  • 浏览: 1242380 次





修改create_tables.sql文件,将ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;中的utf-8改为gbk。导入该SQL。




修改LetoDMS_Core/Core/inc.DBAccess.php的104行改为$this->_conn->Execute('SET NAMES GBK');



修改完成后访问 http://info.xxx.cn/dms/,初始密码admin/admin

4 楼 yawnp0426 2014-10-01  

(1) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ettef68hxkr9f7e/lang.txt?dl=0
(2) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ldnk0tg33tbx26q/lang.zip?dl=0


3 楼 yawnp0426 2014-09-30  
$text["settings_updateDatabase"] = "Run schema update scripts on database";
$text["settings_updateNotifyTime"] = "更新通知時間";// "Update Notify Time";
$text["settings_updateNotifyTime_desc"] = "Users are notified about document-changes that took place within the last 'Update Notify Time' seconds";
$text["settings_versioningFileName"] = "版本設定文本資訊檔名";// "Versioning FileName";
$text["settings_versioningFileName_desc"] = "The name of the versioning info file created by the backup tool";
$text["settings_viewOnlineFileTypes"] = "線上察看檔案類型";// "View Online File Types";
$text["settings_viewOnlineFileTypes_desc"] = "Files with one of the following endings can be viewed online (USE ONLY LOWER CASE CHARACTERS)";
$text["settings_workflowMode"] = "工作流程模式";// "Workflow mode";
$text["settings_workflowMode_desc"] = "The advanced workflow allows to specify your own release workflow for document versions.";
$text["settings_workflowMode_valadvanced"] = "工作流程高級";// "advanced";
$text["settings_workflowMode_valtraditional"] = "工作流程傳統";// "traditional";
$text["settings_zendframework"] = "Zend Framework";// "Zend Framework";
$text["sign_in"] = "登錄";// "sign in";
$text["signed_in_as"] = "登錄用戶是";// "Signed in as";
$text["sign_out"] = "退出";// "sign out";
$text["space_used_on_data_folder"] = "在數據文件夾上被使用的空間";// "Space used on data folder";
$text["status_approval_rejected"] = "審核草案駁回";// "Draft rejected";
$text["status_approved"] = "審核批准";// "Approved";
$text["status_approver_removed"] = "從審核過程中删除";// "Approver removed from process";
$text["status_not_approved"] = "未審核";// "Not approved";
$text["status_not_reviewed"] = "未校對";// "Not reviewed";
$text["status_reviewed"] = "校對通過";// "Reviewed";
$text["status_reviewer_rejected"] = "校對草案駁回";// "Draft rejected";
$text["status_reviewer_removed"] = "從校對過程中删除";// "Reviewer removed from process";
$text["status"] = "狀態";// "Status";
$text["status_unknown"] = "狀態未知";// "Unknown";
$text["storage_size"] = "儲存大小";// "Storage size";
$text["submit_approval"] = "呈遞審核";// "Submit approval";
$text["submit_login"] = "呈遞登入";// "Sign in";
$text["submit_password"] = "呈遞新密碼設置";// "Set new password";
$text["submit_password_forgotten"] = "呈遞密碼啟動過程";// "Start process";
$text["submit_review"] = "呈遞校對";// "Submit review";
$text["submit_userinfo"] = "呈遞資訊";// "Submit info";
$text["sunday"] = "Sunday";// "Sunday";
$text["sunday_abbr"] = "Su";
$text["theme"] = "主題";// "Theme";
$text["thursday"] = "Thursday";// "Thursday";
$text["thursday_abbr"] = "Th";
$text["toggle_manager"] = "切換普通管理員";// "Toggle manager";
$text["to"] = "To";// "To";
$text["transition_triggered_email"] = "工作流程跳變觸發";// "Workflow transition triggered";
$text["trigger_workflow"] = "觸發工作流程";// "Workflow";
$text["tuesday"] = "Tuesday";// "Tuesday";
$text["tuesday_abbr"] = "Tu";
$text["type_to_search"] = "鍵入搜索";// "Type to search";
$text["under_folder"] = "路徑";// "In folder";
$text["unknown_command"] = "這個命令未知";// "Command not recognized.";
$text["unknown_document_category"] = "這類文稿範疇未知";// "Unknown category";
$text["unknown_group"] = "這個組群ID號未知";// "Unknown group id";
$text["unknown_id"] = "這個ID號未知";// "unknown id";
$text["unknown_keyword_category"] = "這類關鍵字範疇未知";// "Unknown category";
$text["unknown_owner"] = "這位物主ID號未知";// "Unknown owner id";
$text["unknown_user"] = "這位用户ID號未知";// "Unknown user id";
$text["unlinked_content"] = "未鏈接內容";// "Unlinked content";
$text["unlock_cause_access_mode_all"] = "您仍然可以更新它,因為您擁有全部用戶者的存取權限\"all\"。鎖定狀態將自動地被解除。";// "You can still update it because you have access-mode \"all\". Locking will automatically be removed.";
$text["unlock_cause_locking_user"] = "您仍然可以更新它,因為您也是唯一可鎖定存取權限的用戶。鎖定狀態將自動地被解除。";// "You can still update it because you are also the one that locked it. Locking will automatically be removed.";
$text["unlock_document"] = "解鎖文稿";// "Unlock";
$text["update"] = "更新";// "Update";
$text["update_approvers"] = "更新多位審核人名單";// "Update List of Approvers";
$text["update_document"] = "更新文稿";// "Update";
$text["update_fulltext_index"] = "更新全文索引";// "Update fulltext index";
$text["update_info"] = "更新資訊";// "Update Information";
$text["update_locked_msg"] = "這個文稿被鎖定";// "This document is locked.";
$text["update_reviewers"] = "更新多位校對人名單";// "Update List of Reviewers";
$text["uploaded_by"] = "上傳者";// "Uploaded by";
$text["uploading_failed"] = "上傳失敗!請聯繫系統管理員……";// "Upload failed. Please contact the administrator.";
$text["uploading_zerosize"] = "上傳一個空文件!上傳被取消……";// "Uploading an empty file. Upload is canceled.";
$text["use_default_categories"] = "使用默認範疇"; // "Use predefined categories";
$text["use_default_keywords"] = "使用默認關鍵字";// "Use predefined keywords";
$text["used_discspace"] = "使用磁盤空間";// "Used disk space";
$text["user_exists"] = "這位用户已存在";// "User already exists.";
$text["user_group_management"] = "用戶組群結合管理";// "Users/Groups management";
$text["user_image"] = "這位用户圖像";// "Image";
$text["user_info"] = "用户資訊";// "User Information";
$text["user_list"] = "多位用户列表";// "List of Users";
$text["user_login"] = "用户ID號";// "User ID";
$text["user_management"] = "多位用户管理";// "Users management";
$text["user_name"] = "用户全名";// "Full name";
$text["users"] = "多位用户";// "Users";
$text["user"] = "用户欄位";// "User";
$text["version_deleted_email"] = "版本已删除";// "Version deleted";
$text["version_info"] = "版本開發環境";// "Version Information";
$text["versioning_file_creation"] = "創建版本設定檔案";// "Versioning file creation";
$text["versioning_file_creation_warning"] = "通過此操作,您可以創建一個檔案包含整個DMS(文稿管理系统)某一文件夾的版本設定資訊。在創建之後地每個檔案將被保存在文稿文件夾裡面……";// "With this operation you can create a file containing the versioning information of an entire DMS folder. After the creation every file will be saved inside the document folder.";
$text["versioning_info"] = "版本設定資訊";// "Versioning info";
$text["version"] = "版本";// "Version";
$text["view"] = "觀看";// "View";
$text["view_online"] = "在線觀看";// "View online";
$text["warning"] = "警告";// "Warning";
$text["wednesday"] = "Wednesday";// "Wednesday";
$text["wednesday_abbr"] = "We";
$text["week_view"] = "週視圖";// "Week view";
$text["weeks"] = "weeks";// "weeks";
$text["workflow"] = "工作流程";// "Workflow";
$text["workflow_action_in_use"] = "這個行動是目前多種工作流程所使用的!";// "This action is currently used by workflows.";
$text["workflow_action_name"] = "工作流程行動名稱";// "Name";
$text["workflow_actions_management"] = "工作流程行動管理";// "Workflow actions management";
$text["workflow_editor"] = "編輯工作流程";// "Workflow Editor";
$text["workflow_group_summary"] = "工作流程組群匯總";// "Group summary";
$text["workflow_name"] = "工作流程名稱";// "Name";
$text["workflow_in_use"] = "這個工作流程是目前多篇文稿所使用的!";// "This workflow is currently used by documents.";
$text["workflow_initstate"] = "初始狀況";// "Initial state";
$text["workflow_management"] = "工作流程管理";// "Workflow management";
$text["workflow_no_states"] = "在增加某一工作流程之前,您必須先定義工作流程各種狀況!";// "You must first define workflow states, before adding a workflow.";
$text["workflow_states_management"] = "工作流程多種狀況管理";// "Workflow states management";
$text["workflow_state_docstatus"] = "工作流程文稿狀態";// "Document status";
$text["workflow_state_in_use"] = "這個狀況是目前多種工作流程所使用的!";// "This state is currently used by workflows.";
$text["workflow_state_name"] = "工作流程狀況名稱";// "Name";
$text["workflow_summary"] = "工作流程匯總";// "Workflow summary";
$text["workflow_user_summary"] = "工作流程用戶匯總";// "User summary";
$text["year_view"] = "年視圖";// "Year View";
$text["yes"] = "Yes";// "Yes";
2 楼 yawnp0426 2014-09-30  

//    MyDMS. Document Management System
//    Copyright (C) 2002-2005  Markus Westphal
//    Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe
//    Copyright (C) 2010 Matteo Lucarelli
//    Copyright (C) 2012 Uwe Steinmann
//    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//    (at your option) any later version.
//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    GNU General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

