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Grails(5)Guide Book Chapter 6 GORM
6.3 Persistence Basics
6.3.1 Saving and Updating
def p = Person.get(1)
This save will be not be pushed to the database immediately. It will be pushed when the next flush occurs.
p.save(flush: true) //Flush immediately.
}catch(org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException e){
Grails validates a domain instance every time when we save it.
p.save(failOnError: true)
6.3.2 Deleting Objects
def p = Person.get(1)
Almost the save as during saving
}catch(org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException e){}
If we need batch deleting function, we use executeUpdate
Customer.executeUpdate("delete Customer c where c.name =ldName",
[oldName: "Carl"])
6.3.3 Understanding Cascading Updates and Deletes
6.3.4 Eager and Lazy Fetching
Default are lazy fetching
Configuring Eager Fetching
class Airport {
String name
static hasMany = [flights: Flight]
static mapping = {
flights lazy: false
Using Batch Fetching
If we use eager fetch all the time for all the data, it will result some performance and memory problems.
class Airport {
String name
static hasMany = [flights: Flight]
static mapping = {
flights batchSize: 10
class Flight {
static mapping = {
batchSize 10
6.3.5 Pessimistic and Optimistic Locking
def airport = Airport.lock(10)
6.3.6 Modification Checking
We can use this method to check if any field has been modified.
def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()
airport.properties = params
if(airport.isDirty()) {
We can also check if individual fields have been modified.
def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()
airport.properties = params
We can use this method to retrieve the names of modified fields.
def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()
airport.properties = params
def modifiedFieldNames = airport.getDirtyPropertyNames()
for(fieldName in modifiedFieldNames){
We can also use this method to retrieve the value of a modified field.
def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()
airport.properties = params
def modifiedFieldNames = airport.getDirtyPropertyNames()
for (fieldName in modifiedFieldNames) {
def currentValue = airport."$fieldName"
def originalValue = airport.getPersistentValue(fieldName)
if(currentValue != originalValue){
6.4 Querying with GORM
Dynamic Finders
Where Queries
Criteria Queries
Hibernate Query Language(HQL)
Listing Instances
def books = Book.list()
def books = Book.list(offset:10, max: 20) //pagination
def books = Book.list(sort:"title", order:"asc") //sort
Retrieval by Database Identifier
def book = Book.get(23)
def books = Book.getAll(23,93,81)
6.4.1 Dynamic Finders
class Book {
String title
Date releaseDate
Author author
class Author {
String name
def book = Book.findByTitle("The Python")
book = Book.findByTitleLike("Python%")
book = Book.findByReleaseDateBetween(firstDate, secondDate)
book = Book.findByReleaseDateGreaterThan(someDate)
book = Book.findByTitleLikeOrReleaseDateLessThan("%Python%", someDate)
Method Expressions
InList, LessThan, LessThanEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEquals
Ilike - similar to Like, except case insensitive
NotEqual, Between, IsNotNull, IsNull
Boolean logic (AND/OR)
def books = Book.findAllByTitleLikeAndReleaseDateGreaterThan(
“%Java%”, new Date() -30)
Querying Associations
Pagination and Sorting
6.4.2 Where Queries
Basic Querying
def query = Person.where {
firstName == "Carl"
Person carl = query.find()
Person p = Person.find { firstName == "Carl" }
def results = Person.findAll {
lastName == "Luo"
== eq
!= ne
> gt
< lt
>= ge
<= le
in inList
==~ like
=~ ilike
def query = Person.where {
(lastName != "Carl" && firstName != "Book") || (firstName == "Carl" && age > 9)
def results = query.list(sort:"firstName")
Query Composition
Conjunction, Disjunction and Negation
6.4.3 Criteria
6.4.4 Detached Criteria
6.4.5 Hibernate Query Language(HQL)
def results =
Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.title like 'Lord of the%'")
Positional and Named Parameters
def results =
Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.title like ?", ["The Shi%"])
Or named parameters
def books = Book.findAll("from Book as book where book.author = :author",
Pagination and Sorting
def results =
Book.findAll("from Book as b where " +
"b.title like 'Lord of the%' " +
"order by b.title sac",
[max: 10, offset: 20])
6.5 Advanced GORM Features
6.5.1 Events and Auto Timestamping
Event Types
The beforeInsert event
Fired before an object is saved to the database
class Person{
private static final Date NULL_DATE = new Date(0)
String firstName
String lastName
Date signupDate = NULL_DATE
def beforeInsert() {
if(signupDate == NULL_DATE) {
signupDate = new Date()
The beforeUpdate event
Fired before an existing object is updated
class Person {
def securityService
String firstName
String lastName
String lastUpdateBy
static constraints = {
lastUpdatedBy nullable: true
def beforeUpdate() {
lastUpdateBy = securityService.currentAuthenticatedUsername()
The beforeDelete event
Fired before an object is deleted.
