On some points, Magento needs regular maintenance. For instance, when running a shop of which the products are updated frequently, it is needed to refresh catalog indices. Also the search-index might need regular updating. To accomplish these tasks you can run Magento cronjobs. With MagentoTM1.4 this is even easier. Here's how.
Meet cron
Within Linux environments, the program responsible for running scheduled tasks is called cron. Tasks that are run through cron are referred to as cronjobs. By runnning cronjobs daily or perhaps weekly, you can automate certain processes like refreshing the Magento indices or cleaning up logfiles.
Running cronjobs is something that depends on your hosting environment. Almost every Linux-server is shipped with cron-functionality, but within shared hosting environments it just depends whether you are allowed to use or not. Popular control panels like DirectAdmin or CPanel often allow you to create new cronjobs.
Running a Magento 1.4 job through cron
With Magento 1.3 and older, you had to write your own PHP-scripts to get things done. With Magento 1.4 this has become much easier. Within the Magento directory "shell" you can find various PHP-scripts that automate certain actions. The rest of this tutorial will discuss those actions as well.
Running such a script through cron doesn't mean calling this script through the browser. You'll need command-line access to your Magento site to run such a script manually. In exactly the same way that you run this from the command-line, the cronjob is also run. In the following examples, you will need to replace "/path/to/magento" with the exact directory that contains Magento.
This will reindex all the Magento indices. Now this command first
calls the PHP-program "php" with as first argument the location of the
PHP-script, and as second argument something that is used as argument
for the script.
It might be that the "php" program is not found by cron, in which
case you will need to define the exact path to the "php" binary program:
To surpress output from the Magento script you can also add the flag "-q" (quiet):
If you're running against memory limits, you might try to skip the regular configuration by using the flag "-n":
The main cronjob
While this tutorial mainly deals with indexing and caching, there is
another cronjob which should be seen as the primary cronjob: It is
contained in the file "cron.php" and every Magento module that wants to
schedule a certain job through Magento is handled through it. The only
thing you need to do is run the script (without any arguments), let's
say every night:
More Magento reindexing
When running the indexer.php script from the command-line we can find
more tricks. First of all we can check for the current status of all
the indices:
We can also refresh a specific index. To do so, we first need to find out which arguments can be used:
This gives a listing like the following:
Now we found the technical names for the various indices, which we can use like the following example:
The last example is again something we can use through cron.
Clean logs and using the Magento compiler
Besides refreshing indices, we can also clean up all the logs within the database:
Even cooler is the new Magento Compiler module which is still in beta
but gives great performance benefit by reducing the number of
include-paths (4 by default) to one single include-path. This mainly
saves CPU-resources.
You can check for the current state of the compiler by running the following:
Once checked you can disable the compiler temporarily, rebuild the
include-paths again with the flag "compile" and enable the compiler once
PS: 关于cronjobs我已经在置顶的文章里描述过,内容是基于Magento1.3的 http://blog.csdn.net/shuishui8310/archive/2010/05/08/5570926.aspx
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