$text = array();
$text["accept"] = "接受";// "Accept";
$text["access_denied"] = "存取權限遭拒絕";// "Access denied.";
$text["access_inheritance"] = "存取權限繼承方針";// "Access Inheritance";
$text["access_mode"] = "存取權限模式";// "Access mode";
$text["access_mode_all"] = "所有存取權限模式";// "All permissions";
$text["access_mode_none"] = "拒絕存取權限模式";// "No access";
$text["access_mode_read"] = "唯讀存取權限模式";// "Read permissions";
$text["access_mode_readwrite"] = "讀寫存取權限模式";// "Read-Write permissions";
$text["access_permission_changed_email"] = "存取權限已改變";// "Permission changed";
$text["according_settings"] = "根據設置";// "according settings";
$text["action"] = "行動";// "Action";
$text["action_approve"] = "行動批准";// "Approve";
$text["action_complete"] = "行動完備";// "Complete";
$text["action_is_complete"] = "行動完成";// "Is complete";
$text["action_is_not_complete"] = "行動瑕疪";// "Is not complete";
$text["action_reject"] = "行動拒絕";// "Reject";
$text["action_review"] = "行動檢閱";// "Review";
$text["action_revise"] = "行動修訂";// "Revise";
$text["actions"] = "多種行動";// "Actions";
$text["add"] = "增加";// "Add";
$text["add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning"] = "備註:如果没有指派校對人或審核人那麼多篇文稿將被自動標註為發佈……";// "N.B. Documents are automatically marked as released if no reviewer or approver is assigned.";
$text["add_document"] = "增加文稿";// "Add document";
$text["add_document_link"] = "增加這篇文稿鏈接";// "Add link";
$text["add_doc_workflow_warning"] = "N.B. Documents are automatically marked as released if no workflow is assigned.";
$text["add_event"] = "增加活動企劃";// "Add event";
$text["add_group"] = "增加這個組群";// "Add new group";
$text["add_member"] = "增加會員";// "Add a member";
$text["add_multiple_documents"] = "增加多元多篇文稿";// "Add multiple documents";
$text["add_multiple_files"] = "增加數個檔案【歸檔序號:+**中文檔名.odt】";// "Add multiple files (will use filename as document name)";
$text["add_subfolder"] = "增加子文件夾";// "Add subfolder";
$text["add_to_clipboard"] = "增加到剪貼板";// "Add to clipboard";
$text["add_user"] = "增加這位用户";// "Add new user";
$text["add_user_to_group"] = "增加這位用户到特定組群";// "Add user to group";
$text["add_workflow"] = "增加這個工作流程";// "Add new workflow";
$text["add_workflow_state"] = "增加這個工作流程狀況";// "Add new workflow state";
$text["add_workflow_action"] = "增加這個工作流程行動";// "Add new workflow action";
$text["admin"] = "系統管理員";// "Administrator";
$text["admin_tools"] = "我的網管";// "Admin-Tools";
$text["all"] = "全部";// "All";
$text["all_categories"] = "全部範疇";// "All categories";
$text["all_documents"] = "全部文稿";// "All Documents";
$text["all_pages"] = "全部頁面";// "All";
$text["all_users"] = "全部用户";// "All users";
$text["already_subscribed"] = "已訂閱";// "Already subscribed";
$text["and"] = "訖";// "and";
$text["apply"] = "適用";// "Apply";
$text["approval_deletion_email"] = "審核申請已删除";// "Approval request deleted";
$text["approval_group"] = "審核組群";// "Approval Group";
$text["approval_request_email"] = "審核申請";// "Approval request";
$text["approval_status"] = "審核狀態";// "Approval Status";
$text["approval_submit_email"] = "審核呈遞";// "Submitted approval";
$text["approval_summary"] = "審核匯總";// "Approval Summary";
$text["approval_update_failed"] = "錯誤:更新審核狀態……更新失敗!";// "Error updating approval status. Update failed.";
$text["approvers"] = "多位審核人";// "Approvers";
$text["april"] = "四月";// "April";
$text["archive_creation"] = "創建壓縮檔";// "Archive creation"; 
$text["archive_creation_warning"] = "通過此操作,您可以創建一個壓縮檔包含整個DMS(文稿管理系统)數份文件夾裡的數個檔案,之後創建壓縮檔都將保存在您的伺服器數據文件夾之中……<br>警告:備份伺服器創建一個人工可讀的壓縮檔將必不可用!";// "With this operation you can create achive containing the files of entire DMS folders. After the creation the archive will be saved in the data folder of your server.<br>WARNING: an archive created as human readable will be unusable as server backup.";
$text["assign_approvers"] = "指派多位審核人";// "Assign Approvers";
$text["assign_reviewers"] = "指派多位校對人";// "Assign Reviewers";
$text["assign_user_property_to"] = "指定用戶屬性交給";// "Assign user's properties to";
$text["assumed_released"] = "假定發佈";// "Assumed released";
$text["attrdef_management"] = "屬性定義管理";// "Attribute definition management";
$text["attrdef_exists"] = "屬性定義已經存在";// "Attribute definition already exists";
$text["attrdef_in_use"] = "屬性定義依然在使用中";// "Attribute definition still in use";
$text["attrdef_name"] = "屬性定義名稱";// "Name"
$text["attrdef_multiple"] = "允許屬性多種值";// "Allow multiple values";
$text["attrdef_objtype"] = "目標區屬性類型";// "Object type";
$text["attrdef_type"] = "屬性定義類型";// "Type";
$text["attrdef_minvalues"] = "屬性定義最小值";// "Min. number of values";
$text["attrdef_maxvalues"] = "屬性定義最大值";// "Max. number of values";
$text["attrdef_valueset"] = "設定值";// "Set of values";
$text["attributes"] = "多種屬性";// "Attributes";
$text["august"] = "八月";// "August";
$text["automatic_status_update"] = "自動狀態變化";// "Automatic status change";*
$text["back"] = "返回";// "Go back";
$text["backup_list"] = "現有備份列表";// "Existings backup list";
$text["backup_log_management"] = "日誌備份管理";// "Backup/Logging";
$text["backup_remove"] = "删除備份檔案";// "Remove backup file";
$text["backup_tools"] = "多樣備份工具";// "Backup tools";
$text["between"] = "起";// "between";
$text["calendar"] = "日曆視圖";// "Calendar";
$text["cancel"] = "取消";// "Cancel";
$text["cannot_assign_invalid_state"] = "無法修改文稿的最終狀態";// "Cannot modify a document yet in final state";
$text["cannot_change_final_states"] = "警告:您不能更改文稿的拒絕、過期、待校對、或是待審核……等狀態!";// "Warning: You cannot alter status for document rejected, expired or with pending review or approval";
$text["cannot_delete_yourself"] = "錯誤:不能删除您自己";// "Cannot delete yourself";
$text["cannot_move_root"] = "錯誤:不能移動根目錄……";// "Error: Cannot move root folder.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot"] = "無法檢索到該文稿版本的審核狀態快照";// "Unable to retrieve approval status snapshot for this document version.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot"] = "無法檢索到該文稿版本的校對狀態快照";// "Unable to retrieve review status snapshot for this document version.";
$text["cannot_rm_root"] = "錯誤:不能删除根目錄……";// "Error: Cannot delete root folder.";
$text["category"] = "範疇";// "Category";
$text["category_exists"] = "這類範疇已存在";// "Category already exists.";
$text["category_filter"] = "篩選";// "Only categories";
$text["category_in_use"] = "這類範疇目前是被多個文稿使用中";// "This category is currently used by documents.";
$text["category_noname"] = "沒有給予這類範疇名稱";// "No category name given.";
$text["categories"] = "多類範疇";// "Categories";
$text["change_assignments"] = "變更多項任務";// "Change Assignments";
$text["change_password"] = "變更密碼";// "Change password";
$text["change_password_message"] = "你的密碼已變更";// "Your password has been changed.";
$text["change_status"] = "變更狀態";// "Change Status";
$text["choose_attrdef"] = "選擇某種屬性定義";// "Please choose attribute definition";
$text["choose_category"] = "選擇某類默認關鍵字範疇";// "Please choose";
$text["choose_group"] = "選擇某個組群";// "Choose group";
$text["choose_target_category"] = "選擇目標範疇";// "Choose category";
$text["choose_target_document"] = "選擇目標文稿";// "Choose document";
$text["choose_target_file"] = "選擇目標檔案";// "Choose file";
$text["choose_target_folder"] = "選擇目標文件夾";// "Choose folder";
$text["choose_workflow"] = "選擇工作流程";// "Choose workflow";
$text["choose_workflow_state"] = "選擇工作流程狀況";// "Choose workflow state";
$text["choose_workflow_action"] = "選擇工作流程行動";// "Choose workflow action";
$text["choose_user"] = "選擇某位用户";// "Choose user";
$text["close"] = "關閉";// "Close";
$text["comment_changed_email"] = "這篇評論已更改";// "Comment changed";
$text["comment"] = "評論";// "Comment";
$text["comment_for_current_version"] = "評論版本";// "Version comment";
$text["confirm_create_fulltext_index"] = "是的!我想要重新創建全文索引!";// "Yes, I would like to recreate the fulltext index!";
$text["confirm_pwd"] = "驗證密碼";// "Confirm Password";
$text["confirm_rm_backup"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[arkname]\"的備份檔案嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the file \"[arkname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_document"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[documentname]\"的文稿嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_dump"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[dumpname]\"的傾印檔案嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the file \"[dumpname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_event"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[name]\"的活動企劃嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove event \"[name]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_file"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[documentname]\"的文稿和\"[name]\"的附件檔嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove file \"[name]\" of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[foldername]\"的文件夾和它的内容嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the folder \"[foldername]\" and its content?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder_files"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[foldername]\"的文件夾及其子文件夾內所有全部的檔案嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove all the files of the folder \"[foldername]\" and of its subfolders?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_group"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[groupname]\"的組群嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the group \"[groupname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_log"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[logname]\"的日誌檔案嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove log file \"[logname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_user"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[username]\"的用户嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the user \"[username]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_version"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[documentname]\"的[version]文稿版本嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove version [version] of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["content"] = "數位典藏";// "Content";
$text["continue"] = "繼續";// "Continue";
$text["create_fulltext_index"] = "創建全文索引";// "Create fulltext index";
$text["create_fulltext_index_warning"] = "您將要重新創建全文索引!這可能需要相當長的時間,並且降低總體系統性能。如果你真正地想要重新創建索引時,請確認您的操作!";// "You are to recreate the fulltext index. This can take a considerable amount of time and reduce your overall system performance. If you really want to recreate the index, please confirm your operation.";
$text["creation_date"] = "日期";// "Created";
$text["current_password"] = "目前密碼";// "Current Password";
$text["current_version"] = "目前版本";// "Current version";
$text["daily"] = "每日";// "Daily";
$text["days"] = "days";// "days";
$text["databasesearch"] = "數據庫搜索";// "Database search";
$text["date"] = "日期";// "Date";
$text["december"] = "十二月";// "December";
$text["default_access"] = "默認存取權限";// "Default Access Mode";
$text["default_keywords"] = "默認關鍵字";// "Available keywords";
$text["definitions"] = "定義"; // "Definitions";
$text["delete"] = "删除";// "Delete";
$text["details"] = "詳細說明";// "Details";
$text["details_version"] = "版本詳細說明:[version]";// "Details for version: [version]";
$text["disclaimer"] ="警告:這裡是機密區!存取權限只有授權用户才能被許可!如有違反將根據國家和國際法律追究!";// "This is a classified area. Access is permitted only to authorized personnel. Any violation will be prosecuted according to the national and international laws.";
$text["do_object_repair"] = "修復目標區所有的文件夾和文稿";// "Repair all folders and documents.";
$text["do_object_setfilesize"] = "設置目標區檔案大小";// "Set file size";
$text["do_object_setchecksum"] = "設置目標區校驗";// "Set checksum";
$text["do_object_unlink"] = "刪除目標區文稿版本";// "Delete document version";
$text["document"] = "文稿";// "Document";
$text["document_already_locked"] = "這篇文稿已鎖定";// "This document is aleady locked";
$text["document_deleted"] = "這篇文稿删除";// "Document deleted"; 
$text["document_deleted_email"] = "這篇文稿已删除";// "Document deleted";
$text["document_duplicate_name"] = "重複這篇文稿名稱";// "Duplicate document name";
$text["document_has_no_workflow"] = "這篇文稿沒有工作流程";// "Document has no workflow";
$text["document_infos"] = "這篇文稿資訊";// "Document Information";
$text["document_is_not_locked"] = "這篇文稿没有被鎖定";// "This document is not locked";
$text["document_link_by"] = "鏈接這篇文稿";// "Linked by";
$text["document_link_public"] = "這篇文稿公開鏈接";// "Public";
$text["document_moved_email"] = "這篇文稿已移動";// "Document moved";
$text["document_renamed_email"] = "這篇文稿已重新命名";// "Document renamed";
$text["documents"] = "多篇文稿";// "Documents";
$text["documents_in_process"] = "待處理多篇文稿";// "Documents In Process";
$text["documents_locked_by_you"] = "您裁決多篇文稿需要鎖定";// "Documents locked by you";
$text["document_status_changed_email"] = "文稿狀態已更改";// "Document status changed";
$text["documents_only"] = "只有多篇文稿";// "Documents only";
$text["documents_to_approve"] = "待您審核多篇文稿";// "Documents awaiting your approval";
$text["documents_to_review"] = "待您校對多篇文稿";// "Documents awaiting your Review";
$text["documents_user_requiring_attention"] = "您擁有多篇文稿需要關注";// "Documents owned by you that require attention";
$text["document_title"] = "這篇文稿'[documentname]'名稱";// "Document '[documentname]'";
$text["document_updated_email"] = "這篇文稿已更新";// "Document updated";
$text["does_not_expire"] = "永不過期";// "Does not expire";
$text["does_not_inherit_access_msg"] = "永不繼承存取權限";// "Inherit access";
$text["download"] = "下載";// "Download";
$text["draft_pending_approval"] = "草案待審核";// "Draft - pending approval";
$text["draft_pending_review"] = "草案待校對";// "Draft - pending review";
$text["drag_icon_here"] = "文件夾和文稿的拖曳圖標在這裡!";// "Drag icon of folder or document here!";
$text["dropfolder_file"] = "來自放置文件夾裡的檔案";// "File from drop folder";
$text["dump_creation"] = "創建數據傾印檔案";// "DB dump creation"; 
$text["dump_creation_warning"] = "通過此操作,您可以創建一個自己的數據庫傾印檔案,之後可以將傾印檔案保存在您的伺服器數據文件夾之中……";// "With this operation you can create a dump file of your database content. After the creation the dump file will be saved in the data folder of your server.";
$text["dump_list"] = "現有傾印列表";// "Existings dump files";
$text["dump_remove"] = "删除傾印檔案";// "Remove dump file";
$text["edit_attributes"] = "編輯屬性";// "Edit attributes";
$text["edit_comment"] = "編輯說明";// "Edit comment";
$text["edit_default_keywords"] = "編輯默認關鍵字";// "Edit keywords";
$text["edit_document_access"] = "編輯文稿存取權限";// "Edit Access";
$text["edit_document_notify"] = "編輯文稿通知列表";// "Document Notification List";
$text["edit_document_props"] = "編輯文稿";// "Edit document";
$text["edit"] = "編輯";// "Edit";
$text["edit_event"] = "編輯活動企劃";// "Edit event";
$text["edit_existing_access"] = "編輯現有存取權限列表";// "Edit Access List";
$text["edit_existing_notify"] = "編輯現有通知列表";// "Edit notification list";
$text["edit_folder_access"] = "編輯文件夾存取權限";// "Edit access";
$text["edit_folder_notify"] = "編輯文件夾通知列表";// "Folder Notification List";
$text["edit_folder_props"] = "編輯文件夾";// "Edit folder";
$text["edit_group"] = "編輯組群";// "Edit group";
$text["edit_user_details"] = "編輯用户細節";// "Edit User Details";
$text["edit_user"] = "編輯用户";// "Edit user";
$text["email"] = "電子郵件";// "Email";
$text["email_error_title"] = "沒有輸入電子郵件信箱";// "No email entered";
$text["email_footer"] = "您可以用【我的帳户】選項來改變您的電子郵件信箱設置";// "You can always change your e-mail settings using 'My Account' functions"; 
$text["email_header"] = "這是來自於DMS(文稿管理系统)自動發送的消息……";// "This is an automatic message from the DMS server."; 
$text["email_not_given"] = "請輸入有效的電子郵件信箱";// "Please enter a valid email address.";
$text["empty_folder_list"] = "空白文件夾列表";// "No documents or folders";
$text["empty_notify_list"] = "空白通知列表";// "No entries";
$text["equal_transition_states"] = "開始和結束的狀況是同樣的";// "Start and end state are equal";
$text["error"] = "錯誤";// "Error";
$text["error_no_document_selected"] = "沒有選擇任一文稿";// "No document selected";
$text["error_no_folder_selected"] = "沒有選擇任一文件夾";// "No folder selected";
$text["error_occured"] = "錯誤發生";// "An error has occured";
$text["event_details"] = "活動詳情";// "Event details";
$text["expired"] = "過期";// "Expired";
$text["expires"] = "有效期限";// "Expires";
$text["expiry_changed_email"] = "到期日已改變";// "Expiry date changed";
$text["february"] = "二月";// "February";
$text["file"] = "檔案";// "File";
$text["files_deletion"] = "删除文件夾";// "Files deletion"; 
$text["files_deletion_warning"] = "通過此操作,您可以删除整個DMS(文稿管理系统)某一份文件夾裡所有的檔案,但版本設定資訊仍將是能認讀出的……";// "With this option you can delete all files of entire DMS folders. The versioning information will remain visible."; 
$text["files"] = "多個檔案";// "Files";
$text["file_size"] = "檔案大小";// "Filesize";
$text["folder_contents"] = "文件夾内容";// "Folder Contents";
$text["folder_deleted_email"] = "文件夾已删除";// "Folder deleted";
$text["folder"] = "文件夾";// "Folder"; 
$text["folder_infos"] = "文件夾資訊";// "Folder Information";
$text["folder_moved_email"] = "文件夾已移動";// "Folder moved";
$text["folder_renamed_email"] = "文件夾已重新命名";// "Folder renamed";
$text["folders_and_documents_statistic"] = "多項内容概要";// "Contents overview";
$text["folders"] = "多份文件夾";// "Folders";
$text["folder_title"] = "文件夾'[foldername]'";// "Folder '[foldername]'";
$text["friday"] = "Friday";// "Friday";
$text["friday_abbr"] = "Fr";// "Fr";
$text["from"] = "From";// "From";
$text["fullsearch"] = "全文搜索";// "Full text search";
$text["fullsearch_hint"] = "使用全文索引";// "Use fulltext index";
$text["fulltext_info"] = "全文索引資訊";// "Fulltext index info";
$text["global_attributedefinitions"] = "全球多種屬性定義";// "Attributes";
$text["global_default_keywords"] = "全球默認關鍵字";// "Global keywords";
$text["global_document_categories"] = "全球文稿範疇";// "Categories";
$text["global_workflows"] = "全球多種工作流程";// "Workflows";
$text["global_workflow_actions"] = "全球工作流程行動";// "Workflow Actions";
$text["global_workflow_states"] = "全球工作流程狀況";// "Workflow States";
$text["group_approval_summary"] = "組群審核匯總";// "Group approval summary";
$text["group_exists"] = "這個組群已存在";// "Group already exists.";
$text["group"] = "組群欄位";// "Group";