class Person {
String name
def beforeDelete() {
ActivityTrace.withNewSession {
new ActivityTrace(eventName: "Person Deleted", data: name).save()
The beforeValidate event
Fired before an object is validated.
class Person {
String name
static constraints = {
name size: 5..45
def beforeValidate(){
name = name?.trim()
The onLoad/beforeLoad event
class Person {
String name
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
def onLoad() {
log.debug "Loading ${id}"
The afterLoad event
Fired immediately after an object is loaded from the database:
class Person {
String name
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
def afterLoad() {
name = "I'm loaded"
Custom Event Listeners
6.5.2 Custom ORM Mapping Table and Column Names Caching Strategy
Setting up caching
configured in the grails-app/conf/DateSource.groovy
hibernate {
cache.use_second_level_cache = true
cache.use_query_cache = true
cache.provider_class = 'org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider'
} Inheritance Strategies Custom Database Identity Custom Cascade Behaviour
6.3 Persistence Basics
6.3.1 Saving and Updating
def p = Person.get(1)
This save will be not be pushed to the database immediately. It will be pushed when the next flush occurs.
p.save(flush: true) //Flush immediately.
}catch(org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException e){
Grails validates a domain instance every time when we save it.
p.save(failOnError: true)
6.3.2 Deleting Objects
def p = Person.get(1)
Almost the save as during saving
}catch(org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException e){}
If we need batch deleting function, we use executeUpdate
Customer.executeUpdate("delete Customer c where c.name =ldName",
[oldName: "Carl"])
6.3.3 Understanding Cascading Updates and Deletes
6.3.4 Eager and Lazy Fetching
Default are lazy fetching
Configuring Eager Fetching
class Airport {
String name
static hasMany = [flights: Flight]
static mapping = {
flights lazy: false
Using Batch Fetching
If we use eager fetch all the time for all the data, it will result some performance and memory problems.
class Airport {
String name
static hasMany = [flights: Flight]
static mapping = {
flights batchSize: 10
class Flight {
static mapping = {
batchSize 10
6.3.5 Pessimistic and Optimistic Locking
def airport = Airport.lock(10)
6.3.6 Modification Checking
We can use this method to check if any field has been modified.
def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()
airport.properties = params
if(airport.isDirty()) {
We can also check if individual fields have been modified.
def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()
airport.properties = params
We can use this method to retrieve the names of modified fields.
def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()
airport.properties = params
def modifiedFieldNames = airport.getDirtyPropertyNames()
for(fieldName in modifiedFieldNames){
We can also use this method to retrieve the value of a modified field.
def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()
airport.properties = params
def modifiedFieldNames = airport.getDirtyPropertyNames()
for (fieldName in modifiedFieldNames) {
def currentValue = airport."$fieldName"
def originalValue = airport.getPersistentValue(fieldName)
if(currentValue != originalValue){
6.4 Querying with GORM
Dynamic Finders
Where Queries
Criteria Queries
Hibernate Query Language(HQL)
Listing Instances
def books = Book.list()
def books = Book.list(offset:10, max: 20) //pagination
def books = Book.list(sort:"title", order:"asc") //sort
Retrieval by Database Identifier
def book = Book.get(23)
def books = Book.getAll(23,93,81)
6.4.1 Dynamic Finders
class Book {
String title
Date releaseDate
Author author
class Author {
String name
def book = Book.findByTitle("The Python")
book = Book.findByTitleLike("Python%")
book = Book.findByReleaseDateBetween(firstDate, secondDate)
book = Book.findByReleaseDateGreaterThan(someDate)
book = Book.findByTitleLikeOrReleaseDateLessThan("%Python%", someDate)
Method Expressions
InList, LessThan, LessThanEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEquals
Ilike - similar to Like, except case insensitive
NotEqual, Between, IsNotNull, IsNull
Boolean logic (AND/OR)
def books = Book.findAllByTitleLikeAndReleaseDateGreaterThan(
“%Java%”, new Date() -30)
Querying Associations
Pagination and Sorting
6.4.2 Where Queries
Basic Querying
def query = Person.where {
firstName == "Carl"
Person carl = query.find()
Person p = Person.find { firstName == "Carl" }
def results = Person.findAll {
lastName == "Luo"
== eq
!= ne
> gt
< lt
>= ge
<= le
in inList
==~ like
=~ ilike
def query = Person.where {
(lastName != "Carl" && firstName != "Book") || (firstName == "Carl" && age > 9)
def results = query.list(sort:"firstName")
Query Composition
Conjunction, Disjunction and Negation
6.4.3 Criteria
6.4.4 Detached Criteria
6.4.5 Hibernate Query Language(HQL)
def results =
Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.title like 'Lord of the%'")
Positional and Named Parameters
def results =
Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.title like ?", ["The Shi%"])
Or named parameters
def books = Book.findAll("from Book as book where book.author = :author",
Pagination and Sorting
def results =
Book.findAll("from Book as b where " +
"b.title like 'Lord of the%' " +
"order by b.title sac",
[max: 10, offset: 20])
6.5 Advanced GORM Features
6.5.1 Events and Auto Timestamping
Event Types
The beforeInsert event
Fired before an object is saved to the database
class Person{
private static final Date NULL_DATE = new Date(0)
String firstName
String lastName
Date signupDate = NULL_DATE
def beforeInsert() {
if(signupDate == NULL_DATE) {
signupDate = new Date()
The beforeUpdate event
Fired before an existing object is updated
class Person {
def securityService
String firstName
String lastName
String lastUpdateBy
static constraints = {
lastUpdatedBy nullable: true
def beforeUpdate() {
lastUpdateBy = securityService.currentAuthenticatedUsername()
The beforeDelete event
Fired before an object is deleted.
