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Perl Language(I)Beginning of Perl
1. About Perl
check my perl version
>perl -v
This is perl, v5.10.1 (*) built for i686-linux-gnu-thread-multi
(with 40 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
perl eclipse plugin
Create a perl project easyperl
Create a file with name Demo1.pl
[Run] ---->[Perl Local]
My first perl programme
>perl -e 'print "hello sillycat!\n"'
hello sillycat!
>vi ch1.pl
print "hello sillycat\n";
execute this programme
>perl ch1.pl
give the right to the file
>chmod a+x ch1.pl
install the doc of perl
>sudo apt-get install perl-doc
>perldoc -f print
style of comments
#comments here
2. Scalar
2.1 numeric
>vi ch2_1.pl
$a = 1_300_300;
$b = 1.3e6;
print "$a\n"; # 1300300
print "$b\n"; # 13000000
2.2 string
>vi ch2_2.pl
$a = "perl";
$c = "在\tPerl\t中使用字串非常容易";
print "$a\n";
print "$c\n";
difference between '' and ""
$c = "在Perl中使用字串非常容易";
print '$c\n';
print "$c\n";
>vi ch2_3.pl
$a = 1357;
$b = 2468;
print $a+$b,"\n";
print $a.$b,"\n";
console output:
>vi ch2_4.pl
use strict;
my $foo = 3;
$foo = 3 + (my $bar = 2);
print "$foo\n";
print "no message="."$bar\n";
>vi ch2_6.pl
#my $name;
my $name="sillycat";
if (defined($name)) {
print $name."\n";
} else {
print "it's undefined\n";
3. Array and List
>Demo1.pl in easyperl project
my @array;
$array[0] = "1";
print "first value = $array[0]\n";
my ($first, $second, $third) = (1,2,3);
print "second Value = $second\n";
my @array = qw/first second third/;
print "third Value = @array[2]\n";
my @array = (1...10);
my @array2 = (3, -1, @array, 13);
print "last Value = @array[9]\n";
print "last Value = @array2[1]\n";
console output:
first value = 1
second Value = 2
third Value = third
last Value = 10
last Value = -1
>Demo2.pl in easyperl project
my @array = qw{"first" "second" "third"};
$array[6] = "test";
print $array[6] . "\n";
print $#array . "\n"; # last index number of the array
$array[$#array + 1] = "last value";
print "Last Value:" . $array[$#array] . "\n"
console output:
Last Value:last value
3.3 push / pop
>Demo3.pl in easyperl project
my @array = qw{first second third};
print $#array . "\n";
push @array, 'fourth';
print $#array . "\n";
my $tmp = pop @array;
print $#array . " tmp=" . $tmp . "\n";
my @array2 = qw{'test1','test2'};
push @array, @array2;
print 'number of array:' . @array . "\n";
console output:
2 tmp=fourth
number of array:4
3.4 shift/unshift
>demo2.pl in easyperl project
my @array = (1...10);
print @array;
print "\n";
shift @array; # remove the first one
print @array;
print "\n";
unshift @array, 0; # put 0 to the first one
print @array;
console output:
3.5 Part of the array
>demo4.pl in easyperl
my @array = (0...10);
my @array2 = @array[2...4];
print @array2;
print "\n";
my @array3 = @array[2...4,6];
print @array3;
print "\n";
my @array = (1...10);
my $scale = @array + 4;
print $scale;
print "\n";
my @scalar_array = ($scale,15);
print @scalar_array;
console output:
3.7.2 join
my @array = qw/-4 45 33 8 75/;
print join ',', @array;
print "\n";
print @array;
console output:
3.7.3 map
my @array = map { sqrt($_)*10 } qw/4 81/;
print join ',',@array;
console output:
3.7.4 grep
my @array = qw/-4 8 12 -22 19 -8 42/;
my @positive = grep {$_ > 0} @array;
print "$_\n" for @positive
console output:
1. About Perl
check my perl version
>perl -v
This is perl, v5.10.1 (*) built for i686-linux-gnu-thread-multi
(with 40 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
perl eclipse plugin
Create a perl project easyperl
Create a file with name Demo1.pl
[Run] ---->[Perl Local]
My first perl programme
>perl -e 'print "hello sillycat!\n"'
hello sillycat!