$text["group_management"] = "多個組群管理";// "Groups management";
$text["group_members"] = "組群會員";// "Group members";
$text["group_review_summary"] = "組群校對匯總";// "Group review summary";
$text["groups"] = "多個組群";// "Groups";
$text["guest_login_disabled"] = "來賓登入被禁止";// "Guest login is disabled.";
$text["guest_login"] = "來賓登入";// "Login as guest";
$text["help"] = "文書助理";// "Help";
$text["hourly"] = "每小時";// "Hourly";
$text["hours"] = "hours";// "hours";
$text["human_readable"] = "人工可讀壓縮檔";// "Human readable archive"; 
$text["id"] = "ID號";// "ID";
$text["identical_version"] = "新版本相同於目前版本。";// "New version is identical to current version.";
$text["include_documents"] = "包含多篇文稿";// "Include documents";
$text["include_subdirectories"] = "包含多份子目錄";// "Include subdirectories";
$text["index_converters"] = "索引文稿轉換";// "Index document conversion";
$text["individuals"] = "多名人員";// "Individuals";
$text["inherited"] = "繼承";// "inherited";
$text["inherits_access_msg"] = "存取權限將要被繼承……";// "Access is being inherited.";
$text["inherits_access_copy_msg"] = "複製存取權限繼承列表";// "Copy inherited access list";
$text["inherits_access_empty_msg"] = "從空白存取權限列表開始繼承";// "Start with empty access list";
$text["internal_error_exit"] = "内部錯誤!無法完成申請……離開系统!";// "Internal error. Unable to complete request. Exiting.";
$text["internal_error"] = "内部錯誤";// "Internal error";
$text["invalid_access_mode"] = "存取權限模式無效";// "Invalid Access Mode";
$text["invalid_action"] = "動作無效";// "Invalid Action";
$text["invalid_approval_status"] = "審核狀態無效";// "Invalid Approval Status";
$text["invalid_create_date_end"] = "截止日期無效,不在創建日期範圍内";// "Invalid end date for creation date range.";
$text["invalid_create_date_start"] = "開始日期無效,不在創建日期範圍内";// "Invalid start date for creation date range.";
$text["invalid_doc_id"] = "文稿ID號無效";// "Invalid Document ID";
$text["invalid_file_id"] = "檔案ID號無效";// "Invalid file ID";
$text["invalid_folder_id"] = "文件夾ID號無效";// "Invalid Folder ID";
$text["invalid_group_id"] = "組群ID號無效";// "Invalid Group ID";
$text["invalid_link_id"] = "鏈接標識無效";// "Invalid link identifier";
$text["invalid_request_token"] = "請求單詞無效";// "Invalid Request Token";
$text["invalid_review_status"] = "校對狀態無效";// "Invalid Review Status";
$text["invalid_sequence"] = "序列值無效";// "Invalid sequence value";
$text["invalid_status"] = "文稿狀態無效";// "Invalid Document Status";
$text["invalid_target_doc_id"] = "目標文稿ID號無效";// "Invalid Target Document ID";
$text["invalid_target_folder"] = "目標文件夾ID號無效";// "Invalid Target Folder ID";
$text["invalid_user_id"] = "用户ID號無效";// "Invalid User ID";
$text["invalid_version"] = "文稿版本無效";// "Invalid Document Version";
$text["in_workflow"] = "在工作流程內";// "In workflow";
$text["is_disabled"] = "禁用帳戶";// "Disable account";
$text["is_hidden"] = "用户列表隱藏";// "Hide from users list";
$text["january"] = "一月";// "January";
$text["js_no_approval_group"] = "請選譯某個審核組群";// "Please select a approval group";
$text["js_no_approval_status"] = "請選譯某個審核狀態";// "Please select the approval status";
$text["js_no_comment"] = "没有增加說明";// "There is no comment";
$text["js_no_email"] = "輸入您的電子郵件信箱";// "Type in your Email-address";
$text["js_no_file"] = "請選譯某個檔案";// "Please select a file";
$text["js_no_keywords"] = "指定多個某些關鍵字";// "Specify some keywords";
$text["js_no_login"] = "請輸入這位用户ID號";// "Please type in a username";
$text["js_no_name"] = "請輸入用戶全名";// "Please type in a name";
$text["js_no_override_status"] = "請選譯某個新的[override]狀態";// "Please select the new [override] status";
$text["js_no_pwd"] = "需要輸入用戶登入密碼";// "You need to type in your password";
$text["js_no_query"] = "輸入查詢";// "Type in a query";
$text["js_no_review_group"] = "請選譯某個校對組群";// "Please select a review group";
$text["js_no_review_status"] = "請選譯某個校對狀態";// "Please select the review status";
$text["js_pwd_not_conf"] = "密碼與確認密碼不一致";// "Password and passwords-confirmation are not equal";
$text["js_select_user_or_group"] = "選譯至少一位用户或一個組群";// "Select at least an user or a group";
$text["js_select_user"] = "請選譯某位用户";// "Please select an user";
$text["july"] = "七月";// "July";
$text["june"] = "六月";// "June";
$text["keep_doc_status"] = "保持文稿狀態";// "Keep document status";
$text["keyword_exists"] = "關鍵字已存在";// "Keyword already exists";
$text["keywords"] = "關鍵字";// "Keywords";
$text["language"] = "語言";// "Language";
$text["last_update"] = "上次更新";// "Last Update";
$text["legend"] = "傳說";// "Legend";
$text["link_alt_updatedocument"] = "如果您想上傳多個檔案大於目前最大上傳檔案大小限制,請使用這個鏈接替代 <a href=\"%s\">upload page</a>!";// "If you would like to upload files bigger than the current maximum upload size, please use the alternative <a href=\"%s\">upload page</a>."; 
$text["linked_documents"] = "附加多篇相關文稿";// "Related Documents";
$text["linked_files"] = "附加多個檔案附件";// "Attachments"; 
$text["local_file"] = "本地檔案";// "Local file";
$text["locked_by"] = "通過鎖定";// "Locked by";
$text["lock_document"] = "鎖定文稿";// "Lock";
$text["lock_message"] = "此文稿已遭<a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>鎖定。只有授權用户們才能解鎖!"; //"This document is locked by <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>. Only authorized users can unlock this document.";
$text["lock_status"] = "鎖定狀態";// "Status";
$text["login"] = "登入";// "Login";
$text["login_disabled_text"] = "您的帳戶已停用,也許因為多次登入失敗……";// "Your account is disabled, probably because of too many failed logins.";
$text["login_disabled_title"] = "帳號遭禁用";// "Account is disabled";
$text["login_error_text"] = "錯誤:用户登入名稱或密碼不正確……";// "Error signing in. User ID or password incorrect.";
$text["login_error_title"] = "登入錯誤";// "Sign in error";
$text["login_not_given"] = "欠缺用户登入名稱";// "No username has been supplied";
$text["login_ok"] = "登入成功";// "Sign in successful";
$text["log_management"] = "多個日誌管理";// "Log files management";
$text["logout"] = "登出";// "Logout";
$text["manager"] = "普通管理員";// "Manager";
$text["march"] = "三月";// "March";
$text["max_upload_size"] = "最大上傳檔案大小限制";// "Maximum upload size";
$text["may"] = "五月";// "May";
$text["mimetype"] = "MIME類型";// "Mime type";
$text["misc"] = "雜項";// "Misc";
$text["missing_checksum"] = "缺少校驗";// "Missing checksum";
$text["missing_filesize"] = "缺少檔案";// "Missing filesize";
$text["missing_transition_user_group"] = "缺少用戶組群結合轉變";// "Missing user/group for transition";
$text["minutes"] = "minutes";// "minutes";
$text["monday"] = "Monday";// "Monday";
$text["monday_abbr"] = "Mo";
$text["month_view"] = "月視圖";// "Month view";
$text["monthly"] = "每月";// "Monthly";
$text["move_document"] = "移動文稿";// "Move document";
$text["move_folder"] = "移動文件夾";// "Move Folder";
$text["move"] = "移動";// "Move";
$text["my_account"] = "我的帳户";// "My Account";
$text["my_documents"] = "我的文稿";// "My Documents";
$text["name"] = "名稱";// "Name";
$text["new_attrdef"] = "增加新的屬性定義";// "Add attribute defintion";
$text["new_default_keyword_category"] = "增加新的默認關鍵字範疇";// "Add category";
$text["new_default_keywords"] = "增加新的默認關鍵字";// "Add keywords";
$text["new_document_category"] = "增加新的文稿範疇";// "Add category";
$text["new_document_email"] = "增加新的文稿";// "New document";
$text["new_file_email"] = "增加新的附件";// "New attachment";
$text["new_folder"] = "增加新的文件夾";// "New folder";
$text["new"] = "全新";// "New";
$text["new_password"] = "增加新的密碼";// "New password";
$text["new_subfolder_email"] = "增加新的文件夾";// "New folder";
$text["new_user_image"] = "增加新的用戶圖像";// "New image";
$text["next_state"] = "增加新的狀況";// "New state";
$text["no_action"] = "沒有申請這個動作";// "No action required";
$text["no_approval_needed"] = "沒有未決定的審核";// "No approval pending.";
$text["no_attached_files"] = "沒有附上多個檔案";// "No attached files";
$text["no_default_keywords"] = "沒有多個默認關鍵字";// "No keywords available";
$text["no_docs_locked"] = "沒有多篇文稿遭鎖定";// "No documents locked.";
$text["no_docs_to_approve"] = "目前沒有多篇需要審核的文稿";// "There are currently no documents that require approval.";
$text["no_docs_to_look_at"] = "沒有多篇文稿需要關注";// "No documents that need attention.";
$text["no_docs_to_review"] = "目前沒有多篇需要校對的文稿";// "There are currently no documents that require review.";
$text["no_fulltextindex"] = "没有可用的全文索引";// "No fulltext index available";
$text["no_group_members"] = "這個組群沒有多位會員";// "This group has no members";
$text["no_groups"] = "沒有多個組群";// "No groups";
$text["no_linked_files"] = "沒有鏈接多個檔案";// "No linked files";
$text["no"] = "No";// "No";
$text["no_previous_versions"] = "沒有其它版本";// "No other versions found";
$text["no_review_needed"] = "沒有未決定的校對";// "No review pending.";
$text["notify_added_email"] = "您已增加到通知名單之中";// "You've been added to notify list";
$text["notify_deleted_email"] = "您已從通知名單之中删除";// "You've been removed from notify list";
$text["no_update_cause_locked"] = "您不能更新此文稿,請聯繫鎖定該文稿的用戶者";// "You can therefore not update this document. Please contanct the locking user.";
$text["no_user_image"] = "沒有圖像";// "No image found";
$text["november"] = "十一月";// "November";
$text["now"] = "現在";// "now";
$text["objectcheck"] = "文件夾和文稿";// "Folder/Document check";
$text["obsolete"] = "冗贅";// "Obsolete";
$text["october"] = "十月";// "October";
$text["old"] = "古老";// "Old"; 
$text["only_jpg_user_images"] = "只能用.jpg格式的影像檔才可以作為用户本身的圖像";// "Only .jpg-images may be used as user-images";
$text["original_filename"] = "Original filename"; // "Original filename";
$text["owner"] = "物主";// "Owner";
$text["ownership_changed_email"] = "物主已變更";// "Owner changed";
$text["password"] = "登入密碼";// "Password";
$text["password_already_used"] = "密碼已被使用";// "Password already used";
$text["password_expiration"] = "密碼過期";// "Password expiration";
$text["password_expiration_text"] = "您的密碼已經過期。在您繼續使用LetoDMS之前,請選擇新的密碼!";// "Your password has expired. Please choose a new one before you can proceed using LetoDMS.";
$text["password_forgotten"] = "忘記密碼";// "Password forgotten";
$text["password_forgotten_email_subject"] = "忘記主題密碼";// "Password forgotten";
$text["password_forgotten_email_body"] = "LetoDMS親愛的用戶,\n\n我們已經收到您要求更改密碼的指示,\n\n這項指示可以通過點擊下面的鏈接網頁來完成link:\n\n###URL_PREFIX###out/out.ChangePassword.php?hash=###HASH###\n\n。如果登入仍然有問題,那麼請與系統管理員聯繫……" ;// "Dear user of LetoDMS,\n\nwe have received a request to change your password.\n\nThis can be done by clicking on the following link:\n\n###URL_PREFIX###out/out.ChangePassword.php?hash=###HASH###\n\nIf you have still problems to login, then please contact your administrator.";
$text["password_forgotten_send_hash"] = "關於如何進行的說明已經發送到用戶的電子郵件信箱內。";// "Instructions on how to proceed has been send to the user's email address";
$text["password_forgotten_text"] = "填寫以下表格和伴隨的說明,它將被發送到您的電子郵件信箱內。";// "Fill out the form below and follow the instructions in the email, which will be send to you.";
$text["password_forgotten_title"] = "發送密碼";// "Password send";
$text["password_repeat"] = "重複密碼";// "Repeat password";
$text["password_strength"] = "密碼強度";// "Password strength";
$text["password_strength_insuffient"] = "密碼勉強";// "Insuffient password strength";
$text["previous_state"] = "先前狀況";// "Previous state";
$text["password_wrong"] = "錯誤密碼";// "Wrong password";
$text["personal_default_keywords"] = "研究領域關鍵字";// "Personal keywords";
$text["previous_versions"] = "先前版本";// "Previous Versions";
$text["quota"] = "配額"; // "Quota";
$text["quota_exceeded"] = "您的磁盤配額被超過了[bytes]!";// "Your disk quota is exceeded by [bytes].";
$text["quota_warning"] = "你最大的磁盤使用量被超過了[bytes]!請刪除文稿或以前的版本。";// "Your maximum disc usage is exceeded by [bytes]. Please remove documents or previous versions.";
$text["refresh"] = "刷新";// "Refresh";
$text["rejected"] = "駁回";// "Rejected";
$text["released"] = "發佈";// "Released";
$text["removed_approver"] = "已從審核人名單中删除";// "has been removed from the list of approvers.";
$text["removed_file_email"] = "删除附件";// "Removed attachment";
$text["removed_reviewer"] = "已從校對人名單中删除";// "has been removed from the list of reviewers.";
$text["repairing_objects"] = "修復目標區相關的文件夾和文稿";// "Reparing documents and folders.";
$text["results_page"] = "結果頁面";// "Results Page";
$text["review_deletion_email"] = "校對申請已删除";// "Review request deleted";
$text["reviewer_already_assigned"] = "已指派為校對人";// "is already assigned as a reviewer";
$text["reviewer_already_removed"] = "已從校對過程中删除或者已呈遞校對";// "has already been removed from review process or has already submitted a review";
$text["reviewers"] = "多位校對人";// "Reviewers";
$text["review_group"] = "校對組群";// "Review Group";
$text["review_request_email"] = "校對申請";// "Review request";
$text["review_status"] = "校對狀態";// "Review Status";
$text["review_submit_email"] = "校對呈遞";// "Submitted review";
$text["review_summary"] = "校對匯總";// "Review Summary";
$text["review_update_failed"] = "錯誤:校對狀態更新受阻……更新失敗!";// "Error updating review status. Update failed.";
$text["rewind_workflow"] = "倒帶工作流程";// "Rewind workflow";
$text["rewind_workflow_warning"] = "如果倒帶工作流程至初始狀況,那麼對這個文稿的整個工作流程日誌將會被刪除並且不能恢復!";// "If you rewind a workflow to its initial state, then the whole workflow log for this document will be deleted and cannot be recovered.";
$text["rm_attrdef"] = "Remove attribute definition";
$text["rm_default_keyword_category"] = "删除這類默認關鍵字範疇";// "Delete category";
$text["rm_document"] = "删除文稿";// "Remove document";
$text["rm_document_category"] = "刪除這類文稿範疇";// "Delete category";
$text["rm_file"] = "删除這個檔案";// "Remove file";
$text["rm_folder"] = "删除文件夾";// "Remove folder";
$text["rm_from_clipboard"] = "刪除來自剪貼板的";// "Remove from clipboard";
$text["rm_group"] = "删除這個組群";// "Remove this group";
$text["rm_user"] = "删除這位用户";// "Remove this user";
$text["rm_version"] = "删除這套版本";// "Remove version";
$text["rm_workflow"] = "删除這種工作流程";// "Remove Workflow";
$text["rm_workflow_state"] = "删除這種工作流程狀況";// "Remove Workflow State";
$text["rm_workflow_action"] = "删除這種工作流程行動";// "Remove Workflow Action";
$text["rm_workflow_warning"] = "您即將從文稿之中刪除工作流程……請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "You are about to remove the workflow from the document. This cannot be undone.";
$text["role_admin"] = "系統管理員角色";// "Administrator";
$text["role_guest"] = "來賓角色";// "Guest";
$text["role_user"] = "用户角色";// "User";
$text["role"] = "角色";// "Role";
$text["return_from_subworkflow"] = "子工作流程返回";// "Return from sub workflow";
$text["run_subworkflow"] = "執行子工作流程";// "Run sub workflow";
$text["saturday"] = "Saturday";// "Saturday";
$text["saturday_abbr"] = "Sa";
$text["save"] = "存檔";// "Save";
$text["search_in"] = "方式";// "Search in";
$text["search_fulltext"] = "搜索全文";// "Search in fulltext";
$text["search_mode_and"] = "搜索邏輯且模式";// "all words";
$text["search_mode_or"] = "搜索邏輯或模式";// "at least one word";
$text["search_no_results"] = "没有任一篇文稿與您搜索相匹配!";// "There are no documents that match your search";
$text["search_query"] = "查詢";// "Search for";
$text["search_report"] = "總共找到 [doccount] 篇文稿和 [foldercount] 份文件夾";// "Found [doccount] documents and [foldercount] folders";
$text["search_report_fulltext"] = "總共找到 [doccount] 篇文稿";// "Found [doccount] documents";
$text["search_results_access_filtered"] = "搜索結果可以包含到存取權限已遭拒絕的內容";// "Search results may contain content to which access has been denied.";
$text["search_results"] = "搜索結果";// "Search results";
$text["search"] = "搜索文辭";// "Search";
$text["search_time"] = "搜索耗時:[time]秒";// "Elapsed time: [time] sec.";
$text["seconds"] = "seconds";
$text["selection"] = "選擇";// "Selection";
$text["select_category"] = "點選某類範疇";// "Click to select category";
$text["select_groups"] = "點選多個組群";// "Click to select groups";
$text["select_ind_reviewers"] = "點選個別多位校對人";// "Click to select individual reviewer"
$text["select_ind_approvers"] = "點選個別多位審核人";// "Click to select individual approver";
$text["select_grp_reviewers"] = "點選組群多位校對人";// "Click to select group reviewer";
$text["select_grp_approvers"] = "點選組群多位審核人";// "Click to select group approver";
$text["select_one"] = "選擇一個";// "Select one";
$text["select_users"] = "點選多位用戶";// "Click to select users";
$text["select_workflow"] = "點選某種工作流程";// "Select workflow";
$text["september"] = "九月";// "September";
$text["seq_after"] = "在\"[prevname]\"之後";// "After \"[prevname]\"";
$text["seq_end"] = "末尾";// "At the end";
$text["seq_keep"] = "保位";// "Keep Position";
$text["seq_start"] = "首位";// "First position";
$text["sequence"] = "序列";// "Sequence";
$text["set_expiry"] = "設定截止日期";// "Set Expiry";
$text["set_owner_error"] = "錯誤:物主存取權限設定錯誤";// "Error setting owner";
$text["set_owner"] = "設定物主存取權限";// "Set Owner";
$text["set_password"] = "設定密碼";// "Set Password";
$text["set_workflow"] = "設定工作流程";// "Set Workflow"
$text["settings_install_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to the installation of LetoDMS";
$text["settings_install_welcome_text"] = "<p>Before you start to install LetoDMS make sure you have created a file 'ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL' in your configuration directory, otherwise the installation will not work. On Unix-System this can easily be done with 'touch conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL'. After you have finished the installation delete the file.</p><p>LetoDMS has very minimal requirements. You will need a mysql database or sqlite support and a php enabled web server. The pear package Log has to be installed too. For the lucene full text search, you will also need the Zend framework installed on disk where it can be found by php. For the WebDAV server you will also need the HTTP_WebDAV_Server. The path to it can later be set during installation.</p><p>If you like to create the database before you start installation, then just create it manually with your favorite tool, optionally create a database user with access on the database and import one of the database dumps in the configuration directory. The installation script can do that for you as well, but it will need database access with sufficient rights to create databases.</p>";
$text["settings_activate_module"] = "激活模塊";// "Activate module";
$text["settings_activate_php_extension"] = "激活PHP擴展";// "Activate PHP extension";
