Sample Ant Build File - JAR
In this example you will see how to structure the project. If the grows bigger, it will become a problem to manages the files if all the files are there in the same directory.
For a easier maintenanace all the source file should be kept in the src directory, the compressed jar file should be kept in the dist directory and all the intermediate class files should be kept in the build/classes directory.
By imposing structure cleaning the project becomes easy, we can just delete the directory and recreate it.
Using the <mkdir> task we create build/classes and dist directory.
令人印象深刻structure 处理工程变得简单。你可以删除目录和重新创建它。
用<mkdir> 任务我们创建build/classes和dist目录
<target name="init">
<mkdir dir="build/classes" />
<mkdir dir="dist" />
During the compilation process all the java files in the src directory will be compiled and the generated class files will be placed in the build/classes directory.
Since we placed all the class files under the build/classes directory, creating jar file becomes easier, you can simply specify the basedir attribute as "build/classes" instead of specifying basedir="." and includes="*.class". After creating the jar file we place it in the dist directory (destfile="dist/HelloWorld.jar").
当我们把所有的class文件放到build/classes目录中时,创建jar文件变得更加简单.你可以简单的指定basedir属性=“build/classes” 代替指定的basedir="."和includes="*.class".创建jar之后我们会把它放到dist目录中 (destfile="dist/HelloWorld.jar").
<target name="compile" depends="init">
<javac srcdir="src" destdir="build/classes" />
<target name="compress" depends="compile">
<jar destfile="dist/HelloWorld.jar" basedir="build/classes" />
You can use the java task to execute a class file as shown below. The classname attribute refers to the java class to be executed and the classpath attribute refers to the directory in which the class is located.
我们可以用java任务运行一个class文件如下所示.classname属性指向java 类和classpath属性指向class指定的目录。
<target name="execute" depends="compile">
<java classname="com.vaannila.helloworld.HelloWorld"
classpath="build/classes" />
Since all the class files and jar files are isolated, we can easily clean the project by deleting the respective directories.
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="build" />
<delete dir="dist" />
The default target is compress, so when you run the build file the compress target will be executed. The compress target depends on compile target which in turn depends on the init target, so first the init target will be executed and the two directories will be created, then the compile target will be execute, later the jar file is created.
default target是compress,所有当你运行构建文件的时候compress target会运行.而compress target依赖于compile target->depends init target.所有init target会先运行.和2个目录会被创建,所以compile target 会在创建jar之后运行.
When you run the "ant execute" command the execute target will be invoked. Execute target also depends on compile target which in turn depends on init target, but now the directories won't be created again because it already exist. Since the java file is already compiled it won't be compiled again. Ant checks the timestamp of the file and compiles only the updated files. The HelloWorld.class file will be execute and the "HelloWorld!" message will be displayed on the console.
当你运行"ant execute" 命令时execute target会被调用. execute target 依赖于compile target ->depends init target. 但是现在目录不会再次创建,因为它已经存在.当java文件已经编译过时.它就不会再去编译了.Ant 会去检查文件的timestamp 和编译更新的文件. HelloWorld.class文件会运行并在命令行上显示信息"HelloWorld!"
To clean and execute the program run the "ant clean execute" command. First the clean target will be executed and the directories will be deleted, later the execute task will be invoked.
clean 和execute 程序运行"ant clean execute" 命令. 首先clean target 会被运行.并且目录会被删除,然后execute 任务会被调用.
You can download the build file here.
- `-buildfile filename`:指定构建文件。 - `-Dproperty=value`:设置属性值。 - `-find filename`:搜索构建文件。 #### 五、总结 Apache Ant 作为一款强大的构建工具,适用于跨平台的软件开发。它通过 XML ...
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- `-buildfile <生成文件>`: 指定构建文件。可以使用`-f`或`-file`选项来代替。 - `-verbose` 或 `-v`: 输出更详细的构建信息。 - `-logfile <file>` 或 `-l <file>`: 将构建信息记录到指定的日志文件中。 - `-D...
<fileset dir="${project.class.path}" includes="**/*.jar"/> <!-- 编译Java源代码 --> ${}" encoding="gbk" <!-- 关键:指定编码为gbk --> destdir="${build.generated.dir}/base" ...
- `buildfile`:可能是一个构建脚本,用于自动化构建和测试过程,比如Gradle或Ant的构建文件。 - `MAINTAINERS`:通常列出项目的维护者和贡献者,有助于了解项目的维护团队。 - ``:提供项目的基本信息、...
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5. `build.xml`:Ant的构建脚本,定义了构建过程的具体步骤,如编译源代码、生成JAR文件等。 6. `bin`:这个目录可能包含了编译后的Java类文件,即字节码。 7. `src`:源代码目录,通常包含Java源文件,按照包结构...
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