class Person {
String name
def beforeDelete() {
ActivityTrace.withNewSession {
new ActivityTrace(eventName: "Person Deleted", data: name).save()
The beforeValidate event
Fired before an object is validated.
class Person {
String name
static constraints = {
name size: 5..45
def beforeValidate(){
name = name?.trim()
The onLoad/beforeLoad event
class Person {
String name
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
def onLoad() {
log.debug "Loading ${id}"
The afterLoad event
Fired immediately after an object is loaded from the database:
class Person {
String name
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
def afterLoad() {
name = "I'm loaded"
Custom Event Listeners
6.5.2 Custom ORM Mapping Table and Column Names Caching Strategy
Setting up caching
configured in the grails-app/conf/DateSource.groovy
hibernate {
cache.use_second_level_cache = true
cache.use_query_cache = true
cache.provider_class = 'org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider'
} Inheritance Strategies Custom Database Identity Custom Cascade Behaviour
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智慧工地,作为现代建筑施工管理的创新模式,以“智慧工地云平台”为核心,整合施工现场的“人机料法环”关键要素,实现了业务系统的协同共享,为施工企业提供了标准化、精益化的工程管理方案,同时也为政府监管提供了数据分析及决策支持。这一解决方案依托云网一体化产品及物联网资源,通过集成公司业务优势,面向政府监管部门和建筑施工企业,自主研发并整合加载了多种工地行业应用。这些应用不仅全面连接了施工现场的人员、机械、车辆和物料,实现了数据的智能采集、定位、监测、控制、分析及管理,还打造了物联网终端、网络层、平台层、应用层等全方位的安全能力,确保了整个系统的可靠、可用、可控和保密。 在整体解决方案中,智慧工地提供了政府监管级、建筑企业级和施工现场级三类解决方案。政府监管级解决方案以一体化监管平台为核心,通过GIS地图展示辖区内工程项目、人员、设备信息,实现了施工现场安全状况和参建各方行为的实时监控和事前预防。建筑企业级解决方案则通过综合管理平台,提供项目管理、进度管控、劳务实名制等一站式服务,帮助企业实现工程管理的标准化和精益化。施工现场级解决方案则以可视化平台为基础,集成多个业务应用子系统,借助物联网应用终端,实现了施工信息化、管理智能化、监测自动化和决策可视化。这些解决方案的应用,不仅提高了施工效率和工程质量,还降低了安全风险,为建筑行业的可持续发展提供了有力支持。 值得一提的是,智慧工地的应用系统还围绕着工地“人、机、材、环”四个重要因素,提供了各类信息化应用系统。这些系统通过配置同步用户的组织结构、智能权限,结合各类子系统应用,实现了信息的有效触达、问题的及时跟进和工地的有序管理。此外,智慧工地还结合了虚拟现实(VR)和建筑信息模型(BIM)等先进技术,为施工人员提供了更为直观、生动的培训和管理工具。这些创新技术的应用,不仅提升了施工人员的技能水平和安全意识,还为建筑行业的数字化转型和智能化升级注入了新的活力。总的来说,智慧工地解决方案以其创新性、实用性和高效性,正在逐步改变建筑施工行业的传统管理模式,引领着建筑行业向更加智能化、高效化和可持续化的方向发展。
该代码实现了基于机器学习的车辆价格预测模型,利用不同回归算法(如线性回归、随机森林回归和 KNN 回归)对车辆的当前价格(current price)进行预测。代码首先进行数据加载与预处理,包括删除无关特征、归一化处理等;然后使用不同的机器学习模型进行训练,并评估它们的表现(通过 R²、MAE、MSE 等指标);最后通过可视化工具对模型预测效果进行分析。目的是为车辆价格预测任务找到最合适的回归模型。 适用人群: 数据科学家和机器学习工程师:对于需要进行回归建模和模型选择的从业者,尤其是对车辆数据或类似领域有兴趣的。 企业数据分析师:在汽车行业或二手车市场中,需要对车辆价格进行预测和分析的专业人员。 机器学习学习者:希望学习如何使用 Python 实现机器学习模型、数据预处理和评估的初学者或中级学习者。 使用场景及目标: 汽车定价与估值:用于为汽车或二手车定价,尤其是当需要预测车辆的当前市场价格时。 汽车行业市场分析:通过数据分析和回归预测,帮助汽车销售商、经销商或市场分析师预测未来的市场价格趋势。 二手车市场:为二手车买卖双方提供价格参考,帮助制定合理的交易价格。