$text["settings_adminIP"] = "系統維護IP位址";// "Admin IP";
$text["settings_adminIP_desc"] = "If set admin can login only by specified IP addres, leave empty to avoid the control. NOTE: works only with local autentication (no LDAP)";
$text["settings_ADOdbPath"] = "ADOdb 數據庫路徑";// "ADOdb Path";
$text["settings_ADOdbPath_desc"] = "Path to adodb. This is the directory containing the adodb directory";
$text["settings_Advanced"] = "高級設置";// "Advanced";
$text["settings_apache_mod_rewrite"] = "Apache模塊重寫";// "Apache - Module Rewrite";
$text["settings_Authentication"] = "驗證設置";// "Authentication settings";
$text["settings_cacheDir"] = "緩存目錄";// "Cache directory";
$text["settings_cacheDir_desc"] = "Where the preview images are stored (best to choose a directory that is not accessible through your web-server)";
$text["settings_Calendar"] = "日曆設置";// "Calendar settings";
$text["settings_calendarDefaultView"] = "日曆默認視圖";// "Calendar Default View";
$text["settings_calendarDefaultView_desc"] = "Calendar default view";
$text["settings_cannot_disable"] = "File ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL could not deleted";
$text["settings_contentDir"] = "套件內容目錄";// "Content directory";
$text["settings_contentDir_desc"] = "Where the uploaded files are stored (best to choose a directory that is not accessible through your web-server)";
$text["settings_contentOffsetDir"] = "內容補償目錄";// "Content Offset Directory";
$text["settings_contentOffsetDir_desc"] = "To work around limitations in the underlying file system, a new directory structure has been devised that exists within the content directory (Content Directory). This requires a base directory from which to begin. Usually leave this to the default setting, 1048576, but can  be any number or string that does not already exist within (Content Directory)";
$text["settings_cookieLifetime"] = "Cookie Life time";
$text["settings_cookieLifetime_desc"] = "The life time of a cookie in seconds. If set to 0 the cookie will be removed when the browser is closed.";
$text["settings_coreDir"] = "LetoDMS 套件核心目錄";// "Core letoDMS directory";
$text["settings_coreDir_desc"] = "Path to LetoDMS_Core (optional)";
$text["settings_createdatabase"] = "創建數據庫表";// "Create database tables";
$text["settings_createdirectory"] = "創建目錄";// "Create directory";
$text["settings_currentvalue"] = "當前值";// "Current value";
$text["settings_Database"] = "數據庫設置";// "Database settings";
$text["settings_dbDatabase"] = "數據庫名稱";// "Database";
$text["settings_dbDatabase_desc"] = "The name for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless necessary, if for example the database has been moved.";
$text["settings_dbDriver"] = "數據庫類型";// "Database Type";
$text["settings_dbDriver_desc"] = "The type of database in use entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless you are having to migrate to a different type of database perhaps due to changing hosts. Type of DB-Driver used by adodb (see adodb-readme)";
$text["settings_dbHostname"] = "伺服器名稱";// "Server name";
$text["settings_dbHostname_desc"] = "The hostname for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.";
$text["settings_dbPass"] = "使用者密碼";// "Password";
$text["settings_dbPass_desc"] = "The password for access to your database entered during the installation process.";
$text["settings_dbUser"] = "使用者帳號";// "Username";
$text["settings_dbUser_desc"] = "The username for access to your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.";
$text["settings_dbVersion"] = "數據庫架構太老舊";// "Database schema too old";
$text["settings_delete_install_folder"] = "In order to use LetoDMS, you must delete the file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in the configuration directory";
$text["settings_disable_install"] = "Delete file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL if possible";
$text["settings_disableSelfEdit"] = "禁止自行編輯";// "Disable Self Edit";
$text["settings_disableSelfEdit_desc"] = "If checked user cannot edit his own profile";
$text["settings_Display"] = "顯示設置";// "Display settings";
$text["settings_dropFolderDir_desc"] = "This directory can be used for dropping files on the server's file system and importing them from there instead of uploading via the browser. The directory must contain a sub directory for each user who is allowed to import files this way.";
$text["settings_dropFolderDir"] = "放置文件夾目錄";// "Directory for drop folder";
$text["settings_Edition"] = "版本設置";// "Edition settings";
$text["settings_enableAdminRevApp"] = "啟用管理應用加速引擎";// "Enable Admin Rev App";
$text["settings_enableAdminRevApp_desc"] = "Uncheck to don't list administrator as reviewer/approver";
$text["settings_enableCalendar"] = "啟用日曆視圖";// "Enable Calendar";
$text["settings_enableCalendar_desc"] = "Enable/disable calendar";
$text["settings_enableConverting"] = "啟用換算能力";// "Enable Converting";
$text["settings_enableConverting_desc"] = "Enable/disable converting of files";
$text["settings_enableDuplicateDocNames"] = "允許重複文稿名稱";// "Allow duplicate document names";
$text["settings_enableDuplicateDocNames_desc"] = "Allows to have duplicate document names in a folder.";
$text["settings_enableEmail"] = "啟用電子郵件信箱";// "Enable E-mail";
$text["settings_enableEmail_desc"] = "Enable/disable automatic email notification";
$text["settings_enableFolderTree"] = "啟用樹狀文件夾";// "Enable Folder Tree";
$text["settings_enableFolderTree_desc"] = "False to don't show the folder tree";
$text["settings_enableFullSearch"] = "啟用全文搜索";// "Enable Full text search";
$text["settings_enableFullSearch_desc"] = "Enable Full text search";
$text["settings_enableGuestLogin"] = "啟用來賓Guest登入";// "Enable Guest Login";
$text["settings_enableGuestLogin_desc"] = "If you want anybody to login as guest, check this option. Note: guest login should be used only in a trusted environment";
$text["settings_enableLargeFileUpload"] = "啟用大容量文件上傳";// "Enable large file upload";
$text["settings_enableLargeFileUpload_desc"] = "If set, file upload is also available through a java applet called jumploader without a file size limit set by the browser. It also allows to upload several files in one step.";
$text["settings_enableLanguageSelector"] = "啟用語言選擇器";// "Enable Language Selector";
$text["settings_enableLanguageSelector_desc"] = "Show selector for user interface language after being logged in. This does not affect the language selection on the login page.";
$text["settings_enableNotificationAppRev"] = "啟用校對人與審核人通知";// "Enable reviewer/approver notification";
$text["settings_enableNotificationAppRev_desc"] = "Check to send a notification to the reviewer/approver when a new document version is added";
$text["settings_enableOwnerNotification"] = "啟用默認物主通知";// "Enable owner notification by default";
$text["settings_enableOwnerNotification_desc"] = "Check for adding a notification for the owner if a document when it is added.";
$text["settings_enablePasswordForgotten"] = "啟用密碼管道備忘錄";// "Enable Password forgotten";
$text["settings_enablePasswordForgotten_desc"] = "If you want to allow user to set a new password and send it by mail, check this option.";
$text["settings_enableUserImage"] = "啟用使用者圖像";// "Enable User Image";
$text["settings_enableUserImage_desc"] = "Enable users images";
$text["settings_enableUsersView"] = "啟用使用者觀摩";// "Enable Users View";
$text["settings_enableUsersView_desc"] = "Enable/disable group and user view for all users";
$text["settings_enableVersionModification"] = "啟用文稿版本修改";// "Enable modification of versions";
$text["settings_enableVersionModification_desc"] = "Enable/disable modification of a document versions by regular users after a version was uploaded. Admin may always modify the version after upload.";
$text["settings_enableVersionDeletion"] = "啟用刪除先前版本";// "Enable deletion of previous versions";
$text["settings_enableVersionDeletion_desc"] = "Enable/disable deletion of previous document versions by regular users. Admin may always delete old versions.";
$text["settings_encryptionKey"] = "標識符加密金鑰";// "Encryption key";
$text["settings_encryptionKey_desc"] = "This string is used for creating a unique identifier being added as a hidden field to a formular in order to prevent CSRF attacks.";
$text["settings_error"] = "錯誤";// "Error";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_desc"] = "Expand Folder Tree";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree"] = "樹狀文件夾擴展為";// "Expand Folder Tree";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_val0"] = "start with tree hidden";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_val1"] = "start with tree shown and first level expanded";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_val2"] = "start with tree shown fully expanded";
$text["settings_extraPath"] = "額外的PHP include路徑";// "Extra PHP include Path";
$text["settings_extraPath_desc"] = "Path to additional software. This is the directory containing e.g. the adodb directory or additional pear packages";
$text["settings_firstDayOfWeek"] = "每週的第一天";// "First day of the week";
$text["settings_firstDayOfWeek_desc"] = "First day of the week";
$text["settings_footNote"] = "註腳訊息";// "Foot Note";
$text["settings_footNote_desc"] = "Message to display at the bottom of every page";
$text["settings_guestID"] = "來賓登入ID號";// "Guest ID";
$text["settings_guestID_desc"] = "ID of guest-user used when logged in as guest (mostly no need to change)";
$text["settings_httpRoot"] = "網址根源目錄";// "Http Root";
$text["settings_httpRoot_desc"] = "The relative path in the URL, after the domain part. Do not include the http:// prefix or the web host name. e.g. If the full URL is http://www.example.com/letodms/, set '/letodms/'. If the URL is http://www.example.com/, set '/'";
$text["settings_install_disabled"] = "File ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL was deleted. You can now log into LetoDMS and do further configuration.";
$text["settings_install_success"] = "The installation has been successfully completed.";
$text["settings_install_pear_package_log"] = "Install Pear package 'Log'";
$text["settings_install_pear_package_webdav"] = "Install Pear package 'HTTP_WebDAV_Server', if you intend to use the webdav interface";
$text["settings_install_zendframework"] = "Install Zend Framework, if you intend to use the full text search engine";
$text["settings_installADOdb"] = "Install ADOdb";
$text["settings_language"] = "默認區域語系";// "Default language";
$text["settings_language_desc"] = "Default language (name of a subfolder in folder) \"languages\"";
$text["settings_logFileEnable"] = "啟用日誌檔案";// "Log File Enable";
$text["settings_logFileEnable_desc"] = "Enable/disable log file";
$text["settings_logFileRotation"] = "輪換日誌檔案";// "Log File Rotation";
$text["settings_logFileRotation_desc"] = "The log file rotation";
$text["settings_loginFailure"] = "登入失敗禁用帳號";// "Login failure";
$text["settings_loginFailure_desc"] = "Disable account after n login failures.";
$text["settings_luceneClassDir"] = "LetoDMS 資訊檢索目錄";// "Lucene LetoDMS directory";
$text["settings_luceneClassDir_desc"] = "Path to LetoDMS_Lucene (optional). Leave this empty if you have installed LetoDMS_Lucene at a place where it can be found by PHP, e.g. Extra PHP Include-Path";
$text["settings_luceneDir"] = "Lucene 全文索引目錄";// "Lucene index directory";
$text["settings_luceneDir_desc"] = "Path to Lucene index";
$text["settings_maxDirID"] = "最大目錄ID號";// "Max Directory ID";
$text["settings_maxDirID_desc"] = "Maximum number of sub-directories per parent directory. Default: 32700.";
$text["settings_maxExecutionTime"] = "最大執行時間(s)";// "Max Execution Time (s)";
$text["settings_maxExecutionTime_desc"] = "This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated by the parse";
$text["settings_more_settings"] = "配置更多設置。默認登錄:admin/admin";// "Configure more settings. Default login: admin/admin";
$text["settings_Notification"] = "通知設置";// "Notification settings";
$text["settings_no_content_dir"] = "內容目錄設置";// "Content directory";
$text["settings_notfound"] = "沒有找到";// "Not found";
$text["settings_notwritable"] = "組態無法保存,因為組態檔案是不可寫入的。";// "The configuration cannot be saved because the configuration file is not writable.";
$text["settings_partitionSize"] = "分批裝運檔案大小";// "Partial filesize";
$text["settings_partitionSize_desc"] = "Size of partial files in bytes, uploaded by jumploader. Do not set a value larger than the maximum upload size set by the server.";
$text["settings_passwordExpiration"] = "密碼過期重置";// "Password expiration";
$text["settings_passwordExpiration_desc"] = "The number of days after which a password expireѕ and must be reset. 0 turns password expiration off.";
$text["settings_passwordHistory"] = "密碼歷史重用";// "Password history";
$text["settings_passwordHistory_desc"] = "The number of passwords a user must have been used before a password can be reused. 0 turns the password history off.";
$text["settings_passwordStrength"] = "密碼最低強度";// "Min. password strength";
$text["settings_passwordЅtrength_desc"] = "The minimum password strength is an integer value from 0 to 100. Setting it to 0 will turn off checking for the minimum password strength.";
$text["settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm"] = "密碼強度算法";// "Algorithm for password strength";
$text["settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm_desc"] = "The algorithm used for calculating the password strength. The 'simple' algorithm just checks for at least eight chars total, a lower case letter, an upper case letter, a number and a special char. If those conditions are met the returned score is 100 otherwise 0.";
$text["settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm_valsimple"] = "密碼簡單";// "simple";
$text["settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm_valadvanced"] = "密碼高級";// "advanced";
$text["settings_perms"] = "權限設置";// "Permissions";
$text["settings_pear_log"] = "Pear package : Log";
$text["settings_pear_webdav"] = "Pear package : HTTP_WebDAV_Server";
$text["settings_php_dbDriver"] = "PHP extension : php_'see current value'";
$text["settings_php_gd2"] = "PHP extension : php_gd2";
$text["settings_php_mbstring"] = "PHP extension : php_mbstring";
$text["settings_printDisclaimer"] = "印刷免責聲明";// "Print Disclaimer";
$text["settings_printDisclaimer_desc"] = "If true the disclaimer message the lang.inc files will be print on the bottom of the page";
$text["settings_quota"] = "用戶配額";// "User's quota";
$text["settings_quota_desc"] = "The maximum number of bytes a user may use on disk. Set this to 0 for unlimited disk space. This value can be overridden for each uses in his profile.";
$text["settings_restricted"] = "制約存取權限";// "Restricted access";
$text["settings_restricted_desc"] = "Only allow users to log in if they have an entry in the local database (irrespective of successful authentication with LDAP)";
$text["settings_rootDir"] = "套件根源目錄";// "Root directory";
$text["settings_rootDir_desc"] = "Path to where letoDMS is located";
$text["settings_rootFolderID"] = "根源目錄ID號";// "Root Folder ID";
$text["settings_rootFolderID_desc"] = "ID of root-folder (mostly no need to change)";
$text["settings_SaveError"] = "組態檔案保存錯誤";// "Configuration file save error";
$text["settings_Server"] = "伺服器設置";// "Server settings";
$text["settings"] = "網管設置環境";// "Settings"
$text["settings_siteDefaultPage"] = "官網默認網頁";// "Site Default Page";
$text["settings_siteDefaultPage_desc"] = "Default page on login. If empty defaults to out/out.ViewFolder.php";
$text["settings_siteName"] = "官網名稱";// "Site Name";
$text["settings_siteName_desc"] = "Name of site used in the page titles. Default: letoDMS";
$text["settings_Site"] = "官網設置";// "Site";
$text["settings_smtpPort"] = "SMTP郵件伺服器連接埠";// "SMTP Server port";
$text["settings_smtpPort_desc"] = "SMTP Server port, default 25";
$text["settings_smtpSendFrom"] = "系統電子郵件寄發信箱";// "Send from";
$text["settings_smtpSendFrom_desc"] = "Send from";
$text["settings_smtpServer"] = "SMTP郵件伺服器主機名稱";// "SMTP Server hostname";
$text["settings_smtpServer_desc"] = "SMTP Server hostname";
$text["settings_SMTP"] = "SMTP郵件伺服器設置";// "SMTP Server settings";
$text["settings_sortUsersInList"] = "用戶列表排序";// "Sort users in list";
$text["settings_sortUsersInList_desc"] = "Sets if users in selection menus are ordered by login or by its full name";
$text["settings_sortUsersInList_val_login"] = "登入方式排序";// "Sort by login";
$text["settings_sortUsersInList_val_fullname"] = "全名方式排序";// "Sort by full name";
$text["settings_stagingDir"] = "指定遠端上傳目錄";// "Directory for partial uploads";
$text["settings_stagingDir_desc"] = "The directory where jumploader places the parts of a file upload before it is put back together. JumpLoader is a Java applet designed to upload files from the client to a server.";
$text["settings_start_install"] = "Start installation";
$text["settings_stopWordsFile"] = "停用詞彙檔案路徑";// "Path to stop words file";
$text["settings_stopWordsFile_desc"] = "If fulltext search is enabled, this file will contain stop words not being indexed";
$text["settings_strictFormCheck"] = "嚴謹類別檢查";// "Strict Form Check";
$text["settings_strictFormCheck_desc"] = "Strict form checking. If set to true, then all fields in the form will be checked for a value. If set to false, then (most) comments and keyword fields become optional. Comments are always required when submitting a review or overriding document status";
$text["settings_suggestionvalue"] = "建議值";// "Suggestion value";
$text["settings_System"] = "系統設置";// "System";
$text["settings_theme"] = "默認佈景主題";// "Default theme";
$text["settings_theme_desc"] = "Default style (name of a subfolder in folder) \"styles\"";
$text["settings_titleDisplayHack"] = "標題示範場面";// "Title Display Hack" Demoscene;
$text["settings_titleDisplayHack_desc"] = "Workaround for page titles that go over more than 2 lines."
1 楼 yawnp0426 2014-09-30  