>vi ch1.pl
print "hello sillycat\n";
execute this programme
>perl ch1.pl
give the right to the file
>chmod a+x ch1.pl
install the doc of perl
>sudo apt-get install perl-doc
>perldoc -f print
style of comments
#comments here
2. Scalar
2.1 numeric
>vi ch2_1.pl
$a = 1_300_300;
$b = 1.3e6;
print "$a\n"; # 1300300
print "$b\n"; # 13000000
2.2 string
>vi ch2_2.pl
$a = "perl";
$c = "在\tPerl\t中使用字串非常容易";
print "$a\n";
print "$c\n";
difference between '' and ""
$c = "在Perl中使用字串非常容易";
print '$c\n';
print "$c\n";
>vi ch2_3.pl
$a = 1357;
$b = 2468;
print $a+$b,"\n";
print $a.$b,"\n";
console output:
>vi ch2_4.pl
use strict;
my $foo = 3;
$foo = 3 + (my $bar = 2);
print "$foo\n";
print "no message="."$bar\n";
>vi ch2_6.pl
#my $name;
my $name="sillycat";
if (defined($name)) {
print $name."\n";
} else {
print "it's undefined\n";
3. Array and List
>Demo1.pl in easyperl project
my @array;
$array[0] = "1";
print "first value = $array[0]\n";
my ($first, $second, $third) = (1,2,3);
print "second Value = $second\n";
my @array = qw/first second third/;
print "third Value = @array[2]\n";
my @array = (1...10);
my @array2 = (3, -1, @array, 13);
print "last Value = @array[9]\n";
print "last Value = @array2[1]\n";
console output:
first value = 1
second Value = 2
third Value = third
last Value = 10
last Value = -1
>Demo2.pl in easyperl project
my @array = qw{"first" "second" "third"};
$array[6] = "test";
print $array[6] . "\n";
print $#array . "\n"; # last index number of the array
$array[$#array + 1] = "last value";
print "Last Value:" . $array[$#array] . "\n"
console output:
Last Value:last value
3.3 push / pop
>Demo3.pl in easyperl project
my @array = qw{first second third};
print $#array . "\n";
push @array, 'fourth';
print $#array . "\n";
my $tmp = pop @array;
print $#array . " tmp=" . $tmp . "\n";
my @array2 = qw{'test1','test2'};
push @array, @array2;
print 'number of array:' . @array . "\n";
console output:
2 tmp=fourth
number of array:4
3.4 shift/unshift
>demo2.pl in easyperl project
my @array = (1...10);
print @array;
print "\n";
shift @array; # remove the first one
print @array;
print "\n";
unshift @array, 0; # put 0 to the first one
print @array;
console output:
3.5 Part of the array
>demo4.pl in easyperl
my @array = (0...10);
my @array2 = @array[2...4];
print @array2;
print "\n";
my @array3 = @array[2...4,6];
print @array3;
print "\n";
my @array = (1...10);
my $scale = @array + 4;
print $scale;
print "\n";
my @scalar_array = ($scale,15);
print @scalar_array;
console output:
3.7.2 join
my @array = qw/-4 45 33 8 75/;
print join ',', @array;
print "\n";
print @array;
console output:
3.7.3 map
my @array = map { sqrt($_)*10 } qw/4 81/;
print join ',',@array;
console output:
3.7.4 grep
my @array = qw/-4 8 12 -22 19 -8 42/;
my @positive = grep {$_ > 0} @array;
print "$_\n" for @positive
console output:
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programming biologist who needs to solve very specific problems., Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics is designed to get you quickly over the Perl language barrier by approaching programming as an ...
programming biologist who needs to solve very specific problems., Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics is designed to get you quickly over the Perl language barrier by approaching programming as an ...
Originally touted as the duct tape of the Internet, Perl has since evolved into a multipurpose, multiplatform language present absolutely everywhere: heavy-duty web applications, the cloud, systems ...
edition of Learning Perl. In the intervening years, Perl itself has grown substantially from a "cool" scripting language used primarily by Unix system administrators to a robust object-oriented ...
Making use of online Perl resources like CPAN First principles in programming and the Perl syntax Working with files and databases Writing web pages in Perl Using Perl as an object-oriented language
Table of Content.........................................................................................................................i Copyright......................................................
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2. **[UNIX系统管理高手].Wrox.-.Beginning.Perl.pdf** - 尽管标题提到的是Perl编程,但Perl在UNIX环境中常被用来编写系统管理和维护脚本。这本书可能介绍了Perl的基础语法,以及如何利用Perl在UNIX系统上执行任务,...
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