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The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) operates the second largest rail transit system and the fifth largest bus network in the United States. Safe, clean and reliable, “America’s Transit System” transports more than a third of the federal government to work and millions of tourists to the landmarks in the Nation’s Capital.
The Authority was created in 1967 by an Interstate Compact to plan, develop, build, finance and operate a balanced regional transportation system in the National Capital area. Construction of the Metrorail system began in 1969. Four area bus systems were acquired in 1973. The first phase of Metrorail began operation in 1976. The final leg of the original 103-mile rail network was completed in early 2001. Today, there are 86 Metro stations in service within a 106.3 mile network. These are divided into five lines: Blue, Green, Orange, Red and Yellow.
Service area
Metrorail and Metrobus serve a population of 3.5 million within a 1,500 square-mile area. The transit zone consists of the District of Columbia, the suburban Maryland counties of Montgomery and Prince George’s and the Northern Virginia counties of Arlington, Fairfax and Loudoun and the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax and Falls Church. Overall, 42 percent of those working in the center core—Washington and parts of Arlington County—use mass transit.
Metro and the federal government are partners in transportation. Thirty-five Metrorail stations serve federal facilities and nearly half of Metro’s peak period commuters are federal employees. Since WMATA’s inception, the federal government has contributed 65 percent of the capital costs. Fares and other revenue fund 57.6 percent of the daily operations while state and local governments fund the remaining 42.4 percent. Metro increased fares in FY04 and FY05.
In 2006, 337 million riders rode the subway and rail combined. 206 million of these went by rail; the remaining 131 million took the bus.
Metrorail Communication and security
Metrorail takes its security and communications seriously. Digital signs in the stations show the next train arrival times, system status and time of day, and two-way radios facilitate communication between train operators and the operations control center. There are also hotlines from operations control center to police and fire departments. Fire extinguishers can be found on platforms and inside rail cars, and there is an automated electronic fire protection system in stations and tunnels. Additionally, call boxes are spaced every 800 feet (244 meters) along the tracks.
Video monitoring of stations, elevators and some station parking lots also contributes to public safety.
Interesting Metro Facts
There are 588 escalators in the operating system, 230 elevators in stations and 30 in support shops and facilities. Interestingly, the longest escalator in the Western
Hemisphere—508 feet--is located in Wheaton station. The deepest station is Forest Glen at 21 stories or 196 feet. Despite the depth, high-speed elevators take less than 20
seconds to travel from street to platform.
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地铁 使用 WMATA Metro api 的实时可视化
gem build wmata_api.gemspec gem install wmata_api-<version>.gem 宝石使用 为了使用包装器,只需在您的文件中包含以下内容。 require 'wmata' 用法是: Wmata::RailStationService.lines
python-wmata 这是一个 Python 库,用于通过 WMATA Metro Transparent Data Sets API 访问数据。 更多信息请访问 要求 Python >= 2.6 或(Python >= 2.5 和 simplejson) 用法 >>> from pywmata import Wmata >>> ...
WMATA.swift WMATA.swift是的Swift接口。 内容 用法 , 高级用法 各种各样的 要求 迅捷5.1+ 安装 迅捷软件包管理器 dependencies : [ . package ( url : " ...
用户需要一个WMATA API密钥,有关更多详细信息,请参见下文。安装您可以从安装Metro的开发版本: # install.packages("devtools")devtools :: install_github( " kiernann/metro " )钥匙使用WMATA API需要开发人员...
用于访问华盛顿特区地铁的 WMATA API 的 Python 库。 ##用法 apikey = '' ###API keys available here https://developer.wmata.com/ api = pyWMATA . WMATA ( apikey ) ===== 获取给定车站代码的出发时间 ...
Craft CMS Plugin 与 WMATA API 一起使用。 安装 将整个传输目录上传到服务器上的Craft.io/插件。 从控制面板导航到您站点的插件设置。 单击安装。 注册 WMATA 开发人员密钥 (developer.wmata.com) 并将密钥保存...
hubot-bus-me 用于获取 WMATA 巴士和地铁信息的简单 hubot 脚本。
#A更好的公交车应用程序为华盛顿特区系统制作更直观的公交车应用程序。 ## Deployment您可以在这里找到已部署的应用程序: : ## How To Contribute Fork此存储库并将fork克隆到本地计算机上。...
示例 React 应用程序模板 使用 React 进行初始 Express 项目设置 'grunt run' 应该 -startup localhost:3000 -watch 客户端内的文件更改 (grunt-contrib-watch) -restart (nodemon)
NOTE: We're not affiliated at all with WMATA. NOTE: We're also not affiliated with Meetro. But since Meetro is a failed startup, I doubt they would care. Right? Hopefully forthcoming features: ...
目前,该演示中的数据来自WMATA,但可以轻松地从其他数据(例如,芝加哥运输管理局(CTA))中获取。 该演示提供了一个node.js脚本,该脚本查询WMATA提供的REST API(以及CTA的REST API)并将其发布到Kafka中。 ...
去做: 以 root 身份自动登录配置wifi 设置 WMATA_API_KEY 安装 Python 依赖安装 Python 代码设置为开机运行测试自动登录: sudo vi /etc/inittab找: 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty —noclear 38400 tty1注释掉# 在...
API密钥 所有请求都要求在标头中包含API密钥: API_KEY 。 获取运输系统列表 得到: / ...[ { " _id " : " 54cda510d0fddfb4ff5dc94c " , " system " : " chicago-cta ... " system " : " dc-wmata " , " urls " : {
这是一个实验项目,使用力向图表示华盛顿特区的WMATA Metro系统。 它允许选择和显示计划的路线,列车预测以及预测的列车在网络中的非常近似的位置。 用法 单击地铁站以显示或重置计划的路线。 选择后,将显示火车...
一个准系统的Flask应用程序,它使用WMATA API演示了一些基本的Folium功能。 此确切的存储库托管在Heroku的。 它采用了一个演示示例,并展示了如何通过Web浏览器进行交付。 该代码旨在展示可能性,而不是最佳实践。 ...
#更好的地铁使用 WMATA API、Google Map API、W3 Consortium Geolocation API 和 Meteor.JS 构建。 它为 WMATA 地铁站提供流媒体列车到达数据,距离用户当前位置仅几步之遥。 此应用程序是使用 MeteorJS 编写的。 要...
#Node-GTFS node-GTFS 从加载交通数据,将其解压缩并存储到 MongoDB 数据库中,并提供一些方法来查询机构... 例如, Austin Capital Metro 是capital-area-transit ,华盛顿特区是wmata 。 将您希望支持的机构密钥列
该演示从公共 API 中提取 WMATA 中断报告数据,然后根据配置文件生成包含图表和表格的自定义 PDF 报告。 感谢 DC 代码提供开放数据 DC 数据的链接: : 跑步 您需要安装在 .R 文件顶部加载的包。 然后,将config.R...
交通数据 来自的MWCOG 2017年高峰时间流量数据分析。 该分析使用了MWCOG,WMATA,DC开放数据以及DC能源与环境部的数据和图像。 Emmet Ryan,Malav Parakh和Andrew Carroll进行的分析。