(1) 下載解開 LetoDMS-3.3.11.tar.gz LetoDMS-4.0.0-RC1.zip 發現其內的 LetoDMS-*/languages/Chinese_ZH_TW/lang.inc  繁體中文的翻譯是毀損的,該檔根本是無效的編碼即使用簡繁中文轉碼套件也起不了任何作用,所以只好自行打字翻譯繁體中文。Ubuntu 14.04 套件來源具備 LetoDMS-3.3.11 版本。

(2) 由於語言檔案內容與PHP程式碼有關而且欠缺前後文章句段彼此相互對照,簡短程式欄位字數設計造成英文複數名詞的中文翻譯就顯得非常困惑,中文的量詞和數量級成份很難在這裡強調表明。因此對於中文使用者而言添加量詞翻譯往往被忽視,反觀對於英文使用者而言程式欄位字數設計限制了複數名詞的表達並導致無法得知它的數量級百分比。
pigs? -> 一群豬、兩隻豬、三條豬、十頭豬、百口豬、千幅豬畫、萬間豬舍、億根豬毛、一坨豬糞、些許豬尿  、每對豬隻、幾種豬隻、少數豬隻、很少豬隻、多數豬隻、很多豬隻、一些豬隻、任一豬隻、全都是豬

更改語系檔複製路徑:sudo mv ~/lang.inc /usr/share/letodms/languages/Chinese_ZH_TW
複製備忘錄網頁路徑:sudo cp /usr/share/letodms/languages/English/help.htm /usr/share/letodms/languages/Chinese_ZH_TW

(4) 需增加套件: sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin icedtea-plugin

(5) 把以下繁體中文語系程式碼存成 lang.inc 並按上述第Ⅲ步驟複製取代原有的語系檔即可使用了。

//    MyDMS. Document Management System
//    Copyright (C) 2002-2005  Markus Westphal
//    Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe
//    Copyright (C) 2010 Matteo Lucarelli
//    Copyright (C) 2012 Uwe Steinmann
//    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//    (at your option) any later version.
//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    GNU General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

