Kafka(6)How to Monitor Kafka
1. KafkaOffsetMonitor
This project is good.
build and run it
>sbt clean update
>sbt assembly
>java -cp target/scala-2.10/KafkaOffsetMonitor-assembly-0.2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.quantifind.kafka.offsetapp.OffsetGetterWeb --zk ubuntu-slave1 --port 8080 --refresh 10.seconds --retain 2.days
Visit the web page
The most import class is something like com.quantifind.kafka.OffsetGetter.
It keeps using import kafka.utils.ZkUtils to connect to the zookeeper to fetch the information.
2. kafka-web-console
This project is here
build and run it
>git clone https://github.com/claudemamo/kafka-web-console.git
>sbt clean update gen-idea
>sbt run
Visit the page http://localhost:9000
It is using the com.twitter.zk.ZkClient to fetch the information from zookeeper.
If I plan to writer something myself. I need to understand this tool.
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- 来自: 成都
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How use tools to monitor the performance of your architecture. How to integrate all technologies and decide which replace and which reinforce. Who This Book Is For This book is for developers, data ...
This book is about how to integrate full-stack open source...How use tools to monitor the performance of your architecture. How to integrate all technologies and decide which replace and which reinforce.
语言: :United_States: -: :卡夫卡中心 KafkaCenter是一个统一的一站式平台... 然后,只需下载我们的Docker映像(请参阅下面的HowTo),然后就可以使用! *注意:KafkaCenter尚不支持对安全的Kafka集群(SASL或OAuth
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