基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目),本资源中的源码都是经过本地编译过可运行的,评审分达到98分,资源项目的难度比较适中,内容都是经过助教老师审定过的能够满足学习、毕业设计、期末大作业和课程设计使用需求,如果有需要的话可以放心下载使用。 基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目)基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目)基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目)基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目)基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目)基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目)基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目)基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目)基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目)基于Python实现的医疗知识图谱的知识问答系统源码毕业设计(高分项目)基于
C# 操作Access数据库
在 MATLAB 中进行人脸识别可以通过使用内置的工具箱和函数来实现。MATLAB 提供了计算机视觉工具箱(Computer Vision Toolbox),其中包含了用于图像处理、特征提取以及机器学习的函数,可以用来构建一个人脸识别系统。下面是一个简化的教程,介绍如何使用 MATLAB 进行人脸识别。 ### 准备工作 1. **安装必要的工具箱**:确保你已经安装了“计算机视觉工具箱”和“深度学习工具箱”。如果没有,可以通过 MATLAB 的附加功能管理器安装它们。 2. **获取数据集**:准备一个包含不同个体的人脸图像的数据集。你可以自己收集图片,或者使用公开的数据集如 AT&T Faces Database 或 LFW (Labeled Faces in the Wild) 数据集。 3. **安装预训练模型(可选)**:如果你打算使用深度学习方法,MATLAB 提供了一些预训练的卷积神经网络(CNN)模型,比如 AlexNet, GoogLeNet 等,可以直接加载并用于特征提取或分类。 ### 步骤指南 #### 1. 加载人脸检测器 ```matlab face
智慧工地,作为现代建筑施工管理的创新模式,以“智慧工地云平台”为核心,整合施工现场的“人机料法环”关键要素,实现了业务系统的协同共享,为施工企业提供了标准化、精益化的工程管理方案,同时也为政府监管提供了数据分析及决策支持。这一解决方案依托云网一体化产品及物联网资源,通过集成公司业务优势,面向政府监管部门和建筑施工企业,自主研发并整合加载了多种工地行业应用。这些应用不仅全面连接了施工现场的人员、机械、车辆和物料,实现了数据的智能采集、定位、监测、控制、分析及管理,还打造了物联网终端、网络层、平台层、应用层等全方位的安全能力,确保了整个系统的可靠、可用、可控和保密。 在整体解决方案中,智慧工地提供了政府监管级、建筑企业级和施工现场级三类解决方案。政府监管级解决方案以一体化监管平台为核心,通过GIS地图展示辖区内工程项目、人员、设备信息,实现了施工现场安全状况和参建各方行为的实时监控和事前预防。建筑企业级解决方案则通过综合管理平台,提供项目管理、进度管控、劳务实名制等一站式服务,帮助企业实现工程管理的标准化和精益化。施工现场级解决方案则以可视化平台为基础,集成多个业务应用子系统,借助物联网应用终端,实现了施工信息化、管理智能化、监测自动化和决策可视化。这些解决方案的应用,不仅提高了施工效率和工程质量,还降低了安全风险,为建筑行业的可持续发展提供了有力支持。 值得一提的是,智慧工地的应用系统还围绕着工地“人、机、材、环”四个重要因素,提供了各类信息化应用系统。这些系统通过配置同步用户的组织结构、智能权限,结合各类子系统应用,实现了信息的有效触达、问题的及时跟进和工地的有序管理。此外,智慧工地还结合了虚拟现实(VR)和建筑信息模型(BIM)等先进技术,为施工人员提供了更为直观、生动的培训和管理工具。这些创新技术的应用,不仅提升了施工人员的技能水平和安全意识,还为建筑行业的数字化转型和智能化升级注入了新的活力。总的来说,智慧工地解决方案以其创新性、实用性和高效性,正在逐步改变建筑施工行业的传统管理模式,引领着建筑行业向更加智能化、高效化和可持续化的方向发展。