$text = array();
$text["accept"] = "接受";// "Accept";
$text["access_denied"] = "存取權限遭拒絕";// "Access denied.";
$text["access_inheritance"] = "存取權限繼承方針";// "Access Inheritance";
$text["access_mode"] = "存取權限模式";// "Access mode";
$text["access_mode_all"] = "所有存取權限模式";// "All permissions";
$text["access_mode_none"] = "拒絕存取權限模式";// "No access";
$text["access_mode_read"] = "唯讀存取權限模式";// "Read permissions";
$text["access_mode_readwrite"] = "讀寫存取權限模式";// "Read-Write permissions";
$text["access_permission_changed_email"] = "存取權限已改變";// "Permission changed";
$text["according_settings"] = "根據設置";// "according settings";
$text["action"] = "行動";// "Action";
$text["action_approve"] = "行動批准";// "Approve";
$text["action_complete"] = "行動完備";// "Complete";
$text["action_is_complete"] = "行動完成";// "Is complete";
$text["action_is_not_complete"] = "行動瑕疪";// "Is not complete";
$text["action_reject"] = "行動拒絕";// "Reject";
$text["action_review"] = "行動檢閱";// "Review";
$text["action_revise"] = "行動修訂";// "Revise";
$text["actions"] = "多種行動";// "Actions";
$text["add"] = "增加";// "Add";
$text["add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning"] = "備註:如果没有指派校對人或審核人那麼多篇文稿將被自動標註為發佈……";// "N.B. Documents are automatically marked as released if no reviewer or approver is assigned.";
$text["add_document"] = "增加文稿";// "Add document";
$text["add_document_link"] = "增加這篇文稿鏈接";// "Add link";
$text["add_doc_workflow_warning"] = "N.B. Documents are automatically marked as released if no workflow is assigned.";
$text["add_event"] = "增加活動企劃";// "Add event";
$text["add_group"] = "增加這個組群";// "Add new group";
$text["add_member"] = "增加會員";// "Add a member";
$text["add_multiple_documents"] = "增加多元多篇文稿";// "Add multiple documents";
$text["add_multiple_files"] = "增加數個檔案【歸檔序號:+**中文檔名.odt】";// "Add multiple files (will use filename as document name)";
$text["add_subfolder"] = "增加子文件夾";// "Add subfolder";
$text["add_to_clipboard"] = "增加到剪貼板";// "Add to clipboard";
$text["add_user"] = "增加這位用户";// "Add new user";
$text["add_user_to_group"] = "增加這位用户到特定組群";// "Add user to group";
$text["add_workflow"] = "增加這個工作流程";// "Add new workflow";
$text["add_workflow_state"] = "增加這個工作流程狀況";// "Add new workflow state";
$text["add_workflow_action"] = "增加這個工作流程行動";// "Add new workflow action";
$text["admin"] = "系統管理員";// "Administrator";
$text["admin_tools"] = "我的網管";// "Admin-Tools";
$text["all"] = "全部";// "All";
$text["all_categories"] = "全部範疇";// "All categories";
$text["all_documents"] = "全部文稿";// "All Documents";
$text["all_pages"] = "全部頁面";// "All";
$text["all_users"] = "全部用户";// "All users";
$text["already_subscribed"] = "已訂閱";// "Already subscribed";
$text["and"] = "訖";// "and";
$text["apply"] = "適用";// "Apply";
$text["approval_deletion_email"] = "審核申請已删除";// "Approval request deleted";
$text["approval_group"] = "審核組群";// "Approval Group";
$text["approval_request_email"] = "審核申請";// "Approval request";
$text["approval_status"] = "審核狀態";// "Approval Status";
$text["approval_submit_email"] = "審核呈遞";// "Submitted approval";
$text["approval_summary"] = "審核匯總";// "Approval Summary";
$text["approval_update_failed"] = "錯誤:更新審核狀態……更新失敗!";// "Error updating approval status. Update failed.";
$text["approvers"] = "多位審核人";// "Approvers";
$text["april"] = "四月";// "April";
$text["archive_creation"] = "創建壓縮檔";// "Archive creation";
$text["archive_creation_warning"] = "通過此操作,您可以創建一個壓縮檔包含整個DMS(文稿管理系统)數份文件夾裡的數個檔案,之後創建壓縮檔都將保存在您的伺服器數據文件夾之中……<br>警告:備份伺服器創建一個人工可讀的壓縮檔將必不可用!";// "With this operation you can create achive containing the files of entire DMS folders. After the creation the archive will be saved in the data folder of your server.<br>WARNING: an archive created as human readable will be unusable as server backup.";
$text["assign_approvers"] = "指派多位審核人";// "Assign Approvers";
$text["assign_reviewers"] = "指派多位校對人";// "Assign Reviewers";
$text["assign_user_property_to"] = "指定用戶屬性交給";// "Assign user's properties to";
$text["assumed_released"] = "假定發佈";// "Assumed released";
$text["attrdef_management"] = "屬性定義管理";// "Attribute definition management";
$text["attrdef_exists"] = "屬性定義已經存在";// "Attribute definition already exists";
$text["attrdef_in_use"] = "屬性定義依然在使用中";// "Attribute definition still in use";
$text["attrdef_name"] = "屬性定義名稱";// "Name"
$text["attrdef_multiple"] = "允許屬性多種值";// "Allow multiple values";
$text["attrdef_objtype"] = "目標區屬性類型";// "Object type";
$text["attrdef_type"] = "屬性定義類型";// "Type";
$text["attrdef_minvalues"] = "屬性定義最小值";// "Min. number of values";
$text["attrdef_maxvalues"] = "屬性定義最大值";// "Max. number of values";
$text["attrdef_valueset"] = "設定值";// "Set of values";
$text["attributes"] = "多種屬性";// "Attributes";
$text["august"] = "八月";// "August";
$text["automatic_status_update"] = "自動狀態變化";// "Automatic status change";*
$text["back"] = "返回";// "Go back";
$text["backup_list"] = "現有備份列表";// "Existings backup list";
$text["backup_log_management"] = "日誌備份管理";// "Backup/Logging";
$text["backup_remove"] = "删除備份檔案";// "Remove backup file";
$text["backup_tools"] = "多樣備份工具";// "Backup tools";
$text["between"] = "起";// "between";
$text["calendar"] = "日曆視圖";// "Calendar";
$text["cancel"] = "取消";// "Cancel";
$text["cannot_assign_invalid_state"] = "無法修改文稿的最終狀態";// "Cannot modify a document yet in final state";
$text["cannot_change_final_states"] = "警告:您不能更改文稿的拒絕、過期、待校對、或是待審核……等狀態!";// "Warning: You cannot alter status for document rejected, expired or with pending review or approval";
$text["cannot_delete_yourself"] = "錯誤:不能删除您自己";// "Cannot delete yourself";
$text["cannot_move_root"] = "錯誤:不能移動根目錄……";// "Error: Cannot move root folder.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot"] = "無法檢索到該文稿版本的審核狀態快照";// "Unable to retrieve approval status snapshot for this document version.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot"] = "無法檢索到該文稿版本的校對狀態快照";// "Unable to retrieve review status snapshot for this document version.";
$text["cannot_rm_root"] = "錯誤:不能删除根目錄……";// "Error: Cannot delete root folder.";
$text["category"] = "範疇";// "Category";
$text["category_exists"] = "這類範疇已存在";// "Category already exists.";
$text["category_filter"] = "篩選";// "Only categories";
$text["category_in_use"] = "這類範疇目前是被多個文稿使用中";// "This category is currently used by documents.";
$text["category_noname"] = "沒有給予這類範疇名稱";// "No category name given.";
$text["categories"] = "多類範疇";// "Categories";
$text["change_assignments"] = "變更多項任務";// "Change Assignments";
$text["change_password"] = "變更密碼";// "Change password";
$text["change_password_message"] = "你的密碼已變更";// "Your password has been changed.";
$text["change_status"] = "變更狀態";// "Change Status";
$text["choose_attrdef"] = "選擇某種屬性定義";// "Please choose attribute definition";
$text["choose_category"] = "選擇某類默認關鍵字範疇";// "Please choose";
$text["choose_group"] = "選擇某個組群";// "Choose group";
$text["choose_target_category"] = "選擇目標範疇";// "Choose category";
$text["choose_target_document"] = "選擇目標文稿";// "Choose document";
$text["choose_target_file"] = "選擇目標檔案";// "Choose file";
$text["choose_target_folder"] = "選擇目標文件夾";// "Choose folder";
$text["choose_workflow"] = "選擇工作流程";// "Choose workflow";
$text["choose_workflow_state"] = "選擇工作流程狀況";// "Choose workflow state";
$text["choose_workflow_action"] = "選擇工作流程行動";// "Choose workflow action";
$text["choose_user"] = "選擇某位用户";// "Choose user";
$text["close"] = "關閉";// "Close";
$text["comment_changed_email"] = "這篇評論已更改";// "Comment changed";
$text["comment"] = "評論";// "Comment";
$text["comment_for_current_version"] = "評論版本";// "Version comment";
$text["confirm_create_fulltext_index"] = "是的!我想要重新創建全文索引!";// "Yes, I would like to recreate the fulltext index!";
$text["confirm_pwd"] = "驗證密碼";// "Confirm Password";
$text["confirm_rm_backup"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[arkname]\"的備份檔案嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the file \"[arkname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_document"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[documentname]\"的文稿嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_dump"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[dumpname]\"的傾印檔案嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the file \"[dumpname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_event"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[name]\"的活動企劃嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove event \"[name]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_file"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[documentname]\"的文稿和\"[name]\"的附件檔嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove file \"[name]\" of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[foldername]\"的文件夾和它的内容嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the folder \"[foldername]\" and its content?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder_files"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[foldername]\"的文件夾及其子文件夾內所有全部的檔案嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove all the files of the folder \"[foldername]\" and of its subfolders?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_group"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[groupname]\"的組群嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the group \"[groupname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_log"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[logname]\"的日誌檔案嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove log file \"[logname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_user"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[username]\"的用户嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove the user \"[username]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_version"] = "您確定要删除此名稱為\"[documentname]\"的[version]文稿版本嗎?<br>請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "Do you really want to remove version [version] of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["content"] = "數位典藏";// "Content";
$text["continue"] = "繼續";// "Continue";
$text["create_fulltext_index"] = "創建全文索引";// "Create fulltext index";
$text["create_fulltext_index_warning"] = "您將要重新創建全文索引!這可能需要相當長的時間,並且降低總體系統性能。如果你真正地想要重新創建索引時,請確認您的操作!";// "You are to recreate the fulltext index. This can take a considerable amount of time and reduce your overall system performance. If you really want to recreate the index, please confirm your operation.";
$text["creation_date"] = "日期";// "Created";
$text["current_password"] = "目前密碼";// "Current Password";
$text["current_version"] = "目前版本";// "Current version";
$text["daily"] = "每日";// "Daily";
$text["days"] = "days";// "days";
$text["databasesearch"] = "數據庫搜索";// "Database search";
$text["date"] = "日期";// "Date";
$text["december"] = "十二月";// "December";
$text["default_access"] = "默認存取權限";// "Default Access Mode";
$text["default_keywords"] = "默認關鍵字";// "Available keywords";
$text["definitions"] = "定義"; // "Definitions";
$text["delete"] = "删除";// "Delete";
$text["details"] = "詳細說明";// "Details";
$text["details_version"] = "版本詳細說明:[version]";// "Details for version: [version]";
$text["disclaimer"] ="警告:這裡是機密區!存取權限只有授權用户才能被許可!如有違反將根據國家和國際法律追究!";// "This is a classified area. Access is permitted only to authorized personnel. Any violation will be prosecuted according to the national and international laws.";
$text["do_object_repair"] = "修復目標區所有的文件夾和文稿";// "Repair all folders and documents.";
$text["do_object_setfilesize"] = "設置目標區檔案大小";// "Set file size";
$text["do_object_setchecksum"] = "設置目標區校驗";// "Set checksum";
$text["do_object_unlink"] = "刪除目標區文稿版本";// "Delete document version";
$text["document"] = "文稿";// "Document";
$text["document_already_locked"] = "這篇文稿已鎖定";// "This document is aleady locked";
$text["document_deleted"] = "這篇文稿删除";// "Document deleted";
$text["document_deleted_email"] = "這篇文稿已删除";// "Document deleted";
$text["document_duplicate_name"] = "重複這篇文稿名稱";// "Duplicate document name";
$text["document_has_no_workflow"] = "這篇文稿沒有工作流程";// "Document has no workflow";
$text["document_infos"] = "這篇文稿資訊";// "Document Information";
$text["document_is_not_locked"] = "這篇文稿没有被鎖定";// "This document is not locked";
$text["document_link_by"] = "鏈接這篇文稿";// "Linked by";
$text["document_link_public"] = "這篇文稿公開鏈接";// "Public";
$text["document_moved_email"] = "這篇文稿已移動";// "Document moved";
$text["document_renamed_email"] = "這篇文稿已重新命名";// "Document renamed";
$text["documents"] = "多篇文稿";// "Documents";
$text["documents_in_process"] = "待處理多篇文稿";// "Documents In Process";
$text["documents_locked_by_you"] = "您裁決多篇文稿需要鎖定";// "Documents locked by you";
$text["document_status_changed_email"] = "文稿狀態已更改";// "Document status changed";
$text["documents_only"] = "只有多篇文稿";// "Documents only";
$text["documents_to_approve"] = "待您審核多篇文稿";// "Documents awaiting your approval";
$text["documents_to_review"] = "待您校對多篇文稿";// "Documents awaiting your Review";
$text["documents_user_requiring_attention"] = "您擁有多篇文稿需要關注";// "Documents owned by you that require attention";
$text["document_title"] = "這篇文稿'[documentname]'名稱";// "Document '[documentname]'";
$text["document_updated_email"] = "這篇文稿已更新";// "Document updated";
$text["does_not_expire"] = "永不過期";// "Does not expire";
$text["does_not_inherit_access_msg"] = "永不繼承存取權限";// "Inherit access";
$text["download"] = "下載";// "Download";
$text["draft_pending_approval"] = "草案待審核";// "Draft - pending approval";
$text["draft_pending_review"] = "草案待校對";// "Draft - pending review";
$text["drag_icon_here"] = "文件夾和文稿的拖曳圖標在這裡!";// "Drag icon of folder or document here!";
$text["dropfolder_file"] = "來自放置文件夾裡的檔案";// "File from drop folder";
$text["dump_creation"] = "創建數據傾印檔案";// "DB dump creation";
$text["dump_creation_warning"] = "通過此操作,您可以創建一個自己的數據庫傾印檔案,之後可以將傾印檔案保存在您的伺服器數據文件夾之中……";// "With this operation you can create a dump file of your database content. After the creation the dump file will be saved in the data folder of your server.";
$text["dump_list"] = "現有傾印列表";// "Existings dump files";
$text["dump_remove"] = "删除傾印檔案";// "Remove dump file";
$text["edit_attributes"] = "編輯屬性";// "Edit attributes";
$text["edit_comment"] = "編輯說明";// "Edit comment";
$text["edit_default_keywords"] = "編輯默認關鍵字";// "Edit keywords";
$text["edit_document_access"] = "編輯文稿存取權限";// "Edit Access";
$text["edit_document_notify"] = "編輯文稿通知列表";// "Document Notification List";
$text["edit_document_props"] = "編輯文稿";// "Edit document";
$text["edit"] = "編輯";// "Edit";
$text["edit_event"] = "編輯活動企劃";// "Edit event";
$text["edit_existing_access"] = "編輯現有存取權限列表";// "Edit Access List";
$text["edit_existing_notify"] = "編輯現有通知列表";// "Edit notification list";
$text["edit_folder_access"] = "編輯文件夾存取權限";// "Edit access";
$text["edit_folder_notify"] = "編輯文件夾通知列表";// "Folder Notification List";
$text["edit_folder_props"] = "編輯文件夾";// "Edit folder";
$text["edit_group"] = "編輯組群";// "Edit group";
$text["edit_user_details"] = "編輯用户細節";// "Edit User Details";
$text["edit_user"] = "編輯用户";// "Edit user";
$text["email"] = "電子郵件";// "Email";
$text["email_error_title"] = "沒有輸入電子郵件信箱";// "No email entered";
$text["email_footer"] = "您可以用【我的帳户】選項來改變您的電子郵件信箱設置";// "You can always change your e-mail settings using 'My Account' functions";
$text["email_header"] = "這是來自於DMS(文稿管理系统)自動發送的消息……";// "This is an automatic message from the DMS server.";
$text["email_not_given"] = "請輸入有效的電子郵件信箱";// "Please enter a valid email address.";
$text["empty_folder_list"] = "空白文件夾列表";// "No documents or folders";
$text["empty_notify_list"] = "空白通知列表";// "No entries";
$text["equal_transition_states"] = "開始和結束的狀況是同樣的";// "Start and end state are equal";
$text["error"] = "錯誤";// "Error";
$text["error_no_document_selected"] = "沒有選擇任一文稿";// "No document selected";
$text["error_no_folder_selected"] = "沒有選擇任一文件夾";// "No folder selected";
$text["error_occured"] = "錯誤發生";// "An error has occured";
$text["event_details"] = "活動詳情";// "Event details";
$text["expired"] = "過期";// "Expired";
$text["expires"] = "有效期限";// "Expires";
$text["expiry_changed_email"] = "到期日已改變";// "Expiry date changed";
$text["february"] = "二月";// "February";
$text["file"] = "檔案";// "File";
$text["files_deletion"] = "删除文件夾";// "Files deletion";
$text["files_deletion_warning"] = "通過此操作,您可以删除整個DMS(文稿管理系统)某一份文件夾裡所有的檔案,但版本設定資訊仍將是能認讀出的……";// "With this option you can delete all files of entire DMS folders. The versioning information will remain visible.";
$text["files"] = "多個檔案";// "Files";
$text["file_size"] = "檔案大小";// "Filesize";
$text["folder_contents"] = "文件夾内容";// "Folder Contents";
$text["folder_deleted_email"] = "文件夾已删除";// "Folder deleted";
$text["folder"] = "文件夾";// "Folder";
$text["folder_infos"] = "文件夾資訊";// "Folder Information";
$text["folder_moved_email"] = "文件夾已移動";// "Folder moved";
$text["folder_renamed_email"] = "文件夾已重新命名";// "Folder renamed";
$text["folders_and_documents_statistic"] = "多項内容概要";// "Contents overview";
$text["folders"] = "多份文件夾";// "Folders";
$text["folder_title"] = "文件夾'[foldername]'";// "Folder '[foldername]'";
$text["friday"] = "Friday";// "Friday";
$text["friday_abbr"] = "Fr";// "Fr";
$text["from"] = "From";// "From";
$text["fullsearch"] = "全文搜索";// "Full text search";
$text["fullsearch_hint"] = "使用全文索引";// "Use fulltext index";
$text["fulltext_info"] = "全文索引資訊";// "Fulltext index info";
$text["global_attributedefinitions"] = "全球多種屬性定義";// "Attributes";
$text["global_default_keywords"] = "全球默認關鍵字";// "Global keywords";
$text["global_document_categories"] = "全球文稿範疇";// "Categories";
$text["global_workflows"] = "全球多種工作流程";// "Workflows";
$text["global_workflow_actions"] = "全球工作流程行動";// "Workflow Actions";
$text["global_workflow_states"] = "全球工作流程狀況";// "Workflow States";
$text["group_approval_summary"] = "組群審核匯總";// "Group approval summary";
$text["group_exists"] = "這個組群已存在";// "Group already exists.";
$text["group"] = "組群欄位";// "Group";
$text["group_management"] = "多個組群管理";// "Groups management";
$text["group_members"] = "組群會員";// "Group members";
$text["group_review_summary"] = "組群校對匯總";// "Group review summary";
$text["groups"] = "多個組群";// "Groups";
$text["guest_login_disabled"] = "來賓登入被禁止";// "Guest login is disabled.";
$text["guest_login"] = "來賓登入";// "Login as guest";
$text["help"] = "文書助理";// "Help";
