have 2 cores
brands {id, name}
products {id, name, brand_id}
BRANDS: {1, Apple} {2, Alibaba} {3, Hundsun}
PRODUCTS: {1, iPhone, 1}, {2, iPad, 1} ...
http://host:8983/solr/brands/select?q=*:*&fq={!join from=brand_id to=id fromIndex=products}name:iPad
It will translates to something like:
SELECT b.* FROM brands b INNER JOIN products p ON b.id=p.brand_id WHERE p.name=“iPad”;
{id: “1”, name:”Apple"}
4. Clustering of SOLR
A little about SolrCores and Collections
SolrCore is essentially a single index. Multiple indexes, we should create multiple SolrCores.
Shard Cluster
ZooKeeper + 2 Jetty Instances
Shard Cluster and Shard Replicas
Shard Cluster with Shard Replicas and Zookeeper Ensemble
2 shards, 2 replica and multiple zookeepers
That is push mode. But we are using pull mode.
SOLR Cluster/Cloud
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7. **自定义插件**:Solr允许开发人员编写自己的插件来扩展其功能,例如自定义查询解析器、过滤器和 Highlighter。 8. **用户界面**:Solr提供了一个直观的Web管理界面(Solr Admin UI),用户可以通过浏览器进行...
7. **性能优化**: Solr允许用户进行各种性能调优,如调整内存分配、使用块存储优化磁盘I/O,或者通过缓存策略提高查询速度。 8. **监控与管理**: 4.10.4版本的Solr有一个内置的Web界面(称为Solr Admin UI),用户...
文件`ssotool.msi`可能是一个单点登录(Single Sign-On, SSO)工具的安装程序,与Solr集成可以提供统一的身份验证服务,使得用户在访问多个系统时只需登录一次。 5. **应用场景**: - **电子商务**:快速搜索商品...
这里以 Solr 4.10.4 版本为例进行介绍: 1. **下载 Solr**: 访问 Apache Solr 官网 (http://lucene.apache.org/solr/) 下载 Solr 的压缩包,例如 solr-4.10.4.tgz。 2. **解压 Solr 文件**: 使用 tar 命令解压...
码头用于部署Solr的Jetty应用程序。 默认情况下,不包含任何核心。 必须将它们添加到配置中。安装下载并运行: java -jar start.jar从以下位置查看应用程序: http://localhost:8985/solr/版本号索尔4.10.4 码头8.1....
1.ik中文分词器适配最新版本solr7和solr8,下载后解压,将target下的ik-analyzer-7.7.1.jar包放入Solr服务的`Jetty`或`Tomcat`的`webapp/WEB-INF/lib/`目录下。 2.将`resources`目录下的5个配置文件放入solr服务的`...
标题“ik-analyzer-solr7-7.x.zip”表明这是一个与Solr7相关的压缩包,其中包含了IK Analyzer,一个广泛使用的中文分词工具。这个压缩包特别为Solr7版本进行了优化,提供了完整的配置文件,使得用户可以方便地集成到...
**支持 Solr7 的 ik 分词器** 在信息检索和文本分析领域,分词器扮演着至关重要的角色,它能够将连续的文本流分解为可处理的词汇单元。`ik` 分词器是针对中文文本处理的一个高效工具,特别适用于大规模数据的搜索...
7. 更新 Solr 配置文件 `solrconfig.xml`,设置数据目录为刚才创建的数据目录,替换 `${solr.data.dir:}</dataDir>` 为 `${solr.data.dir:D:/data/solr/collection1/data}</dataDir>`。 8. 设置 Solr 的 `home` ...
标题中的"ik-analyzer-solr7(支持solr7)"指的是IK Analyzer,这是一个针对Apache Solr搜索引擎的中文分词插件,专为Solr 7版本进行了优化和适配。IK Analyzer是一款开源的Java实现的中文分词器,旨在提供高效、灵活...
OpenShift Apache Solr 4.10.4 快速入门这是一个 OpenShift Quickstart 存储库,可帮助您快速启动和运行 Apache Solr 4.10.4。安装要安装快速入门,请使用以下命令 # Create your application to host your Apache ...
Solr 数据导入调度器(solr-dataimport-scheduler.jar)是一个专门为Apache Solr 7.x版本设计的组件,用于实现数据的定期索引更新。在理解这个知识点之前,我们需要先了解Solr的基本概念以及数据导入处理...
《IK Analyzer在Solr 7.x中的应用与配置详解》 IK Analyzer,全称为"Intelligent Keyword Analyzer",是一款基于Java实现的、广泛应用于搜索引擎和NLP(自然语言处理)领域的中文分词器。它以其高效、灵活和高度可...
文档标题 "solr7官方文档" 指示了这是针对 Solr 7.x 版本的使用手册,这个版本的 Solr 是目前较为先进稳定的版本,包含了大量功能和性能上的改进。 文档的【描述】部分反复强调“solr 使用官方指南”,这意味着文档...
《Apache Solr 7官方指南》是为了解析和掌握这个强大工具的重要参考资料,旨在帮助用户深入理解Solr 7的各种特性和功能。 Solr的核心功能包括全文检索、命中高亮、拼写建议、分类、 faceting(分面导航)、实时添加...
Solr 7官方文档是关于Apache Solr 7版本的详尽指南,它是一个高度可扩展、高性能的全文搜索引擎服务器,广泛应用于企业级搜索场景。Solr基于Java开发,能够处理大量的索引和查询请求,并提供了丰富的功能来满足各种...