$text["hourly"] = "每小時";// "Hourly";
$text["hours"] = "hours";// "hours";
$text["human_readable"] = "人工可讀壓縮檔";// "Human readable archive";
$text["id"] = "ID號";// "ID";
$text["identical_version"] = "新版本相同於目前版本。";// "New version is identical to current version.";
$text["include_documents"] = "包含多篇文稿";// "Include documents";
$text["include_subdirectories"] = "包含多份子目錄";// "Include subdirectories";
$text["index_converters"] = "索引文稿轉換";// "Index document conversion";
$text["individuals"] = "多名人員";// "Individuals";
$text["inherited"] = "繼承";// "inherited";
$text["inherits_access_msg"] = "存取權限將要被繼承……";// "Access is being inherited.";
$text["inherits_access_copy_msg"] = "複製存取權限繼承列表";// "Copy inherited access list";
$text["inherits_access_empty_msg"] = "從空白存取權限列表開始繼承";// "Start with empty access list";
$text["internal_error_exit"] = "内部錯誤!無法完成申請……離開系统!";// "Internal error. Unable to complete request. Exiting.";
$text["internal_error"] = "内部錯誤";// "Internal error";
$text["invalid_access_mode"] = "存取權限模式無效";// "Invalid Access Mode";
$text["invalid_action"] = "動作無效";// "Invalid Action";
$text["invalid_approval_status"] = "審核狀態無效";// "Invalid Approval Status";
$text["invalid_create_date_end"] = "截止日期無效,不在創建日期範圍内";// "Invalid end date for creation date range.";
$text["invalid_create_date_start"] = "開始日期無效,不在創建日期範圍内";// "Invalid start date for creation date range.";
$text["invalid_doc_id"] = "文稿ID號無效";// "Invalid Document ID";
$text["invalid_file_id"] = "檔案ID號無效";// "Invalid file ID";
$text["invalid_folder_id"] = "文件夾ID號無效";// "Invalid Folder ID";
$text["invalid_group_id"] = "組群ID號無效";// "Invalid Group ID";
$text["invalid_link_id"] = "鏈接標識無效";// "Invalid link identifier";
$text["invalid_request_token"] = "請求單詞無效";// "Invalid Request Token";
$text["invalid_review_status"] = "校對狀態無效";// "Invalid Review Status";
$text["invalid_sequence"] = "序列值無效";// "Invalid sequence value";
$text["invalid_status"] = "文稿狀態無效";// "Invalid Document Status";
$text["invalid_target_doc_id"] = "目標文稿ID號無效";// "Invalid Target Document ID";
$text["invalid_target_folder"] = "目標文件夾ID號無效";// "Invalid Target Folder ID";
$text["invalid_user_id"] = "用户ID號無效";// "Invalid User ID";
$text["invalid_version"] = "文稿版本無效";// "Invalid Document Version";
$text["in_workflow"] = "在工作流程內";// "In workflow";
$text["is_disabled"] = "禁用帳戶";// "Disable account";
$text["is_hidden"] = "用户列表隱藏";// "Hide from users list";
$text["january"] = "一月";// "January";
$text["js_no_approval_group"] = "請選譯某個審核組群";// "Please select a approval group";
$text["js_no_approval_status"] = "請選譯某個審核狀態";// "Please select the approval status";
$text["js_no_comment"] = "没有增加說明";// "There is no comment";
$text["js_no_email"] = "輸入您的電子郵件信箱";// "Type in your Email-address";
$text["js_no_file"] = "請選譯某個檔案";// "Please select a file";
$text["js_no_keywords"] = "指定多個某些關鍵字";// "Specify some keywords";
$text["js_no_login"] = "請輸入這位用户ID號";// "Please type in a username";
$text["js_no_name"] = "請輸入用戶全名";// "Please type in a name";
$text["js_no_override_status"] = "請選譯某個新的[override]狀態";// "Please select the new [override] status";
$text["js_no_pwd"] = "需要輸入用戶登入密碼";// "You need to type in your password";
$text["js_no_query"] = "輸入查詢";// "Type in a query";
$text["js_no_review_group"] = "請選譯某個校對組群";// "Please select a review group";
$text["js_no_review_status"] = "請選譯某個校對狀態";// "Please select the review status";
$text["js_pwd_not_conf"] = "密碼與確認密碼不一致";// "Password and passwords-confirmation are not equal";
$text["js_select_user_or_group"] = "選譯至少一位用户或一個組群";// "Select at least an user or a group";
$text["js_select_user"] = "請選譯某位用户";// "Please select an user";
$text["july"] = "七月";// "July";
$text["june"] = "六月";// "June";
$text["keep_doc_status"] = "保持文稿狀態";// "Keep document status";
$text["keyword_exists"] = "關鍵字已存在";// "Keyword already exists";
$text["keywords"] = "關鍵字";// "Keywords";
$text["language"] = "語言";// "Language";
$text["last_update"] = "上次更新";// "Last Update";
$text["legend"] = "傳說";// "Legend";
$text["link_alt_updatedocument"] = "如果您想上傳多個檔案大於目前最大上傳檔案大小限制,請使用這個鏈接替代 <a href=\"%s\">upload page</a>!";// "If you would like to upload files bigger than the current maximum upload size, please use the alternative <a href=\"%s\">upload page</a>.";
$text["linked_documents"] = "附加多篇相關文稿";// "Related Documents";
$text["linked_files"] = "附加多個檔案附件";// "Attachments";
$text["local_file"] = "本地檔案";// "Local file";
$text["locked_by"] = "通過鎖定";// "Locked by";
$text["lock_document"] = "鎖定文稿";// "Lock";
$text["lock_message"] = "此文稿已遭<a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>鎖定。只有授權用户們才能解鎖!"; //"This document is locked by <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>. Only authorized users can unlock this document.";
$text["lock_status"] = "鎖定狀態";// "Status";
$text["login"] = "登入";// "Login";
$text["login_disabled_text"] = "您的帳戶已停用,也許因為多次登入失敗……";// "Your account is disabled, probably because of too many failed logins.";
$text["login_disabled_title"] = "帳號遭禁用";// "Account is disabled";
$text["login_error_text"] = "錯誤:用户登入名稱或密碼不正確……";// "Error signing in. User ID or password incorrect.";
$text["login_error_title"] = "登入錯誤";// "Sign in error";
$text["login_not_given"] = "欠缺用户登入名稱";// "No username has been supplied";
$text["login_ok"] = "登入成功";// "Sign in successful";
$text["log_management"] = "多個日誌管理";// "Log files management";
$text["logout"] = "登出";// "Logout";
$text["manager"] = "普通管理員";// "Manager";
$text["march"] = "三月";// "March";
$text["max_upload_size"] = "最大上傳檔案大小限制";// "Maximum upload size";
$text["may"] = "五月";// "May";
$text["mimetype"] = "MIME類型";// "Mime type";
$text["misc"] = "雜項";// "Misc";
$text["missing_checksum"] = "缺少校驗";// "Missing checksum";
$text["missing_filesize"] = "缺少檔案";// "Missing filesize";
$text["missing_transition_user_group"] = "缺少用戶組群結合轉變";// "Missing user/group for transition";
$text["minutes"] = "minutes";// "minutes";
$text["monday"] = "Monday";// "Monday";
$text["monday_abbr"] = "Mo";
$text["month_view"] = "月視圖";// "Month view";
$text["monthly"] = "每月";// "Monthly";
$text["move_document"] = "移動文稿";// "Move document";
$text["move_folder"] = "移動文件夾";// "Move Folder";
$text["move"] = "移動";// "Move";
$text["my_account"] = "我的帳户";// "My Account";
$text["my_documents"] = "我的文稿";// "My Documents";
$text["name"] = "名稱";// "Name";
$text["new_attrdef"] = "增加新的屬性定義";// "Add attribute defintion";
$text["new_default_keyword_category"] = "增加新的默認關鍵字範疇";// "Add category";
$text["new_default_keywords"] = "增加新的默認關鍵字";// "Add keywords";
$text["new_document_category"] = "增加新的文稿範疇";// "Add category";
$text["new_document_email"] = "增加新的文稿";// "New document";
$text["new_file_email"] = "增加新的附件";// "New attachment";
$text["new_folder"] = "增加新的文件夾";// "New folder";
$text["new"] = "全新";// "New";
$text["new_password"] = "增加新的密碼";// "New password";
$text["new_subfolder_email"] = "增加新的文件夾";// "New folder";
$text["new_user_image"] = "增加新的用戶圖像";// "New image";
$text["next_state"] = "增加新的狀況";// "New state";
$text["no_action"] = "沒有申請這個動作";// "No action required";
$text["no_approval_needed"] = "沒有未決定的審核";// "No approval pending.";
$text["no_attached_files"] = "沒有附上多個檔案";// "No attached files";
$text["no_default_keywords"] = "沒有多個默認關鍵字";// "No keywords available";
$text["no_docs_locked"] = "沒有多篇文稿遭鎖定";// "No documents locked.";
$text["no_docs_to_approve"] = "目前沒有多篇需要審核的文稿";// "There are currently no documents that require approval.";
$text["no_docs_to_look_at"] = "沒有多篇文稿需要關注";// "No documents that need attention.";
$text["no_docs_to_review"] = "目前沒有多篇需要校對的文稿";// "There are currently no documents that require review.";
$text["no_fulltextindex"] = "没有可用的全文索引";// "No fulltext index available";
$text["no_group_members"] = "這個組群沒有多位會員";// "This group has no members";
$text["no_groups"] = "沒有多個組群";// "No groups";
$text["no_linked_files"] = "沒有鏈接多個檔案";// "No linked files";
$text["no"] = "No";// "No";
$text["no_previous_versions"] = "沒有其它版本";// "No other versions found";
$text["no_review_needed"] = "沒有未決定的校對";// "No review pending.";
$text["notify_added_email"] = "您已增加到通知名單之中";// "You've been added to notify list";
$text["notify_deleted_email"] = "您已從通知名單之中删除";// "You've been removed from notify list";
$text["no_update_cause_locked"] = "您不能更新此文稿,請聯繫鎖定該文稿的用戶者";// "You can therefore not update this document. Please contanct the locking user.";
$text["no_user_image"] = "沒有圖像";// "No image found";
$text["november"] = "十一月";// "November";
$text["now"] = "現在";// "now";
$text["objectcheck"] = "文件夾和文稿";// "Folder/Document check";
$text["obsolete"] = "冗贅";// "Obsolete";
$text["october"] = "十月";// "October";
$text["old"] = "古老";// "Old";
$text["only_jpg_user_images"] = "只能用.jpg格式的影像檔才可以作為用户本身的圖像";// "Only .jpg-images may be used as user-images";
$text["original_filename"] = "Original filename"; // "Original filename";
$text["owner"] = "物主";// "Owner";
$text["ownership_changed_email"] = "物主已變更";// "Owner changed";
$text["password"] = "登入密碼";// "Password";
$text["password_already_used"] = "密碼已被使用";// "Password already used";
$text["password_expiration"] = "密碼過期";// "Password expiration";
$text["password_expiration_text"] = "您的密碼已經過期。在您繼續使用LetoDMS之前,請選擇新的密碼!";// "Your password has expired. Please choose a new one before you can proceed using LetoDMS.";
$text["password_forgotten"] = "忘記密碼";// "Password forgotten";
$text["password_forgotten_email_subject"] = "忘記主題密碼";// "Password forgotten";
$text["password_forgotten_email_body"] = "LetoDMS親愛的用戶,\n\n我們已經收到您要求更改密碼的指示,\n\n這項指示可以通過點擊下面的鏈接網頁來完成link:\n\n###URL_PREFIX###out/out.ChangePassword.php?hash=###HASH###\n\n。如果登入仍然有問題,那麼請與系統管理員聯繫……" ;// "Dear user of LetoDMS,\n\nwe have received a request to change your password.\n\nThis can be done by clicking on the following link:\n\n###URL_PREFIX###out/out.ChangePassword.php?hash=###HASH###\n\nIf you have still problems to login, then please contact your administrator.";
$text["password_forgotten_send_hash"] = "關於如何進行的說明已經發送到用戶的電子郵件信箱內。";// "Instructions on how to proceed has been send to the user's email address";
$text["password_forgotten_text"] = "填寫以下表格和伴隨的說明,它將被發送到您的電子郵件信箱內。";// "Fill out the form below and follow the instructions in the email, which will be send to you.";
$text["password_forgotten_title"] = "發送密碼";// "Password send";
$text["password_repeat"] = "重複密碼";// "Repeat password";
$text["password_strength"] = "密碼強度";// "Password strength";
$text["password_strength_insuffient"] = "密碼勉強";// "Insuffient password strength";
$text["previous_state"] = "先前狀況";// "Previous state";
$text["password_wrong"] = "錯誤密碼";// "Wrong password";
$text["personal_default_keywords"] = "研究領域關鍵字";// "Personal keywords";
$text["previous_versions"] = "先前版本";// "Previous Versions";
$text["quota"] = "配額"; // "Quota";
$text["quota_exceeded"] = "您的磁盤配額被超過了[bytes]!";// "Your disk quota is exceeded by [bytes].";
$text["quota_warning"] = "你最大的磁盤使用量被超過了[bytes]!請刪除文稿或以前的版本。";// "Your maximum disc usage is exceeded by [bytes]. Please remove documents or previous versions.";
$text["refresh"] = "刷新";// "Refresh";
$text["rejected"] = "駁回";// "Rejected";
$text["released"] = "發佈";// "Released";
$text["removed_approver"] = "已從審核人名單中删除";// "has been removed from the list of approvers.";
$text["removed_file_email"] = "删除附件";// "Removed attachment";
$text["removed_reviewer"] = "已從校對人名單中删除";// "has been removed from the list of reviewers.";
$text["repairing_objects"] = "修復目標區相關的文件夾和文稿";// "Reparing documents and folders.";
$text["results_page"] = "結果頁面";// "Results Page";
$text["review_deletion_email"] = "校對申請已删除";// "Review request deleted";
$text["reviewer_already_assigned"] = "已指派為校對人";// "is already assigned as a reviewer";
$text["reviewer_already_removed"] = "已從校對過程中删除或者已呈遞校對";// "has already been removed from review process or has already submitted a review";
$text["reviewers"] = "多位校對人";// "Reviewers";
$text["review_group"] = "校對組群";// "Review Group";
$text["review_request_email"] = "校對申請";// "Review request";
$text["review_status"] = "校對狀態";// "Review Status";
$text["review_submit_email"] = "校對呈遞";// "Submitted review";
$text["review_summary"] = "校對匯總";// "Review Summary";
$text["review_update_failed"] = "錯誤:校對狀態更新受阻……更新失敗!";// "Error updating review status. Update failed.";
$text["rewind_workflow"] = "倒帶工作流程";// "Rewind workflow";
$text["rewind_workflow_warning"] = "如果倒帶工作流程至初始狀況,那麼對這個文稿的整個工作流程日誌將會被刪除並且不能恢復!";// "If you rewind a workflow to its initial state, then the whole workflow log for this document will be deleted and cannot be recovered.";
$text["rm_attrdef"] = "Remove attribute definition";
$text["rm_default_keyword_category"] = "删除這類默認關鍵字範疇";// "Delete category";
$text["rm_document"] = "删除文稿";// "Remove document";
$text["rm_document_category"] = "刪除這類文稿範疇";// "Delete category";
$text["rm_file"] = "删除這個檔案";// "Remove file";
$text["rm_folder"] = "删除文件夾";// "Remove folder";
$text["rm_from_clipboard"] = "刪除來自剪貼板的";// "Remove from clipboard";
$text["rm_group"] = "删除這個組群";// "Remove this group";
$text["rm_user"] = "删除這位用户";// "Remove this user";
$text["rm_version"] = "删除這套版本";// "Remove version";
$text["rm_workflow"] = "删除這種工作流程";// "Remove Workflow";
$text["rm_workflow_state"] = "删除這種工作流程狀況";// "Remove Workflow State";
$text["rm_workflow_action"] = "删除這種工作流程行動";// "Remove Workflow Action";
$text["rm_workflow_warning"] = "您即將從文稿之中刪除工作流程……請注意:此動作執行後無法還原。";// "You are about to remove the workflow from the document. This cannot be undone.";
$text["role_admin"] = "系統管理員角色";// "Administrator";
$text["role_guest"] = "來賓角色";// "Guest";
$text["role_user"] = "用户角色";// "User";
$text["role"] = "角色";// "Role";
$text["return_from_subworkflow"] = "子工作流程返回";// "Return from sub workflow";
$text["run_subworkflow"] = "執行子工作流程";// "Run sub workflow";
$text["saturday"] = "Saturday";// "Saturday";
$text["saturday_abbr"] = "Sa";
$text["save"] = "存檔";// "Save";
$text["search_in"] = "方式";// "Search in";
$text["search_fulltext"] = "搜索全文";// "Search in fulltext";
$text["search_mode_and"] = "搜索邏輯且模式";// "all words";
$text["search_mode_or"] = "搜索邏輯或模式";// "at least one word";
$text["search_no_results"] = "没有任一篇文稿與您搜索相匹配!";// "There are no documents that match your search";
$text["search_query"] = "查詢";// "Search for";
$text["search_report"] = "總共找到 [doccount] 篇文稿和 [foldercount] 份文件夾";// "Found [doccount] documents and [foldercount] folders";
$text["search_report_fulltext"] = "總共找到 [doccount] 篇文稿";// "Found [doccount] documents";
$text["search_results_access_filtered"] = "搜索結果可以包含到存取權限已遭拒絕的內容";// "Search results may contain content to which access has been denied.";
$text["search_results"] = "搜索結果";// "Search results";
$text["search"] = "搜索文辭";// "Search";
$text["search_time"] = "搜索耗時:[time]秒";// "Elapsed time: [time] sec.";
$text["seconds"] = "seconds";
$text["selection"] = "選擇";// "Selection";
$text["select_category"] = "點選某類範疇";// "Click to select category";
$text["select_groups"] = "點選多個組群";// "Click to select groups";
$text["select_ind_reviewers"] = "點選個別多位校對人";// "Click to select individual reviewer"
$text["select_ind_approvers"] = "點選個別多位審核人";// "Click to select individual approver";
$text["select_grp_reviewers"] = "點選組群多位校對人";// "Click to select group reviewer";
$text["select_grp_approvers"] = "點選組群多位審核人";// "Click to select group approver";
$text["select_one"] = "選擇一個";// "Select one";
$text["select_users"] = "點選多位用戶";// "Click to select users";
$text["select_workflow"] = "點選某種工作流程";// "Select workflow";
$text["september"] = "九月";// "September";
$text["seq_after"] = "在\"[prevname]\"之後";// "After \"[prevname]\"";
$text["seq_end"] = "末尾";// "At the end";
$text["seq_keep"] = "保位";// "Keep Position";
$text["seq_start"] = "首位";// "First position";
$text["sequence"] = "序列";// "Sequence";
$text["set_expiry"] = "設定截止日期";// "Set Expiry";
$text["set_owner_error"] = "錯誤:物主存取權限設定錯誤";// "Error setting owner";
$text["set_owner"] = "設定物主存取權限";// "Set Owner";
$text["set_password"] = "設定密碼";// "Set Password";
$text["set_workflow"] = "設定工作流程";// "Set Workflow"
$text["settings_install_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to the installation of LetoDMS";
$text["settings_install_welcome_text"] = "<p>Before you start to install LetoDMS make sure you have created a file 'ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL' in your configuration directory, otherwise the installation will not work. On Unix-System this can easily be done with 'touch conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL'. After you have finished the installation delete the file.</p><p>LetoDMS has very minimal requirements. You will need a mysql database or sqlite support and a php enabled web server. The pear package Log has to be installed too. For the lucene full text search, you will also need the Zend framework installed on disk where it can be found by php. For the WebDAV server you will also need the HTTP_WebDAV_Server. The path to it can later be set during installation.</p><p>If you like to create the database before you start installation, then just create it manually with your favorite tool, optionally create a database user with access on the database and import one of the database dumps in the configuration directory. The installation script can do that for you as well, but it will need database access with sufficient rights to create databases.</p>";
$text["settings_activate_module"] = "激活模塊";// "Activate module";
$text["settings_activate_php_extension"] = "激活PHP擴展";// "Activate PHP extension";
$text["settings_adminIP"] = "系統維護IP位址";// "Admin IP";
$text["settings_adminIP_desc"] = "If set admin can login only by specified IP addres, leave empty to avoid the control. NOTE: works only with local autentication (no LDAP)";
$text["settings_ADOdbPath"] = "ADOdb 數據庫路徑";// "ADOdb Path";
$text["settings_ADOdbPath_desc"] = "Path to adodb. This is the directory containing the adodb directory";
$text["settings_Advanced"] = "高級設置";// "Advanced";
$text["settings_apache_mod_rewrite"] = "Apache模塊重寫";// "Apache - Module Rewrite";
$text["settings_Authentication"] = "驗證設置";// "Authentication settings";
$text["settings_cacheDir"] = "緩存目錄";// "Cache directory";
$text["settings_cacheDir_desc"] = "Where the preview images are stored (best to choose a directory that is not accessible through your web-server)";
$text["settings_Calendar"] = "日曆設置";// "Calendar settings";
$text["settings_calendarDefaultView"] = "日曆默認視圖";// "Calendar Default View";
$text["settings_calendarDefaultView_desc"] = "Calendar default view";
$text["settings_cannot_disable"] = "File ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL could not deleted";
$text["settings_contentDir"] = "套件內容目錄";// "Content directory";
$text["settings_contentDir_desc"] = "Where the uploaded files are stored (best to choose a directory that is not accessible through your web-server)";
$text["settings_contentOffsetDir"] = "內容補償目錄";// "Content Offset Directory";
$text["settings_contentOffsetDir_desc"] = "To work around limitations in the underlying file system, a new directory structure has been devised that exists within the content directory (Content Directory). This requires a base directory from which to begin. Usually leave this to the default setting, 1048576, but can  be any number or string that does not already exist within (Content Directory)";
$text["settings_cookieLifetime"] = "Cookie Life time";
$text["settings_cookieLifetime_desc"] = "The life time of a cookie in seconds. If set to 0 the cookie will be removed when the browser is closed.";
$text["settings_coreDir"] = "LetoDMS 套件核心目錄";// "Core letoDMS directory";
$text["settings_coreDir_desc"] = "Path to LetoDMS_Core (optional)";
$text["settings_createdatabase"] = "創建數據庫表";// "Create database tables";
$text["settings_createdirectory"] = "創建目錄";// "Create directory";
$text["settings_currentvalue"] = "當前值";// "Current value";
$text["settings_Database"] = "數據庫設置";// "Database settings";
$text["settings_dbDatabase"] = "數據庫名稱";// "Database";
$text["settings_dbDatabase_desc"] = "The name for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless necessary, if for example the database has been moved.";
$text["settings_dbDriver"] = "數據庫類型";// "Database Type";
$text["settings_dbDriver_desc"] = "The type of database in use entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless you are having to migrate to a different type of database perhaps due to changing hosts. Type of DB-Driver used by adodb (see adodb-readme)";
$text["settings_dbHostname"] = "伺服器名稱";// "Server name";
$text["settings_dbHostname_desc"] = "The hostname for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.";
$text["settings_dbPass"] = "使用者密碼";// "Password";
$text["settings_dbPass_desc"] = "The password for access to your database entered during the installation process.";
$text["settings_dbUser"] = "使用者帳號";// "Username";
$text["settings_dbUser_desc"] = "The username for access to your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.";
$text["settings_dbVersion"] = "數據庫架構太老舊";// "Database schema too old";
$text["settings_delete_install_folder"] = "In order to use LetoDMS, you must delete the file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in the configuration directory";
$text["settings_disable_install"] = "Delete file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL if possible";
$text["settings_disableSelfEdit"] = "禁止自行編輯";// "Disable Self Edit";
$text["settings_disableSelfEdit_desc"] = "If checked user cannot edit his own profile";
$text["settings_Display"] = "顯示設置";// "Display settings";
$text["settings_dropFolderDir_desc"] = "This directory can be used for dropping files on the server's file system and importing them from there instead of uploading via the browser. The directory must contain a sub directory for each user who is allowed to import files this way.";
$text["settings_dropFolderDir"] = "放置文件夾目錄";// "Directory for drop folder";
$text["settings_Edition"] = "版本設置";// "Edition settings";
$text["settings_enableAdminRevApp"] = "啟用管理應用加速引擎";// "Enable Admin Rev App";
$text["settings_enableAdminRevApp_desc"] = "Uncheck to don't list administrator as reviewer/approver";
$text["settings_enableCalendar"] = "啟用日曆視圖";// "Enable Calendar";
$text["settings_enableCalendar_desc"] = "Enable/disable calendar";
$text["settings_enableConverting"] = "啟用換算能力";// "Enable Converting";
$text["settings_enableConverting_desc"] = "Enable/disable converting of files";
$text["settings_enableDuplicateDocNames"] = "允許重複文稿名稱";// "Allow duplicate document names";
$text["settings_enableDuplicateDocNames_desc"] = "Allows to have duplicate document names in a folder.";
$text["settings_enableEmail"] = "啟用電子郵件信箱";// "Enable E-mail";
$text["settings_enableEmail_desc"] = "Enable/disable automatic email notification";
$text["settings_enableFolderTree"] = "啟用樹狀文件夾";// "Enable Folder Tree";
$text["settings_enableFolderTree_desc"] = "False to don't show the folder tree";
$text["settings_enableFullSearch"] = "啟用全文搜索";// "Enable Full text search";
$text["settings_enableFullSearch_desc"] = "Enable Full text search";
$text["settings_enableGuestLogin"] = "啟用來賓Guest登入";// "Enable Guest Login";
$text["settings_enableGuestLogin_desc"] = "If you want anybody to login as guest, check this option. Note: guest login should be used only in a trusted environment";
$text["settings_enableLargeFileUpload"] = "啟用大容量文件上傳";// "Enable large file upload";
$text["settings_enableLargeFileUpload_desc"] = "If set, file upload is also available through a java applet called jumploader without a file size limit set by the browser. It also allows to upload several files in one step.";
$text["settings_enableLanguageSelector"] = "啟用語言選擇器";// "Enable Language Selector";
$text["settings_enableLanguageSelector_desc"] = "Show selector for user interface language after being logged in. This does not affect the language selection on the login page.";
$text["settings_enableNotificationAppRev"] = "啟用校對人與審核人通知";// "Enable reviewer/approver notification";
$text["settings_enableNotificationAppRev_desc"] = "Check to send a notification to the reviewer/approver when a new document version is added";
$text["settings_enableOwnerNotification"] = "啟用默認物主通知";// "Enable owner notification by default";
$text["settings_enableOwnerNotification_desc"] = "Check for adding a notification for the owner if a document when it is added.";
$text["settings_enablePasswordForgotten"] = "啟用密碼管道備忘錄";// "Enable Password forgotten";
$text["settings_enablePasswordForgotten_desc"] = "If you want to allow user to set a new password and send it by mail, check this option.";
$text["settings_enableUserImage"] = "啟用使用者圖像";// "Enable User Image";
$text["settings_enableUserImage_desc"] = "Enable users images";
$text["settings_enableUsersView"] = "啟用使用者觀摩";// "Enable Users View";
$text["settings_enableUsersView_desc"] = "Enable/disable group and user view for all users";
$text["settings_enableVersionModification"] = "啟用文稿版本修改";// "Enable modification of versions";
$text["settings_enableVersionModification_desc"] = "Enable/disable modification of a document versions by regular users after a version was uploaded. Admin may always modify the version after upload.";
$text["settings_enableVersionDeletion"] = "啟用刪除先前版本";// "Enable deletion of previous versions";
$text["settings_enableVersionDeletion_desc"] = "Enable/disable deletion of previous document versions by regular users. Admin may always delete old versions.";
$text["settings_encryptionKey"] = "標識符加密金鑰";// "Encryption key";
$text["settings_encryptionKey_desc"] = "This string is used for creating a unique identifier being added as a hidden field to a formular in order to prevent CSRF attacks.";
$text["settings_error"] = "錯誤";// "Error";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_desc"] = "Expand Folder Tree";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree"] = "樹狀文件夾擴展為";// "Expand Folder Tree";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_val0"] = "start with tree hidden";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_val1"] = "start with tree shown and first level expanded";
$text["settings_expandFolderTree_val2"] = "start with tree shown fully expanded";
$text["settings_extraPath"] = "額外的PHP include路徑";// "Extra PHP include Path";
$text["settings_extraPath_desc"] = "Path to additional software. This is the directory containing e.g. the adodb directory or additional pear packages";
$text["settings_firstDayOfWeek"] = "每週的第一天";// "First day of the week";
$text["settings_firstDayOfWeek_desc"] = "First day of the week";
$text["settings_footNote"] = "註腳訊息";// "Foot Note";
$text["settings_footNote_desc"] = "Message to display at the bottom of every page";
$text["settings_guestID"] = "來賓登入ID號";// "Guest ID";
$text["settings_guestID_desc"] = "ID of guest-user used when logged in as guest (mostly no need to change)";
$text["settings_httpRoot"] = "網址根源目錄";// "Http Root";
$text["settings_httpRoot_desc"] = "The relative path in the URL, after the domain part. Do not include the http:// prefix or the web host name. e.g. If the full URL is http://www.example.com/letodms/, set '/letodms/'. If the URL is http://www.example.com/, set '/'";
$text["settings_install_disabled"] = "File ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL was deleted. You can now log into LetoDMS and do further configuration.";
$text["settings_install_success"] = "The installation has been successfully completed.";
$text["settings_install_pear_package_log"] = "Install Pear package 'Log'";
$text["settings_install_pear_package_webdav"] = "Install Pear package 'HTTP_WebDAV_Server', if you intend to use the webdav interface";
$text["settings_install_zendframework"] = "Install Zend Framework, if you intend to use the full text search engine";
$text["settings_installADOdb"] = "Install ADOdb";
$text["settings_language"] = "默認區域語系";// "Default language";
$text["settings_language_desc"] = "Default language (name of a subfolder in folder) \"languages\"";
$text["settings_logFileEnable"] = "啟用日誌檔案";// "Log File Enable";
$text["settings_logFileEnable_desc"] = "Enable/disable log file";
$text["settings_logFileRotation"] = "輪換日誌檔案";// "Log File Rotation";
$text["settings_logFileRotation_desc"] = "The log file rotation";
$text["settings_loginFailure"] = "登入失敗禁用帳號";// "Login failure";
$text["settings_loginFailure_desc"] = "Disable account after n login failures.";
$text["settings_luceneClassDir"] = "LetoDMS 資訊檢索目錄";// "Lucene LetoDMS directory";
$text["settings_luceneClassDir_desc"] = "Path to LetoDMS_Lucene (optional). Leave this empty if you have installed LetoDMS_Lucene at a place where it can be found by PHP, e.g. Extra PHP Include-Path";
$text["settings_luceneDir"] = "Lucene 全文索引目錄";// "Lucene index directory";
$text["settings_luceneDir_desc"] = "Path to Lucene index";
$text["settings_maxDirID"] = "最大目錄ID號";// "Max Directory ID";
$text["settings_maxDirID_desc"] = "Maximum number of sub-directories per parent directory. Default: 32700.";
$text["settings_maxExecutionTime"] = "最大執行時間(s)";// "Max Execution Time (s)";
$text["settings_maxExecutionTime_desc"] = "This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated by the parse";
$text["settings_more_settings"] = "配置更多設置。默認登錄:admin/admin";// "Configure more settings. Default login: admin/admin";
$text["settings_Notification"] = "通知設置";// "Notification settings";
$text["settings_no_content_dir"] = "內容目錄設置";// "Content directory";
$text["settings_notfound"] = "沒有找到";// "Not found";
$text["settings_notwritable"] = "組態無法保存,因為組態檔案是不可寫入的。";// "The configuration cannot be saved because the configuration file is not writable.";
$text["settings_partitionSize"] = "分批裝運檔案大小";// "Partial filesize";
$text["settings_partitionSize_desc"] = "Size of partial files in bytes, uploaded by jumploader. Do not set a value larger than the maximum upload size set by the server.";
$text["settings_passwordExpiration"] = "密碼過期重置";// "Password expiration";
$text["settings_passwordExpiration_desc"] = "The number of days after which a password expireѕ and must be reset. 0 turns password expiration off.";
$text["settings_passwordHistory"] = "密碼歷史重用";// "Password history";
$text["settings_passwordHistory_desc"] = "The number of passwords a user must have been used before a password can be reused. 0 turns the password history off.";
$text["settings_passwordStrength"] = "密碼最低強度";// "Min. password strength";
$text["settings_passwordЅtrength_desc"] = "The minimum password strength is an integer value from 0 to 100. Setting it to 0 will turn off checking for the minimum password strength.";
$text["settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm"] = "密碼強度算法";// "Algorithm for password strength";
$text["settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm_desc"] = "The algorithm used for calculating the password strength. The 'simple' algorithm just checks for at least eight chars total, a lower case letter, an upper case letter, a number and a special char. If those conditions are met the returned score is 100 otherwise 0.";
$text["settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm_valsimple"] = "密碼簡單";// "simple";
$text["settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm_valadvanced"] = "密碼高級";// "advanced";
$text["settings_perms"] = "權限設置";// "Permissions";
$text["settings_pear_log"] = "Pear package : Log";
$text["settings_pear_webdav"] = "Pear package : HTTP_WebDAV_Server";
$text["settings_php_dbDriver"] = "PHP extension : php_'see current value'";
$text["settings_php_gd2"] = "PHP extension : php_gd2";
$text["settings_php_mbstring"] = "PHP extension : php_mbstring";
$text["settings_printDisclaimer"] = "印刷免責聲明";// "Print Disclaimer";
$text["settings_printDisclaimer_desc"] = "If true the disclaimer message the lang.inc files will be print on the bottom of the page";
$text["settings_quota"] = "用戶配額";// "User's quota";
$text["settings_quota_desc"] = "The maximum number of bytes a user may use on disk. Set this to 0 for unlimited disk space. This value can be overridden for each uses in his profile.";
$text["settings_restricted"] = "制約存取權限";// "Restricted access";
$text["settings_restricted_desc"] = "Only allow users to log in if they have an entry in the local database (irrespective of successful authentication with LDAP)";
$text["settings_rootDir"] = "套件根源目錄";// "Root directory";
$text["settings_rootDir_desc"] = "Path to where letoDMS is located";
$text["settings_rootFolderID"] = "根源目錄ID號";// "Root Folder ID";
$text["settings_rootFolderID_desc"] = "ID of root-folder (mostly no need to change)";
$text["settings_SaveError"] = "組態檔案保存錯誤";// "Configuration file save error";
$text["settings_Server"] = "伺服器設置";// "Server settings";
$text["settings"] = "網管設置環境";// "Settings"
$text["settings_siteDefaultPage"] = "官網默認網頁";// "Site Default Page";
$text["settings_siteDefaultPage_desc"] = "Default page on login. If empty defaults to out/out.ViewFolder.php";
$text["settings_siteName"] = "官網名稱";// "Site Name";
$text["settings_siteName_desc"] = "Name of site used in the page titles. Default: letoDMS";
$text["settings_Site"] = "官網設置";// "Site";
$text["settings_smtpPort"] = "SMTP郵件伺服器連接埠";// "SMTP Server port";
$text["settings_smtpPort_desc"] = "SMTP Server port, default 25";
$text["settings_smtpSendFrom"] = "系統電子郵件寄發信箱";// "Send from";
$text["settings_smtpSendFrom_desc"] = "Send from";
$text["settings_smtpServer"] = "SMTP郵件伺服器主機名稱";// "SMTP Server hostname";
$text["settings_smtpServer_desc"] = "SMTP Server hostname";
$text["settings_SMTP"] = "SMTP郵件伺服器設置";// "SMTP Server settings";
$text["settings_sortUsersInList"] = "用戶列表排序";// "Sort users in list";
$text["settings_sortUsersInList_desc"] = "Sets if users in selection menus are ordered by login or by its full name";
$text["settings_sortUsersInList_val_login"] = "登入方式排序";// "Sort by login";
$text["settings_sortUsersInList_val_fullname"] = "全名方式排序";// "Sort by full name";
$text["settings_stagingDir"] = "指定遠端上傳目錄";// "Directory for partial uploads";
$text["settings_stagingDir_desc"] = "The directory where jumploader places the parts of a file upload before it is put back together. JumpLoader is a Java applet designed to upload files from the client to a server.";
$text["settings_start_install"] = "Start installation";
$text["settings_stopWordsFile"] = "停用詞彙檔案路徑";// "Path to stop words file";
$text["settings_stopWordsFile_desc"] = "If fulltext search is enabled, this file will contain stop words not being indexed";
$text["settings_strictFormCheck"] = "嚴謹類別檢查";// "Strict Form Check";
$text["settings_strictFormCheck_desc"] = "Strict form checking. If set to true, then all fields in the form will be checked for a value. If set to false, then (most) comments and keyword fields become optional. Comments are always required when submitting a review or overriding document status";
$text["settings_suggestionvalue"] = "建議值";// "Suggestion value";
$text["settings_System"] = "系統設置";// "System";
$text["settings_theme"] = "默認佈景主題";// "Default theme";
$text["settings_theme_desc"] = "Default style (name of a subfolder in folder) \"styles\"";
$text["settings_titleDisplayHack"] = "標題示範場面";// "Title Display Hack" Demoscene;
$text["settings_titleDisplayHack_desc"] = "Workaround for page titles that go over more than 2 lines.";
$text["settings_updateDatabase"] = "Run schema update scripts on database";
$text["settings_updateNotifyTime"] = "更新通知時間";// "Update Notify Time";
$text["settings_updateNotifyTime_desc"] = "Users are notified about document-changes that took place within the last 'Update Notify Time' seconds";
$text["settings_versioningFileName"] = "版本設定文本資訊檔名";// "Versioning FileName";
$text["settings_versioningFileName_desc"] = "The name of the versioning info file created by the backup tool";
$text["settings_viewOnlineFileTypes"] = "線上察看檔案類型";// "View Online File Types";
$text["settings_viewOnlineFileTypes_desc"] = "Files with one of the following endings can be viewed online (USE ONLY LOWER CASE CHARACTERS)";
$text["settings_workflowMode"] = "工作流程模式";// "Workflow mode";
$text["settings_workflowMode_desc"] = "The advanced workflow allows to specify your own release workflow for document versions.";
$text["settings_workflowMode_valadvanced"] = "工作流程高級";// "advanced";
$text["settings_workflowMode_valtraditional"] = "工作流程傳統";/



    随着技术的发展,基于PHP的开源文档管理系统也逐渐增多,这些系统不仅提供了方便的文档存储和管理功能,还包含了协作、权限控制、版本管理等多个方面。下面我们将详细探讨一些常见的PHP开源文档管理系统。 1. Web...



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